bang bang

There were two muffled sounds in succession, and the body that was divided into two fell to the ground. The two masks in the tank wailed at the same time, and gradually withered with the wail.

"Synchronous cognition, Yaroniro has the ability of 'synchronous cognition', which can share all the enemy's information to all the broken...faces at the moment of death..." The words coming from his mind became more and more... Xiao, finally shouted anxiously:

"I'll find a way to hold it back, run away!"

Synchronous cognition?

Duan Mu's face darkened in an instant, and for the first time panic appeared in his heart.


The space in which they were in collapsed instantly, and Duan Mu and Ganjiu returned to the void space.

Without asking, Duan Mu pointed at the void almost at the same time as he released the initial solution.


The space was torn open, and before it could be fully opened, Duan Mu dragged the Gryphon and rushed towards it.



The space shook, and the torn black cavity was suddenly closed like a big mouth, and there were sewing marks on the top and bottom.

Space blocked!

No matter how Duan Mu tries to tear it apart, there is no wave in the space he lives in.


Ganjiu looked at Duan Mu with some doubts.

But before he could finish speaking, his whole body was thrown into the air at such a speed that the griffon couldn't even open his eyes.

After an unknown amount of time, the hand holding him behind his back suddenly exerted force and smashed him to the ground.

Ganjiu's whole body was instantly covered by the white sand, Duan Mu looked down at the restored white sand, turned around and galloped out in another direction.


Chapter 156 It’s probably impossible in this life

Seireitei, the Fifth Division.

On the promenade of the house, a man with glasses in a coat took a sip of the hot tea in his cup.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Captain Aizan, the ten blades you are proud of are dead?"

A joyful voice sounded, and along with the voice, a figure appeared out of thin air, and came to the side of the man with glasses.

This is a tall and thin young man with short light purple hair and a strange smiling face. He looked at the man with glasses with his squinted eyes and said with a smile: "The tool that I worked so hard to create is just killed. Do you feel distressed knowing Captain Aizen?"

"You said it was a tool."

Aizen smiled slightly, and said in a gentle tone: "Tools exist only for use. Hard work and preciousness are not the same. For me, the highest value of tools is not how to use and consume them, but to create them. the process of."

"Oh...oh, this comment really makes me shudder."

The young man joked in an exaggerated tone: "Then what's next? What are you going to do with the person who consumes your tools? Although judging from the returned memory, at least your tools did not reveal you before they were consumed. identity of."

"Compared to the tools that were consumed, I am more curious about how he went to the virtual circle."

Aizen picked up the teapot, filled two cups with tea, and said softly: "In the eyes of everyone, he is currently practicing at Shiba's house. Before getting the synchronous cognition of Aronilo, even I It was not found that he had left the Soul Realm, and even before Yaronilo died, no one noticed that he was in the Void Circle."

Going to the virtual circle can only pass through the black cavity, which is different from the world-transmitting gate to the present world. The technique of opening the black cavity is not mastered even today in the soul world.

In this regard, virtual circle has an absolute advantage.

Apart from Pomian, there is only one person who can freely open his black tongue, and that is Urahara Kisuke who has hid in the world.

And besides that...

There is also a possibility that Pomian helped him quietly open the black cavity leading to the virtual circle.

Of these two possibilities, Aizen prefers the second one.

Because, although Kisuke Urahara has the ability to open the black cavity, opening the black cavity through the device is a forced use of spiritual pressure to destroy the space. This method will inevitably be discovered and detected in the world of souls; For tearing, in addition to the necessary precautions, the size of the black cavity opening must also be controlled.

Moreover, he didn't think Kisuke Urahara would set up this kind of device in Soul Soul Realm.

As for secretly going to the present world and then using the black cavity from the present world, the possibility is zero.

The reason is very simple, unlike the black cavity that goes to the virtual circle, from the world-transmitting gate to the broken world of the present world has always been the main monitoring and research object of the Technology Development Bureau.

Even if a fly enters the broken boundary, it will be discovered by the Technology Development Bureau. Before it comes out of the broken boundary, the information of someone passing through the broken boundary will spread to the Goutei [-]th Division. The Technology Development Bureau can even analyze the opponent's behavior in advance where it will appear.

Even if we take a step back, there is no one in the Technology Development Bureau, and the boundary leading to the present world is also full of surveillance circuits from the imaging hall.

Therefore, if the other party wants to hide it from everyone, they can only choose the virtual circle from the soul world.

"Silver, it seems that your vision is indeed better than mine."


Lan Ran chuckled lightly: "Although it's just one of thousands of floating dust, as you said, it's an interesting floating dust."

"Being considered interesting by you, I really don't know whether to call it his honor or his tragedy."

Ichimaru Gin's squinted eyes slightly opened a gap, revealing light blue pupils, and said with a smile: "However, it's really interesting to be able to offend Captain Aizen."


Aizen shook his head slightly: "It's just an eyesore."

"There will never be a shortage of floating dust in this world. No one will deliberately deal with the floating dust that is invisible to the naked eye. Only when this floating dust has been floating in front of your eyes and temporarily becomes extremely conspicuous in the sun will it make people uncomfortable. I waved because it was an eyesore.”

After saying that, Aizen put the teacup in his hand aside, and said softly:

"That's all."


virtual circle, outer circle.


The dull sound of breaking through the air continued to sound, and Duan Mu walked aimlessly through the white sand, but he was constantly communicating with people in his mind.


Obviously he had made all the preparations in advance, but because of the lack of information, he finally revealed his identity.

The ability to use death as a trigger condition is somewhat similar to the rules of equivalent exchange.

If you want to avoid this ability of synchronous cognition, if you want not to be exposed, there is only one way, and that is not to kill Yaronilo.


In order not to reveal the prepared rules, Duan Mu finally became the pusher for him to reveal his identity.

This kind of development made Duan Mu himself feel outrageous to the extreme! !

Even if the enemy is replaced by any Ten Blades, he will not be in the current situation.

The only thing that makes Duan Mu feel lucky is...

Griffin has left the virtual circle!

As he had guessed before, he who killed Yaronilo with his own hands should have been pursued for some unknown reason.

Space blockade is certainly powerful, but Duan Mu can also do this kind of technique. With the scope of the virtual circle, no matter how strong the technology of Xuye Palace in this area is, it is impossible to directly block the space of the entire virtual circle.

So the moment Duan Mu discovered that the space around him was blocked, he had a guess, that is, the blocked area was only his body or the surrounding area, and this area would definitely not be the entire virtual circle.

And so is it.

Not long after he threw the Griffin into the hidden cave and left, Picaro, who was summoned by him, opened the black cavity and threw the Griffon into it.

However, compared to Griffin, his current situation is really extremely bad.

Although he didn't know exactly how he locked himself, Duan Mu could clearly feel that there were several huge auras coming towards him through the detection circuit running with virtual lines.

No matter how he turned his direction, those auras would change accordingly.

Even Duan Mu's hidden aura, which has always been invincible, has lost its effect at this moment.

And in these breaths, Tiruti is also in the middle, this is Duan Murang.

When one's identity is exposed, another thing will also be exposed, and that is the method of going to the virtual circle.

Although his understanding is not as comprehensive as that of Aizen, because of the supervisory team, Duan Mu also knows that the passage from the soul world to the present world has been monitored by the Technology Development Bureau, so Duan Mu has always been only in the Jinyinhui. Only go to this world with permission.

Therefore, Aizen, who didn't know the existence of Xuwen, would inevitably suspect that someone in Pomian was helping him.

So even if Yaronilo never mentioned his name from the beginning to the end, Aizen will start to act on the premise of 'identity exposure'.

At least he will do so.

Thoughts were spinning in my mind, but Duan Mu's footsteps did not stop at all. Although I don't know if the imaginary circle is round... But given the vastness of the imaginary circle, even if he keeps running at this speed, Duan Mu feels that he can't move in a short time. Nei will not run back to the Xuye Palace in a big circle...

Although because of the distance, he will not be caught up for a while.

But continuing to run like this is obviously not the best solution.

Thinking of this, Duan Mu stopped in place very abruptly, and after roughly sensing the position of the pursuers, he took out a device that looked like a mobile phone from the inner pocket of his jacket, which was given to him by Kisuke Urahara. It is a communication device, but Duan Mu has never used it.

But this trip to the virtual circle, Duan Mu still brought it with him just in case.

With a quick swipe of his finger, Duan Mu dialed the only number among them.

Although Urahara Kisuke confidently said that no matter where he is, he can dial this number, but the virtual circle... I don't know if it is generalized.


Duan Mu couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the dialing sound coming from his ear.

After twice, with a sound, the phone was connected. On the opposite side, Niwu Yuan helped the owner: "Yeah, this is not the boss Duan Mu? ..."

"The politeness will be waived."

Duan Mu interrupted Urahara Kisuke, and said in the most concise way: "I am in the virtual circle, I just killed a ten blades, and now the space around me is blocked, and the other ten blades are chasing and killing me."


Do not know why……

Hearing Duan Mu's words, Kisuke Urahara on the other side of the phone suddenly fell silent.

Duan Mu subconsciously held the phone in front of his eyes, and after making sure he hadn't hung up the phone, he was about to put it back to his ear, but at this moment, a small dot on the top of the phone suddenly lit up, and a translucent projection screen appeared in front of Duan Mu. .

Kisuke Urahara's face was leaning in front of the screen, looking around Duan Mu's body.

"Tsk tsk tsk~~"

Urahara Kisuke glanced at Duan Mu in front of the projection screen, and a strange color flashed in his eyes: "Boss Duan Mu, it is really astonishing as always, my partner, I don't even know that you still have circle method."

"...Partners who secretly add surveillance functions and projection screens to the mobile phones given away don't seem qualified to talk about me, do they?" Duan Muxu said with concern.

As expected...

This bastard really did what he thought, adding something to the phone.

The corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly. Fortunately, he was prepared and never brought the phone with him.

"I'm just concerned about your safety, Boss Duan Mu."

Kisuke Urahara chuckled: "Boss Duan Mu, you contacted me to let me start a black hole for you, right? If that's the case, you put your phone in the white sand under your feet first, and I'll use it to extract the spiritual seed data." Install and analyze the space you are in."


Duan Mu looked at the mobile phone that was no bigger than a palm, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly: "How many things have you added to the mobile phone?"

"Now is not the time to talk about these things. From my point of view, if you don't leave here, there will be pursuers rushing to Boss Duan Mu's position in half a minute."

Duan Mu was too lazy to complain, and secretly decided in his heart that as long as he returned alive, he would never take things from Urahara Kisuke again.

Who knows what's hidden inside...

"Well... the rough analysis has been completed. According to my estimate, including the time to adjust the device, it will take nearly 5 minutes." Urahara Kisuke did not waste any nonsense and said in a serious tone: "In about 5 minutes, I will A temporary black cavity will be built around the phone that lasts only ten seconds. Before that, it cannot suffer any interference."

When Duan Mu heard the words, he turned around and left the place without any nonsense.

But instead of continuing to run away, he headed towards the direction of the nearest pursuer.

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