As for Nishijinori, Yu Erzhong and the others, they couldn't stay idle and they had already led people into the east, saying that they would take the entire Ruhun Street under their command for Duanmu.

But it is said that he encountered a lot of unexpected resistance, as if some people were unwilling to let Duan Mu's influence dominate the entire Liuhun Street, suddenly there were many people in the east who were not well-known but who were very powerful.

Regarding this, Duan Mu had some guesses in his heart.

Anyway, it's either Room 46, or the [-]th Guarding Team, and the possibility of noble forces is not ruled out.

Although all three look down on Liuhun Street and regard the residents of Liuhun Street as untouchables who can be killed at any time, there are many talented people in the areas with lower numbers. They are all recruited from the areas with lower numbers.

Regarding this point, Duan Mu didn't feel worried at all.

Because the strength of Nishijinori today can be said to be advancing by leaps and bounds, and there are faint signs of breaking through to the captain level.

It may be because the memory brought to him by Saragi Kenpachi was too frightening. Over the years, he himself has been huddled in the West 80th area, and his strength has made little progress; but he fought with Saraki Kenpachi twice, and the fight with Madarame , although the loss was extremely thorough, but this actually made him change his original mentality and get out of the psychological shadow.

After fighting all the way, the strength of his spiritual pressure can be said to have improved by leaps and bounds.

He also replaced the original double ax with a long sword, claiming to follow the path of Zaraki Kenpachi.

With his strength, unless the vice-captain of the thirteenth team of the guardian court personally stepped in, there would be no problem at all.

In addition, under the guidance of Duan Mu, Yu Erzhong has become more and more proficient in mastering the ghost way and the back way. When the two are paired up, those new forces will only make Nishijinori more excited.

Thinking of this, Duan Mu's expression became a little strange.

What is this?The overlord of Ruhun Street?

Duan Mu swears to God, he really never thought about ruling the entire Liuhun Street, let alone took action for it.


Nishijinori, Ha Erzhong, and Ooku and the others, all under the name of 'Duanmu', murdered and set fire in the area behind the numbers on Ruhun Street.

As long as their names are mentioned, some people will say that these people are all capable men of the 'Great Evil Duan Mu'! !

Recently, even people who are secretly maneuvering have begun to pay attention to Nishijin Ori, because his growth rate is too fast.

However, because of Duan Mu's relationship, he didn't plan to do anything to him, but just carried out basic surveillance on him to prevent him from doing anything harmful to Ling Lingting.

And those big villains keep in mind the rules set by Duan Mu. The so-called rule of Ruhun Street is only for the areas with lower numbers, and those stable areas have not been affected in the slightest. Stabilizers to clear.

After all, even if they look down on the untouchables in Ruhun Street, those high-ranking people have to admit that Ruhun Street is the biggest talent market for the Thirteenth Goutei.

The people in the areas with lower numbers are not included in the recruitment criteria of the [-]th Guarding Team.

Again, the thirteenth Goutei team is a noble organization, and there must be no unsuitable people in it.

To put it more bluntly...

The high-ranking people in Room 46 absolutely do not allow any guy who might threaten them in the Goutei [-]th Team, otherwise they would not be so repulsive and fearful of Saraki Kenpachi, and there would be no such prison as the maggot's nest.

For them, it's best that the 'Unfit Untouchables' in the lower numbered areas die! !

Of course, not everyone despises the villains in the lower numbered areas.

Recently, that guy from the corner of Madarame often comes to the tavern to recruit players. With his hard work, he really recruited a lot of players from here.

For this...

Captain Yamamoto took a completely laissez-faire attitude. Although Room 46 repeatedly reprimanded them, Kenpachi Saragi did not care about them. This can be said to be the privilege of the title of 'Kenpachi'. Someone once did it for this. Because of this privilege, he chose to become Kenpachi.

What's more, in the [-]th team, the guys from the areas with lower numbers accounted for the majority. From the beginning to the end, these people were not for any king or five princes, but simply to follow Saraki and become the god of death.

Gudu Gudu~~

Duan Mu picked up the bowl, drank the noodle soup in one gulp, and asked, "Have Zhi Nai and the others come?"

"I'm already waiting for you upstairs." Uzuki replied.

Duan Mu nodded. The Zhi Nai he was talking about was the latest batch of students from the Zhenyang Spiritual Art Academy. Duan Mu did not cancel the entrustment of the Death Cram School, but has been working hard; after these years, he also Nurturing many talents for the thirteenth team of the guardian court, these people have a great affection for Duan Mu.

Unknowingly, without Duan Mu himself being aware of it, he already possessed a certain amount of power in Seiling Court.

Although these people are scattered in various teams, once they are united together, they can barely be regarded as a good force, and many of them choose to follow Duan Mu and join in the secret maneuver.

It is worth mentioning that……

The full name of Shino in Duan Mu's mouth is Madarame Shino.

That's right, Madarame from the corner of Madarame. According to her own words, she seems to be the younger sister or cousin of Madarame.

The reason why it seems to be said is because she and Yijiao's family repeatedly slashed and killed in Liuhun Street all day long. In short, they are a family-like group of villains!Before the two of them were sensible, their parents died one by one, and the two were constantly sent to be raised by relatives, which led to the fact that they themselves did not know the correct relationship.


The blood relationship between the two can still be determined, and the particularly conspicuous high forehead is exactly the same.


Chapter 148 The History of the Shiba Family

Karakura Town and Sannomiya District.

The front of the Urahara store was as deserted as ever, and Duan Mu doubted whether the store really had income.

"Welcome...cut, it's you again."

Jin Tai looked at Duan Mu who came from outside, and said with a look of disgust: "Master Guoben."

"..." Duan Mu's face darkened.

Sure enough, bear children are really annoying.

"Mr. Duan... Mr. Duan Mu... the manager of the store is waiting for you inside."

A timid and cowardly voice came, Duan Mu's originally dark face suddenly turned cloudy, showing an extremely kind smile: "Xiaoyu, long time no see, has this brat bullied you recently? If so, tell me I said, I'll teach him a lesson for you."

After that, he took out a bag of candies from his pocket, stuffed it into Xiaoyu's hand, and said, "These are the candies I bought specially for you from Seireitei Noble Street. We have someone your age over there..." Well, it’s probably similar, the kid named Yachiru likes this flavor of candies the most.”

Xiao Yu subconsciously wanted to push away, but Duan Mu's friendly smile made her already red face become even more rosy, and she said in a low mosquito-pitched voice: "Thank you... thank you Mr. Duan Mu."

"Don't call me Mr. Duan Mu, just call me Brother Duan Mu."

Duan Mu bent over and rubbed Xiao Yu's head, and Jinta beside him became more and more unhappy when he saw this.

"Boss Duan Mu, it's really hard for you to invite me."

As soon as he stepped into the back room, Kisuke Urahara, who was sitting in the room, spoke.

Duan Mu didn't speak, he looked around the room first, and then asked, "Is Lord Ye not there?"

"Miss Yeyi's words..."

Urahara Kisuke paused, shook his head and said: "I don't know where she went... After all, Miss Yoruichi doesn't like to stay in one place all the time. If you want to see her for something, you may have to wait for a while. Generally, if she goes out to play, she will come back only once every three to five years, or even decades, so even I have a hard time contacting her."

Go out to play for three to five years?decades?

Duan Mu felt a little speechless, it seemed that he had no chance to make friends with her again this time.

However, Duan Mu was not too disappointed, anyway, he didn't know what to do to improve Ye Duo's affection for him.

Don't say that Ye Yi hasn't seen him a few times, he has been with Sui Feng for so many years, Sui Feng's favorability for him has not reached 10 points, and Ye Yi's favorability should not be so easy to improve.

Without further questioning, Duan Mu sat cross-legged opposite Kisuke Urahara, and said with doubts on his face: "Tell me, what is your business with me?"

"Hehe, don't be so anxious."

Urahara Kisuke smiled, picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for Duan Mu, and continued: "I haven't seen you for so long, I miss you Mr. Duan Mu very much, since I sent out the invitation three months ago, I have been waiting for you To prepare for his arrival, the preparation lasted for three months."

"Do you think the world-transmitting gate belongs to my family?"

Duan Mu said angrily: "Several young masters and ladies of the nobles have accidents in this world one after another, and now there are noble members who dare to come to the world, it is already considered audacious." After finishing speaking, Duan Mu paused, and continued: "If you If you come to me just to talk nonsense, then I will go to the commission of the Golden Seal."

As Kisuke Urahara said, he sent himself an invitation letter three months ago.

But if he wants to go from the world of souls to the present world, he can only pass through the world-transmitting gate, and the only way for Duan Mu to use the world-transmitting gate legitimately is to entrust Jin Yinhui to go to the present world.

Although Duan Mu has a certain status in the Seiling Court, these statuses are only in the name of reputation, without any matching rights and treatment. He was called to Room 46 for questioning.


If Duan Mu wants to come to this world, there are other ways.

But Duan Mu didn't want to expose his hole cards in front of Urahara Kisuke.

Moreover, the Technology Development Bureau attaches great importance to the spatial stability of the soul world, and they will notice something strange if they are not careful, so it is better to be safe.

"Boss Duan Mu, it's not easy for you."

Kisuke Urahara made a joke first, and then changed the topic: "As for inviting you here this time, on the one hand, it is because the blood you left here has been exhausted, and I hope Boss Duan Mu can provide me with some more; On the one hand, it is because... a friend of mine wants to express my sincere thanks to you!"

Kisuke Urahara's friend?

Duan Mu was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted.

There is only one person who can be called a friend by Urahara Kisuke and will thank him.

Having said that, Duan Mu's face showed doubts at the right time: "Who are you talking about friends?"

Kisuke Urahara smiled when he heard the words, but did not answer, but took out a token from the drawer behind him, and handed it to Duan Mu: "This is a gift that my friend asked me to hand over to you, but my friend Said, it is best not to show this token in front of people other than Shiba's family."

"Actually, that friend of mine wanted to express his gratitude to you in person, but he felt extremely guilty about the Shiba family, so after hesitating for a while, he chose to let me convey it on his behalf. Please don't be offended. .”

Duan Mu took the token subconsciously, and when he saw the shape of the token clearly, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

The token is about the same size as Duan Mu's special pass. There are two simple characters on the surface, and a pattern is engraved under the characters. This pattern can be seen on Ganju almost every day. It is the Shiba family's... …

——Falling into the sky and collapsing vortex pattern!

Duan Mu also saw those two simple characters in the library of Zhibo's family, and the meaning expressed by the two characters is the word 'Zhibo'.

"what is this?"

Duan Mu frowned, and asked with some doubts.

"The token of the head of the Zhiba branch."

Kisuke Urahara said: "Of course, it doesn't matter if you have this token or not, who is regarded as your family by Ms. Kuzuru; According to a friend, the collection of books, records, and other things inside may provide you with some help."

Shiba breaks up?

When Duan Mu heard this, he immediately lost interest.

Because of Zhibo's master's library, Sister Konghe let him in and out freely, and allowed him to learn the spells, spirit patterns and ghost ways that he could practice. Duan Mu didn't think that the library of the branch family would be as rich as the master's.

"Boss Duan Mu, you seem to have misunderstood something."

As if seeing what Duan Mu was thinking, Kisuke Urahara suddenly smiled and said, "Do you know why the Shiba family was deprived of their status as the five great nobles?"


Duan Mu was taken aback when he heard the words: "Didn't Master Zhibo give up on his own initiative and move away from Seireitei?"

"Yes, but neither."

Urahara Kisuke shook his head: "Miss Sorazuru's main house is not the Seireitei who moved away after being deprived of the status of the five nobles, but has settled in Ruukon Street a long, long time ago."

"So in the eyes of many people, the main family of Shiba is just the five nobles with empty names. In fact, they are no different from the lower-level nobles and the untouchables of Ruhun Street; and the main family of Zhibo also accepted this frankly, completely abandoning the five great ancestor families. As for why you did this, you need to investigate by yourself.”

"Miss Sorazuru probably didn't know too well, after all, when they moved to Ruukon Street, the ancestors of the Shiba Lord's house seemed to want to forget their status and history together, and left many relevant records in the Shiba mansion of Seireitei. "

Urahara Kisuke took a look at Duan Mu, and said slowly: "The Shiba Mansion of Seireitei has always been lived by the branch family, and the substantive status and power of the five nobles are also enjoyed by the branch family. gone and deprived."

Hearing this, Duan Mu faintly understood what Kisuke Urahara meant.

"That's right. Compared with the main family's mansion that often moves, the branch mansion is the place where the first ancestor of the Shiba family lived, and it is also the place where the entire history of the Shiba family is truly preserved."

Urahara Kisuke paused for a moment, and continued: "Furthermore, the identities of the five great nobles have actually been deprived up to now, but only for 12 years; that is to say, 12 years ago, even though Shiba's family had already left Seireitei, the Shiba family still had the five great nobles. status."

"It wasn't until 12 years ago that the head of the branch of the Shiba family disappeared into the present world that Room 46 completely deprived the Shiba family of their aristocratic status on the grounds that 'the Shiba family should be responsible for this'."

"More strictly speaking..."

"Early after the main family abandoned the status of Seireitei, the Shiba family, which enjoys the status of the five major nobles, has been receiving cold reception in Seireitei, and has been squeezed out and suppressed by the other four nobles, and its power has been continuously weakened."

Speaking of this, Urahara Kisuke chuckled, and an unknown color flashed in his eyes: "If the main family hadn't left, or if the branch family hadn't declined because of the disappearance of the family head, it is absolutely impossible for the five nobles to be deprived of their status. ;Even if there is only a branch family, Room 46 can't deprive the five nobles of their aristocratic status."

"the reason is simple……"

"As long as the five nobles gather together and obtain the formal permission of the Spirit King, the five nobles will have the right to speak as much as the Spirit King and become the absolute leader of the Soul World; perhaps it is precisely to prevent this from happening, Room 46 will be based on The reason of 'the head of the branch family is missing' is to change the five nobles into the four great nobles."

Duan Mu didn't interrupt, but listened carefully to Kisuke Urahara's story about the history of the Shiba family.

As for the history of the Shiba family, Miss Sorazuru never talked about it.Because no matter whether it is Big Sister Konghe or Big Brother Ganjiu, they don't think of themselves as nobles at all, and they are even less interested in returning to the life of nobles.


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