"Of course, Sister Tiruti said, let us protect this cave."

"Play together, play together."

"You can't play, if Sister Tiruti gets angry, it's terrible."



Ganjiu poked his head out from behind Duan Mu, observed the group of little ghosts, and said with a twitching corner of his mouth, "Duan Mu, you bastard...surreptitiously gave birth to so many babies?"

Good guy, it's densely packed at a glance.

But what the hell are those animal-shaped ones, did they follow their mother in appearance?

"No one will think you are dumb if you don't speak."

Duan Mu ignored the rock vultures, but carefully observed the crowd.

He didn't feel too nervous, because judging by his feelings, the strength of this group of broken faces did not pose any threat to him; Those who are placed here should not be enemies.


Suddenly, Duan Mu's pupils shrank.

Focusing on a little boy's hand, he saw three numbers engraved on the back of his hand...

- 102!

The broken faces with three-digit numbers are the "eliminators" who have retreated from the position of the ten blades. Without exception, they all have the strength of the ten blades. The original Ten Blades were eliminated due to strength or other reasons.

What NO·102 represents, it is impossible for Duan Mu to be unclear!

But how is this possible?

Duan Mu took a closer look at the little boy, no matter how you looked at him, his Reiatsu was only at the level of Kilian.


Duan Mu turned his gaze, and after some observations, he discovered...the number '102' was engraved on the bodies of all the broken faces.

That is to say...

A flash of surprise flashed in Duan Mu's eyes, is he (she) the group composed of these individuals the No. 2 among the Ten Blades?

"Big brother, let's fight."

"Let's tear them both apart."



Buzzing and arguing like a swarm of bees, they continued to come out, arguing about how to deal with Duan Mu and Ganjiu.

Duan Mu frowned slightly when he saw this. Although he didn't look strong, the numbers on these children made Duan Mu feel a little bit ominous, and he had a vague premonition that it would be dangerous to fight these children.

"Wait, I'm Duan Mu, you should have heard Tiruti mention me?"

"Duan Mu? What's that?"


"Can I eat it?"

"Wood must not be eaten."


"???" Duan Mu.

The corner of Ganjiu's mouth twitched, and he faintly felt that the eyes of these little ghosts were looking at the two of them, not like looking at their father and uncle, but more like looking at food and toys.

Naive and cruel! !

"What's going on with these brats?"

You ask me, who am I asking?

Having said that, Duan Mu's expression became extremely dignified, and he faintly felt a terrifying pressure emanating from these children.

And at this moment, a familiar voice came.

"Picaro, don't mess around."


Chapter 153 Pikaro

The forest of Daxu, inside the cave.

"Sorry, I thought you wouldn't come to Xuquan again, so I hid Picaro here."

Tiruti looked at the Picaros running around and playing in the spacious cave, and said: "Pikaro's character is no different from that of a child, and he even once opened a dark cavity to the Soul Realm just for fun. Fortunately, he was caught in time. Discover and prevent...but because of this, Lan..."

Tiruti paused, glanced at the Griffin surrounded by a group of Picaros, and said in a low voice: "The lord thought he was not suitable for the position of the Ten Blades, so he was eliminated from the Ten Blades, and ordered to be stationed at the Ten Blades. Outside the Void Night Palace, Lunu Gangka, who has no weakness except water, imprisoned them in the long-term sandstorm."

"And they appear here because I accidentally released them during an experiment on Zanpakuto, and they ended up being entangled by them..."

When Tiruti said this, he seemed to be thinking of bad memories, and his face was a little ugly: "In the end, I couldn't be entangled. I can only run to the outer circle far away from the Void Night Palace, and then come to this cave where I can hide my breath. After performing the second stage of returning to the blade, they were subdued."

"It's just... After that, they liked to pester me more, and they saw my second return blade, so I left them here and announced that I killed Picaro. "

"This matter did not arouse any doubts, because Picarro is a bit special. Although they each have their own personalities and ideas, their lives are shared."

"As long as one of them is on the verge of death, the others will distribute a small amount of spiritual pressure."

"And the transmission method of this kind of spiritual pressure is the 'sound' that cannot be heard by the ears. In other words, they exchange spiritual pressure through the communication mechanism in the body that can communicate with each other, no matter how far away."

"This ability to use 'sound' to exchange spiritual pressure can also be used in attacks."

"It's okay if there are only 10 or 20, but if you gather 100 or even more Reiatsu, its destructive power will be among the best among the current ten blades. Fortunately, My second stage Returning Edge ability is just enough to restrain them."

"However, if we can completely wipe out some individuals before they gather their strength, or through consumption, we can completely destroy them one by one. In addition, the ten blades were eliminated, so there is no disturbance."

Duan Mu didn't interrupt, and didn't nodded until Tiruti finished speaking, "It's really special." After that, he looked at the Picaros who were entangled with griffons and frowned, feeling a little helpless in his heart.


Does he always get involved with bear kids?

Because of the Zanpakutō, Duan Mu now doesn't have the slightest affection for the bear boy.

"These children's personalities are too innocent, and they don't know what it means to keep a secret, so I didn't tell them about your existence."

Looking at Duan Mu's face, Tiruti said, "However, I will warn them sternly later, so that they don't reveal your name and identity."

"Don't worry, I still like children very much."

Duan Mu smiled slightly when he heard the words, but felt more and more helpless in his heart.

In terms of peace of mind, he must not be able to feel at ease, after all, even Aizen imprisoned these little devils because he was worried about them.

The best way to learn blue dye naturally, or simply eliminate them is the best.

But looking at Tiruti's appearance, he obviously likes these Picaros very much, otherwise he wouldn't have kept them after defeating them, and secretly raised them here to take care of them.

And Duan Mu will hold the same attitude towards anyone who has a full friendship with him.

It is still the sentence that Duan Mu has always upheld: If you want to get your sincerity, you must give your sincerity.

Although up to now, Duan Mu actually doesn't understand what "sincerity" is, but depending on the favorability of the other party, Duan Mu can take risks for the other party and do everything he can to help the other party.

and so……

If it is not necessary, Duan Mu will never solve it by going against Tiruti's wishes.

But then again.

Duan Mu looked at the faces of hundreds of human children... Dozens of little loli, with a strange look on their faces.



Is it the whole or the individual?

If so, is it a female or a male?

If it is an individual, is it true that every little girl can provide herself with favorability?

Thinking of this, Duan Mu dug out in the black overalls. Because of the habit of feeding Baqianliu, he filled all the pockets of the black overalls with candies, which just happened to come in handy at this time.

Duan Mu waved to a black-haired little girl with twin ponytails who was closest to him.

Seeing this, the little girl was not afraid of strangers, and ran over bouncing around.

When Duan Mu saw this, a gentle chuckle suddenly appeared on his face, not shallow or deep, but it gave people a feeling of spring breeze blowing on his face, making the little girl who had never been treated so gently stunned slightly, her small face A blush appeared on the face.

"Brother Duan Mu, there are delicious candies here, do you want to try them?"

Duan Mu took out the candy from his pocket, peeled off the icing on it, and handed it to the little girl's mouth. The little girl subconsciously opened her mouth and put the candy in her mouth.


The next second, the little girl's eyes lit up and she said vaguely: "Good... delicious, this taste... um..."

"It's sweet. This is called Jinpingtang, which is made from rock sugar and wheat flour, or rock sugar and glutinous rice flour."

[Picaro's favorability +9, gain 360 experience points, current favorability: 9]

Looking at the system prompt in his mind, Duan Mu's eyes lit up.

And at this moment, those Picaros who were playing with the Griffon all turned their heads to look at Duan Mu.


"I know sweet!"

"I want it, I want it too."


Accompanied by the noisy voice, one by one Picaros gathered towards Duan Mu's place.

The Griffin who was left in place breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly hid aside, he was really afraid of these little guys now.

Don't look at them as small, but each of them has astonishing strength. In such a short period of time, his clothes were torn to pieces, and what made Griffin feel sad the most was...

He actually couldn't defeat these brats... No, it couldn't be said that he couldn't defeat them. One or two of them were still enough, but several of them together left him defenseless.

"Don't squeeze, everyone line up. I have a lot of candy here, and two yuan per person is still enough; whoever is obedient, then after the distribution is over, if there is any leftover, I will reward them."

Duan Mu began to hand out candies with a smile on his face. In Liuhun Street, he took care of not one thousand orphans, but eight hundred, so he still has a lot of experience in taking care of children, and he also knows how to do so to gain their favorability. .


[Picaro's favorability +3, gain 60 experience points, current favorability: 3]

[Picaro's favorability +5, gain 400 experience points, current favorability: 5]

[Picaro's favorability +9, gain 180 experience points, current favorability: 9]


The system in my mind reminded me that the densely packed ones are all Picaros, and the strength of each individual is also different.

There are those who are equivalent to the ordinary soldiers of the [-]th Guarding Team, those who are equivalent to low-level officers, and those who are equivalent to high-level officers...

Judging from the system prompts alone, it is impossible to tell which one has a higher degree of favorability for oneself.

"Do you have your own names?"

"Yes, yes, my name is Picaro."

"Yes, my name is Picaro."

"I'm Picaro too."


The smile on the corner of Duan Mu's mouth was a little stiff, and after a while he tried to say: "Brother Duan Mu, can I give you a nickname besides your real name?"

After Duan Mu finished speaking, he added: "The so-called nickname is a name among family and friends, and it is a name that only the closest people can call."

"A name that only the closest people can call?"

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