
Immediately there was a crashing sound, and the huge shadow covering Duan Mu flew upside down with a muffled grunt, and finally fell to the ground with a dull sound.

"Could it be..."

Duan Mu's expression changed.

Did Miss Kuzuru tell Ganjiu about Aronilo?


Because Sister Konghe said before that Ganju has an impulsive personality, it is better not to let him know about this, otherwise it is very likely to do stupid things.

So Duan Mu has never told Gan Jiu about his experience in Xuquan.

I didn't say it myself, and Miss Konghe didn't say it.

remaining people……

Basically, only the captain of the [-]th division of Gotei, who Ganju would never touch, knew the details.

not right~

Two more people know!

Whether Ukitake Shishiro went to talk to Miss Konghe, or went to talk to Miss Konghe himself, Jin Yan and Yin Yan would serve outside the door, and would enter the room as soon as necessary.

Naturally, it is impossible for the two of them to take the initiative to tell Ganjiu, but the conversation in private is very likely to be heard by Ganjiu; moreover, it was Zhibo Haiyan's death day two days ago, Duan Mu also worshiped with him at that time, and even After a long absence, I drank some wine with Sister Konghe.

Thinking of this, Duan Mu took out the magical command machine and dialed a number.


Not long after, Eel Yaoori's voice came over.

Duan Mu went straight to the topic: "Is the Griffin in the tavern?"

"I gonna go see……"

Accompanied by a silence, after a long time, Unagi Oori's voice came: "Miss Uzuki said, after you teleported away in the morning, Ganjiu said 'there is a family matter to deal with', and then left the house of all things."

Hearing this, Duan Mu hung up the instructions, and remembered what Ganjiu had said to him in the morning.

(By the way, are you going to Seireitei today?)

Duan Mu's face showed a thoughtful look.

If there is no accident, one of Jin Yan and Yin Yan should come to Wanshiwu to deliver the letter tonight.

Because it is impossible for Griffin not to know that doing so will bring him trouble, he will not hide himself in this matter, but will truthfully explain it, and only if the two cooperate, this matter will not be exposed.

He didn't tell himself immediately, probably because he was afraid of stopping him.

Although these are just Duan Mu's guesses, but right now he has aroused the vigilance of Seireitei, the most urgent task is to find him before the Gryphon is exposed, and send him out of Seireitei.

Thinking of this, Duan Mu stood up and came to the front of Heiling Gate.

In this scene, Duan Zangwan, the guard of the Heiling Gate who fell behind Duan Mu, had a look of sarcasm in his eyes.

Although he was lying on the ground, he was not injured. Duan Mu just used spiritual pressure to shake him up.


The fluctuation of spiritual pressure at that moment made Duan Zangwan struggle in his heart for a few seconds, and then he chose to close his eyes and pretend to be dead.

In Duan Zangwan's feeling, the spiritual pressure that came from that moment was like a black cloud pressing down on the city, making his spirit body tremble, as if he would collapse under the spiritual pressure in the next second.

For a person with such a terrifying spiritual pressure, running to stop him is tantamount to courting death!

But the strong is the strong, but he is a fool, and he came here without doing the slightest investigation.

The walls between Ruhun Street and Seireitei are all made of "murderous stones" that can block spiritual power, forming a spherical soul-shielding membrane, which wraps Seireitei in all directions from the air to the ground. Inside.

That is to say...

If you want to lift that incomparably huge door, you can only use your own strength.

In the entire Soul Realm, only their four giant guards could lift the huge door with pure physical strength.

He could vaguely foresee that the young man's complexion changed drastically after he discovered that his spiritual power had been broken down.


At this moment, Duan Mu, who was walking in front of the Heiling gate, bent down and inserted his right hand into the soil under the gate, and then lifted it upwards.

Om ~ ~!

In the next second, the huge door, like an automatic door, suddenly rose.

And at the bottom, the slender figure stepped into the Seireitei.

how is this possible! ?

This scene made the pupils of Duanzangmaru, who had been paying attention to Duan Mu, shrink suddenly.

To know that huge door, even he needs to do his best to barely lift the door, but in the hands of this young man, the door seems to be made of foam, and he threw it up as soon as he raised his hand...

That's right~

Throw it, not lift it!


It wasn't until the sound of the Heiling Gate falling that Duan Zangwan came back to his senses. If it wasn't for the smoke that aroused, he might have thought that he had seen a hallucination.

At the same time, within the Seiring Court.

One after another silhouettes came through the air, but when they saw Duan Mu, they couldn't help but stop.

"Captain Duan Mu."

Xing Jun, masked in black, mixed with the police patrol, and spoke one after another.

"What are you doing, bastard?"

Omaeda's extremely annoyed voice came from behind everyone.

There was a smile on Duan Mu's face: "Sorry, I forgot to bring the court pass, and I accidentally activated the fence, and the alert status can be lifted; I will report this negligence to Captain Broken Bee later, and accept discipline."

Although I really want to find Ganju immediately, but the most urgent thing now is to lift the state of alert of Seireitei.

Because although holding the Tongting Pass can freely enter and exit the soul mask, Duan Mu's spiritual pressure and identity information are recorded in the Tongting Pass. Once checked, the griffon will be exposed immediately.

Da Maeda was about to say something when he heard the words, when a member of the police patrol stepped forward and whispered: "Captain, the supervision team has sent news that it has been confirmed that there are no other intruders. Passing the court certificate, the soul-cloaking membrane was accidentally triggered; together with the Technology Development Bureau, they have conveyed this information to the Goutei [-]th Division and issued an application for lifting the alert."

O Maeda nodded, then looked at Duan Mu, and said angrily, "Is there something wrong with your brain?"

Duan Mu sneered, but he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Although it caused a great impact, but I already have a pass to the court, and entering the Seireitei is not an invasion, so there will not be too much trouble.

The premise is...

Brother Griffon was not exposed.

"and also……"

The member of the police patrol who reported, handed the magical command machine in his hand to Duan Mu, and said: "Vice Captain Qing Yuanfang of the supervision team, I request to talk to you."

"Thank you."

After Duan Mu said his thanks, he took over the instructions.

But before he could speak, Qing Yuanfang's dignified voice came from the opposite side: "Boss Duan Mu, your court certificate disappeared in the Golden Seal Association's residence three hours ago, and the tracking marks on it have been cleared."

"Please take back the Tongting Pass as soon as possible. There is a record of Shiba Yanju passing through the Baidaomen with your Tongting Pass. When the murderous stone wall fell just now, I personally deleted the record of Baidaomen."

"In addition, your Tongting Pass is issued by a secret maneuver, and the tracking authority has not been shared with the Technology Development Bureau, so it is still safe for the time being; but the possibility of being noticed is not impossible. With the technology of the Technology Development Bureau, the recovery has been deleted The record is not difficult."

"That's it."

Duan Mu nodded, and said calmly: "I'm sorry, it's all because of my carelessness that caused such a big trouble; please help me convey this matter to Captain Broken Bee, and I will go to the second team Please forgive me!"

After finishing speaking, Duan Mu hung up the command machine and handed it back to a member of the police patrol.

"It's gone, it's gone, it's all gone."

O Maeda glanced at Duan Mu's waist, and then began to disperse the crowd.


1 Chapter [-] Network

"Let's go."

After the crowd dispersed, Da Maeda came to Duan Mu's side and grabbed the iron chain around Duan Mu's waist, but he didn't pull it out, but said in a low voice: "What's going on?"

"Feel sorry."

Duan Mu shook his head: "I have something to go to the Jinyinhui immediately. I have just asked Qingyuan Fang to report this matter to Captain Suifeng; after it is resolved, I will immediately go to the secret maneuver, and then no matter what I will accept the punishment."

If this incident wants to calm down, it is difficult to do it alone.

As Qingyuan Fang said, once the Technology Development Bureau notices something unusual, it is very likely to restore Baidaomen's records.

Rather than hiding the truth from Broken Bee, it is better to tell the truth.

In addition to Suifeng, we must also find a way to contact Shishirou Ukitake, ask him to help conceal it, and inform Sister Konghe.

Thinking of this, Duan Mu looked at Omaeda with a serious expression: "Please, don't spread it until I solve it; the person who took my court certificate is a person who is very important to me, and I can guarantee that he will not I will do anything that threatens Seireitei."

O Maeda looked at Duan Mu's expression, and after a while, he turned around and walked towards the distance.

"I'm going home for lunch, and I won't be working until after noon."

Watching Omaeda leave, Duan Mu sighed slightly, feeling annoyed and bored at the same time...

Although he already knew Ganjiu could do anything with a hot head, and he would get into trouble at every turn when he was in Liuhun Street, but this time he...was a little too much.

If it was someone else, Duan Mu would definitely not mind killing him, but it happened to be this bastard! !

Duan Mu pondered for a while, and did not use the bound path to search, because using the bound path in Seiling Court would most likely be noticed by others, and even arouse the suspicion of the Technology Development Bureau.

Once they noticed something strange, even if they found Ganjiu and got back the Tongting Certificate, the matter would not be so easy to calm down.

The only thing that makes Duan Mu happy is...

Ganjiu chose the Jinyinhui! !

Regardless of the arrogant and incompetent appearance of President Xi Chuan, who walks among the nobles, he is actually much smarter than he looks.

Ganjiu took his court certificate to go to the Golden Seal Society, nothing more than wanting to use the Golden Seal Society's world-transmitting gate to go to the present world.

But he didn't know that even if Duan Mu went by himself, it would be absolutely impossible to borrow the world-crossing gate without entrustment; otherwise, after Duan Mu received the invitation from Kisuke Urahara, he wouldn't be able to use it three months later. Just went to the present world.

So Duan Mu can be sure...

At this time, the Griffon was still in the Seireitei.

Stepping on the ground with one foot, Duan Mu disappeared in place, and headed towards the location of the Jinyin Club at a very high speed.


After half an hour.

Duan Mu came to the residence of the Golden Seal Society in the first district, and outside the residence of the Golden Seal Society, a tall girl was standing there.

This young girl is Xing Kui. When she saw Duan Mu's appearance, she didn't have the slightest surprise on her face, as if she had expected Duan Mu to come, and said: "Follow me."

Seeing this, Duan Mu didn't ask any more questions, but followed Xing Kui directly, but he was relieved in his heart.

Because Xing Kui's reaction has already shown that Ganjiu did not borrow the World Transit Gate, and should be left in the Golden Seal Society now.

My relationship with the Shiba family is not a secret in Seireitei, because in the eyes of everyone, Duan Mu's ghost way is learned from the Shiba family.

The truth is actually the same, after all, every winter, Duan Mu’s house of all things will be closed, and he will go to Zhibo mansion to practice.

What Duan Mu was afraid of before was not that Chairman Xi Chuan would lend Gansu the gate to use, but that it would spread that Chairman Xi Chuan would use his court certificate to infiltrate Yanjiu.

Led by Xing Kui, the two entered a building and descended the stairs to an underground space.

"Let me go out, saying that I was sent by Boss Duan Mu, and he asked me to go to the present world to help him with something."

Before entering the underground space, Duan Mu heard a familiar voice, which made his face darken slightly.

Xing Yankui at the side handed a token to Duan Mu and said with a smile.

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