Duan Mu clicked his tongue: "The big guys in room 46 are really easy to understand." After finishing speaking, he threw the token in his hand and said with a smile: "That is to say, the token I took is actually Is it a token representing the status of the five nobles?"

"You can understand that."

Kisuke Urahara nodded, and then said with a strange smile: "Although in the words of my friend, this is just garbage thrown away by the Shiba master's family, but it was picked up by the separate family and passed on as a treasure. .”

"Hehe, that friend of yours really gave me a big gift, isn't he afraid that I will do some bad things with this token?"

"I also asked my friend the same question."

Urahara Kisuke smiled when he heard the words: "According to what he said, the meaning of this token has long since disappeared. Even if it is handed over to Kuzuru, it will only be disposed of as garbage. Its current meaning is just a key. If If it can provide you with some help, it can be regarded as waste utilization, just destroy it if you don’t need it.”


The corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly, are all the members of Zhibo's family so free and easy?


If you think about it carefully, with Miss Konghe's character, she really doesn't care about this stuff.

After pondering for a while, Duan Mu finally put the token in his pocket. If Sister Konghe is interested in the history of the Zhibo family, Duan Mu may explore it, but the history that Sister Konghe is not interested in, Duan Mu There is also no interest at all.

But Duan Mu is very interested in the original spirit pattern of the Shiba family, which is the art of "substituting one's own body for something" as a living sacrifice.

of course……

He didn't want to learn from the ancestor of Zhibo and turn himself into a living sacrifice to replace something, but wanted to see if he could get some inspiration from the research of the ancestor of Zhibo.

As the ancestors of the five great nobles in the same era as King Ling, none of them were simple characters.

Although Duan Mu's magic spirit pattern has already broken away from the Zhibo family's system with the help of the system.

There is still some imprint of the spirit pattern of the Shiba family's magic in the development of the spirit pattern, but after the birth of the virtual pattern, Duan Mu's knowledge of the spirit pattern is actually independent of the spirit pattern inherited by the Shiba family.

But as the original spirit pattern, it is very valuable to Duan Mu.

Moreover, in the Shiba mansion where the ancestor of the Shiba family lived, there may be other things that are helpful to him.


Duan Mu frowned slightly, but how to get in was a trouble.

Although they have the keys, the mansions of the five nobles are all located in the center of Noble Street, and if they want to sneak in, it is obviously not enough to just hide the Reiatsu.

Most importantly, Duan Mu is not sure whether Zhibo's mansion is under the control of Room 46.

After pondering for a while, Duan Mu asked, "Are the members of the Zhibo branch still living there?"

Urahara Kisuke shook his head: "After being deprived of the status of the five great nobles, the Shiba Branch Family, which has been squeezed all the time, has already existed in name only, and the only remaining members are scattered throughout Seireitei, and some of them simply moved to Rukon Street like the main family. among."

"If it weren't for the symbolic significance, the Shiba mansion might have been demolished by Room 46."

Duan Mu nodded and did not continue talking on this topic.

Anyway, there will always be a chance to go in in the future, and Duan Mu doesn't want to take risks because of "something that's not sure whether it can help him" when he can't guarantee his own safety.

After communicating with Urahara Kisuke for a while, Duan Mu exchanged some blood and spiritual seed samples from Urahara Kisuke for some things, then left the Urahara store, and began to look for those noble young masters who came to the world.


Chapter 149

Area 3 in the north of Liuhun Street.

Duan Mu galloped all the way in the direction of the Heiling Gate.

His original plan was actually to use the transfer pile of Wanshiwu in the North 38th District to go back to the west, but when he was about to go to the 38th District, Duan Mu suddenly remembered something and temporarily decided to go to Seilingting.


In the General Emergency Rescue Station, Isamu Toru is on duty.

It has been more than half a year since the last time he went to the present world, and Duan Mu's footprints have been in all places in Liuhun Street, southeast, northwest, except for the areas with lower numbers in this half year.

Unknowingly, the reputation of Master House has resounded throughout the Soul Soul World.

During this period, Duan Mu didn't 'snub' Sei Lingting, and any fan team with female soldiers could often see Duan Mu haunting.

Sometimes in the name of visiting friends, sometimes in the name of investigation...

In short, it is to enter the team buildings of various teams by any means, and then make friends with female team members.

In addition to his actions on the surface, Duan Mu wrote several books one after another, some of which were about beheading, some about white-knuckle beatings, and some about replying... Anyway, as long as it is something that is likely to increase others' favorability towards him, Duan Mu will try it again.

Although the experience gained is not high, it is still a considerable income.

Current experience value: 164860.

The experience value is still too little.

It has been nearly a year and a half since I came back from the virtual circle.

During the past year and a half, he only gained less than 27 experience points, of which nearly 9 were provided by Kurosaki Masaki, that is to say... In a year and a half, the entire Soul World provided him with His experience value is only 18.

If Duan Mu first came to Soul Soul Realm, this would undoubtedly be a huge income.

But for the current Duan Mu, although these experience points are not small, they are not too much.

Moreover, the experience that can be gained every year is gradually decreasing. At least 18 of the 14 experience points were obtained in the first year, and only more than 4 were obtained in the first half of the year.

As Duan Mu walked, he unfolded the favorability interface.

On the interface, the favorability is arranged from high to low, and gradually arranged downward.

The person at the front is the person who has full friendship with Duan Mu. Except for Huche Yongyin who has reached 60 full favorability, there is almost no big change.

But in the next 40 to 50 favorability levels, there is a densely populated area. Most of them are residents of Rukongai, and only a few are female members of the Gotei [-].

There are even more people below 40, and most of the female vice-captains' favorability for Duan Mu is maintained below 40 points.

While flipping through Duan Mu, he compared it with the memorized roster, trying to find out which other female team members did not appear on the system interface.

The "Jing Ling Ting Correspondence" issued by the Ninth Division will have a "Gu Ting Thirteen Squad Members Register" that records the names of the entire team twice a year, and the names of [-] to [-] seats will be listed in order. Shi is arranged in the order of fifty syllables.

Duan Mu kept the roster attached every time firmly in his mind.

All along, he thought that there were a large proportion of women in Goutei [-]th Division, but after a deeper understanding, he found that there were too few female soldiers in Goutei [-]th Division.

Among the more than 6000 members of the Thirteenth Guardian Team, the number of female Reapers is less than one-tenth.

Among them, there are very few people who can become the chief executive.

But less for less...

At the same time, making friends with so many female death gods and the residents of Liuhun Street has already made Duan Mu a little tired of coping.

It is not feasible to sink the market, we still have to go to the high-end market!

Shaking his head, Duan Mu added 104860 experience points to the spiritual pressure, leaving only 6 experience points for backup.

Reiatsu: top (310873/1000000)

Feeling the soaring spiritual pressure in his body, Duan Mu couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

If you think about it carefully, his progress speed, although not as good as those monsters born with captain-level spiritual pressure, is already many times faster than others.

Feeling it silently, although it is still a little worse than the century-old captain like Sui Feng; but in terms of the strength of the spiritual pressure, now his spiritual pressure has surpassed that of Hitsugaya Toshiro that he saw at the meeting, but it is really hard to fight If so, his spiritual pressure will increase after the swastika is released.

Coupled with the title of 'the strongest Zanpakuto of the ice system', Duan Mu is not sure if he can beat him.

If he wants to test his strength, the best test subject in Duan Mu's mind is Saragi Kenpachi. If he fights with all his strength, he can basically find out the level of his current strength.

In fact, during these days, he has fought several times with Zaragi Kenpachi, but because the last time was too much trouble...

Room 46 repeatedly sent messages to Duan Mu and Saraki, which roughly meant that the two of them were forbidden to fight, even if it was a fight, it was absolutely forbidden to use the Zanpakuto, and it was not allowed to spread to the surrounding environment!

Zaraki Kenpachi didn't care, but Duan Mu couldn't ignore it.

After all, Captain Yamamoto also asked Suifeng to notify Duan Mu that if the disturbance was too much, Duan Mu's Zanpakuto would be sealed.

So after several battles, he always used a wooden knife to fight. No matter what Gengmu used, he always used a wooden knife... The result was that his wooden knife was chopped into pieces after a short time each time. A broken wooden knife also meant that the battle was over. Duan Mu turned his head and ran away with Shunbu...

Every time he escaped, he would basically pinch at the moment when Saraki just became excited.

The result is……

After fighting a few times, Saragi Kenpachi would take off his blindfold whenever he saw Duangi without saying a word.

But there is no way, this bastard doesn't talk about martial arts at all.

Normally speaking, if you see your opponent using a wooden knife, you should also use the wooden knife in cooperation, right?

But Gengmu just refused to use a wooden knife, and chased and killed Duan Mu with a broken knife full of jagged teeth every day. Anyone who was chased by him wanted to go to the supervision team to get his knife back, and hacked the bastard to death! !

After galloping all the way, Duan Mu came to the gate of Heiling not long after.

There were no guards standing outside the gate, and Duan Mu was not surprised when he saw this, because the Sidanfang of Baidaomen usually would not stand in front of Baidaomen stupidly, only when the wall made of murderous stone fell, they would come out from the place where they lived , to punish those who want to break into Seireitei.

Duan Mu didn't stop, and walked straight along the road.

As long as he has a special pass, he can freely enter and exit the "soul-cloaking membrane" covering Seireitei, so there is no need to report or wait for the guard to check.


The moment Duan Mu stepped on the white stone-paved Seireitei street, his expression changed suddenly, and he drew back.


Almost at the same time as Duan Mu retreated, a huge door smashed down from the void, causing a burst of smoke and dust.

But the shock did not end there, just like dominoes, one after another walls fell with the door.

bang bang bang...

A series of dull impact sounds, and the murderous stone walls that hadn't appeared for many years fell down one after another at this moment.

Behind Duan Mu, the expressions of the residents of North 1 District all changed drastically.

In an instant, the previously bustling streets became deserted.

And inside the walls of Seiling Court, there were even more sharp sirens.


A giant nearly ten meters tall appeared behind Duan Mu, with a cruel smirk on his face: "It's been a long time since I've met a guy who doesn't have a court certificate and wants to enter the Seiling Court. It seems that I can stretch my muscles and bones after a long time. "

Duan Mu ignored him, but picked up the iron chain around his waist, and took out a token from the trouser pocket of the black overalls.

The shape of the token is almost the same as the special pass belonging to Duan Mu, and it also has the breath of spirit pattern, but...

It's not your own special pass!

Duan Mu's face turned dark at first, and then sank.

In order to prevent the loss of the special pass, Duan Mu asked Sister Konghe to draw many spirit patterns on the iron chain tied around her waist, including but not limited to tracking, firmness, and tenacity; There is basically no possibility of losing the spirit patterns that are firmly locked together.

Although if you want to crack it, you only need to release the 'lock' between the iron chain and the special pass, but only the members of the Zhiba family can do this, because this kind of spirit pattern needs the blood of the Zhiba family to be able to display it. Even Duan Mu himself had no choice but to use spiritual pressure to forcibly break it.

But if it is forcibly broken with spiritual pressure, it will definitely leave traces and be recorded.

That is to say...

The person who can replace his court certificate must meet two conditions: he can make Duan Mu defenseless against him, and...be a member of the Shiba family.

There are only two people who meet these two conditions!

Big sister Konghe and big brother Ganjiu.

Miss Konghe would never do such a thing, so it is not difficult to guess who replaced her court certificate.


Why did he take his own pass?

"Boy, I'm talking to you, didn't you hear me?"

Want to see the scenery inside Seireitei?


Brother Ganjiu's aversion to the god of death has spread to the entire Seireitei, and in his eyes he almost treats Seireitei as a garbage dump, and it is impossible to sneak into Seireitei for such a thing.

"You are looking for death~~!"

What is that for?

A dull whistling sound came from behind, Duan Mu's whole body moved, and a layer of impact visible to the naked eye spread out from him.

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