"Before you go to the virtual circle, you must promise me two things: the first thing, no matter what you see or encounter in the virtual circle, it can only be a secret between you and me, and you can't tell anyone except the elder sister We've been to the virtual circle."

"This is a matter of my life. If you don't agree, then no matter what, I can't take you to the virtual circle."

Ganjiu didn't pay much attention to it at first, but when he heard that Duan Mu's life was at stake, his expression turned serious.

When he stole Duan Mu's pass earlier, his mind was full of thoughts of 'killing that Xu'. He didn't even think about the consequences, let alone that doing so would bring danger to Duan Mu, but after the big sister's beating and anger overnight After scolding, he realized how stupid and bad his previous behavior was.

If it weren't for Duan Mu's connections in the Seiring Court, his actions would most likely cause Duan Mu to be imprisoned by the Death God of the Seiring Court, or even be executed by the Seiring Court.

Every time he thinks of this, Ganjiu can't help being afraid for a while.

At this time, looking at Duan Mu's serious face, Ganjiu hesitated for a moment and said: "If the way to go to the virtual circle will bring you danger, let's think about other ways."

"The process of going to the virtual circle will not bring danger, and it has nothing to do with Seireitei; but if our going to the virtual circle itself is exposed, or if we are recognized in the virtual circle, you and I can basically say that we will die Undoubtedly, even eldest sister will be implicated."

Duan Mu patiently explained to Ganjiu.

"So the second thing is, after arriving in the virtual circle, you must listen to me no matter what, and you must never act without authorization."

"no problem."

Ganjiu said without hesitation: "In the virtual circle, you are the boss, and you will be what you say."

Duan Mu is very smart.

Ganjiu knew this very well. Since he said that, he must have his reasons, so Ganjiu didn't ask further.

"Let's go then."

Duan Mu took a deep breath, and a dim spirit pattern around the spiritual pressure core in his body was gradually activated. This spirit pattern is exactly...

- Empty pattern!

Although Xu Wen has been created by him for some time, Duan Mu has never used it, because he is not sure if it will be seen as strange if it is used in Soul Soul Realm.

Of course, the use he mentioned is not to transform the broken face, but another function of Xuwen, which transforms the core of the god of death, the "reiatsu core", into the core of the broken face, the "spiritual core", so that he can use the god of death at the same time. There are two abilities of virtual and imaginary.

Strictly speaking, this kind of transformation is still within the scope of the god of death. The "false spiritual core" he constructed only serves as a transformer.

Although it can display the same ability as the broken face, but because the "void pattern" is based on the "reiatsu core" of the god of death, the breath released will not be accompanied by any virtual breath, but purely with the power of the god of death Simultaneously display the abilities of Void and Reaper.

At the moment when Xuwen was fully activated, Duan Mu's spiritual pressure shook slightly, and then returned to calm, without any abnormality at all.

Duan Mu raised his head slowly, stretched out his index finger to touch the void.


The space where the fingertip landed was rippled like the surface of water, and then the void was gradually torn apart like jagged teeth, and a dark passage appeared in front of Duan Mu and Griffin.

"This is……"

Seeing this, Ganjiu subconsciously took a step back, his eyes full of shock.

"Come on."

Duan Mu frowned. Although Sister Konghe had arranged many spirit patterns in the Dakonghe Martial Arts Hall, the Technology Development Bureau's monitoring of the space of the soul world is extremely meticulous. As long as there is a trace of breath leaking out, it will be developed Bureau capture.

After finishing speaking, Duan Mu stepped into the black cavity.

Seeing Duan Mu walking in behind him, Ganjiu followed without hesitation even though he didn't understand what it was.

The split space closed in an instant, and Dakonghe Martial Arts Hall returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.


Inside the black cavity.

Duan Mu took the lead and walked in front, while behind him, a spacious and tidy road was continuously paved.

"Could it be..."

Ganjiu followed closely behind Duan Mu, looking at the dark space around him, his eyes were full of shock.

"Black cavity?"

He who intends to go to the virtual circle from the present world, of course, has read the information about the virtual circle in the library beforehand, so he is no stranger to Heiqiang. When he saw the environment here, he immediately thought of the book about Description of the black cavity.

It is said that the black cavity is equivalent to the world-transmitting door for the god of death to go to the present world. To enter and exit the virtual circle, the black cavity must be opened.

But it is different from the world-transmitting gate from the world of corpses and souls to the present world. Although the space in the middle is called "Boundary Break", there is no road in the black cavity, and there is a vortex formed by the turbulent flow of spirit particles, so you need to use your own spirit Pave the way to move forward.

"How did you do it? Didn't you say that even the Shinigami of Seireitei hasn't mastered the technique of opening a black cavity?"


Duan Mu didn't hide it: "This is the ability to tear apart the space, open and close the black cavity."

to be frank……

Although Tiruti taught him a lot of virtual abilities, Duan Mu was very grateful for being able to use them successfully.

Because these abilities did not appear on the system panel, but were included in the item of 'Xuwen', as Xuwen improved, he would become more and more comfortable when activating Xuwen to use these abilities.

It's as if you were born with it, like a messenger.


Yanjiu looked at Duan Mu strangely, but he didn't continue to ask. Anyway, no matter how Duan Mu did it, he believed that Duan Mu would not harm him.

"It's time for the exit."

When Duan Mu's voice came, Ganjiu raised his head and looked forward, only to see a ray of light appearing at the end of the passage, which continued to expand as the two of them moved forward.

And just as he was about to step out of the passage, Duan Mu grabbed the rock vulture.

Before Ganjiu could react, he felt the surrounding environment change rapidly. When his vision returned to normal, Ganjiu realized that the two of them had appeared beside a giant void.

next second.

"Ow ooh..."

Xu's screams came out, Duan Mu pressed one hand on Xu's body, and he didn't see any attacking posture, but the Xu disintegrated quickly, and finally turned into a ball of spirit particles.

When Ganjiu looked at it, Duan Mu directly pressed the group of spirit seeds on Ganjiu's abdomen.


Griffin only felt the heat in his abdomen, subconsciously opened the clothes on his abdomen, and saw the strange scarlet lines centered on the position Duan Mu took, spreading out towards his whole body.

"This is……"

"Void pattern."

Duan Mu felt it carefully, and nodded in satisfaction: "The temporary imaginary lines on the outside of the body that I drew with all the spiritual pressure on that head can hide your own aura and imitate Xu's aura. As long as you don't see yourself, then In the probing circuit of others, you are just a blank head."

"With the spirit pressure of this head, it can probably last for three days. If we haven't left after three days, I will help you find another one and pour it into the virtual pattern outside the body."

Ganjiu nodded when he heard the words, and then asked: "Then what shall we do next?"

Duan Mu did not reply, but used the detection circuit to confirm his own position, and after confirming that the place where he appeared did not deviate, he nodded, grabbed the rock eagle beside him and said: "Don't resist." Eagle replied, he directly wrapped the two of them with his spiritual pressure.

The surrounding white sand gradually engulfed the two of them as if consciously.

The Griffon only felt as if it was weightless, and kept sinking. When he got down on the ground again, he had already appeared in a huge and spacious cave.

Various enchantments and spirit patterns were carved on the cave walls, some of which he was familiar with, and some he had never seen before.


Looking at the familiar decorations around, a flash of nostalgia flashed in Duan Mu's eyes.

This is the cave where he lived in when he came to Xuquan last time.

Last time, for the sake of safety, he used Tiruti's spiritual pressure to set up many enchantments and spiritual patterns in this cave, and opened several passages leading to the top. The place where he and the griffon came down is one of them. one.


After looking around, Duan Mu's eyes showed confusion.

Because there are a lot of extra furniture here, and in the recessed corner deep in the cave, there is a big pink bed with tulle; the empty cave is full of traces of children's activities, and many piles of many toys.

Judging from the clean environment, it is obvious that people often come here to clean.

"???" Duan Mu.

"Duan Mu, tell me the truth."

Griffin at the side looked at the big pink bed, then at the toys all around, and said in a strange tone: "You...couldn't you have raised a woman in the virtual captivity? And you even have children ?”

"..." Duan Mu.

"It's no wonder you don't even care about the women in Liuhun Street. Did you hide your wife and children in the virtual circle together? Who is it?" Ganjiu said, as if thinking of something, his face changed, The look at Duan Mu became more and more strange.

For a long time, Liuhun Street has liked Duan Mu, and there are countless people who have confessed their love. There is absolutely no shortage of beauties among them, but Duan Mu very gently refused.

This made Ganjiu very suspicious all the time, whether Duan Mu likes...men or something...

But he never expected that the facts were even more outrageous than he imagined.

The Xu that was killed by Duan Mu earlier appeared in Ganjiu's mind, and his eyes became a little dull.

It's not a gender issue anymore, it's... a species issue.

"...What do you mean by that look in your eyes?"

The corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly, and he was also puzzled for a while.

Tiruti lives here, he can barely understand it, maybe it's because Xuye Palace is tired of living here and wants to change the living environment; but... Tiruti lives here and raises children here, which makes him a little incomprehensible up.

Taking a step back, where did the child come from?

(Does this count as having my flesh and blood in you?)

It's impossible to have your own flesh and blood like this sentence, right?

Is there any sequelae of phantom lines?

Duan Mu shook his head, expelled this outrageous thought from his mind, and closed his eyes instead.

He could clearly feel in the dark, as if there was an invisible line extending straight from here to the distant Void Night Palace.

What's going on, just call Tiruti here to ask.

Since Duan Mu's flesh and blood and spiritual pressure were incorporated into the reconstruction of Tiruti's spiritual core with the virtual pattern, so as long as he wanted to, he could detect Tiruti's position at any time, and let her feel where she was. .

Almost at the moment when the connection was formed, Duan Mu felt Tiruti's breath, left Xuye Palace, and rushed straight to this area.


But as soon as Duan Mu ended the contact, his face sank, he pulled the rock eagle behind him, and looked towards the entrance of the cave.

The spirit patterns here were all set up by him, and he clearly felt that the enchantment placed at the entrance of the cave to resist the invasion of outsiders was lifted; The room has been touched hundreds of times.

However, the weird thing is...

The spiritual pressure fluctuations emanating from those hundreds of individuals are actually exactly the same, without the slightest difference.

"Run, run."


"Well, it's been so boring lately."

"Sister Tiruti hasn't come for a long time."


Noisy and immature children's voices came from the passage, and it didn't take long for figures to appear in the cave.

Most of these figures are boys and girls who look about ten years old, but there are also non-human creatures among them; they have the appearance of beasts, but their bodies are also juveniles, such as puppies with masks, all kinds and varieties .

This is?

A strange look flashed in Duan Mu's eyes. Leaving aside those non-human creatures for the time being, those creatures with the appearance of children all had bone ornaments on their faces.Some of these accessories are in the shape of glasses, some are in the shape of earmuffs, and some are in the shape of departure cards...

——Break face!

These hundreds of children, including those palm-sized animals on the ground, are all broken faces without exception.

But different from ordinary broken faces, the Reiatsu of this group of broken faces is extremely weak, some are even worse than Kirian, but when these individuals are gathered together, they are like a whole.

Due to the hidden spiritual patterns in the cave, Duan Mu and Griffin were discovered only after a group of children entered the cave.


"Is there anyone?"

"What should I do? Are you going to kill them?"

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