The Internet in this world has memories, and the 0.01 experience value that would increase from time to time already shows that there are still photos of myself on the Internet. If it is accidentally photographed, his social death experience a few years ago is likely to be captured again Turn it out.

After confirming where he was, Duan Mu didn't stay for long, but quickly left the empty seat and came to a rare area.

"The 58th of Binding Dao · Slapping the Toe and Chasing the Bird · Change!"

In the soft shout, Duan Mu's body surged with spiritual power, covering the entire Kongza town almost in just a moment.

Unlike the previous few times, Duan Mu did not accept the restrictions this time under the urging of President Xi Chuan, and naturally there was no need to search for areas over there before; Karakura Town, even Kagamino City, which is 22km away from Karza Town, is also within Duangi's detection range.

The invisible ripples spread layer by layer like a wave, and a huge amount of information was continuously sent back.

As long as there is any fluctuation in spiritual pressure, Duan Mu will be able to detect it immediately.

After a few seconds...

Duan Mu's eyes lit up, he found it! !


Before Duan Mu came to this world, he sat empty on top of a tall building in Honcho.

A black-haired young man bit the rice ball in his hand hard, as if he regarded the rice ball as an enemy, and kept muttering in an indistinct voice:

"Asshole... don't let me know who you are, how dare you come to my jurisdiction to kill Xu Xu... Bastard, just one or two... You actually didn't even leave a giant Xu for me, it's so bullying... Where did this bastard come from? Could it be that he came from Naruki City, which is in charge of the [-]th Division?"


Su Chuanjiu now only feels inexplicable to the extreme. Although Kuzuo town often has ghosts, most of them are miscellaneous fish ghosts, and there are only a few giant ghosts that have surpassed the initial stage and are huge.

As for the god of death dispatched to the present world, every time he purifies a ghost, it will be recorded in the performance. If he wants to be promoted to the seat in the future, the performance of the dispatch experience in the present world is extremely important to him, at least in the thirteenth division.

In addition to those who are powerful, there are additional additional remuneration. Although Xi Chuanjiu doesn't care about money, getting the additional remuneration itself is already a proof of honor.

Because of this, the god of death sent to the present world will be extremely dissatisfied with the cross-border behavior of other colleagues, and even feel resentful.

Xi Chuanjiu is no exception. He has never thought of inheriting the family business. He has always regarded becoming Captain Ukitake's adjutant as his life goal, so since he came to this world, he has been looking forward to fighting those giant virtuals.


I don't know why, whenever a giant void appears, and when he receives an order to rush to the scene, the void that appears will disappear inexplicably.

At first, Xi Chuanjiu thought Xu Xu had returned to Xu Circle.

But several times in succession, he faintly realized that something was wrong, and each time there was Xu's aura remaining at the scene, indicating that Xu had indeed appeared here before.

Someone came to their own jurisdiction and robbed their own performance! !

At the beginning, he was not sure if this guess was right, until...

Once, he was very close to the giant void that appeared, so he rushed to the scene immediately.

But just as he drew out the Zanpakuto and was about to fight with him, a thunder light suddenly came from the void.


I'm dead! !

That bastard, in front of his own eyes, blatantly invaded the jurisdiction of the [-]th Division and robbed his performance.

What makes Xi Chuanjiu most breathless is...

With the other party being so blatant, he didn't even find out who it was.

Qi Chuanjiu contacted the Technology Development Bureau several times for this, but he didn't know what to ask, and said that maybe Xu was afraid after seeing him, so he fled back to the Xu circle.

fart! !

Naxu was wiped out right under his nose, and the guys from the Technical Development Bureau were simply talking nonsense.

next time...

Qi Chuanjiu stuffed the whole rice ball into his mouth and chewed it angrily.

"I must get ahead of that bastard!!"

Originally, he would act in this world with the righteous bones in normal times, but the experience of being robbed of performance again at noon today made Su Chuanjiu give up wearing the righteous bones and be ready for battle at any time.

After eating the rice balls, he looked down at his hands.

In his hand, he is holding an instrument different from the command god machine. This is a new type of spirit particle detection device that he asked someone to buy from the Technology Development Bureau today; normally, as the god of death in the world, he does not need this at all This kind of thing, but he missed it with Xu more than a dozen times, which made him suspicious...

That is……

Those bastards from the Technology Development Bureau probably colluded with the guy who robbed him of his performance, and then deliberately slowed down the speed of the order.

Otherwise, the opponent cannot always be one step ahead of himself.

And the fact is the same, but it is not the person who robbed him of his performance, but Su Chuanjiu's father asked the Technology Development Bureau, after Duan Mu rushed to the present world, the information that appeared in the virtual world can be passed on to Xichuan Yuchi in accordance with the regulations Some commands are magical.

Chairman Su Chuan's initial plan was to stop the Technology Development Bureau from conveying false information to Su Chuan Jiu.

But this request was rejected by the Technology Development Bureau, because this kind of behavior violated the rules set by Room 46 of Mao; in the end, he had to give up and delay the transmission of instructions, which caused Su Chuanjiu to make a waste of a trip every time.

Didi, didi, didi~~~

At this moment, a burst of alarm sounded suddenly from the new-type spiritual particle detection device in the hands of Xi Chuanjiu.


Xi Chuanjiu's eyes kept observing between the spirit son detection device that kept sounding the alarm and the command magic machine that did not fluctuate, with a look of resentment on his face.

"You despicable bastards, after I go back, I must go to the nobles to sue you!"


Cursing in his heart, Xi Chuanjiu got up and walked towards the direction where the breath came out. Although it only appeared for a moment, the location of the appearance was clearly recorded on the spirit particle detection device.

After galloping all the way, after a few minutes, he had already come to a roadside on the bank of a river.

"Are you late again?"

Qi Chuanjiu frowned, obviously this is where he appeared.


There was a scream, and Xi Chuanjiu turned his head to take a look, only to see a mother walking along the roadside with a child in a raincoat.

And it was the child in the raincoat who screamed just now.

"Ouch~ This truck is so annoying."

The child's mother squatted down holding an umbrella, with a gentle smile on her face.

"Ichigo, are you alright?"

"It's okay, I have a raincoat on me, it doesn't matter."

The little boy named Ichigo said serious words with a childish expression: "I can still protect my mother when I stand here."


After taking a look, Xi Chuanjiu looked away, and turned his attention to the spirit particle detection device in his hand again, hoping to find the Xu that was detected earlier.

The mother and son walked away while talking.

But before he had gone far, the child didn't know what he saw, and suddenly jumped over the fence on the side of the road, and quickly ran towards the river bank.


The mother's anxious and terrified yell came, Su Chuanjiu looked in the direction where the little boy was running, and saw a little girl in a strange costume standing on the bank of the river.

Not human.

Is it whole?

The moment he saw that figure, Xi Chuanjiu made a judgment in his heart, but his pupils shrank in the next second.


The moment the little boy climbed over the fence, suddenly there was a huge shadow behind the little girl facing the river bank, which turned from illusion to reality, as if appearing out of thin air.

Didi, didi, didi~~

The urgent alarm sounded, and Qi Chuanjiu's complexion changed drastically. Before he had time to think about it, he rushed over immediately.

"grim Reaper?"

The little girl on the bank of the river seemed to have noticed something, and the huge figure behind her opened her eyes, looking at the god of death rushing towards her, with a touch of human hesitation in her eyes.

Although devouring a god of death is more delicious than devouring a human with high spiritual power, his character is extremely cautious, otherwise he would not have lived to this day.

Want to give up?

Seeing the little boy who was about to run to his mimicry, and the Grim Reaper who was also rushing towards him, Grand`Fisher hesitated for a while, after all, instinct overcame cautiousness, and he did not open the empty cavity immediately.Instead, he ran in the direction of the little boy, stretched out his claws with only four fingers, and prepared to swallow the little boy first, and then swallow the god of death after that.

He had a feeling that if he could devour them, he wouldn't need to come back to this world for a while.

It’s too late~~!

Seeing this, Xi Chuanjiu who ran from a distance frowned, because at his speed it was too late to save the child.


The accident happened at the moment when the sharp claws slapped the boy.

A figure suddenly jumped forward, threw the boy down, supported the ground with his arms and knees, and protected the boy under his body like a shield.

The boy looked at his mother in front of him, doubts flashed in his eyes, but he didn't wait for him to say anything.


There was a dull whistling sound, mixed with great strength to shoot.


In an instant, the boy and mother were covered.


Seeing this, Xi Chuanjiu couldn't help cursing.

Could that mother also see void?

This kind of behavior is simply too stupid. Originally, it was only the kid who died, but now the mother and child will die in the hands of that Xu.



A shrill scream suddenly came from the river bank, and it was not the mother and child who screamed, but the bird... Of course, in Xi Chuanjiu's view, let alone the screaming of the mother and child, it was the mother and child who screamed. If you slap a paw, you may die without even feeling the pain.

what happened?

Qi Chuanjiu paused and looked at Xu who was screaming.

And just as he looked...

The palm that Xu patted suddenly disintegrated and dissipated as a spirit seed in an instant; while Xu was covering his arms and retreating, a body appeared in front of the safe and sound mother and child on the ground. A young man in black overalls and boots.

The young man didn't look at the bird, but turned his head to look at the mother and child behind him, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

The little boy named Ichigo tilted his head, bypassing his mother who was standing in front of him, and looked at the young man, with a look of confusion in his eyes.

I don't know if he was affected by the breath of the young man, but he gradually saw the huge monster in front of the young man, clutching his arms and retreating into the water on the river bank, and faintly realized why his mother wanted to throw him down.

"Ichigo, are you alright?"

His mother's worried voice made Ichigo subconsciously shake his head.

Seeing this, his mother breathed a sigh of relief, and looked gratefully at the young man behind her, but before she could say something thankful, the young man's voice suddenly came.

"Madam, you don't want your son to die, do you?"

After Duan Mu finished speaking, he withdrew his gaze from the two of them, and while looking at the ghost in the river, he turned his attention to the system interface in his mind.

After seeing the prompt on the system interface, Duan Mu's tone instantly became extremely gentle:

"If you don't want to, just take the child and leave here!"


Chapter 144 The person who saved us is...


Xu's screams continued, but at the same time as the screams, there was a gap behind it without a sound.

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