He stayed here for about 2 minutes. If he continued to escape, someone would definitely come here to check what he was staying for during the 2 minutes while escaping.

Kisuke Urahara's path is his last retreat, if even this path is blocked, then he will surely die!

Now in front of him...

There is only one way, and that is to fight, through which all the pursuers are held back.

5 minutes~~

In any case, it must be delayed for 5 minutes! !

After just a few seconds, Duan Mu saw the pursuers.

But the 'Chasing Soldier' ​​stood in place, waiting for Duan Mu's arrival, and it turned out to be Duan Mu's acquaintance...


No, the current him has replaced Tiruti's sequence and has become No. 5.

Duan Mu waved Zanpakuto almost the moment he saw Neutra.

"You childish child, play as much as you can."


The pitch-black space swallowed the two of them in an instant.

The hand-painted sky and the high platform emerged, and two figures stood on the two high platforms.

"Ju Ming!"

The ten high platforms gradually began to converge, and everything seemed to be repeating itself.


Neutra on the high platform disappeared at this moment.

Duan Mu's pupils shrank, and he raised the long knife in his hand without hesitation.


The crisp sound of metal and iron came out, and Duan Mu only felt the body of the sword tremble. Looking through Zanpakuto, he saw Neutra sticking out his tongue engraved with the word '5', and said with a strange smile: "You said Let's go, you don't like to talk nonsense in battle." Neutra said, pressing the crescent-shaped blade down a bit.

Duan Mu's feet directly sank to the surface of the ring.

"But you talked a lot of nonsense during the battle with Yaronilo."

Neutra stretched his head to Duan Mu's face, and said: "After I saw it through cognitive synchronization, I kept thinking why you took the initiative to explain the rules to Aronilo, and what would happen if you were not allowed to tell the rules? "

"And the result..."

At some point around Neutra, the closed ring had stopped, and Neutra sneered: "It's really as I expected, the ability to be simple and easy to understand, I told you before, don't use this kind of trick Play in front of me."

When Duan Mu heard this, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

Although he had long thought that he would be exposed, he really didn't expect that Neutra would notice this so quickly.

From Yaronilo's point of view, although Duan Mushijie's ability is not lethal, it is very strange.

During the activation period, not only the people on the ring cannot leave, but also the outsiders cannot enter, and even the ring can be repaired and maintained by absorbing the spiritual pressure of the two people on the ring.

But Duan Mu is very clear...

How flawed this ability is.

Rule statement!

The way the domain is formed must be completely told to the other party through a statement, so that the rules of this domain can truly take effect.

That's why he explained the rules of the game when he was fighting with Yaronilo.

Only when the explanation of the rules of the game is completed, the domain is truly formed, and various restrictions appear, and before the rules are explained, the area they are in can only play the role of trapping people and covering the breath.

And the deadliest thing is...

In the case of incomplete rules, just maintaining its existence would consume a lot of Duan Mu's spiritual pressure, instead of being jointly maintained by the spiritual pressure of both parties as the rules take effect.

However, Duan Mu is not planning to enter the ring this time, but intends to stand in the stands outside the ring and delay time by trapping Neutra like last time.


Neutra did not give him time to make a rule statement at all.

Neutra looked at Duan Mu who said nothing, and snorted rather bored.


In the next second, the spiritual pressure skyrocketed.

While the spiritual pressure surged on the crescent long knife, Neutra's slender waist twisted, and the original stalemate was instantly broken.


Duan Mu only felt a burst of incomparably terrifying power from the blade, and he shot out uncontrollably and flew out of the ring area.

Stepping firmly on the void with both feet, a cloud of gunpowder smoke was set off in the pitch-black void, and he barely stabilized his figure after drawing tens of meters.


At such a moment, Neutra has already killed again.

Seeing this, Duan Mu frowned, knowing that Neutra could not give himself time to make a statement.

Thinking of this, he glanced at the long knife in his hand and sighed slightly.

"Hee hee hee~~"

Almost at the same time, the originally silent space suddenly heard the sound of children playing.

This sudden change made Neutra stop in mid-air, with a flash of vigilance in his eyes: "What? Are you ready to swastika?"

He was no stranger to the familiar laughter coming from around him, and he was once trapped by that laughter for nearly half a minute.

Jingle bell ~ jingle bell...

The sound of the gong became louder and more intense.


Duan Mu lifted the long knife upside down in front of his body, and shook his head slightly:

"I have no interest in Zanpakuto Swastika, whose 'real name' is about to be obliterated by me."

After finishing the words, Duan Mu let go of the long knife in his hand and let it fall into the abyss.

"You childish child, let's play as much as possible..."

Duan Mu groaned softly, and when he said the word 'play', at the same time as he spoke, there was another immature voice.

Then two voices said in unison:

"Similar but different yet different~"

The long knife plunged into the abyss and disappeared.

With Duan Mu as the center, countless fingernail-sized white light spots appeared in the dark space, gushing out from the ground, swimming wantonly like a school of fish in the sea.

At this moment, the entire hand-painted space seems to be suddenly injected with vitality, full of vitality.

"Do you know why?"

Duan Mu's sigh came from all directions in the space.

"Because 'sameness and difference' not only expresses the same and different, but also represents..."

"Alien and rebellion."

"Or call it a double heart and a rebellious heart!"


Chapter 157 Have a nice game

He is the same as me, because both are black, that is, both are dark.

He is different from me, because I have white in black, and my emotions are presented in white spots, that is, similarities and differences.

As long as the white spots don't go away, the aspirations won't disperse, and the rebellion will...

more than!

"Pick up stones, throw stones, jump, hopscotch. Lift with left foot, hop with right foot, turn around and change feet..."

Amidst the sound of the gong, immature and cheerful children kept singing, but the singing was filled with a gloomy murderous intent.

The hand-painted azure sky was replaced by pitch black, but in this pitch black, there are white spots all over, like stars dotted in the pitch black sky.

The arena turned into various discs, with heights and bottoms, floating everywhere in this strange space, seemingly disordered, but there seemed to be some kind of law.

And there is a semi-arc round platform at the top and the outermost side. When they saw the round platform, it was like instinct. Both Duan Mu and Neutra knew one thing.

There is……


"What exactly is this?"

The inexplicable sense of weirdness made Neutra's face extremely gloomy.

"I advise you not to act rashly."

Duan Mu stood with his hands hanging by his side, observing his surroundings solemnly, but the solemnity was not because of Neutra, but because of this space.

"The game can only be played if it is fair, but for me, the only fairness when I use the complete initial solution is to impose a time condition on the generated field, and the time condition I impose is 4 minutes. After 4 minutes, this space It will disintegrate naturally."

"But in these 4 minutes, neither you nor I are just ordinary game participants."

While Duan Mu was stating the rules, he watched the distribution of the round tables intently, thinking about the rules of the game of 'hopscotch' in his mind.

The rules are not difficult to find, but how to jump requires careful consideration.

The time limit set by Duan Mu must be explained by himself, but the rules of the game itself will naturally appear in the minds of the two after the domain is generated, as if they have read it countless times.


And after the two sides know the rules, there is another factor that determines the outcome of the game, and that is...

proficiency in the game.

This can be said to be Duan Mu's only advantage.


Thunder flashed, and a prototype sphere appeared in front of Duan Mu and Neutra. It was filled with manic thunder, and even if you didn't touch it, you could feel the power in it.

After the sphere appeared, it went straight towards Duan Mu.

During this process, an inexplicable sense of restraint spread throughout his body, so that Duan Mu could only stretch out his hands, watching the highly concentrated ghost ball fall towards his hands.

Seeing this, Duan Mu's gaze became extremely gloomy.

But he didn't say anything, because this space exists to kill himself.

Normally, Zanpakuto will not hurt its owner, but the essence of Duan Mu Zanpakuto is "two hearts" and "rebellious heart", even if experience points are put into Zanpakuto, the enhanced effect is the same. It is also 'two hearts' and 'rebellious heart'.

This, as long as the white spot is still there, will never change.

That is to say...

Unless Duan Mu personally wipes out all the emotions that make up the white spots, the higher the proficiency of Zanpakuto, the more dangerous Duan Mu will be.

This is already the case with the complete initial understanding, let alone the swastika.

This is also the reason why Duan Mu said before that he wanted to obliterate Zanpakuto's "real name". The reason why he has to continue to practice blade Zen is precisely for...

Erase Zanpakuto's existing real name and give it a new name.

A Zanpakuto that has no "similarities and differences", and only he knows the "real name", making this sword truly his own.

Instead of this 'others' knife!

PiLiLiPiLi~~! !

The moment the ghost ball fell into Duan Mu's hands, the sense of restraint dissipated, and the highly concentrated ghost power burst out suddenly.

——Breaking the Way 88·Flying dragon strikes the thief and shakes the sky and the thunder cannon.

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