
Duan Mu took a step forward: "I think you should have noticed that this arena is constantly devouring your and my spiritual pressure. It can be said that it is jointly maintained and repaired by you and my spiritual pressure; when the two of us The spiritual pressure is exhausted, if there is no winner, the devoured spiritual pressure will explode in the form of flames, killing everyone in the arena, including me, the master."

"game rules……"


Yaronilo's pupils shrank, and he almost instinctively drew out the Zanpakuto.

"The explanation is complete!"

Accompanied by whispers, Duan Mu appeared in front of Yaronilo out of thin air, and slashed down with the long knife in his hand.


The crisp sound of gold and iron clashing came out, and Aronilo only felt a huge force coming from the blade in his hand, and the whole person retreated uncontrollably towards the rear.

Got stronger! !

Compared with the battle two years ago, the opponent's strength has become stronger again.

Even strong enough to...

With just one knife, his right hand holding the knife was shocked to burst.

"Eat him up, Guxu!"

The experience of almost dying in the opponent's hands last time made Yaronilo dare not underestimate him in the slightest, and returned the sword without hesitation.


The terrifying spiritual pressure formed a substance, erupting like a vortex.

Seeing this, Duan Mu turned around and swung the knife to remove the impact, while electric arcs flashed all over his body.


The roar of thunder was deafening.


Almost as soon as you enter, you will see a sudden burst of water.

A sharp and sinister aura diffused out, covering the entire arena.

The thunder was rolling, and the hand-painted clouds in the sky turned into dark clouds at this moment, with electric arcs flickering, and stars colliding excitedly.

The vortex dissipated.

The fluctuations from the top of his head made Aronilo's spiritual body tremble instinctively, causing him to burst out all his spiritual pressure without hesitation.

But he didn't concentrate the spiritual pressure on the trident like last time, but under the threat of life and death, he condensed all the tentacles on his lower body into a ball, and faced Duan Mu's knife like a long whip.

Outside the arena, Ganjiu watched the battle on the arena without saying a word.

He thought about stopping it, but after hearing Duan Mu explain the rules of the game, he chose to remain silent.


I chose to believe in Duan Mu, because Duan Mu said that the other party only has the memory and body of his elder brother, he is not the elder brother!

And Yaronilo, who returned to the blade, made him believe in this even more!

next second~

The long whip made of tentacles collided with the long knife, and the impact visible to the naked eye spread out layer by layer like a finger touching the water.

But when the impact reached the edge of the ring, it seemed to hit an invisible barrier and dissipated, without affecting the outside of the ring at all.

As for the arena above, it was unavoidable to be lowered by several meters, but for the arena composed of high platforms, this mere few meters did not cause the slightest impact except for making the surface of the arena bumpy.

At this moment, two figures in the center of the ring retreated towards the rear at the same time.

Duan Mu submerged his feet into the surface of the ring, and after he outlined two trenches nearly ten meters away, he stabilized his figure.

On the other side, Yaronilo's huge and bloated body was like a cannonball, and with a dull whistling sound, he slammed into the invisible barrier of the ring with a bang.


The huge impact made Aronilo spit out blood, and his body was even more miserable. A huge knife cut appeared on his octopus-like lower body, and the blood stained the ring below him in a blink of an eye.


Yaronilo looked at Duan Mu with disbelief and fear in his eyes.

In just two years, why is the opponent so strong.

Although he lost the battle two years ago, the strength of the opponent's spiritual pressure from beginning to end...even the last blow that almost killed him, the spiritual pressure carried by him was still far inferior to his own.

So he has always been confident that if he meets Duan Mu again, as long as he doesn't underestimate him and uses his full strength from the beginning, then he must be the one who wins in the end.

But why?

Why did his spirit pressure become so much stronger in just two years?

will die……

If you continue to fight with him, you will die!

The fear that had been suppressed broke out completely at this moment. As if he had thought of something, as if he had caught a savior, he looked at the griffon outside the ring pleadingly.

"Gantu, save me, I'm your big brother."

Voices filled with fear and pleading echoed in this space.

In the hand-painted sky, the sun, moon, stars... there is a sarcastic smile on the face, as if a child is expressing his disdain.

However, Yaronilo didn't bother to look at these things now, he looked at the Griffin expectantly, and hissed loudly: "I'm really your big brother, you let him stop first, I can prove myself identity of."

Judging from the previous behavior of the black-haired youth, he must have some relationship with the Shiba family.

As long as he persuaded Ganjiu, he would be able to persuade the black-haired young man to let him go out. As for the rules of the game Duan Mu said earlier, he didn't believe it at all.

Because he has all the memories of Zhibo Haiyan, he knows very well that Zanpakuto will never rebel against his master, let alone kill his master as Duan Mu said.

What he said earlier, probably just didn't want Shiba Yanju to intervene.


To Yaronilo's disappointment, his words did not make Griffin stop him, but instead made Griffin look at him colder, full of killing intent.

"You are not my big brother!"

Ganjiu said in a cold tone: "My elder brother will never be like you, begging my younger brother to save him, let alone show your current expression..."

"Don't put your face on my elder brother's face and do such a disgusting behavior!!"

"The Griffin is a bit stupid."

Yaronilo's pupils shrank, his neck was like a puppet, and he turned his head stiffly.

Only then did he realize that Duan Mu had appeared by his side at some point.

"But he's not stupid."

Slowly raising the blade in his hand, Duan Mu stared at Aronilo with extremely cold eyes.

"The reason why he thinks you are his big brother for a moment is simply because he hopes in his heart that you are the real Zhibo Haiyan."


Dazzling thunder light and spiritual pressure were mixed together, and all of them poured into the long knife held high above his head.


The void trembled, and the hand-painted sky was rippling, as if it was about to be torn apart.

This knife, before falling, the result is already doomed!


"Don't kill Aronilo!"

At the same time as Duan Mu's long knife cut down, an anxious voice suddenly came from the depths of his soul, it was Tiruti's voice.


1 minute ago, the three-digit area of ​​Xuye Palace.

In the vast space, two men and one woman sat scattered, and one of them was Tiruti.

"After Tiruti came here, among our first batch of Ten Blades, only Aronilo is left?" One of them smiled wryly.

It was a man with an orange afro head, a blindfold mask with a star mark on his forehead, a beard on his chin, and a strong male.

"If you don't count the former king."

Another middle-aged man with a forehead-shaped mask, a bearded beard, and an earring pierced on his right ear gave a strange laugh, then shook his head and said, "However, after thinking about it, Tiruti should be the last one to be eliminated here. Ten blades, after all, although that guy Yaronilo is a waste, he is very useful to Aizen-sama, and his ability can make him continue to grow stronger."

"The ability to evolve infinitely? It's really outrageous!" The orange exploding head sighed.

Tiruti didn't interrupt from the side, or she was not thinking about talking with the two of them at all at this time, but was thinking about how Duan Mu's plan was going and whether there were any accidents.

"In addition to infinite evolution, the abilities he devoured are also very important to Lord Aizen."

The middle-aged man shook his head: "If I remember correctly, he also has an ability called 'synchronous cognition', which can send all the intelligence and combat processes of the enemies who fought against him after Aronilo's death. , can be transmitted to... all the broken faces including Ten Blades in time through this ability."

"Although for Ten Blades, this ability is completely impossible to come in handy..."

"Dorudoni, what did you just say!?"

Tiruti, who was distracted at first, changed his expression drastically.

"Ah? I said Yaronilo's synchronous cognition..."

Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Tiruti got up suddenly, turned around and walked outside.

Too bad~~

She completely forgot about this.

When Duan Mu planned to kill Yaronilo, she didn't remember this at all, because no one ever thought that Ten Blades would die in the hands of outsiders.

Although Aizen-sama once gave Yaronilo the task of fully sharing the enemy's information with all the broken faces, but because death is the trigger condition, neither Yaronilo himself nor the other ten blades have forgotten this ability. to the back of the head.

If Dorudoni hadn't mentioned it, Tiruti would have completely forgotten about it.


"Don't kill Aronilo!"

The words in his mind caused Duan Mu to pause slightly.

But the next second...

This knife cut down again.

The rules he told Yaronilo earlier were not lies.

The only thing that Yaronilo didn't know was...

He has a developmental spiritual pattern on his body, if he continues to consume it, the time his spiritual pressure can last is far longer than the strength of his spiritual pressure.

and so……

Life and death are divided by beating, this is the iron law.

At least until Duan Mu fully mastered the Zanpakuto, he couldn't take the initiative to release the existence of this space, he could only complete the game, or someone stronger than Duan Mu's spiritual pressure would forcibly break this space.


Quietly, the slash of the knife did not cause the slightest disturbance.

The long knife in Duan Mu's hand was hanging in the air, only a few centimeters above the ground, while Yaronilo seemed to be petrified, staying in place motionless.

Ka Ka Ka ~ ~

At this moment, a strange cracking sound came out.

Yaronilo's head twisted, and Shiba Haiyan's face disappeared, replaced by a cylindrical tank filled with liquid, and the cracking sound came from the tank.

A crack appeared in the center of the tank.

Do not……

More strictly speaking, there was a crack in both the tank body and the center of the body.

split into two!

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