Cleaned up and repaired the prison cells, perfected the road-binding seals, helped arrest prisoners, taught the team members how to practice, and even recruited many new members for the secret maneuver.

It can be said that apart from causing a catastrophe at every turn, her work is so perfect that she can't find any faults.

However, the fact that the supervisory team helped Duan Mu without his permission made Sui Feng hesitate whether to change a group of members for the supervisory team.

But think about it...

It seems that all members of the secret maneuver have a great affection for Duan Mu.

Even Suifeng herself can admit frankly that she appreciates Duan Mu's seriousness in his work.

After some hesitation, Broken Bee gave up the idea of ​​replacing a group of members for the supervision team.

It was just a suspension penalty for Qing Yuanfang who personally helped Duan Mu remove the traces, but this suspension is just that there is no work pay, and the supervision team is still managed by him, because there is no one who is as familiar with the supervision team process as he is in the secret maneuver up.

Closer to home.

In fact, compared to Qing Yuanfang, the other bastard annoyed Suifeng even more, because after the bastard knew about it, he didn't come to report to himself immediately, but turned around and ran home for dinner, and came back to report to himself after eating .

Nozomi Omaeda! !

As soon as he thought of this bastard, Broken Bee's face darkened faintly, but he felt a little helpless.

Because I don't know how to punish this bastard.

Deduction of salary?

People don't care at all.

Penalty holiday?

He hasn't had a vacation for at least ten years.


The Omaeda family sponsored more than half of the funds for the secret maneuvering activities. Throughout the ages, it has been a common practice for a member of the Omaeda family to serve as the vice-captain of the second team.

In the end, he could only be ordered to be locked up for three days on the grounds of dereliction of duty, and he was deducted another 20 years of leave.

"Go down."

Broken Bee sighed and waved at Duan Mu.

After leaving the captain's office, the smile on Duan Mu's face turned serious.

This time, the turmoil caused by the griffon was barely resolved.


Next is the main event.

Duan Mu actually had an idea about going to the virtual circle, but he has been hesitant to do it.

I want to go for the future in my memory, and prepare some backhands in advance.

The reason why he didn't go was because Duan Mu couldn't be sure whether that person was in the world of souls or not.

It has been nearly two years since I met Kurosaki Masaki last time in this world, that is to say, it has only been about four years since that person defected; going to the virtual circle rashly is very likely to run into him head-on, a If you are not careful, you will be left there forever.

So before going to the virtual circle, one must find a way to determine whether 'he' is in the world of corpses and souls.

But how to be sure?

With the option of naked eye observation, you can give up directly, because even if you hide all your breath, when you stare at others, the feeling of staring still cannot be hidden.

In addition, whether he has seen his initial interpretation, it is impossible to confirm at all. Although Duan Mu has been in Seireitei for some years, except for the last captain meeting, he has been avoiding contact with him.

Logically speaking, I should not have read his initial explanation, but the other party is not a guy who can be described with common sense. To be cautious, it is better not to trust your five senses.

Letting people from the fifth team, such as Xia Yanyou, observe from the sidelines can also be discarded; the other party did not leave the soul world once or twice, but often left. If the fifth team can detect something strange, Should have noticed it earlier.

Before he knew it, Duan Mu had already left the second team.


Duan Mu paused for a moment. He originally planned to visit his ex-brother in prison. After all, his ex-brother really helped him withstand a lot of pressure this time.

But after thinking about it, he left the team building. After hesitating for a while, Duan Mu didn't go back. Instead, he walked straight towards the general ambulance station. Anyway, it's only three days of confinement, so it doesn't matter if he doesn't look at it or not.

Duan Mu felt a little helpless after driving Omaeda out of his mind.


No matter how you look at it, I don't have the capital to fight against it, even if my spiritual pressure has reached the captain level, but according to Duan Mu's estimation, I am now facing Aizen...

Like Luan Ju's young white-headed captain, he would be hacked half to death with a random knife.


After entering the comprehensive ambulance center, Duan Mu looked at the reception desk in front of him and found that Xiao Nai was on duty today.

"Duan Mu."

After seeing Duan Mu, Xiao Nai's eyes lit up, and she trotted all the way from the front desk to Duan Mu: "I heard that you made a lot of noise yesterday, are you okay? Captain Huche asked me with a worried face in the morning, what are you doing?" Have you come here yet?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I forgot to bring the court certificate. After explaining clearly, there will be no problem."

Duan Mu smiled slightly at Xiao Nai. After getting along for a long time, Xiao Nai is no longer as reserved and polite as before. Although there is no original respect in words, there is more intimacy between close friends.

The address has also changed from the original Teacher Duan Mu and Mr. Duan Mu to the current direct name.

And Duan Mu is still very grateful to Xiao Nai, because she was able to get in touch with the fourth team, and eventually became a member of the comprehensive rescue center.

"That's it."

Xiao Nai breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, then she seemed to think of something, and said with a smile: "By the way, Captain Huche asked me to inform you earlier that you must spare time to attend the flower arrangement meeting the day after tomorrow. Many captains will be invited to the flower arrangement party."

"It is said that the captains of the second, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth teams and the vice-captains of the first team are all on the invitation list. While admiring the flower arrangement, they will also discuss the association's affairs and the relationship between the association. Cooperation, um... such as the Tea Ceremony Association of Captain Sparrow, and the Calligraphy Association of Captain Kuchiki... This is the first time I know that there are so many associations."

"and many more?"

Duan Mu's eyes lit up: "Are the team captains you mentioned on the invitation list?"


Xiao Nai's face showed anticipation: "And this flower arrangement event, the editor-in-chief of Seireitei Newsletter will follow up the whole process, and it will be published in the next issue of Seireitei Newsletter, and we will all appear in Seireitei Newsletter."

"Also...Also, Captain Aizen's column "The Backside of the Pine Leaf" on the Seireitei Newsletter is said to be discussed at the meeting. It would be nice if the page could be larger... Compared with that 'Hurry up and teach me! Shoubei-sensei', I think Captain Aizen's 'Backside of Matsuba' is more meaningful, and I can completely give up that page to Captain Aizen."

"That section seems to be the editor-in-chief of Seireitei Communications. In my opinion, he is definitely abusing his power..."

Duan Mu didn't listen to Xiao Nai's next words, but fell into deep thought.

Does this count as breaking through the iron shoes and finding nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it?

Before, he was still struggling with how to confirm that Lan Ran was in the world of corpses and souls, but now it seems that his previous struggles are a bit redundant.

With so many captains present, plus the meeting organized by Captain Unokana, as long as Aizen is present, he will definitely not be a stand-in!


This guy really likes to do this kind of thing.

Thinking of this, Duan Mu's expression became a little weird. As an old fan of Selingting Communication, he is no stranger to the so-called "Pine Ye backside".

The content is nothing more than some short stories written by him, some of which are similar to chicken soup... Although Duan Mu doesn't like to read it, there are many audiences.

But Duan Mu's strange expression was not because of this, but because he remembered an incident not long ago...

Aizen once contacted the Women's Death Association, wanting to publish his photobook, and shamelessly named it 'Smile of the Sun'. At that time, his request was approved by Duan Mu.

Later, Duan Mu did not follow up, it is said that it was suspended for some reason.

Although I don't know why, Duan Mu kept the project 'Smile of the Sun'.

Because I think of things in this world...

Duan Mu discovered that he could use things like photobooks!

I don't say I look better than him, at least he is younger than him; I have a better figure than him, and my smile is warmer than him. The five words of the sun's smile are simply perfect for me.

Although it is unacceptable like in the present world, Duan Mu can still accept showing his back, covering him with a blanket, and showing his figure, as long as he can earn favorability.

But he mistook the photobook for some kind of publication...

"What time does the flower arrangement start the day after tomorrow?"

Duan Mu interrupted Xiao Nai's contempt for 'Xiu Bing', and asked instead: "Is there a set time for the expected end?"

"The start time is 9 o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow. As for the end time, it has not been set yet. It will probably take a long time."

Duan Mu nodded, and then said regretfully:

"Actually, I came here today to ask for leave. My big sister Konghe felt that I still have many shortcomings in the ghost way, so she planned to use this time to conduct special training for me. Whether it is the work of the master house or the comprehensive first aid All work will be temporarily suspended."


Xiao Nai was a little disappointed when she heard the words, but she nodded understandingly and said, "Well, then I will tell Captain Huche for you. After all, cultivation is more important, but it's a pity. If you can also be here, the flower arrangement It’s bound to be a lot of fun.”

"Yes, if I had known earlier, I would have asked Miss Konghe to postpone it for a few days, but I have already agreed in advance and prepared for the special training, so I really can't spare time."


After chatting with Xiao Nai for a while, Duan Mu offered to leave.

According to Xiao Nai, Yong Yin has been ordered by Captain Unohana to go to various teams to distribute invitation letters.

After she comes back in the evening, just contact her to confirm.

Of course, at the beginning of the meeting, Aizen's presence also needs to be confirmed to avoid the possibility that he has not been present.

But in any case, you must prepare for the 'alibi' in advance.

Starting today, the business of Master House will stop, and at the same time, he will also announce to the outside world that he is conducting special training at Shiba's house.

With the secrecy of the Dakonghe Martial Arts Hall, as long as they are in it, no one will know that they have left the Soul Soul Realm secretly.

This flower arrangement meeting is undoubtedly the best time for me to go to the virtual circle!


Chapter 152 Individual?group?

Two days later, Dakonghe practiced martial arts hall.

With a bruised face, Griffin glanced at the entrance of Dakonghe Martial Arts Hall from time to time, his face full of nervousness.

"Didn't you say you're leaving for Xuquan today?"

Ganjiu lowered his voice and said, "Should we go or not? Do I need to knock Jin Yan and Yin Yan unconscious? What should we do next? Shall we sneak into Seiring Court again?"

Duan Mu sat on the edge of the circular arena. He did not answer Yanjiu's series of questions, but stared intently at the command machine in his hand.

Whether to leave or not, we still need to wait for the information to come.

Two days ago, in the name of 'curiosity', he asked the fourth division team members who had a good relationship with him to send him the list of people present. Since 8 o'clock in the morning, there have been constant messages, but there is no Duan Mu who wants to see it. to the name.

Is he not coming?

"What the hell are you looking at?"

Seeing this, Ganjiu on the side came to Duan Mu with some doubts. When he saw the information on the command machine, he was speechless:

"You want to go to the flower arrangement party so much? I really don't know what to see in a flower arrangement. If you don't leave, we won't be able to leave when the eldest sister comes over."

"So, why did you come to Da Kong He's martial arts training hall? How could you escape so easily under the nose of the elder sister..."


Duan Mu's eyes lit up, and he stood up abruptly: "Let's go."

Hearing this, Ganjiu was a little confused about the meaning of "coming" in Duan Mu's mouth, but the next word "departure" made Ganjiu ignore Duan Mu's previous words, and hurriedly picked up the words in the name of cultivation. Prepared a backpack of fireworks, said:

"Then I'll take the lead. I specially prepared fireworks mixed with drugs. As long as they explode, they can bring down Jin Yan and Yin Yan."

While talking, Ganjiu took out two fist-sized fireworks from his bag, and couldn't help feeling excited.

Although Duan Mu had said that he would take him to Xuquan when he was in Seiring Court, Gansu thought he was just perfunctory at that time.

But the next day Duan Mu came to the Dakonghe Martial Arts Hall, saying that he would take him to Xuquan in two days, Ganjiu didn't ask much about it, just thought that Duan Mu needed to spend these two days to make some preparations .

And he has also made a lot of preparations in the past two days, such as the measures above to stun Jin Yan and Yin Yan, and the measures to encounter the eldest sister unfortunately...

"Why do you keep thinking about dealing with them..."

While speaking, Duan Mu took out a prepared letter from his body and put it on the edge of the ring, and continued:

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