
The police officer responded and left the deputy captain's office. After seeing him leave...


Omaeda kicked directly on the sofa, and said angrily, "Why don't you just give me the position of vice-captain to you?"


Duan Mu didn't care, he sat up from the sofa with a smile: "If you want to kick me, don't break the sofa."

"...as if I could kick you."

Da Maeda snorted, then sat down next to Duan Mu, and bounced Duan Mu who had just sat up: "How many times have I told you to wait for me to say 'please come in' before you open the door and come in !"


Duan Mu blinked, and said, "Shall I go out and knock?"

"Stop talking nonsense. I called you here today to let you go to my house for dinner. Someone wants to see you."

At the end of Omaeda's speech, his face turned black: "Did you bastard declare that I am the contact person of your Noble Street Wanshiwu? Why do people looking for you always come to my house to look for me?"

Anyone want to meet me?

Duan Mu frowned when he heard this, and subconsciously asked, "Is the Tsunayashiro family?"

He has never declared that Omaeda is the contact person of Manshiwu on Noble Street, because there is no need for it. If nobles want to contact him, they usually contact him through the Gold Seal Association, or directly contact his branch in the commercial street. .

In Omaeda's words, there was a faint feeling that he did not want to offend the other party.

Although the Omaeda family is only a lower-level noble, their status is somewhat special. Even facing the upper-level nobles, they are confident that they can be equal.The reason for this is, on the one hand, because of the incomparably strong financial resources of the Omaeda family, and on the other hand, because the Omaeda family is well taken care of by the Sifengin family.

Duan Mu can only think of the person whose status is enough to make Omaeda feel jealous, and who is interested in him. Duan Mu can only think of the person who has never been in contact with him, but who may be the culprit who led him to the virtual circle-the Tsunayashiro family.


Omaeda was taken aback when he heard the words, then seemed to think of something, his fat face twitched and said: "Why did you say the word 'Tsunayashiro'? You won't offend Tsunaya Are you on behalf of the family?"

After all, this guy moved his butt to the side, as if he would say the five words 'I don't know you' at any time.

"how is this possible."

Hearing this, Duan Mu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, he thought he had been found out about his secret investigation of Tsunayashiro's family.

"I just think that your status in the past, and only the Tsunayashiro family, who used to be the head of the five great nobles, is qualified to be so important to you."

Da Maeda was not perfunctory by Duan Mu, but said in a dignified tone: "I warn you, you can offend anyone, but only the four nobles, absolutely don't provoke them, if you are currently secretly investigating" Gang If you say that to the Yayoi family, stop immediately!"

"Also, never mention the word 'Tsunayashiro' with anyone outside of the secret maneuver in the future."

Omaeda paused, and continued: "It's not that you don't know that the Tsunayashiro family has been controlling the imaging hall. If it weren't for our secret maneuvers because of our duties, we borrowed the artifact of the 'Tianci Bingzhuang Fan' to isolate all surveillance and investigation. , after you say the four words 'Tsunayashirojia', it may reach the Tsunayashirojia's ears in the next second."

"I know that with your personality, you won't take the initiative to provoke the Tsunayashiro family. It should be something the Tsunayashiro family did that made you vigilant, but you must be patient, otherwise even the Shiba family behind you will not be able to protect you."

Hearing this, Duan Mu looked at O ​​Maeda in surprise, although he knew that this guy was far smarter on the inside than on the outside, but Duan Mu really didn't expect that he could think so much with just one sentence.

After hesitating for a while, Duan Mu didn't continue to hide it, but told Omaeda the whole story of going to the virtual circle, as well as his own speculation from beginning to end, but concealed the information provided by 'Urahara Kisuke', just saying that It's my own guess.

A good relationship belongs to a good relationship, and responsibility belongs to responsibility.

Duan Mu can be sure that after he leaves, Omaeda will definitely report to Suifeng. Instead of letting them guess wildly, it is better to tell them the whole story directly.

Moreover, Duan Mu doesn't think that leading himself to the virtual circle is the overall behavior of the Tsunayashiro family, the reason is very simple...

As the Four Great Nobles, the Tsunayashiro family did not need to be so troublesome if they wanted to target themselves. As Omaeda said, they would not have any scruples because they had the Shiba family backing them.

According to Duan Mu's speculation, it should be someone from Tsunayashiro's family who targeted him.

Moreover, this person's status in the Tsunayashiro family should not be high, otherwise he could use the power of the family to deal with him, instead of finding a "full manifestation" that he didn't remember to lure him to the virtual circle.

Even now, Duan Mu doesn't understand why the other party wants to lead him to the virtual circle, let alone why he wants to observe him secretly.

Of course, not without a clue.

With the monitoring of the imaging hall, it is very likely that he will know the peculiarities of his body.

Thinking of this, Duan Mu couldn't help but sigh in his heart.


After all, before he met Urahara Kisuke, he didn't know the difference between his body and spirit body, so it was impossible to prepare in advance.


1Chapter 16 Ukitake Jushiro

Noble Street, Omaeda House.

After using the transfer pile to arrive at Omaeda's house, Duan Mu and Omaeda walked straight towards the restaurant.

"Who is the person you said you wanted to see me?"

"You'll know it when you see it."

Omaeda shook his head, but did not elaborate.

Hearing this, Duan Mu didn't continue to ask, anyway, he's already here, whoever wants to see him will naturally see later.


Duan Mu looked at the 'incomparably gorgeous' courtyard around him, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

The layout of the courtyard has really changed again!

Although Omaeda often invites him to eat here, Duan Mu always feels strange every time he comes here.

Almost every once in a while, the Omaeda house is remodeled, furnished in a style entirely according to the taste of the person who proposed the remodeling.

Sometimes it's Omaeda's parents, sometimes Omaeda's younger brother and sister, sometimes Omaeda himself...

These villainous rich men! !

"How about it, the newly decorated courtyard is not bad, isn't it?"

Ohmaeda, who had been observing Duan Mu's reaction, grinned extremely proudly: "You should feel lucky to have a friend like me, otherwise you would not be able to see this luxurious and noble man like me even if you work in that poor shop until your death. 's courtyard."

Duan Mu ignored him.

This guy is a wicked guy, as far as Duan Mu knows, besides inviting himself to see the courtyard every now and then, and observing his reaction;

This guy is also keen to let Hisagi Shuhei come to him to eat leftovers, and then observe Hisagi Shuhei's reaction, so as to satisfy his show-off psychology.

While chatting, the two came to the door of the restaurant.

But before the two entered, the two little girls ran out laughing, and the little girl chasing behind saw Duan Mu and Omaeda, her eyes lit up: "Brother Duan Mu, brother Xi Chiyo."

"Hey, Hidai, why is his name in front of me?" Omaeda said with a dissatisfied face.

“Slightly slightly~~”

Xidai made a face at Omaeda, and came to Duan Mu with the ball in his arms: "Brother Duan Mu, after I knew you were coming, I went to Kuri House to help you buy Deli Mochu."

A smile appeared on Duan Mu's face, and he reached out and rubbed Xidai's head, making little Xidai narrow his eyes like a kitten, and then said softly: "We Xidai really understand brother Duan Mu, and Xidai bought it himself. Deli must be delicious to the extreme."

"...get your hands off my sister's head"

O Maeda looked at Duan Mu who was molesting his sister in front of his eyes, his face was as dark as it could be.

don't know where to start...

The women in my family have become very good with Duan Mu. Whether it is my mother, sister, or Xidai in front of me, they all have a great affection for Duan Mu.

Recently, whenever my father sees Duan Mu, his complexion is the same as his own, slightly darkened.


Xidai looked back at the restaurant: "The guests are still waiting inside, so I won't disturb Brother Duan Mu, next time I have time, I will come to play with Xidai."

After that, she went straight to meet the little girl who stopped not far away.

Seeing this, Omaeda's eyes flashed doubts. It was the first time he had seen that ten-year-old girl; but then he withdrew his gaze. It must be a child from a nearby family. Someone of the same age accompanied Xidai. Playing is also a good thing.

Duan Mu on the side was also looking at the little girl, but there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Because of Kidai's personality, if the other party was her new friend, she would definitely introduce herself and Omaeda as soon as possible, but Kiyo didn't even mention the other party just now.


This little girl was a little too calm. Although she ran out as if she was playing around at first, when Xidai stopped beside her, she didn't urge her, but stood silently not far away and observed herself.

"What are you still doing?" Omaeda asked Duan Mu who was standing there.

"It's nothing."

Duan Mu withdrew his gaze and said with a smile, "I just think Xidai is getting cuter and cuter."

When O Maeda heard this, he looked at Duan Mu with extreme vigilance.

"...Let me tell you, our Omaeda family will absolutely, absolutely not recruit you as a son-in-law."

"What, I just treat Hidai as my younger sister."


Omaeda snorted and took the lead into the restaurant, followed by Duan Mu.

After the two entered the restaurant, the little girl who was playing a passing game with Xidai in the distance slowly turned her head and looked in the direction of the restaurant.

"Sister Nayula?"

"Xide, let's go back to the restaurant and play, shall we?"

"Ah? Didn't you just say that you wanted to play in the courtyard? But it's okay, anyway, I also want to see Brother Duan Mu."


"come yet?"

As the servant opened the door, a gentle voice came from the dining room.

Following the prestige, Duan Mu was slightly taken aback when he saw the person who made the sound.

This is a middle-aged man with white hair and dressed in white clothes. His face is as pale as his hair, giving off an extremely weak feeling.

"Captain Floating Bamboo."

After Omaeda secretly bumped Duan Mu with his shoulder, he revealed his identity.

This person is the captain of the thirteenth squad - Ukitake Shishiro.

Although it is often possible to hear the other party's name, this is the first time to meet face-to-face.

after all……

In the 365 days of a year, this man basically spends 300 days lying on the hospital bed to recuperate.

"Captain Floating Bamboo."

Duan Mu smiled when he heard the words, and raised his forehead slightly: "Hello, I am Duan Mu who runs Wanshiwu in the commercial street. Please take care of me."

Although the other party invited him through Omaeda, he must already know his identity, but after all, it was the first time they met. To show respect, Duan Mu still introduced himself.

"No need... ahem... no need to be so formal."

Ukitake Shishiro covered his mouth and coughed, made a gesture of please, and said in a gentle tone: "I am not here today as the captain of the [-]th division, but as the head of the lower-level noble Ukitake family. So treat me as an ordinary guest."

Omaeda hesitated for a moment when he heard the words, but finally stepped forward and sat at the dining table.

On the other side, Duan Mu sat directly opposite to Fuzhu Shishirou, and said to Fuzhushishiro, "I wonder why Patriarch Fuzhu asked me to come here?"

Since the other party said that he came here as the head of the Fuzhu family, Duan Mu didn't continue to address his captain, but directly asked the other party's purpose for inviting him to come here.

Ukitake Shishirō didn't reply, but after carefully looking at Duan Mu, he said in a gentle tone: "Sure enough, as Miss Konghe said, you are a very interesting child." After finishing speaking, he paused and continued Said: "I asked Vice Captain O Maeda to invite you, but I just wanted to express my gratitude."

"Whether it's Hong's child, or Rukia, or... Haiyan, I am ashamed of what you have done for them; in fact, I have long wanted to thank you in person, but my physical condition has always been It’s not very good, it’s only been delayed until now.”

At the end, Ukitake Shishiro's expression turned solemn, and facing his forehead, he said, "Thank you, Boss Duan Mu, for saving my children, freeing my team members, and protecting... the dignity of our vice-captain." , please accept my belated thanks.”

Seeing this, Duan Mu waved his hands hastily: "Patriarch Fuzhu, you are too polite."

If before he only cooperated with Ukitake Shishiro and called him the Patriarch, now he can only treat him as the Ukitake Family Patriarch.

Because of the strict hierarchy in the thirteenth team of Goutei, don't say that I am a resident of Ruhun Street, even if the vice-captain offends the captain, if the captain wants to investigate, he can be executed directly!

That's why Shishiro Ukitake immediately revealed his identity after seeing the two of them.

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