Duan Mu's face changed, and the spiritual pressure all over his body frantically condensed towards his feet, hoping to condense a spiritual step.


No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop his body from falling.


Duan Mu gritted his teeth slightly and let out a loud drink.

Accompanied by his loud shouts, the white spots all over the sky, which had never been moved before, swam at the same time, and endless starbursts erupted around the brightest stars, binding the sun, the moon, and the stars respectively.


The sense of restraint disappeared, and there was a crisp trampling sound, and Duan Mu, who was already lower than the round platform, jumped up and jumped into the sky.

The ghost ball in his hand seemed to be injected with new power at this moment, and its power soared crazily. Duan Mu's body was instantly torn apart, and the blood exploded along his body in a spurt.

But Duan Mu gritted his teeth fiercely, ignoring the severe pain in his body, and at the moment of falling, Duan Mu threw the ghost ball in his hand with his back to the 'sky'.


Amidst the explosion, the stone fell on the No. 8 grid closest to the sky.

Turn around, jump.

Duan Mu returned the same way at the fastest speed, and his whole body fell heavily on the No. 8 grid.

Everything returned to calm, and the sky full of white stars became dim at this moment.

Duan Mu knew that in the next game, those stars would no longer be able to continue to help him.


It is no longer needed.

"Cough cough cough~~"

Duan Mu sat up with difficulty, looking in the direction of the original place.


The dark coffin had collapsed, but Nnoitra, whose appearance had changed drastically, stood in place.

Although the appearance of Neutra at this time has not changed, there are more crescent-shaped horns, cross-shaped yellow facial lines appear on the face, and eyepatch-shaped masks that look like teeth are added to the empty hole; the original hands have changed. For six hands, with a double-edged scythe in each arm.

And the spiritual pressure around him was even more tyrannical to the extreme.


Duan Mu looked at him with only pity in his eyes.

"Feeling hopeless?"

Neutra looked at Duan Mu from a distance, although there was a sneer on his face, but there was a burst of fear in his heart.

If it wasn't for Gui Ren's ability to recover from the injuries he suffered before Gui Ren, he would probably have died in the ghost way just now.

However, with the intensity of spiritual pressure behind the blade.

The ghost way just now can no longer threaten him.


What happened to his gaze?

"It's not me who feels hopeless, but you."

While Duan Mu was running the return path to heal himself, he looked at Neutra and said, "You who also know the rules should know what it means for me to sit here, right?"

The safe zone switches with... players, and at the same time can interfere with other players without leaving the safe zone.

Neutra is naturally very clear about this.

"You should have discovered it too..."

Duan Mu chuckled lightly: "All attacks in the domain are carried out with the combined spiritual pressure of you and me."

Hearing this, Neutra's face changed.

"That's right, the stronger your spiritual pressure is, the stronger the attack in the domain will be."

Having said that, Duan Mu paused, and continued: "Don't think about leaving this field."

"If you return to the sword before the domain is formed, the strength of my spiritual pressure will not be able to pull you into the domain at all, because at that time, the spiritual pressure for generating the domain is completely provided by myself."

"But when the domain is completed, no matter how strong your Reiatsu becomes, even if the Ten Blades are all here, you can only continue playing."

"The rule makers have absolute power."

"Strictly speaking, the formed space should be called..."

"——God's Domain!"

Hearing this, Neutra's pupils shrank suddenly: "This is impossible!!"

"Nothing is impossible, because the strength of this space depends entirely on the strength of the players in the field. For game participants, the rule maker is God. Whether it is you or me, it is just It’s just a game participant.”

Sitting on the throne of the sky, the god looked at the players in the game, which can be said to be the only sympathy he has.

The reason why Duan Mu is unwilling to use the complete initial solution is precisely because of this.

Player No. [-] will always be Duan Mu.

If Neutra had used Homing Blade from the beginning, but hadn't attacked himself.

The field where the power has been enhanced will make the No. [-] player Duan Mu die in the hands of his Zanpakuto. This is the price, and it is also the source of his Zanpakuto's "two hearts" and "defective heart".

Or there may be a person who is much stronger than Duan Muling, who did not break this space, but allowed the domain to form, and the result would still be the same.

After Duan Mu dies, Zanpakuto will die naturally, and the opponent can kill Duan Mu without even doing anything.

The reason why he was able to Yin Neutra once this time was entirely because he didn't understand his own ability to understand.

Duan Mu didn't want to say anything, but he couldn't help it.

Due to rule statement.

If this happens, if Duan Mu wants to save his life, he can only rely on...

The origin of heterosexuality.

The white spots that gave birth to Zanpakudao's 'two hearts' and 'defective hearts' became Duan Mu's only support.

Duan Mu looked up at the white and dim stars all over the sky, feeling a little speechless in his heart.

Does this count...

They became my angels?

To erase Zanpakuto's existing 'real name' and give it a unique real name that only he knows, the only way Duan Mu can find is to use this white spot to...

Wipe out the Zanpakuto 'real name' of 'others'.

in short……

I still have to work hard to make friends!

Shaking his head, he shook off the messy thoughts in his mind.

Duan Mu looked at Neutra, and the corner of his mouth formed a happy arc.


"It's time to start the game!"


Chapter 158 The object of the fight

"This is impossible~"

Neutra's roar kept ringing, and the endless ghost path seemed to never stop attacking him, preventing him from jumping.

Duan Mu, who is in the safe zone, according to the rules, can actually interfere with his game by any means without leaving the 'house'.

But right now it doesn't matter whether he intervenes or not. At this time, Neutra is equivalent to facing himself and Duan Mu after returning to the sword.

The anger of the rule makers about being fled into the safe zone by Duanmu was vented on Neutra.

The scene in front of him made Duan Mu even more determined not to use Zanpakuto in the future.

at least……

before making changes.

——Similarity and difference.

This is not Duan Mu's Zanpakuto, more strictly speaking...

Not his own Zanpakuto now.

It's not difficult to master it completely, all you need is Duan Mu... to personally kill all the people who have a crush on him, including Shiba Kuzuru.

It is similar to itself and yet different from itself.

The similarity is because it was born at the moment when I first came to this world.

Not similar because...

Today's Duan Mu is completely different from him when he first came to Soul Soul Realm.

It can be said……

If Duan Mu doesn't have a system, then this knife is his most loyal companion and the only one he can trust.

It was Duan Mu's knife in the past, but not Duan Mu's knife today.

It wants to turn itself back to its past self, and even confronts its present self for the sake of its past self.


Duan Mu doesn't hate himself now.

Therefore, this is the knife of 'others', and if its 'real name' is not erased, it will never become one's own knife. There is no so-called mutual understanding between 'same and different' and oneself.

Some are just erased!

Although the white spot is the origin of "different mind", it is also the beginning of change.

When the white spots turned into stars, illuminated the shady scene, and turned into the blue sky when Zanpakutō was halfway through "Ju Ming", that is the Zanpakuto that Duan Mu really should have today.

Instead of this...

All he wants to do is kill his own blade.

It wants to obliterate Duan Mu, or change Duan Mu; and Duan Mu also wants to obliterate his real name.

Although the two have the same origin, their origins diverge.

It can be said that this is a fight between Duan Mu and Duan Mu in the past, not just a fight between him and Dao.

Although all the changes today originate from the system, the diverging intersections are decided by Zeng Duanmu himself!

In the past, he hoped that he would make changes in his heart, so Duan Mu was born today.

But Zanpakutao, which originated from the "starting point", is not aware of this, and just firmly follows Zeng Duanmu.

and so……

It is the same as it used to be, there is no need to exist anymore!

Duan Mu slowly raised his head, looking up at the sun and moon hanging high in the void.

The sun, the moon, the stars... also seemed to have noticed something, and all cast their eyes on Duan Mu, with strange arcs drawn at the corners of their mouths.

There was also a smile on Duan Mu's face.

If anyone was there, they would find that the smiles are so similar.

The same gloomy, the same cold, the same...

Murder wantonly! !

Duan Mu will not discard or give up the Zanpakuto, if it is just a Zanpakuto rebellion, he may indeed simply give up or destroy the Zanpakuto.

But in this fight right now, the opponent is himself!

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