No matter how far away, as long as Duan Mu wants to, he can talk to the person whose spiritual core has been reorganized by him, just like the connection between Pikaro.Instead of the previous one, she can only make her feel her position by touching the spiritual pressure in Tiruti's body.

The reason why he knew that Yaronilo had left the Void Night Palace was precisely because of this.

【Virtual Pattern】: Advanced (43209/100000)

It has to be said that Picarro's existence is too special. In the process of studying how to reorganize the spiritual core for them, Duan Mu's proficiency in virtual pattern can be said to have improved by leaps and bounds, and his proficiency has directly increased by more than 3.

With the improvement of the virtual pattern, Duan Mu's development of the spiritual pattern has also made a lot of progress.

[Development Spirit Pattern] Advanced (21231/100000)

This trip to the virtual circle can be said to be very fruitful.

Of course, in addition to this, the experience points provided by Picaro are also a huge income.

But what makes Duan Mu a little depressed is...

These brats didn't even know how terrifying the power Duan Mu gave them was, and they didn't have much pursuit of strength, and they didn't have a sudden increase in their favorability like Tiruti did because of it.

After getting along with each other for a few days, under Duan Mu's careful teaching, the favorability of the little girls in Pikaro towards Duan Mu has basically reached between 20 and 35.

Exactly sixty little Picarro girls have different strengths depending on when they became Picarro.

Among them, 42 little girls provided experience points equal to ordinary members of the 10th Guarding Team, 8 were equal to low-level officers, and the last [-] were equal to high-level officers...

I don’t know if it’s because the original Yachukas were little boys. Those who are stronger, that is, the children who became “Pikaro” very early, are basically little boys; And generally weak.

Duan Mu has been instilling in Picaro these days... the idea that little boys should play with little girls.

Closer to home, each of the 60 little girls has a favorability degree between 20 and 35. This may not seem like a lot, but it is actually a number that makes Duan Mu ecstatic.

They provided Duan Mu with 182200 experience points in total.

Current experience value: 242200.

Duan Mu didn't touch these experience points for the time being.

In the virtual circle, in order to deal with possible accidents, it is safer to keep more hole cards.


In Duan Mu's view, his plan should be foolproof, and he will never be found out that he killed Yaronilo!


Taking a breath, Duan Mu exchanged a glance with Ganjiu who was ready to go.

"Let's go."

“Duanmu Guoguo~~”

A little Picaro boy hugged Duan Mu's thigh, raised his head, and said, "Let's help you too."

"Yeah, I'm going too."

"That guy Arronillo is so annoying, let me help you tear it up."

"Tear off his limbs, disassemble him, dissect him, and devour him."

"I'll take out his heart and eat it."

"Why don't we just kill Brother Duan Mu before he does."


Griffin looked at the group of Picarro who looked innocent and spoke childishly, but said extremely cruel words, and couldn't help but hide behind Duan Mu.

Although he also understands that these little ghosts are far more cruel and terrifying than their appearance, but... no matter how many times he hears such words with the innocent appearance of a child, he shudders.

"that's not allowed."

Duan Mu didn't respond, but rubbed Picaro's little head with a warm smile on his face: "Did you forget to promise Brother Duan Mu and Sister Tiruti? You can't go out and mess around for the time being, otherwise Sister Tiruti Both my brother and I may die."

The rock vulture behind Duan Mu heard the "oh" at the end of Duan Mu's words, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

After coming here, he has been a little confused...

Is Duan Mu, Tiruti, these children abnormal, or I am abnormal; why can these people speak extremely terrifying words with an extremely gentle appearance?

Ignoring the disappointed words of the Picaros, Duan Mu left the cave with the Griffin.

They have been in the virtual circle for more than two days. The longer they stay in the virtual circle, the more likely accidents will happen, so they must solve it as soon as possible and leave the virtual circle.

Originally, Duan Mu's plan was to go alone without the griffon.

But after pondering for a while, he still decided to bring the Griffin with him, at least let him...

Give my brother a ride.

Although the real Zhibo Haiyan had already died.

But Yaronilo's mimicry is Shiba Haiyan's spiritual body, and everything that the body has experienced, as well as all the memories in the mind, have been preserved.

Even if the heart is no longer there, Griffin should watch the process of his brother's body dissipate.

After leaving the cave, Duan Mu directly pulled the griffon towards the direction of Aaronilo, and while galloping, he had locked the position of Aaronilo with the detection circuit.



At the junction of the outer circle and the inner circle, accompanied by a shrill scream, a huge hollow gradually dissipated.

"It tastes bad~!"

After Yaronilo spit, he said to himself: "Although he is a waste, his ability is very interesting."

After all, he threw away the report sheet in his hand and prepared to go to the next target.

"I'm so childish..."

And at this moment, a voice that made Yaronilo's pupils shrink suddenly rang in his ears.

Before he could react, everything in front of him was enveloped by a black air that revealed a gloomy atmosphere.

"...have fun."

Yaronilo only felt an inexplicable pulling feeling coming from all directions, and when the pulling feeling dissipated, everything in his vision changed dramatically.

The dark night sky was replaced by a crooked painting. Although the painting was messy, it was barely discernible that there were sun, moon, stars, etc. in the painting. It was obviously the sky.

The endless white sand is replaced by 10 high platforms arranged separately, and there is a bottomless abyss under the high platforms.

"—Ju Ming!"

Accompanied by the indifferent words, the pitch-black boundary was rippling like water, and two figures stepped out of the darkness and stepped on a high platform.

At the same time as the voice came out, the separated high platforms began to move like magnets attracting each other, and finally formed a huge...


"It's you~!!"


Chapter 155 Run away! !

Hand-painted father-in-law Sun in the sky, with a strange smile on his face, and a pair of big curved eyes turning left and right;

Beside the sun, the long-haired sister Moon kept opening and closing her mouth, as if she was singing some kind of silent song;

The stars shuttled through the clouds like meteors, colliding with each other, but there was no sound.

These hand-painted things look full of childishness and give full play to children's unconstrained thinking, but once they are put together, they seem to make people feel an inexplicable chill.

And at the moment when the arena was formed, whether it was the sun, the moon, the stars, or the clouds...

All of them turned their eyes to the ring, with smiles on their faces.The corners of the mouth were pulled up, all the way to the ears, and the arc felt as if the corners of the mouth were torn open; the innocent eyes revealed a gloomy look, which made people feel chilling, and the inexplicable sense of staring made Aroni even more Luo felt a chill from the depths of his spirit body.

"Don't be nervous."

On the other side of the arena, Duan Mu said softly: "This is just a very ordinary arena, neither you nor I will get any help here." Duan Mu slowly raised his head, glanced at The weird sky above his head continued:

"The only reason for the existence of this space is to completely shield the outside world from detection. As long as you are in this area, any detection methods, communication techniques, and even spiritual pressure fluctuations, breaths, etc. will be completely blocked. That is to say, your Death will not be discovered by anyone!"

"Who the hell are you?"

Yaronilo looked at Duan Mu with a gloomy gaze, feeling completely bewildered in his heart.

It has been two years, and I have stayed in Xuye Palace for two full years.

After two years, I left Xuye Palace, only to meet this lunatic again.

Even after searching all his memories, Arronillo didn't find out where he provoked this madman...


Yaronilo turned his eyes and looked outside the huge arena. Shiba Ganju stood on a step like a grandstand. When he saw the "falling sky collapse swirl pattern" on the Ganju's backpack, his eyes froze.


"Rock Vulture? Is that you? Rock Vulture!"

Yaronilo's eyes lit up, and a sunny smile appeared on his face: "I didn't expect you to grow up so big, it's really impressive. I remember that you always pestered me to teach you how to fight when you were young, and how can you fight?" Once you and Kong He were together with me..."

Listening to the nostalgic voice, looking at the nostalgic appearance, and the familiar smile and the past events that are constantly being told in his mouth.

Even though Duan Mu had repeatedly emphasized that the other party was not his elder brother, Yan Ying still couldn't help showing hope, and murmured in disbelief:

"Brother Hai...Haiyan?"

Is that you?

Yanjiu didn't dare to say the next words, because he was afraid that the answer he would get after asking would make him despair...

"It's really good to see you. After Rukia left, I was still thinking at the moment when my spirit body collapsed. After I left, what should you and Konghe do?"

There was a trace of sadness in Yaronilo's tone, as if he was really Shiba Haiyan... Or, this was what Shiba Haiyan was worried about before she died.

He ignored Duan Mu who was standing with a knife, but came to the edge of the ring, looked at Shiba Yanju in the stands with gentle eyes, and said with a smile: "Hahaha, but looking at you now, Konghe didn't let me Disappointed." After that, he paused for a moment, then slowly raised his hand and rubbed his head in the air.

"You've grown up, Gravy."

The gentle voice, the kind words, and the exact same temperament completely defeated the Griffin's line of defense.

"Are you really the big brother?"

"Of course it was me. After my spirit body collapsed, my spirit body came to the virtual circle; after arriving in the virtual circle, I realized that the ghost was the experimental product of the boss of the Xuye Palace. Once it is destroyed, it will return to the virtual circle to reassemble the program."

"After recombining with my spirit body, I became what I am now. This is all in their calculations, but it seems to be my spirit that controls the spirit body."

After all, Yaronilo laughed proudly and said, "To put it simply, it's my steely willpower, which is beyond their imagination."

Ganjiu's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he said excitedly: "Then..."

"Enough said?"

At this moment, Duan Mu, who had not interrupted, looked up at Aronilo.

"There's no point in continuing the conversation if all you can paraphrase is these empty words."

A look of fear flashed in Yaronilo's eyes when he heard the words, but he just laughed casually: "I finally understand why you are so hostile to me, I think you must have misunderstood something, I am really Zhibo Haiyan, last time I reacted so violently only because you suddenly killed me."

Yaronilo said with a wry smile: "After all, without knowing who you are, I can't allow you to kill me. If you told me that I knew Konghe and Ganjiu, how could I against you."

"You may not know that the reason why I choose to stay here is to wait for an opportunity to get rid of the monster behind the scenes of Xuye Palace. If I don't get rid of him as soon as possible, it will definitely endanger the soul world."


Duan Mu didn't speak, but drew out his long knife casually, and threw the bag aside.

Accompanied by the sound of 'wow', almost the moment the long cloth bag touched the ring, it was burned from the inside out, and turned into ashes in an instant.

"Life and death."

Duan Mu swung the long knife in his hand, drawing a circle of sparks on the ring.

"Any game has its rules, and the rules of life and death are just as the name suggests, as long as we step on this arena, one of us must die."

"In the process of fighting, as long as the strength of spiritual pressure is not too much higher than mine, no one can break into the ring, and neither can the two of us leave; moreover, because I haven't fully grasped it, once this space is created, there will be no space left in the ring. Before the game is over, even my master can't undo it."

The smile on Aronilo's face froze.

Duan Mu continued: "There is only one way to leave this arena, and that is to follow the rules of the game."

"Another point……"

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