The dark rule maker, the god who sits on the throne of the sky...

It's yourself!

There is nothing more exciting than treating yourself as an opponent, not to mention that the opponent is a stronger, colder, and crueler version of yourself!

In the past, I had no power and could only use the rules to kill people; but now, everything is different.

I already have the ability to kill with my own hands, so I don't need to use such tricks at all.


Without him, although the god in front of him still exists, his strength will probably be weaker.

Thinking of this, Duan Mu couldn't help showing a playful look in his eyes.


at the same time.

"I'm already following the rules of the game!!"

Neutra's angry roar came from above the No. 2 round platform. He looked at the attack above his head with an ugly expression.

In my mind, I browsed very carefully, the rules of the game that were forcibly poured into my memory.

According to the rules, when he lands on the round table, he should have a half-minute rest period, and he will start attacking after half a minute. During this half-minute, he can attack players in the safe zone; Going out, although you can't rob security, you can let this space attack it.

Of course, players in the safe zone can also attack him, forcing him to make mistakes and subjecting him to fatal punishment.

In short, the safe zone is the defender, and he is the attacker.

Every time he reached a round platform, he could attack. If he hit it out of the safe zone, the offensive concentrated on him would drop sharply, making his next game easier.

Although he didn't know what was in the endless abyss under the round platform, Neutra could faintly feel the danger below. Once he fell, he was very likely to die here.

Right now, the danger is the danger, and he can barely cope with the injury.

But he didn't dare to deliberately make mistakes and switch players.

Because when he makes a mistake, after the player switches, as if the security protection was initially canceled, he will suffer non-stop attacks here.

And Duan Mu will not be attacked during the journey from the No. 8 arena back to the original place, preparing for the game, and he can rest for half a minute in each round platform including the safe zone.

That is to say...

With 8 round platforms, within 4 minutes, he can avoid all attacks; while he himself will be attacked continuously for 4 minutes.

Although the first movers have disadvantages, they also have advantages.

Neutra's crazy drumming Reiatsu, just from the initial point to the No. 2 round platform, has already overwhelmed the strongest steel skin among his ten blades. It is really hard for him to persist in the past for 4 minutes. It is too difficult, and it is not impossible to be shot down from the ring.

The only thing that makes him happy is...

All attacks are only based on spiritual pressure, and cannot limit the player's own quality, that is, physique. The reason why he can persist here is the steel skin he is proud of.

"You've made a mistake."

Duan Mu's voice came, and Neutra looked up, only to realize that Duan Mu had arrived at the edge of the No. 8 round platform at some point, looking at his... feet.


Neutra followed Duan Mu's gaze, and when he saw his feet on the round platform, his expression changed drastically!

One leg --!

At first, he just wanted to destroy this domain, and didn't think about playing the so-called game according to the rules.

He only thought of following the rules of the game when he realized that the surrounding attacks were too terrifying.


With his feet on the ground, he is already out.

Duan Mu lightly jumped to the No. 7 round platform and looked at Neutra.

Neutra's worries are actually completely unnecessary.

Because the remaining time of the game is only more than a minute, he only needs to fight hard for more than a minute, and he will reach the time limit set by Duan Mu.

The game is about to end!


Chapter 159 Escape


A crack gradually appeared in the void, and the crack expanded rapidly at an extremely fast speed.There were bursts of black strange lights flickering inside it, and traces of strange aura slowly radiated from it, and then, a young man in a broken black overalls came out of it calmly.


After he walked out, a dull sound came out, and Neutra, who was covered in blood, fell heavily to the ground.

At this time, Neutra's body was scorched black, with traces of fire and lightning strikes all over the place, and five of his six hands were torn off. The only remaining hand pressed the ground hard to prop up his body, and with murderous eyes, He stared at Duan Mu firmly.

But Duan Mu didn't go to see him.


Almost at the same time as he appeared, several figures appeared around, blocking all of Duan Mu's escape routes.

Duan Mu was not surprised by the scene in front of him. Although Shijie space can isolate all breaths, his position before disappearing has been grasped by others. Coupled with the information sent back by Aronilo's synchronous cognition, it is easy to You can judge that you have used the initial solution.

"Hehe, it's really miserable."

There was a chuckle, and following the sound, a man with short pink hair and a mask with glasses came into view. He smiled slightly at Duan Mu's gaze: "It's actually possible to defeat Neutra, It seems that your initial interpretation is more interesting than the one sent back by that piece of trash from Ronilo."

Duan Mu ignored him, but looked at the other three.

The remaining three were two men and one woman, and the only female Pomian was Tiruti.

The other two were the people who had previously talked with Tiruti in the three-digit area. Like Tiruti, these two were eliminated Ten Blades.

NO.103 - Dorudoni Alessandro Del Socaccio.

NO·107-Guntenbain Mosqueda.

Regarding the information about the two, Tiruti had explained to Duan Mu through internal communication before he came out.

"do not worry."

The man with short pink hair pushed the glasses-shaped mask on his face, and said with a smile: "I have already ordered them not to make a move, so the only person you have to deal with is me." After finishing speaking, he shrugged. Shrugging his shoulders, he said, "Sorry, I should introduce myself first."

"I'm only going to say it once, and I hope you can remember it. I am the Ten Blades with the sequence number '8' - Sal Apollo Grantz."

"He is my... rival..."

Before Duan Mu could speak, Neutra, who was originally lying on the white sand, had staggered up from the ground, blood dripping down his only remaining arm, but his sight was from beginning to end. They never moved away from Duan Mu.

Sure enough, he didn't die?

Duan Mu glanced at him sideways and was not surprised. Although the domain can be used to attack with the spiritual pressure of the two, the attack method is only the way of ghosts.

And the ghost way he mastered is exactly the same as that of Duan Mu. He can only use the ghost way that Duan Mu knows, and he can't use the ghost way that Duan Mu doesn't know.

The black coffin of the rule maker is an example. Other ghosts are released by abandoning singing, but the black coffin is released by completely singing, because Duan Mu also cannot do it by abandoning singing. Release the black coffin.

It can be regarded as a duanmu who can only know ghosts.

No wonder, though.

Because when he first arrived in this world, he really likes the way of ghosts that can be released from the dark without close contact with people. He even practiced Bai Lei for three years for this.

But with each battle...

Duan Mu also gradually changed.

Of course, today's Duan Mu still likes the ghost way, but he only treats it as an auxiliary means of attack, and more often uses white strikes and beheading techniques to fight.

Closer to home.

Neutra seems to be miserable, but in fact he avoided the vital point perfectly. Coupled with the self-proclaimed 'ten blade strongest' steel skin, he was able to survive the bombing of the ghost for more than a minute, It did not exceed Duan Mu's expectations.

"A guy who can barely stand up, what right does he have to talk nonsense here."

After Sal Apollo sneered, he ignored Nnoitra, but slowly pulled out the long knife from his waist, looked at Duan Mu and said: "Well, if it can make you feel at ease, I can enter you without any resistance. In the space created by the Zanpakutō, this way you can avoid being disturbed."

"On the way here, I analyzed the data of Aaronilo's synchronous cognition. The ability of that nature is almost exactly the same as that of the 'anti-membrane bandit', but I am very interested."

Anti-membrane bandit?

Duan Mu was stunned for a moment, and then his gaze became a little weird. Although it was not the first time he had used Shi Jie, it was the first time Duan Mu knew that the domain formed by "Same and Different" was similar to that of the Anti-Membrane Bandit .

As far as he knows, the so-called anti-membrane bandit is a substance created by Aizen, which can seal the spirit body in different dimensions.

Dimensional isolation, breath concealment...

The characteristics possessed by the anti-membrane bandit are indeed no different from the domain formed after the first solution of Zanpakuto.

The 'anti-membrane' is the light beam used by Daxu to save the same race. The inside and outside of the light are mutually isolated worlds. Once the target is surrounded by this light, it is equivalent to being in another space, people outside the anti-membrane You can't get in touch with them.

Duan Mu had a vague feeling as if he had grasped something, but he didn't delve into it, because now is obviously not the time to study it.

Judging from the time given by Urahara Kisuke, he had to find a way to get out of here and rush to the place where the phone was buried.

Are you using Jumin?

Duan Mu looked at Sal Apollo and shook his head in his heart.

Whether it is an initial solution or a half-initial solution, the restrictions are too huge for Duan Mu, and it is not suitable for use on a research madman like Saar Apollo. Although he should not be able to produce anything in such a short period of time, but still Be careful.

the most important is……

In fact, Duan Mu is the same as Zaraki Kenpachi, rather than using fancy Hajime to fight, he actually prefers to fight purely with fists, feet and swords like Saraki Kenpachi. It was used to delay time, but now there is obviously no need to continue to delay.

Thinking of this, Duan Mu stepped on the ground with one foot and rushed directly towards Saar Apollo.

Saar Apollo frowned when he saw this, but his reaction was extremely fast, and he raised his knife to block Duan Mu almost the moment he rushed over.


At this moment, a faint light suddenly appeared on the long knife.

"Calm down the children..."

The cold chanting made Sal Apollo's eyes brighten. As he said before, he was extremely interested in Duan Mu's ability after he solved it, otherwise he would not think of a way to delay the tracking mark on Duan Mu's body. Slowed down the speed of the other ten blades.

As for the three people present, he didn't care at all, because Ten Blades had the power to control all broken faces below Ten Blades, and no one dared to rob him except Ten Blades.

But just when he thought he was about to enter the space that Aronilo had entered, a burst of thunder suddenly appeared around Duan Mu, and he let go of the long knife that cut him down, and his body was in midair at a strange angle. twist.


With a leg like a top, the back hair came first, and it was Sal Apollo's turn in an instant.

The heavy whistling sound resounded throughout the audience, and the sudden change caused Saar Apollo's face to change, but his reaction was extremely fast. He didn't try to block it, and directly ignored the kick that was kicked to the side of his head.Immediately, he pierced all the spiritual pressure into his own Zanpakutao, and stabbed directly under Duan Mu's neck.

There is impressively...


No matter for Shinigami or Xu, it is the vital point of the spirit body there.

A look of cruelty flashed across Sal Apollo's eyes. If the opponent didn't stop attacking with this knife, it would almost certainly hit him; as long as the opponent didn't want to die, or lose the ability of the god of death, he would inevitably dodge.

As long as he dodges, the rhythm of the next battle will be completely in his hands.

He was not in a hurry to kill Duan Mu. After all, in order to study Duan Mu, he brought a lot of research equipment with him. As long as he continued to fight, he could always force him to release Zanpakuto.


But in the next second, his pupils shrank.


There was a piercing sound, and the black-haired young man in front of him didn't stop attacking Saar Apollo's knife, but turned his head slightly, allowing his Zanpakuto to penetrate the edge of the knot.

Although the knot was not destroyed as expected, the abrasion of the knot was enough to make the other party temporarily lose the ability to use Reiatsu. If he didn't get timely treatment, he would still lose the ability of the god of death.

Is he crazy?

Sal Apollo looked at the face that was close at hand, and before he could understand why the other party did this, he felt a pain in his head.


Amidst the dull loud noise, Saar Apollo was kicked by the huge force and rotated a few times on the spot, and then shot backwards with a bang.

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