Just as Duan Mu walked out of the world-transmitting gate, a tall figure greeted him with a sweet smile on his face: "Thank you for your hard work."

"Long time no see, Miss Xing Kui."

Seeing the person coming, Duan Mu almost subconsciously smiled lightly, with a heart-warming feeling in his eyes: "Have you read the books I recommended for you last time?"

This tall figure was Xing Kui, who was in charge of dealing with noble affairs in the Golden Seal Society.


Xing Yankui nodded: "Sure enough, as Boss Duan Mu said, that book really fits my liking."

After exchanging pleasantries, Duan Mu didn't stay long, so he took his leave and left.

Xing Kui's affection for him has reached 35 points after a long time of cooperation. Simple greetings can't improve the favorability at all, so Duan Mu didn't bother to chat with him in a shameless way to avoid being too affectionate To the reverse effect.

After leaving the Golden Seal Meeting, Duan Mu observed the surrounding buildings, although his face remained unchanged, his heart became more and more uneasy.

Nothing unusual.

Even though the sanctification is over, there is still no change in Seireitei.

The spiritual power of countless 'bloodline pollution destroyers' gathered together, undoubtedly an extremely terrifying force.

But in fact, no one is aware of the existence of this force, and even the Seiring Court, where this force finally returns, no one knows what changes have taken place in the dark.

This made Duan Mu's eyes twitch uncontrollably.

Because the more he understood, the more he felt that it was too unsafe to stay in Seireitei.

If it's just one or two dangerous people, that's fine.


Mad scientists, conspirators, certain prisoners, and even the enemy's base camp...all piled up in this one place.

Just walking on the street, Duan Mu feels like being watched by countless people.

In comparison, Liuhun Street is simply heaven! !

Duan Mu didn't continue to be entangled. As he walked to the periphery, he turned his attention to the system interface in his mind and began to plan the use of experience points.

There is no need to store all of the 15 experience points, just leave tens of thousands of experience points for training when encountering bottlenecks and dealing with accidents.

However, how to use it makes Duan Mu a little tangled.

It's not really a struggle, because for him now, there are only two items worth investing in experience.

Reiatsu: top (202439/1000000)

Chanted Abandonment: Advanced (1280/100000)

If 15 of the 10 experience points are put into the spiritual pressure, the strength of Duan Mu's spiritual pressure can be regarded as being in the middle even among the captains of Goutei [-]. It is not as good as it is, but the self-protection ability is already sufficient.

And if he puts out 10 experience points and puts it into the "Singing Abandonment", then he will be greatly improved in terms of lethality and self-protection.

Because after the "Abandonment of Chanting" reaches the top level, he can display the full power of the advanced ghost paths "numbered 60-89" without chanting, including Duan Kong and all broken ones except Black Coffin No. 90. road.

Originally, Duan Mu's plan was to put all his experience points into spiritual pressure, and then practice ghost way by himself.

In the past six months, Duan Mu has been concentrating on cultivating the "abandonment of singing", but after half a year, with the help of investing 1 or 2 points of experience points from time to time, he barely reached the proficiency of 780 points from the original 1280 points .

At the current speed, even if he only cultivates this one without stopping, it will take nearly 98 years.

in fact……

In the eyes of others, this speed is already astonishingly fast.

Because compared with the simple ghost way, the cultivation of abandoning singing is many times more difficult.

After pondering for a while, Duan Mu made a choice.

[Singing Abandonment: Top Level (0/1000000)]

The practice of spiritual pressure, with the development of spiritual patterns, has been growing steadily.

But it is absolutely impossible for Duan Mu to spend 98 years practicing on the "Abandonment of Chanting". With this time, he can cultivate many advanced ghosts to the advanced level or even the top level with the assistance of a small amount of experience points.

Current experience value: 58680.


At the same time, in this world.

In a clinic in Nanchuanase, a child shouted excitedly.

"It's a perverted big brother who doesn't wear clothes!"


"The person who saved my mother and me is the perverted big brother who everyone said he doesn't wear clothes!"


145 chapter

Second team.

After working all morning, Duan Mu stepped into the second division team building wearing a dusty black overalls.

After entering the maggot's nest with ease, it didn't take long before he changed into a brand new black overalls and walked out, heading towards the direction of the supervisor building.


"Captain Duan Mu."

As soon as he entered the building, a burst of greetings came to his ears. Duan Mu responded with a smile one by one, and stepped into the Surveillance Section amidst a burst of respectful greetings.

Whenever he is free recently, he will come to the Surveillance Section for a walk.

It's not that I came here to take a break, or I have some ulterior secrets, I just came here to observe someone.


Nagano Huaxiu sat in front of the huge monitor, holding a lot of snacks in his arms, and said with a smile: "Are you going to observe that old Quincy Master today?"


Duan Mu pulled up a chair, sat beside Nagano Huaxiu and asked, "Did he fight today?"

"There is no battle. It seems that something happened to his family. These days, he has always brought his grandson by his side to practice everywhere."

Nagano Huaxiu answered vaguely with oil pancakes in his mouth, but his movements were not slow. Accompanied by the sound of clattering keyboards, an image suddenly appeared on the big screen: "His grandson, who is so tall It's so cute, it makes people want to hold it in their arms and knead it when they see it."

The image displayed on the big screen is an old man leading a 10-year-old child walking in the forest.


Qing Yuanfang on the side seemed to think of something, frowned and said: "The Technology Development Bureau sent a message, saying that if the supervision object number 432 encounters falsehoods in the future, it asks us not to convey the news. Regarding this point... I did not refuse."

A look of surprise flashed in Duan Mu's eyes when he heard the words, and he nodded immediately: "It's right that you didn't refuse. Anyway, we have nothing to do with sending a request for support."

Although the supervision team will monitor the target, their duty is to prevent the target from doing anything harmful to the world and the spirit world.

Even if the surveillance object is in crisis and needs rescue, the supervision team must ignore it and pass it on to the Technology Development Bureau.

The reason is very simple. When the supervision team monitors the object, it needs to focus on secrecy. It must not be noticed by the supervision object, and it must not let other people find that the supervision object is being monitored by the supervision team.

That is to say...

The Technology Development Bureau doesn't need to notify them at all.

But the news showed that the Technology Development Bureau was very aware of what the supervision team's 'monitoring loop' was watching, so it conveyed this kind of news to them.

"Although it's just a rumor, as far as I know..."

Kiyohara Fang pondered for a while, and continued: "Captain Nirvana Mayuri of the Technology Development Bureau ordered the Technology Development Bureau to monitor the Quincy team members, delay the transmission of information, and then after the death of the Quincy... the soul will be carried out. Recycling; however, this is just a rumor, and I don't know if it is true."


Duan Mu nodded, but didn't ask the bottom line.

Because of Kiyohara Fang's character, he can say such words, which shows that he has grasped certain clues; it's just because the other party's identity is too special, and because of the research behavior of Nirvana Yuri, it is very likely that he has obtained the clues from Room 46. With permission, he will tell himself this information as a 'rumor'.


Duan Mu has always been very clear about this matter, but he didn't want to provoke that lunatic.

The reason why he wanted to observe the number 432 supervision object was just to study the power of the Quincy Master. A few days ago, when he was in the real world, the sanctity that happened to him, but he was unaware of it, made Duan Mu feel that " Quincy has a deep fear.

For a long time, although Duan Mu knew about the existence of the Quincy Master, he didn't pay much attention to it, because from his memory, there was still a long time before the Quincy Master appeared in this world, and before that, they would never appear in front of oneself.

In contrast, the one from the Fifth Division is the one that Duan Mu really needs to be afraid of.

But the experience of the present world a few days ago made Duan Mu realize...

They are always there, and they are by their side!

Like the two worlds inside and outside the mirror, without realizing it, I may have passed them countless times.

Therefore, these days, whenever Duan Mu is free, he will come to the supervision building, and use the monitoring circuit of the supervision team to observe the Quincy Division, so as not to be in a hurry due to unfamiliarity with the enemy.

After a period of observation, it can be regarded as a harvest.

Before observing the 432 supervisors, Duan Mu always thought that the relationship between the control of the Quincy Master's control over the spiritual energy and the strength of his own spiritual power was not strong; The mastery of sub-subordination is also linked to the strength of one's own spiritual power.

It is true that the Quincy Masters seldom directly use the spiritual power in their bodies to fight, but every time they fight, they will use the spiritual power in their bodies to gather and package the spiritual particles in the external environment, and finally present them in the form of spiritual particles armed, that is to say, their own The stronger the spiritual power, the higher the degree of mastery of the subordination of the spirit.

The combination of internal and external forces gave them the power to 'destroy' everything.

However, Duan Mu did not intend to turn the power of Quincy into his own like he studied Xu, because Quincy is fundamentally different from Shinigami and Xu, and even has blood restrictions.

Even if it takes [-] steps back, Duan Mu can have the blood of the Quincy Master, and Duan Mu will never accept the kind of power that will be controlled by the other party after receiving the gift.

Masaki Kurosaki was right in front of his eyes, losing all his strength, and even his life was about to fall.

And Duan Mu has already decided on his future plans.

That is...

Feel the blue dye to cross the river! !

Although Aizen turned his eyes to foreign objects after reaching his limit, in Duan Mu's mind, if he wanted to cross the river by feeling the stones, the stone that was most suitable for him and the best thing to touch was——Aizen You Jie!

At least before encountering the extreme barrier, the route he will take will not be any different from that of Aizen.

Since Aizen didn't show much interest in Quincy from the beginning to the end, there must be a reason.

Duan Mu never thinks how smart he is, let alone think that everyone other than himself is a fool; with Aizen's ability and hundreds of years of hard work, he has obviously tried and failed on many routes, and there is no need for him to Go down the wrong path he took again.

The reason why he wanted to observe the Quincy Division was just as he said before, he wanted to familiarize himself with the Quincy Division's fighting style, so as to avoid being ignorant during the battle.


Duan Mu turned his gaze, looked at the sad little boy beside the old man, and shook his head slightly.


Duan Mu glanced at the wall clock on the wall, got up and said to everyone in the surveillance department: "I have an appointment at noon, so I'm leaving first, you guys pack up and go have lunch."


After bidding farewell to everyone in the surveillance department, Duan Mu left the supervision building directly, but he did not go outside the second team, but came to the vice captain's office.

When he came to the door of the vice-captain's office, Duan Mu knocked on the door a few times, opened the door and walked in without waiting for a response from inside.

In the room, Omaeda was eating snacks while listening to his subordinates' reports.

Regarding Duan Mu's arrival, whether it was O Maeda or the police patrol who was reporting, both of them just took a look, then looked away, and continued to report.

Duan Mu, on the other hand, laid down on the sofa with ease, with a relaxed look on his face.

have to say……

A high-end sofa is comfortable to lie on.

As far as Duan Mu knows, this sofa was ordered by O Maeda from the Technology Development Bureau at a large price. For the massage function, only need to release weak spiritual pressure, the sofa can independently control the spiritual particles, and use the spiritual particles to massage the various acupoints of the person lying on it.

Ever since he discovered this, every time Duan Mu came to Da Maeda, he would lie down on this sofa for a while.

However, good news, the price is extremely expensive.

Duan Mu calculated that if he took out all his belongings, he might be able to buy a sofa cushion to take home...


O Maeda behind the desk nodded to the team member in front of him: "You go down first."

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