As the captain, he is absolutely not allowed to show such a low profile in front of Duan Mu according to the rules.

"I just did what I should do, not to mention that I was paid."

After all, Duan Mu smiled slightly and said: "As for Rukia, she is my friend, so I don't need to thank her for being a friend; and Brother Haiyan is regarded as a family by me, so there is no need to say thank you. if."

Fuzhu Shishiro observed Duan Mu carefully, and then smiled: "This is my slip of the tongue."

Since Duan Mu appeared, he has been observing this young man. Although he has never been in contact with Duan Mu, among all the captains, he is the first person to know about Duan Mu after Sui Feng.

When she first entered Seilingting, Miss Konghe asked Sidanfang to send a letter to her, hoping that she could take care of Duan Mu in Seilingting.

Since then, he has actually been paying attention to Duan Mu, in order to help him when necessary.


Duan Mu, who entered the Seiling Court, is like a fish in water, and doesn't need his care at all.

And besides the interpersonal communication, after he entered the Seireitei, the growth rate of his own strength was even more unbelievable. Even after seeing those achievements, he was greatly surprised.

As for Duan Mu's character, Ms. Sorazuru often mentioned it when communicating with him in letters, and repeatedly used the Shiba family as a guarantee, saying that Duan Mu would never do anything harmful to Seireitei.

In this regard, Shishiro Ukitake was skeptical at first.

But as the understanding of Duan Mu gradually deepened, these doubts gradually dissipated. When he heard the news that Duan Mu had fought face to face with the captain in the virtual circle in order to protect the reputation of the Shiba family, the doubts in his heart completely dissipated. And decided to meet Duan Mu in person.

Picking up the wine glass, after taking a small sip, Shishiro Ukitake shook his head: "Indeed, in your opinion, you just did what you should do; but in my opinion, you have also done a lot worthy of my praise." Thank you, so please don't refuse my thanks."

After all, without waiting for Duan Mu's reply, he sighed and said: "That child Lukia... After Haiyan left, she pessimistically believed that Haiyan's death was all her own responsibility, so she always blamed herself, no She is willing to take the initiative to communicate with her teammates; and her status as one of the four nobles also makes the soldiers afraid to get along with her..."

"I see all these things, but I can't do anything about it. I can only let Qingyin accompany her, hoping to let her untangle her heart."

"It wasn't until she met you who had the same background that she became more cheerful and had a smile on her face."

Shishiro Ukitake paused for a moment, and continued: "Your background made her let down her guard. This is something we people can't do anyway, so thank you for your willingness to make friends with Rukia. .”

"It's not my fault."

Duan Mu shook his head when he heard the words: "Strictly speaking, I'm just a microphone."

Ukitake Shishiro smiled when he heard the words, obviously he also understood what Duan Mu meant by 'microphone'.

As they talked, the two gradually let go of their initial guard.

Duan Mu finally understood why Ukitake Shishiro was as popular with female soldiers as Aizen.

It's really relaxing to talk to him, he doesn't have any pretensions, his words are also very funny, and he has a strong affinity.

Moreover, unlike Aizen, Duan Mu is not too wary of him.

On the one hand, it was because in his own memory, the other party was not a dangerous person; on the other hand, it was because Sister Sorazuru had said more than once that Shishiro Ukitake was her old friend.

Seeing the two chatting happily, O Maeda always felt that it was redundant for him to stay here, but as the host and the introducer, he could only sit here awkwardly.

Fortunately, with the passage of time, before I knew it, the lunch break was coming to an end.

After saying goodbye, Duan Mu and the two left the restaurant and walked towards Omaeda's bedroom, planning to use the transfer pile to go back and maneuver secretly.

But after the two left, Shishirou Ukitake did not leave, as if he was waiting for someone.

After half a sound.

The restaurant door was slowly opened, and a young figure walked in, it was the little girl who had played with Xidai earlier.

However, unlike before.

At this time, the expression on the little girl's face showed a sense of maturity that did not match her appearance at all. After a salute to Shishirou Ukitake, she said softly, "Captain Ukitake, thank you for your willingness to cooperate with my personal request. If you need to enter the corridor of the Great Spirit Book, you can contact me at any time."

"Miss Awanmen, you are too polite."

Shishiro Fuzhu shook his head slightly: "I originally planned to meet this little friend Duan Mu, and I agreed to your request just by the way."

After that, he looked at the little girl with some doubts, and asked, "However, can you please tell me, as the chief secretary of the Great Spirit Book Corridor, why did you secretly observe that little friend Duan Mu? "

The Great Soul Book Corridor, like the Image Hall, is an institution directly under the 46th Room of Mao, and its duty is to collect all phenomena and information of the Soul World without regard to the will of the God of Death. and secrets' vast database.

Ordinary people don't have permission to enter at all, even if the captain of the [-]th Guarding Team wants to check the information, he needs to apply in advance, and he can only enter after getting permission.

And the cute little girl in front of her, like a doll, who looks only about 10 years old, is the chief secretary in charge of managing the corridor of the Great Spirit Book—Awanmen Nayula.

However, her actual age is actually longer than she looks.

Closer to home, Awanmen Nayura's identity is extremely sensitive. In addition to her status as the chief secretary of the Great Spirit Book Corridor, she is also the daughter of a great sage in Room 46 of Mao.

Ukitake Shishiro's words were not so much asking her why she was observing Duan Mu, but rather asking her in what capacity she was observing Duan Mu.

"Please rest assured, my observation of him has nothing to do with my father and Mao Room 46, it's just my personal behavior."

Ukitake Shishiro nodded when he heard the words, and did not continue to ask.

What he cares about is not why Awanmen Nayura wants to observe Duan Mu, but whether Mao Room 46 is going to target Duan Mu.

Since it wasn't Mao's decision made by Room 46, he didn't need to continue to ask the bottom line.


1Chapter 17 Unable to communicate

In the dark bedroom without any windows, Duan Mu, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, slowly opened his eyes with the Zanpakuto across his legs.

"Still unable to communicate?"

Duan Mu shook his head slightly, and looked at the system interface. Although his spiritual pressure was basically unchanged from the feeling, the panel showed more than ten points of improvement compared to last night.

Taking the long cloth bag on the side to pack the Zanpakuto, the gloomy aura around Duan Mu gradually disappeared, and he changed back to that gentle and elegant appearance again.

In recent nights, most of the time he has replaced sleep with Blade Zen.

Although Blade Zen is far less stable than developing spiritual patterns in terms of spiritual pressure improvement, and it may not be able to increase a few points of spiritual pressure proficiency in consecutive nights, but continuous blade Zen can gradually increase the proficiency of Zanpakuto on the system panel .

Zanpakuto: Advanced (38356/100000)

Duan Mu looked at the long cloth bag in his hand, and a tangle flashed between his brows.

The initial interpretation of the Zanpakuto requires a "dialogue" and "coherence" with the Zanpakuto. The blade Zen that Duan Mu has been doing these days is precisely to improve the coherence between himself and the Zanpakuto, thereby improving proficiency.

But the conversation...

He didn't proceed, not because Duan Mu rejected Zanpakuto, or Zanpakuto rejected Duan Mu, but because he couldn't communicate at all!

Thinking of this, the corner of Duan Mu's mouth couldn't help twitching.

As soon as he entered the spiritual world, no matter how he tried to communicate, he could only hear the laughter of children coming from all directions, and then...

He would be forced into the game, playing with a child who was only a faint shadow, and the game would go on and on until he exited the spiritual world.

What annoys Duan Mu the most is...

It’s okay to lose to the opponent on purpose, but once Duan Mu accidentally wins, the opponent will go crazy for no reason. What was originally a child’s play, instantly becomes an extremely bloody horror game, and the word “unreasonable” is simply played. vividly.

This made Duan Mu confirm his previous guess...

That guy is essentially a willful, lawless, annoying brat who can't communicate with him at all! !

Duan Mu tried many methods, from the initial intentional loss to the present, but all ended in failure, which made 'him' more and more unreasonable.

"Is it similar or different?"

Duan Mu muttered to himself, he really couldn't figure out what was wrong with his communication method.

Recently, he has been thinking about whether to skip the "dialogue" stage and directly let him succumb to himself. To put it bluntly, it is to skip the practice of initial solution and start the basic practice of swastika.

Different from the dialogue and coherence of Shijie, the practice of 卍jie needs to "concrete" and "surrender" the Zanpakutō. Normally, this stage takes a very long time to practice, but this time can be shortened by other methods. to shorten.

——Turn into a divine body!

One of the special spiritual tools for stealth and mobility, its function is to forcibly copy and visualize the body of the Zanpakuto, and it is an essential tool for quick solution.

If you are a general covert mobile member, as long as you submit an application, you can obtain the qualification to use it.

But for Duan Mu, it was not convenient to submit the application.

Because Duan Mu's Zanpakutao is still in a 'sealed' state in the eyes of others, this is the rule set by Room 46 when Duan Mu Qian was beaten, if Duan Mu violated, Room 46 would definitely not mind using this as an excuse to come to him trouble.

However, it is not impossible to obtain it through channels other than the secret maneuver. After all, the creator of the Zhuan Shen Body is the former captain of the [-]th division, Kisuke Urahara!

Duan Mu once thought about whether to go to the present world and exchange for a Zhuan Shen body from Urahara Kisuke, but after carefully checking the relevant information of the Zhuan Shen body in the secret maneuver, he gave up this idea.

Because the Zhuan Shen Physique cannot be used after the initial understanding, if you want to use the Zhuan Shen Physique to realize the Zanpaku Knife, you need to meet two prerequisites.

The first condition: Only when the user has the potential ability to realize the Zanpaku Knife, can this method be used to forcibly surpass the time for tempering and realization.

The second condition: In the process of using it, there needs to be a person with captain-level spiritual pressure to assist, and use his own spiritual pressure to maintain the materialized existence.

The second point is not difficult for Duan Mu, he just needs to ask Miss Konghe to help him.

But the first condition is to exclude Duan Mu from the conditions for using the God Transformation Body.

In the case of only synchronizing but no progress in the dialogue, he simply does not have the potential ability to realize Zanpakuto, at least not before being able to communicate with Zanpakuto.

of course……

For Duan Mu, there is an easier way.

That is to not talk at all, and directly use the experience points to force 'him' to surrender! !

With the particularity of the system, it is not difficult to achieve this, but it is possible to lose the possibility of communication forever, so that the proficiency of Zanpakuto cannot be increased; however, this can also be made up through the system, as long as you continue to Putting in experience points can make Zanpakuto stronger, completely ignoring or even erasing Zanpakuto's own will.

It's just that doing so requires too much experience.

If possible, Duan Mu still wants to try to communicate with him.

Looking up at the time, Duan Mu fastened the seal of the long cloth bag, put on a new set of black overalls, and walked out of the bedroom.

Ignoring the greetings in the tavern, Duan Mu went straight to the bar.

"Second Brother Duan!"

The four Ganjiu brothers stood up and bowed to Duan Mu, giving up their seats in front of the bar.

"Duan Mu, tell me the truth."

Ganjiu looked at Duan Mu carefully, and asked with strange eyes: "Are you hiding a woman upstairs?"

Tibetan women?

Duan Mu was slightly taken aback.

"Otherwise, why would I wake up every morning with a tired face, as if I've been tortured all night."

"..." Duan Mu.

In a way, he was really tossed all night by 'people'.

"It's just training." Duan Mu replied casually, then took the noodle soup handed by Mao Yue and started to drink it. While drinking, he said: "By the way, Brother Yanjiu, are you coming earlier and earlier? Yes? Time has come here to occupy a position, why not practice more, it feels like you haven’t practiced at all recently."

"Do you think everyone is a cultivator like you?"

Yanjiu gave Duan Mu a blank look, he really didn't understand why Duan Mu was so keen on becoming stronger.

He is obviously very busy every day, but as long as he has free time, besides practicing, he is going to make friends with women everywhere, as if in his life there are only three options: practicing, making friends, and working; I have practiced a lot, but I have repeatedly persuaded Duan Mu to let him combine work with rest...

"And I'm not here to occupy a seat, but to work!"

Shiba Ganju patted his chest, and said proudly: "Recently, I am no longer calling myself. Many people in Ruhun Street in the West call me 'Master House Order Clearing Expert'. People who are looking for my job now are looking for you. There are too many people."

"Yes, yes, everything our brother Yanjiu said is right!"

Duan Mu smiled and did not refute, because it is true, many jobs that do not require technical requirements and only require physical strength are mostly handled by Ganjiu with his younger brother.

There are also a small number of villains in the tavern who have no money for drinks, and they secretly drink them.

The recent tavern, faintly gives people the feeling of the Adventurer's Association in the RPG game.

In this regard, Duan Mu did not stop.

Anyway, the entrustment of manual labor, whether it is a griffon or those villains, can easily handle it, and it will not tarnish the reputation of Wanshiwu.

And Duan Mu is responsible for solving some high-end commissions that require technology in Seiling Court.

It is worth mentioning that……

During this year, Duan Mu has opened all the master houses in the southeast, north and south departments. Among them, the people in charge of the north and south departments are Jinjiao and Yinjiao... These two people are the two who were captured by Nishijinori. Famous villains, Jinjiao and Yinjiao are not their original names, but Duan Mu was too lazy to remember their names, so he casually made up something easy to remember.

As for the person in charge of the eastern part, it has not been decided yet. Duan Mu asked everyone's favorite Takahashi to act as the receptionist for the time being.

So Duan Mu didn't care about the fact that most of the commissions from the west were intercepted.

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