Will die~!

Although it was only in contact for a moment, Grand`Fisher understood at this moment that the young man in front of him was far from someone he could fight against, and if he continued to stay here, he would definitely die.

Fortunately, the other party didn't take him seriously from the beginning to the end. As long as he opened his black mouth, he could leave here immediately.

The screams in the mouth continued, and the pitch-black crack gradually expanded under the cover of Grand`Fisher's huge body, but it was not the kind of black cavity that was huge enough for Xu to pass through; it was only big enough for a human child to pass through. , and only in this way can he avoid the terrifying young man in front of him and secretly let himself return to the virtual circle.

The mimicry of the tentacles on Grand`Fisher's head does not just imitate the human appearance, this mimicry itself is also his body.

In short, whether it is this huge body or the mimicry of the 'little girl' above his head, it is his body; no matter which one is injured, it can be transferred to the other side, and its current plan is to abandon the present This tall body was transferred into the mimicry of a little girl, and then entered the black cavity.

Grand`Fisher stared fixedly at the young man on the river bank who was talking to the mother and child, and kept his face firmly in his heart.

Just wait, I will come to you again.

Pretending to shake his head in pain, it threw the little girl's mimicry into the dark cavity behind him.

It worked!


Snapped! !

The water splashed everywhere, and the little girl thrown by it did not enter the black hole, but plunged headlong into the river.


Grand`Fisher's pupils shrank, and he turned sharply to look at the crack behind him, with a humanized unbelievable look in his eyes.



Rather than disappearing, it is better to say...

Someone blocked the space and forcibly closed the black cavity it opened.

Grand`Fisher subconsciously tore the space apart again, but there was no response... The space that could have been easily torn open became extremely hard. No matter how hard he tried, there was no fluctuation in the surrounding space.

How can it be?

Grand`Fisher seemed to have thought of something, and turned his head suddenly, only to realize that the young man on the river bank had turned his gaze to him at some point, but there was no focus in his pupils, as if he was in a daze.

what did he do?

As soon as this idea came to Grand`Fisher's mind, he subconsciously shook his head.

The ability to control space has been their 'Xu' exclusive ability since the birth of Soul Soul World, and it is as easy to use as raising a hand and lifting a foot.

No matter how strong a god of death is, it is impossible for him to have the ability to block space.

What's more, although this blocking ability exists, as far as it knows... this ability is only possessed by those monsters living in the Void Night Palace.


At this moment, it noticed that the dazed young man by the river bank suddenly sighed.

Earned ~

But lost again...

Duan Mu looked at the system prompt in his mind, his expression extremely tangled.

His current mood can be described as 'painful and happy' or 'happy and painful'.

[Masaki Kurosaki's favorability +1, gain 500 experience points, current favorability: 50]

Current experience value: 157400.

After seeing this value, Duan Mu's face became more and more tangled.

Because among the more than 15 experience points, 85000 are Duangi's original experience, which means that Masaki Kurosaki's 50 favorability points only provided him with 72400 experience points.

It's not that she's weak, but...

For some reason, her spiritual power disappeared in an instant.

Moreover, the disappearance of the spiritual power as the source of the soul made her own soul dry up in this short moment.

Also known as...

The vitality is exhausted!

[Masaki Kurosaki's favorability +1, gain 600 experience points, current favorability: 1]

[Masaki Kurosaki's favorability +1, gain 600 experience points, current favorability: 2]


[... Obtained 1200 experience points, current favorability: 10]


[... Obtained 2000 experience points, current favorability: 20]


[Masaki Kurosaki's favorability +1, gain 2000 experience points, current favorability: 30]


[Masaki Kurosaki's favorability +1, gain 1500 experience points, current favorability: 40]


In the beginning, Masaki Kurosaki provided Duanmu with the experience value. Among all the people Duanmu knew, Captain Unohana, who had 1 experience points with 1500 favorability point, was twice as much as Sister Sorazuru with the same favorability. , 1 favorability point, 600 experience points.

20 points of favorability doubled like other people, but when the favorability reached 30, it did not double as expected, but remained at a little favorability of 2000.

After 40, it will not rise but fall.

The experience value provided after 50 points of favorability is not even as much as the initial 1 point of favorability.

These favorability levels were all raised in a short moment, and the changes in Masaki Kurosaki also went from beginning to end in this short moment.



Duan Mu turned his head and looked at Kurosaki Masaki who was leaving with the child in his arms, the strange look in his eyes turned into a daze.

He finally understood...

Before I arrived, why did the terrifying fluctuation of spiritual power suddenly disappear.

Holy! !

This is an ability that takes away the power of all 'quenchers with tainted blood'.

Strictly speaking, rather than seizing it, it is more like retrieving the power that originally belonged to the person who performed the 'sanctification'.

In just a moment, the terrifying spiritual power fluctuations around Masaki Kurosaki disappeared as if they had evaporated out of thin air.

Not only spiritual power, but with Duan Mu's attainments in Hui Dao, he can clearly feel...

The Soul Sleep, Knot, and even the Reiatsu Core of Kurosaki Masaki's soul all collapsed in a short moment, completely losing the ability to generate spiritual power.

The reason why Duan Mu said that she was going to die was not because there was something wrong with her body, but because her soul could no longer maintain itself.

Although she did not die at the hands of Grand`Fisher, her soul will gradually collapse as time goes by, and when the soul completely dissipates, she will die with her body intact.

The collapse of the soul cannot be cured or delayed. The time of the collapse process will depend on the density of the soul.

For a person with a weak soul density, the soul may dissipate as spirit particles within two to three months; for a person with a strong soul density, this process of collapse may last for two to three years.

But the result cannot be changed.

It is impossible for her not to feel the changes in herself, but from the beginning to the end, her attention was focused on the child in her arms, completely ignoring the changes in herself.

Her favorability for herself is not because she saved her, but because in her opinion, she saved her child.

A look of fear flashed across Duan Mu's eyes.

Obviously everything happened right in front of his eyes, even beside him, but he didn't notice the slightest difference, not even a little bit.

If it wasn't for the answer already in his memory, he wouldn't even know what happened at that moment.

It is completely impossible to see from what channel the spiritual power is transferred, it is invisible to the naked eye, and there is no wave of spiritual energy, and everything is done quietly.

Come one step too late!

If he came a little earlier, although the result would not change, the experience points he could gain would be many times higher than now.

As for stopping...

This is absolutely impossible!

Because 'sanctification' can be said to be a contract between the blood and the soul, outsiders can't even detect it, so how can they stop it.

Duan Mu's eyes turned, and he looked at the boy who was held in Kurosaki Masaki's arms, looking at him with a pair of big eyes, and then looked back directly at the river.

A male who cannot bring him experience points, no matter how special he is, is of no value to Duan Mu.

Under the downpour, two figures, one big and one small, were engaged in a fierce battle in the center of the river.

So strong~~

Qi Chuanjiu's face was extremely heavy, and he couldn't help feeling a burst of regret in his heart.

Su Chuanjiu was still very excited when he saw the guy who invaded his jurisdiction and robbed his performance in a daze earlier, and wanted to take advantage of the moment when the bastard was in a daze, and wiped out this bastard in one fell swoop...

But what he didn't expect was...

This Xu who was crippled by that young man's blow was actually too strong!

He wanted to ask the young man on the shore for help, but he was too embarrassed to ask for help.

After all, I was watching someone in a daze, and took the opportunity to snatch Xu who was maimed by others, but in the end... the Xu who was maimed by others ran away with his head in his arms.

And when Qi Chuanjiu cast his eyes on the young man on the shore from time to time, the one who confronted him was also observing the young man on the shore.

Didi, Didi, Didi~~

At this moment, a bell rang suddenly.

Everyone in the middle of the river couldn't help but look in the direction of the sound.

Duan Mu took out the magical command machine from his pocket, looked at the number on it, and twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, took the magical command machine away, and pressed the connect button.

"You're on top!!"

Sure enough, as soon as it was connected, there was an extremely anxious roar from the command machine: "Please, Mr. Duan Mu, don't be in a daze anymore!"


Duan Mu clicked his tongue, a child with a father and a mother is so happy.

Having said that, Duan Mu still raised his hand towards the void in front of him.

"Broken Dao No. [-]: Bai Lei."

Almost at the moment when Duan Mu raised his hand, Grand`Fisher felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart, and instinctively wanted to tear apart the space to escape, completely forgetting that he could not open the black cavity before.

but ripped apart...

In just a split second, a huge black cavity appeared behind it, which made it turn around and was about to rush into the black cavity, regardless of its confusion.



Thunder suddenly appeared, replacing all the light in the world, like a thunderbolt, illuminating the entire river bank.

The deafening thunderclap resounded even more through the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the thunder that spurted from the fingertips landed on Grand`Fisher, including his head, and his entire upper body was reduced to ashes in that instant.

The terrifying scene made Xi Chuanjiu on the side stunned in place.

After a while, he came back to look at the shore, and found that the young man in black overalls on the shore had disappeared in place at some point.


The residence of the Golden Seal Society.

A pitch-black butterfly flew out from the shining portal, followed by Duan Mu.

"Boss Duan Mu."

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