"A few hours ago, your elder brother came here with your court certificate, saying that you ordered him to go to the world to do business; when President Xi Chuan heard about it, he immediately sent someone to arrest him and confiscated it. Pass the court certificate, and let people erase the tracking mark on it."

Duan Mu took the token subconsciously, and found that it was his pass.

"President Xi Chuan erased the tracking mark?"

When he heard Yuanfang mentioned it earlier, he thought it was Ganjiu who erased it, but he didn't expect that President Xi Chuan sent someone to do it.

I just say it?

How could that bastard know to clear the tracking mark.

"In order to avoid being discovered, he has gone to the Technology Development Bureau a few hours ago. With him there, there shouldn't be any problems."

Xing Aikui paused and continued: "Chairman Sichuan's original plan was to send the young master of the Shiba family out while he was holding back the Technology Development Bureau, so as not to implicate you."

"In order to send him out, President Su Chuan also asked Ms. Nagano Huaxiu's parents to help. At night, he will be secretly transported out through the procurement convoy of the Nagano family."

"But I didn't expect that you would suddenly come to Seireitei."

When Xing Kui said this, he didn't know what he thought of, and said with a strange expression: "The current president is probably in a state of anxiety."


To be honest, although Duan Mu knew that he had made many friends in Seiling Court.

But this is the first time he has personally experienced the benefits of connections.

Before I was aware of it, there were already so many people secretly taking action for me.

However, Duan Mu is not surprised that Xing Kui in front of him will help him, after all, her favorability for him has reached 56 points.

But that president Xi Chuan is actually willing to help him like this, doesn't it mean that he also has a good impression of him?

Thinking of this, Duan Mu couldn't help shivering.

Shaking his head, Duan Mu sighed and said, "I'm sorry to cause you trouble."

"It's ok."

Xing Yankui shook his head: "About your experience in Xuquan, because of the entrustment of the Fujiwara family, our Jinyinhui also knew the details from Room 46; so we can vaguely guess the reason why Master Shiba's family came here, Understand that he doesn't want to invade Seireitei, otherwise Chairman Xi Chuan would not choose to help you hide it."

"President Xi Chuan asked me to give you a sentence..."

"Next time you go to this world, don't watch my son fight, no... try to avoid him from participating in the battle!!" Xing Kui imitated President Xi Chuan's tone, repeating what he was going to convey to Duan Mu.

Dear dad~~

The corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly, and he didn't know whether to say that Qi Chuanjiu was lucky or bad luck for such a father.

While the two were talking, they had already entered the dungeon, and at this time the griffon was banging on the prison door.

"Hey, you...uh..."

Seeing someone coming down, Ganjiu subconsciously wanted to shout, but when he saw Duan Mu beside Xing Yankui, he couldn't help but swallowed back the words.

"Duan...Duan Mu..."

After seeing Ganjiu, Duan Mu thought he would yell at him, but after seeing him with his own eyes, the anger that had accumulated all the way subsided instead, and he felt relieved.

If Ganju died in Seireitei due to his own negligence, he would really have no face to see Miss Konghe again.

"Miss Xing, can you let me talk to him alone?" Duan Mu turned his head and said to Xing Kui beside him.

Xing Kui nodded upon hearing this, and left the dungeon.

"Heh, do you still know guilt?"

Duan Mu pulled a chair, sat outside the fence, looked at the guilty Griffin in the middle and said with a smile: "Awesome, I learned a spirit pattern in two days? Didn't you just hear that Sister Konghe taught you the spirit pattern? Want to sleep?"


"You want to go to the Xu circle to kill the Xu who merged with Big Brother Haiyan, I can understand."

Duan Mu restrained the smile on his face, and said in a serious tone: "But have you ever thought about how to kill him?" Duan Mu glanced at the package embroidered with 'falling sky collapsed swirl pattern' placed outside the cell, and sneered. :

"Use the pack of fireworks over there? Are you underestimating him?"


"Are you underestimating your elder brother who you have been proud of since childhood?"

Hearing this, Shiba Kanju opened his mouth, but in the end he just lowered his head: "Sorry."

Looking at the appearance of the griffon, Duan Mu's eyes flashed with hesitation, and then turned into determination.

"Want to go to the virtual circle?"


"I can take you there."

With Griffin's character, it is absolutely impossible to give up just like that.

Even if he was brought back by himself and Sister Kong He would strictly guard him, he would definitely do everything possible to escape.

In Duan Mu's memory...

This guy doesn't even think about the consequences when he becomes impulsive, and even fights against the captain of the Goutei [-]th squad just to get acquainted with someone who has only been acquainted for a few days.

Not to mention, there is one who falsely occupies his identity as the big brother.

Although impulsive and mindless.

But Duan Mu is not qualified to reprimand him, because he himself chose to be impulsive at the beginning.

Duan Mu's words are not perfunctory to Ganju, but the truth.

Because in his opinion, it is better to help him achieve this goal than trying his best to prevent him from fleeing privately.

Try to avoid things that can be avoided; try to solve things that cannot be avoided!

This is the principle that Duan Mu pursues.

"Let's go, I'll send you out first."

Later, Duan Mu opened the prison door with the key that Xing Kui left him, and said angrily: "You bastard, even if you are afraid that I will stop you, you should find a way to notify me before my work is over, right?"

"Just calculate the approximate time when my work will end, and then inform me what you are going to do, which is much safer than sending a letter afterwards."

Hearing the previous words, Ganjiu lowered his head a little more, but when he heard the last sentence, he raised his head with a puzzled expression: "Why send the letter afterward?"


Duan Mu was taken aback for a moment, and then the corner of his mouth twitched: "You...don't you tell Jin Yan and Yin Yan to send a letter to Wanshiwu? Tell me what you are going to do, lest I come to Seiling Court?"

"How is it possible? With Jin Yan and Yin Yan's personalities, they will immediately hand over the letter to Eldest Sister after they get it."

"Besides, I went to the virtual circle to kill the virtual animal and came back immediately. Without anyone noticing, there is no need to send a letter..."

boom! !

The Ganju who had just walked out of the prison door was kicked to the ground.

"You fucking..."

Duan Mu's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he couldn't help yelling.

I overestimated the IQ of this bastard.

She even helped him brainstorm a bit, thinking of a plan that would not implicate himself.


The bastard didn't even think about anything, and stole his own court certificate as soon as his head got hot.

How the hell did you kill that Xu and come back?

Do you regard going to Xuquan as going to your neighbor's house?

Duan Mu's anger that had been calmed down was ignited by Ganjiu's words.


"Wait for your sister!!"

bang bang bang


Chapter 151 The best time!

The Second Division Captain's Office.

Duan Mu stood in the captain's office, looking at Suifeng behind the desk with a worried expression.

The Griffin was sent away, not only people were sent out of Seireitei... their lives were almost sent away as well.

It wasn't from Duan Mu, but from Ganjiu's own sister after he brought Ganjiu back to Zhibo's house.

The bloody scene made Duan Mu, who originally planned to give Ganjiu a good memory boost, couldn't bear it.

In the end, after some entanglements, he abandoned his previous suspicions, showed great kindness, and spent a night at Zhiba's house with a very warm heart. Whenever Ganju was dying, he would treat him like a "Holy Mother".


As a result, when Duan Mu left Shiba's house in the morning, Ganju's screams were still full of spirit.

However, Duan Mu no longer cared about whether he would die or not.

The broken bee behind the desk made him stand here for a long time.

There is no reprimand, and no punishment, just leave him here and ignore him completely.


The corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly. If so, is he the one being trained?

Duan Mu is not interested in cultivating such a special interest, but if it can increase the favorability, it's another matter.


Suifeng behind the desk threw aside the corrected document, looked up at Duan Mu, and said, "Has the boy from Zhibo's family been sent away?"


Duan Mu was shocked when he heard the words, and hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, Captain Broken Bee, because my carelessness has caused you so much trouble, I will accept any punishment."

"I'm not qualified to punish you."

Broken Bee sneered: "You're not my subordinate. In your words, you're just a temporary worker. If it's a big deal, you won't do it. Anyway, we are the only ones who will be held accountable in the end."


Duan Mu sneered: "Whether I'm a temporary worker or not, I'm a member of the secret movement, and I will definitely take responsibility."

Regarding Duan Mu's words, Broken Bee snorted noncommittally, and said in a cold tone:

"I will help you hide this incident and will not report it to Mao Room 46; but only this time. If there is another time, I will arrest you in the name of endangering the safety of Seireitei. "

Hearing this, Duan Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

Sui Feng took a deep look at Duan Mu, the disturbance caused by Duan Mu this time was big and small.

Mostly because of this incident alone, Mao Room 46 had a reason to imprison her in the "Infernal Affairs". When she first heard the report from Kiyohara, she even thought that this matter would inevitably be exposed.


The subsequent development of the incident far exceeded her expectations.

The supervisory team began to remove the traces without notifying him. Jin Yin would assist him in the whole process in secret. Afterwards, a group of nobles and Shishiro Ukitake helped him intercede...

It was only now that she found out.

It turned out that Duan Mu had already gained such a great reputation in Seiling Court before he knew it.

If all of this was done without telling her, then even if it was hidden from Mao Room 46, Suihou would not keep Duan Mu in the secret maneuver.

But Duan Mu immediately asked the vice-captain of the supervision team to report the incident to him truthfully, which made Sui Feng very satisfied.


She also personally prefers to keep Duan Mu.

The reason is very simple, just two words - easy to use!

Since Duan Mu came to Hidden Maneuver, in addition to his job of managing the 'Nest of Maggots', he also took on many jobs that he didn't need to do.

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