The moment the 'stone' fell into his hands, Duan Mu poured the whole body spiritual pressure into his hands without hesitation, but his expression changed immediately.

Is it really different from usual?

The violent fluctuation broke through Duan Mu's spiritual pressure defense almost instantly, paralyzing his two arms and turning them black in the blink of an eye.

Without hesitation, Duan Mu's spiritual pressure surged to the extreme at this moment.

next second...

boom! !

While the thunder roared all over his body, the highly concentrated ghost ball shot out of the air like a cannonball.

But Duan Mu didn't stop there, because after playing countless games with Zanpakuto, he knew how bad Zanpakuto was in the game.

Physique: Advanced (35377/100000)

With the investment of [-] experience points, Duan Mu's arms hanging on both sides of his body recovered instantly.


Almost at the same time as Duan Mu's arms recovered, the highest and farthest 'sky', terrifying spiritual pressure fluctuations gathered rapidly, and the next second, a pitch-black light beam burst out, distorting the space where it passed.

That is……

Neutra's face changed when he saw this, because he was no stranger to the beam.

Wang Xu's flash!

Although the aura is a little weird, mixed with the aura of death and emptiness, there is no doubt about the power of distorting space.

"Binding Dao 81: Breaking the Void!"

Duan Mu shouted loudly, and clapped his hands hard towards the ground.

Brushing, brushing, brushing~

Six successive transparent iron walls appeared on Wang Xu's shining path.


This is an incomparably complicated technique of using Reiatsu to release ghosts, which can make the released ghosts have the same effect as chanting six times.

"The proud son of heaven, the iron city wall..."

Duan Mu, who had done all this, quickly began to chant the following.

at the same time.

The false flash from outside the sky has already collided with the first barrier.


The cracking sound came out almost instantly, and the transparent barrier shattered in an instant.

bang bang bang...

Just like a chain reaction, the crackling sounds almost without interval, and every cracking sound will be accompanied by the collapse of a layer of barrier.

"The dragon walks, the lion roars, the tiger roars, the wolf runs, cut off the world before it collapses."

boom! !

With the sound of the final chant falling, the pitch-black virtual flash directly collided with the last broken air.


The void trembled wildly, stirring up the strangely shaped stars in the sky, and the white spots all over the sky lit up at this moment, as if they were injecting power into the transparent barrier.

This can be said to be the only force standing on Duan Mu's side in the space in front of him.

The white spot all over the sky is a symbol of Duan Mu's emotion, and it is also a help to erase Zanpakuto's "real name".

Although the white spots are weak, the brightest ones have gathered the power of all the stars, and they are all blessed on the transparent barrier, so that the cracked barrier stopped collapsing at this moment, and was repaired bit by bit. .

All this seems to have passed for a long time.

But from the time the ghost ball condensed until now, in fact, only a few seconds had passed. When the virtual flash and the air-breaking barrier were in a stalemate, a roar suddenly came out.

The stone fell to the ground!

The condensed ghost ball smashed heavily on the round platform marked with the word '1'.

The pitch-black false flash collapsed in an instant, turning into spirit particles all over the sky, blending into the white spots dotted in the dark night sky, and the white spots all over the sky became brighter and brighter like stars.


Duan Mu heaved a sigh of relief, but then his expression became solemn again, because the initial ground can be said to be the only safe place, and when he jumped out of this area, all kinds of ghost attacks would swarm towards him.

As long as it is Duan Mu's attack means, it will become a means of attacking him in this space, preventing him from jumping onto the round platform.

The rules of hopscotch are simple and easy to understand.

After the player starts, the No.1 player needs to throw the stone in the first square, and then start to jump on one foot. During the jump, he will be attacked continuously. When he jumps to the 'sky', he will jump back and jump to the second Bend down to pick up the stone in the first grid, and then jump from the second grid to the outside of the first grid.

Then, throw the stone in the second square, and finally stand in the third square to pick up the stone and jump to the first square and then jump out.

By analogy, after jumping the 8th frame, you can throw the stones to the 'sky', and then jump from the 1st frame in turn, when you jump to the round table outside the 'sky', pick up the stones, and jump out of the 'sky' outside.

Then, throw stones in the "outside the sky", and the round platform on which the stones fall will become the house of the "hopscotch" person. When he jumps from the first square to his own house, he can land on both feet.

The rules are basically the same as children's games played by children, but they are not exactly the same.

First of all, the difference is that there are no round platforms side by side, that is to say, there is no need for both feet to land on two round platforms at the same time.

And after one round, after you get your own house, it will become a real safe zone.

Being in the middle, you can not only avoid all attacks, but also use it to switch players, and the house owner can rest in his own house.

Of course, Duan Mu can also choose to make a mistake at the beginning, allowing the player to switch.

But there is no safety zone in this way. After one mistake, the safety rules of the initial place will also be lifted. When other players play the game, he will suffer non-stop attacks.

Although the attack method is the ghost way that Duan Mu knows, but it is the sum of the player's power that acts as the support.

To put it simply...

All ghost ways are released by the spiritual pressure of Duan Mu and Neutra.

Duan Mu usually plays this kind of game in Blade Zen, as long as he doesn't do it deliberately, he basically won't lose, because usually only Duan Mu's own strength is used as support in this field, and the power he can exert is equivalent to a person who can only use abilities related to ghosts. of myself.

But now, there are two people!

So Duan Mu can't switch players. In any case, he must get a safe zone before Neutra loses patience, and distance himself from Neutra.

However, just when Duan Mu was about to continue the game, what he was most worried about happened.


Neutra looked at Duan Mu with a cold gaze, and naturally he also knew the rules Duan Mu knew.

Although Duan Mu, the god of death, was a little puzzled by the fact that he could release the false flash, but he had no interest in continuing to play with Duan Mu in such a childish game.


With a turn of the crescent-shaped long knife, Neutra rushed directly towards Duan Mu on the edge of the safe zone.

Seeing this, Duan Mu sighed slightly, and did not dodge, but looked at Neutra with the eyes of an idiot.

Violators will be severely punished!

For children, a violator is a symbol of meanness, obscenity, and shamelessness, so the violator must be severely punished.

whoosh whoosh~~

Three huge beak-shaped beams appeared out of thin air, directly binding Neutra's neck and hands in mid-air.

Before Neutra could react, six pieces of light, light sticks, iron chains, iron pillars, and black holes emerged one after another.


All the ways of binding are based on the way of giving up and singing, exerting their full power, and using the combination of two people's spiritual pressure.

The safety zone rules disappeared, and Duan Mu jumped out of this area without hesitation.

at the same time……

Out of the sky, terrifying fluctuations were frantically condensing, and berserk spiritual pressures erupted wantonly.

In the pitch-black sky, the eyes of Eunuch Sun and Elder Sister Moon instantly turned red, and their teeth gnashed.

At this moment, the whole world became extremely manic.

The sudden shock made Neutra's face change drastically, and the terrifying aura condensed in the sky made him feel a fatal crisis.

will die!

In the current state, if he took that attack hard, he would most likely die in this inexplicable space.

He wanted to dodge, but the binding force formed by the countless bindings around him made him unable to move even a single finger.

And at this moment, Father Sun, Sister Moon, and stars all over the sky in the dark sky all let out eerie childish voices.

"The turbid coat of arms is faintly revealed, and the unruly and arrogant talent; the tide, the negation, the paralysis, the momentary, hinders the long sleep. The crawling iron princess, the clay doll that constantly self-mutilates, combines, rebounds and extends to the ground, knowing Your own powerlessness!"

The whole world is roaring at this moment, finally converging into one voice.

"The Ninety of the Broken Dao: Black Coffin!"


Suddenly, the world changed color, and the dark coffin swallowed everything like a black hole, covering Neutra in it.

Even the darkness was distorted in front of the pitch-black coffin.

The heavy breath filled the entire space, cutting everything into pieces.


The screams turned from high-pitched to low-pitched.

Duan Mu didn't pay attention to all this. At this time, he was taking advantage of the domain to attack Neutra with all his strength, and quickly sneaked away.

While sneaking is despicable, it is not against the rules.

Duan Mu had expected that Neutra would violate the rules from the very beginning, but he did not expect that the fighting madman would get impatient so quickly.

Shunpo: Top (0/1000000)

The investment of nearly [-] experience points allowed Duan Mu to raise Shunpo to the top level in an instant.

at all costs!

He has to take advantage of the moment when the domain concentrates its forces to attack Neutra, and obtain his own safe zone. This is an opportunity.

But this opportunity...

It is also the calm before the storm. If you don't get the safe zone before the attack is over, you will definitely die.

Move, drop the ball, move, move...

Under the dark sky, Duan Mu quickly shuttled between round platforms under the shining white stars.

Although he was not attacked, the power of the highly concentrated ghost ball became more and more terrifying. Obviously, while punishing Neutra, the secret rule maker did not forget to "take care" of Duan Mu.

The wanton thunder caused Duan Mu's body to become extremely blackened, his skin was torn apart, and he turned into a bloody man.

But he didn't get any treatment, and only when he was about to lose his ability to move, he used physical strength to heal his injuries.


And at this moment, an incomparably terrifying spiritual pressure erupted.

The pitch-black coffin that covered the original land had cracks on its surface.

it has started!

This scene made Duan Mu's face change greatly, fortunately...

He had already set foot on the sky in less than half a minute, almost at the moment when he felt the spiritual pressure fluctuation behind him, Duan Mu jumped to the small round platform outside the sky that only allowed one person to step on it.

And at this moment, a pair of eyes on the pitch-black sky turned and looked at Duan Mu who was above the endless abyss at the same time.

Clank clank -!

The extremely heavy pressure appeared out of thin air, Duan Mu only felt that the surrounding space was torn apart at this moment, and the whole fell uncontrollably downward.

Is it still slow?

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