Ganjiu was slightly taken aback, Duan Mu had already explained to him about Ten Blades before coming.

Although he doesn't have a specific concept, he can still fully understand the words 'strength comparable to the captain of the thirteenth guardian team'. In his opinion... such a strong Xu must be extremely terrifying.

But now...

But Duan Mu told him that the petite girl in front of him, who was only about 1.5 meters tall, was actually one of the ten blades?

The corner of Griffin's mouth twitched slightly.

After seeing Tiruti, although he was surprised, Duan Mu has always been keen on making friends with women. Although it is outrageous to have female friends in the virtual circle, he feels that he is indeed capable of doing it.


As it turns out, going to an enemy stronghold to make friends isn't particularly outrageous.

What is particularly outrageous is...

He made friends and made them to the top of the enemy's base camp.

What breed of social terrorist is this?

If he doesn't know Duan Mu very well and trusts Duan Mu very much, he may think that... Duan Mu wants to use the power of the virtual circle to attack the Soul Soul Realm.


It's not entirely impossible.

Although it wasn't due to Duan Mu's wishes, recently those villains in the tavern who called themselves "Duan Mu's subordinates" were thinking every day how to persuade Duan Mu boss to take them to attack Seilingting after they ruled Liuhun Street.

Seeing Griffin's expression, Duan Mu didn't continue to provoke him, and didn't tell him the group of children around him... The original sequence was actually higher than Tiruti.

But how to get rid of Aronilo?

It is absolutely impossible to go to the Xuye Palace. The artificial sky dome mentioned by Tiruti can monitor the entire Xuye Palace in all directions without dead ends. It is impossible for Duan Mu to sneak in.

I can only find a way to lead it out of the Xuye Palace. To be on the safe side, it is best to lead it to the outer circle where I am.

Tiruti looked at Duan Mu, hesitated for a moment and said, "Should I find a way to ask him out?"

"No, it is very likely that 'that adult' will suspect you."

Duan Mu shook his head. Although he wanted to kill Aaronilo, he would definitely not implicate Tiruti because of it. Besides, if Tiruti's second-stage return blade is exposed, he is very likely to be targeted by Lan Ran.

His intention has always been to kill Yaronilo quietly, without revealing his own existence. From the beginning to the end, he has been practicing in the Dakonghe Martial Arts Hall.

Therefore, it is not only necessary to draw out Yaronilo, but also to find a way to keep the breath of fighting from leaking out.

Regarding the hidden battle aura...

Duan Mu turned his head to look at the long cloth bag that was put aside and contained the Zanpakuto.

He had already thought of a solution in advance.

What's missing now...

It was just an opportunity to lead Yaronilo to the outer circle.


Chapter 154 Ju Ming

Void Night Palace.

The tall figure walked across the cable bridge and stepped into a tall tower. There were no windows in the tower, which almost completely cut off the sunlight from the artificial sky outside the tower.


After confirming that no sunlight could reach him, the tall figure removed the mask on his face.

As the strip-shaped mask was taken off, a rather handsome face was revealed. This figure was Yaronilo who had once fought with Duan Mu.

"I really don't understand Master Aizen's thoughts. After finally coming to the virtual circle where only darkness exists, he even imitated the real world to make a sun. I don't think about people like me who can only show their abilities in darkness."


The mask covering his head was thrown aside, and Yaronilo took out the latest report from the monitoring department.

These reports are all information about some animals. Since he became No. 9, he has devoured [-] animals. In the beginning, he basically devoured all animals he encountered.

But after reaching the current level of strength, he is no longer capable of devouring anything, because no matter how much the weak Void devours, it will have little effect; Ability, or a powerful virtual devouring of spiritual pressure.

Outer ring~

Looking at the report card in his hand, Aronilo frowned and touched his chest subconsciously.

Unzipping the zipper of the white robe that covered the whole body, an extremely hideous knife scar was clearly visible on the exposed chest.

Although it has been two years since he was injured, even today, he still feels a dull pain from the scar on his chest, and the black-haired youth can't help but appear in his mind.


Yaronilo cursed in a gloomy tone.

He still hasn't figured out how he was exposed.

He was obviously greeting with a gentle smile on his face, but that bastard cut himself with a knife without saying a word.


That black-haired lunatic not only had brain problems, but was also despicable. He had a powerful Reiatsu, yet he acted like a weak Reiatsu in front of him, in order to make him take it lightly.

If you pay enough attention to him from the beginning... no, even if you just don't despise him, then you will definitely be able to devour him in the end.

Instead of being escaped by him like that trash of Neutra.


Yaronilo snorted coldly. He felt disdainful from the bottom of his heart for Neutra's fighting madness, although the opponent's sequence in the ten blades has now improved a few places.

But this kind of lunatic who only knows how to fight, as long as he devours enough void, sooner or later he will become a part of himself.

Do not……

At that time, all the ten blades will become part of him! !

Yaronilo continued to flip through the report in his hand, and as he flipped, his face showed an impatient look.

“Waste…waste…still waste…it’s all waste~~”

Yaronilo scolded: "Can't there be some voids with special abilities? These useless wastes have no value at all!"

The same situation has been repeated for the past two years.

Without a subordinate officer, he would go to the monitoring department to obtain reports almost every day and choose from them.

of course……

It's not that there are voids that he can fancy, but most of these voids are in the outer circle, or hidden in the forest of the great void.

And every time he wanted to leave Xuye Palace, a pair of eyes would appear in his mind, and those eyes would stare at him tightly, revealing a kind of eerieness that seemed to be able to swallow his own soul, and the wound on his chest was painful .



It's just that these wastes are not worth leaving the Void Night Palace to devour them!

The self that can evolve infinitely is invincible.

Even Lord Aizen recognizes his own potential, so how could he be afraid of a mere god of death?

But no matter whether he admits it or not, the figure of that black-haired young man will keep appearing in his mind, and those gloomy and calm strange eyes will appear in his sleep for a long time.

I can't stop devouring it.


It won't be long before, as one of the few original Ten Blades left, he is likely to become the next Shamen to be eliminated from the Ten Blades sequence.

Familiar people, constantly disappearing and being eliminated, already made Yaronilo feel extremely urgent.

And this morning, after disappearing for two days, Tiruti, who suddenly appeared at the Ten Blades meeting, gave up the Ten Blades position on the grounds of lack of strength, and voluntarily became the eliminated three-digit face, which made his kind Urgency raised to the extreme! !

Of course, he wasn't surprised at all that trash like Tiruti would give up his ten-blade status, because that lunatic Neutra had already set his sights on her.

There are only two results waiting for her, either she will be eliminated 'voluntarily' and give the No. 5 position to Neutra; or she will be killed by Neutra and Neutra will take his place.

But compared with Tiruti, who has no room for improvement, he can continue to evolve, and it is impossible for him to be abandoned by Master Aizen.


He still felt scared, especially when Tiruti saw him in the morning, the ironic smile and words deeply stimulated him:

"Just continue to be afraid, I will wait for you in the area where the three-digit Pomian lives."

That bitch!

Yaronilo cursed fiercely in his heart, then picked up the report card that had been thrown aside, and looked through it again.

In the end, some virtual queens were selected from them, put on masks, and walked out of the tower.

The gloomy eyes appeared again, causing his footsteps to pause slightly, but he finally walked out.

It has been more than two years. Although the lunatic escaped back then, he was seriously injured. He may have died two years ago, or was swallowed by Xu.

Even if he didn't die by luck, he should have already left the virtual circle.

I have nothing to be afraid of! !

Under such constant persuasion, Yaronilo left the Void Palace again after two years.


However, Yaronilo did not notice that when he left, a petite figure stood there on a cable bridge in the Void Night Palace, watching his departure with purple eyes.

Tiruti looked at Aronilo who was going away, a hint of sarcasm flashed in his purple eyes, and then he withdrew his gaze, and turned to look at the original number on his body, with a strange look on his pretty face.

If it was me two years ago, I probably wouldn't have thought of it anyway, right?

Mingming decided that as long as Master Ai Ran didn't personally speak out to eliminate him, even if he died, he would die in the position of Ten Blades.


Now he actually voluntarily gave up the position of Ten Blades.


He didn't have the slightest regret, instead he felt a little lucky that he could help Duan Mu by doing so.


Great Void Forest.

Duan Mu, who was sitting cross-legged on the stone and performing blade meditation, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Are you finally willing to come out?"

"What came out?"

The Picaros who were lying around Duan Mu jumped up one after another, and rushed to Duan Mu's side noisily, waking up the sleeping Griffon.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? Has something happened?"

"Tiruti just contacted me."

Duan Mu got up, and casually replied: "Aronilo has left the Xuye Palace. Although he doesn't know where he is going, after leaving the Xuye Palace, he is galloping towards the southeast."

During these two days, Duan Mu re-… more strictly speaking, perfected the virtual pattern for Tiruti, and applied his new understanding on the virtual pattern to Tiruti, so that Tiruti's strength can be improved again. There has been some progress.

But how much progress has been made, only Tiruti himself knows.

Duan Mu didn't even know what Tiruti's second-stage returning ability was, and he didn't ask.

Although Tiruti wanted to test it, he was stopped by Duan Mu, because Tiruti told him before that the surveillance system built by Aizen in Xuquan has become more and more perfect, and he may be discovered if he is not careful.

However, Duan Mu had a vague feeling that the strength of Tiruti who had further improved the imaginary pattern should have improved a lot.

It can be said that a large part of the credit for being able to achieve this level is due to Picarro.

That's right~!

Duan Mu finally decided to reorganize the spiritual core for Picaro, originally only intending to do as expected to prevent them from revealing their identities due to childish words.

But because of Picarro's specialness, reorganizing the spiritual core for them has improved Duan Mu's understanding of Xuwen by a whole lot.

Moreover, after reorganizing the spiritual core for Picaro, Duan Mu's Xuwen also gained a new ability, that is, the internal connection.

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