"Then only sister Tiruti can call it?"

"Brother Duan Mu can also be called. Didn't he just say that he is our closest friend?"

"Okay, okay, I want Brother Duan Mu to call me by my nickname."

"But I still like the name Picaro."

"You're stupid, everyone says that Picarro is your real name, and your nickname is what your family and friends call you."

"What are family and friends? Can you eat them?"


Duan Mu looked at the group of Picaros who were arguing endlessly, and he was not impatient or annoyed, but began to teach them all kinds of common sense patiently.

Ugly kids are indeed annoying, but a cute little kid who can provide him with experience points is definitely not a brat.

And with the constant conversation, Duan Mu found that these children did not seem imaginary at all, and their innocence was a bit too outrageous.

In their minds, they don't even think that death is an enemy. There are only two kinds of people in their world:

One is a good person, Tiruti is a good person in their mind, a good person they will not hurt:

One is the bad guys, you can play with them, fight with them, and it doesn't matter to kill the bad guys.

Too pure innocence, but it makes people feel frightened.

Because the good and bad people in their eyes are judged entirely from their personal point of view, not by the behavior of the other party.

In a sense, they are dangerous without knowing it, and they are also uncontrollable.

And most importantly...

They are obviously a whole, but individuals will quarrel with each other, make different decisions, divide into different camps, and even exclude each other, be hostile, and have no tacit understanding between the lifeless community... This greatly limits their real life. The play of strength.

No wonder Aizen chose to give up and continue to cultivate them.

However, after hearing Tiruti explain the origin of Picaro to him, Duan Mu also understood why Picaro became what it is now.

Picaro was originally a Daxu of Yachukas level.

A long time ago, a tribe suddenly lost the adults who could protect the children, causing a group of children to starve to death without assistance.

After they became earth-bound spirits, there was no god of death to help them bury their souls.

Accumulated time dug a hole in their chest, they became void, reborn in other places, and returned to where they died in the void of instinct.

It should have been a happy thing for this group of children who had turned into a void to reunite in the old land, but the emptiness of the void caused these children who had played together in their lifetime to eat each other.

The void left at the end, maybe the emptiness was filled, maybe it was because of something else, somehow regained part of my sanity.

But it's better not to have this sanity, because this sanity completely broke him down.

Born in a special method, special experience, and in a special environment, this boy-shaped Xu began to wander in the virtual circle and the world, searching for the friends he had eaten with a sad and funny wish.

He became a Daxu, and successfully evolved from a lower-level Daxu to a middle-level Daxu Yachukas.

After he became Yachukas, he regained his sanity and began to look for the earth-bound spirit children who had the same situation as himself in the past and were about to disappear. He wanted to become friends with them and extended a helping hand to them.

And after those earth-bound spirit children disappeared, in order to fill their hunger, this middle-level boy gave them his own flesh.

He firmly believed that if he could forget his hunger, everyone would not quarrel.

Because this boy, who is a middle-level Daxu, took out his own flesh and blood to feed other Xu, so he, who should have extremely high potential, could not break through Yachukas and become the superior Daxu Vastord.

But this behavior brought unexpected results. After eating the flesh and blood of Achukas, the group of ghosts gradually changed, and began to have the same ability as the boy who was Achukas.

With the passage of time, they have made a name for themselves in the virtual circle, and they are extremely rare in the virtual circle as a broken-faced group with the appearance of a child.

And the original Yachukas disappeared at some point.

Strictly speaking, all Picaros are the original Yachukas...or in other words, the original Yachukas have been integrated into all the Picaros, allowing them to share the original Yachukas boy's heart desire……

-Have many friends.

But apart from that, each individual exhibits in every respect the diversities that are completely different from each other.

Therefore, under such circumstances, it is difficult for them to reach a consensus: sometimes they agree, and sometimes they cannot reach a consensus.

Their potential is extremely high, otherwise Aizen would not have promoted the group that the former Void King Balegon Luizen kept by his side to relieve boredom to No. 2 among the ten blades.

It can be said that with the strength of Picaro, even compared with the new ten blades, he can get the front seat, instead of being eliminated like Tiruti in the past, but it feels that Tiruti may be eliminated soon.

Judging by her appearance, she no longer cares so much about the position of the ten blades.

Closer to home.

Looking at the group of Picaros, Duan Mu's eyes flashed a look of contemplation.

Judging from Picaro's birth experience, although they are composed of countless individuals, they must use the same broken-faced "spiritual core" in the dark, and I can completely reorganize them with virtual patterns like I did with Tiruti Spiritual core, so that they become more perfect.

In this process, the idea of ​​'not disclosing one's identity' can be integrated into their spiritual core.

Of course, this kind of thinking is only a reminder, and it will not change their own thinking.

For example, it's like talking to the mouth, someone patted him next to him, if he wanted to say it, he would still say it.

But for children, timely reminders are always more useful than repeated warnings in advance.


Just like the connection between him and Tiruti, any face that Duan Mu uses to reorganize the "spiritual core" will have a connection with Duan Mu.

In this way, he can also feel Picarro's current situation in time, so as to prevent them from saying what they shouldn't say when they meet someone they shouldn't meet.

However, Duan Mu hesitated.

He was not like Aizen, worried that he would not be able to control Picarro.

Because there is a fundamental difference between Duan Mu and Aizen.

That's Duan Mu...

Never thought about taking control of anything!

Whether it's Tiruti, or the Pikaro in front of him, or even Yu Erzhong, Oo and others in the soul world, Duan Mu only treats them as friends, not subordinates, so naturally he can't talk about controlling them.

He will ask his friends for help, but he will not order his friends to do something.

And his friends often don't need him to ask. When they learn that Duan Mu is in trouble, they will stand up or help him silently behind the scenes.

Duan Mu's hesitation was entirely because he didn't know whether to make Picaro stronger.

As Duan Mu said earlier, being too innocent can make people feel frightened.

While hesitating, Duan Mu continued to teach the Picaros and gave them nicknames.

"Your face looks like a bun, how about I call you a bun from now on?"

"What are buns?"

"It's a kind of food. It's delicious food. When I go to this world next time, I'll find a way to buy some and give it to you through the black cavity."

"If you like it, that's it."

"You like the name Pikaro... Hmm... Brother Mu, how about I call you Pikachu from now on? Listen... Pika, Pika, Pikachu~~ Isn't it interesting?"


Duan Mu firmly remembered the physical characteristics of each Picarro and the name he gave himself.

And the densely packed picaros on the system interface also changed into nicknames after Duan Mu gave them nicknames.

Tiruti looked at Duan Mu who quickly became familiar with Picaros, his face was full of surprise.

You must know that although Picaro likes to make friends, Xu, whom they recognize as friends, will basically be played by them until the other party is broken and unable to move.

Instead of being next to Duan Mu as he is now, like an ordinary human child, listening to Duan Mu talking about all kinds of interesting things.

As expected, it was Duan Mu.

She was worried before that whether Duan Mu would not like these children, but now it seems that she is thinking too much.

But Tiruti didn't know that if these children couldn't provide Duan Mu with experience points, even if Duan Mu didn't hurt them for her sake, he would definitely not have a good face towards the bear children.

"By the way, Tiruti, let me introduce you."

Duan Mu picked up the little girl who climbed onto his body, put it on his lap, pointed to the rock vulture in the distance and said: "He is..."

"I'll do it myself...I'll do it myself!!"

Ganjiu ran over in a panic: "My uncle's name is Shiba Yanju, and he calls himself 'the order clearing expert of Wanshiwu', and he calls himself the 'Crimson Bullet of Xiliuhun Street', since..."

"You can call him Griffin."

Duan Mu interrupted Griffin's 'self-proclaimed' introduction, and asked Tiruti: "I came to Xuquan this time, in addition to wanting to see you, I also want to settle accounts with Aronilo, can you Tell me about his current situation."


Tiruti gave Duan Mu a blank look: "I think the back is the main purpose of your coming to the virtual circle."

"By the way, by the way..."

Duan Mu sneered: "Besides, I have made some improvements in Xuwen, which should be of some help to you."

What he said was not a lie. The longer the spiritual core after recasting with the void pattern accumulates, the longer the strength it can display will naturally be, which is somewhat similar to the proficiency of Zanpakuto.

Even if they are both Shijie, as the proficiency increases, the power that Shijie can exert is completely different.

No matter how many people Duan Mu recasts the spiritual core, regardless of the strength he can display, Tiruti will still be ahead in the aspect of returning to the blade in the second stage.


The Picarro in Duan Mu's arms, whom he named 'Jasmine', raised his head: "Jasmine knows him, he and..." Little Jasmine looked around, and then pulled out a broken face from the surrounding Picarro: "Little Oh, it's very similar."


The Picaro that was pulled out was a broken face whose head was very similar to the mask in the Aronilo tank. The name Duan Mu just gave him was Xiao Xiao... Because it was so similar, Duan Mu felt very is unhappy.

"That guy always wants to devour me. Apart from Saar Apollo, I hate him the most."

"I hate him too, but it's fun to hang out with Sal Apollo."

"What's interesting, Sister Tiruti has already said, he is not playing with us, but conducting experiments on us, he is not a good person."

"I don't want to be dissected or injected, I hate him."

"Hmm... Although I think it's very interesting to play anatomy games with him, but Sister Tiruti said that he is not a good person, so he must not be a good person."


Hearing this, Duan Mu rubbed the little heads of the Picaros around him, and said with a smile, "Let's not talk about Saar Apollo, brother Duan Mu will help you teach that Aronilo a lesson later."

"Yeah." The Picaros replied in unison.

"As for Yaronilo, since he was almost killed by you last time, he has been hiding in the Void Night Palace and dare not come out."

When mentioning Aronilo, Tiruti clearly showed disdain on his face.

For that kind of waste, even if she hadn't met Duan Mu and hadn't recast the spirit core, she still looked down on him.

Tiruti shook his head slightly: "It's very difficult to get him to leave the Void Night Palace, and recently the Void Night Palace has set up an artificial sky with surveillance functions. The sky is full of daylight all year round, and Yarrow, who is extremely repulsive to sunlight Nilo, basically hides in his room every day, I haven't seen him for a long time."

Hearing this, Duan Mu frowned slightly.

"That Ya Heluo..." The Griffon on the side interjected, "I'll help you find him later, let's find the bastard who looks like my big brother first."


Duan Mu was silent for a moment, and then patted Ganjiu on the shoulder: "Brother Yanjiu, please, stop playing with sand every day in the future, and learn more, so as not to lose your brains because you keep shouting 'turn into sand'." into sand."

Ganjiu's face darkened when he heard this, but before he could speak, Duan Mu said:

"The Aronilo I'm talking about is Xu, who is fused with Big Brother Haiyan. He is also the existence in the Xu circle whose strength is comparable to the captain of the Thirteenth Guardian Team of the Soul World, and the ninth existence in the sequence of ten blades."


When Yanjiu reached his words, Duan Mu blocked him back, his face turned red from suppressing it, and after a while he whispered: "I...I don't know what his name is..."

"and also……"

Duan Mu looked at Tiruti at the side: "She is Tiruti, No. 5 of the Ten Blades. When you called yourself 'Master Ben' in front of her earlier, I wanted to say that with her strength, if It's easier to kill the two of us than a chicken."


I made it!

Ten Blades! ?

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