"Don't be in a hurry."

Duan Mu nodded: "Unless someone comes to attack Wanshiwu in my absence, you don't need to fight anyone at all."

Ishida Munezuru hummed.

In fact, when he first joined Wanshiwu, he thought that Duan Mu was saving himself by using his own power; Ordinary people usually do some chores in the master house.

And the initial rejection of Duan Mu for taking a group of villains under his command gradually disappeared with the passage of time.

One reason is because he discovered that Duan Mu had never thought of taking those villains as his subordinates at all, but those villains unilaterally regarded Duan Mu as their king.

The second is because...

After those villains followed Duan Mu, they were restrained instead. No matter how they fought in the areas with lower numbers, those villains would not make trouble outside the areas with lower numbers, thus strengthening the stability of Liuhun Street and indirectly protecting countless people. Residents of Ruhun Street!

In a way, Duan Mu has become a symbol of rules in Liuhun Street.


Pushing open the door of Wanshiwu, Duan Mu frowned slightly when he saw the figure in the reception hall.

No wonder...

Ishida Munezuru would say that this customer is not ordinary.

This is a little girl who looks about ten years old in appearance, but the little girl's delicate face does not have the slightest sense of immaturity, but gives people a very stable feeling; the lining is dark, and the outside is covered with a noble robe with a high collar , making it look extremely majestic!

Duan Mu is no stranger to this girl.

Although, he actually only saw the girl's current appearance once.

Awanmen Nayula!

The chief secretary of the Dalingshu Corridor and the next sage of Room 46 of Mao.

Duan Mu handed the noodle soup in his hand to Ishida Zongxian, and said, "Master Ishida, you and Oori should go downstairs to eat at the tavern first."

Hearing that, neither Unagi Oori in the reception hall nor Ishida Sozuru made any inquiries, but left the Master House together and headed towards the tavern.

Inside the House of Everything.

"Mr. Duan Mu..."

Nayula looked at Duan Mu, with a flash of hesitation on her face, as if she was considering whether to continue talking.

"Sit first."

Duan Mu pointed to the sofa next to him, and after she was seated, he sat down opposite Nayula, with a gentle smile on his face, and said: "If you have any entrustment, you can just say it directly, and I need to consider whether to accept it or not." , you don’t need to be troubled by it at all.”

"If I say..."

Nayura paused for a moment, with an extremely serious expression on her small face: "I would like to ask you to take me into Mao's Room 46 for investigation. Mr. Duan Mu, can you accept this commission?"

After all, she couldn't help showing a look of anxiety on her face.

As long as you are in the soul world, no one will be unaware of the power of Room 46 of Mao.

Even Captain Yamamoto is not allowed to raise objections to the decisions made by Mao Room 46.

Infiltrating and investigating Mao's room 46 is arguably one of the most serious felonies in the soul world. If there are other options, she doesn't want to involve Duan Mu, who is not even a god of death.

As Shiba Kuzuru once said to Duan Mu, she has always expressed contempt for the "nobility first doctrine" and is committed to erasing the gap between the nobles and ordinary people, thus creating a story about nobles, commoners and Ruhun Street. residents, a fair and good judicial system for all members.

But this kind of thing is almost impossible for the corpse soul world where the class division is extremely obvious. She often disguises herself and mixes with the common people of Seireitei and Ruhun Street under a false name, and finds out... Regardless of the nobles, there are also classes among the common people.

This made her feel desperate about her goal until she met Duan Mu.

Whether it is treating the civilians in Ruhun Street, the villains in the lower-numbered areas, the homeless orphans, the civilians in Seireitei, or even the high-ranking nobles in Seireitei... Duan Mu treats everyone equally, from beginning to end In the end, he did not change his attitude after entering Seireitei, and he still treats every customer of Rukon Street with respect and friendliness.

If there is any unfairness in his attitude towards others, it is probably only gender...

So she has always had a great affection for Duan Mu.

Otherwise, when it was revealed that Duan Mu secretly went to the virtual circle, she would not have lied to her father to cover it up.

"Sneak into Mao Room 46?"

Duan Mu took a deep look at Nayola, although he had secretly investigated Nayula after the other party covered up for him last time, and knew that the other party was far more shrewd and stable than his appearance.But the other party's shrewdness was far stronger than he expected.

He was not surprised by Nayura's request.

Because, from the moment he entered the door and saw Nayula, Duan Mu had faintly realized what she wanted to entrust.

Infiltrated and investigated Room 46 of Mao?

There is no doubt about it...

It is an impossible commission.

As the actual power holder of Seireitei, Room 46 of Mao, possesses such power that it can be said that as long as the Soul King does not come in person, they are the only voices in the world of corpses and souls! !

Even Captain Yamamoto is no exception.

But rather than saying that he didn't dare to violate it, it's better to say that he was unwilling to violate it.

Because he knows that establishing a system is a long process, but destroying a system only takes a moment.Although Captain Yamamoto's insistence is a bit stubborn, it is undeniable that the established system has brought peace to the soul world, even if this peace involves many sacrifices.

Closer to home.

For this entrustment, it would be fine if it is not exposed, but once it is exposed...

Duan Mu will immediately stand on the opposite side of Seireitei and become the target of the entire Seireitei!

Even if you put aside the special status of Mao Room 46 itself... to secretly investigate Mao Room 46 now can be said to be an act of suicide.

Because, the fact that Mao's Room 46 has all died must not be exposed now.

In order to hide this, the person who slaughtered Room 46 of Mao will kill Duan Mu at all means and costs.

And Duan Mu's plan has always been to temporarily stay out of the matter, as if he didn't know what to do, so as not to arouse the murderous intent of that person, and thus put himself in a disadvantageous situation.

At the same time, avoid being caught in the wrong, and be dealt with by the other party in the name of Room 46 of Mao, and aboveboard.

It can be said……

No matter from what point of view, he cannot accept this commission.

All harm but no benefit!

But the words of refusal, when it came to his lips, turned into:

"Can you tell me in detail, as the chief secretary of the Great Spirit Book Corridor, the daughter of the current sage, and the candidate for the next sage, why did you sneak into Room 46 of Mao?"

"Mr. Duan Mu, you don't seem to be very surprised by my commission."

Nayula took a deep look at Duan Mu, but did not wait for Duan Mu's answer, but directly said: "For more than a month, the sages and judges in Room 46 of Mao, without exception, have all lived here. In the Pure Pagoda Forest House...the so-called 'Pure Tower Forest House' is a building connected to the Mao underground assembly hall."

"Only the sages and judges in Room 46 of Mao can live there, and even family members are absolutely not allowed to enter."

"Although there have been records of all the sages and judges living and working in Tallinn for a long time, the time is rarely as long as a month, and there is no complete severing of contact with the outside world and no contact with any relatives like today. "

Nayura paused for a moment, her pretty face turned a little cold: "In this more than a month, I applied to enter Mao's Room 46 three times, but was rejected, and even... I was not allowed to go to Mao's underground meeting hall. The Great Spirit Book Corridor below."

"As the chief secretary of the Great Soul Book Corridor, I have the authority to freely enter and exit the Great Soul Book Corridor, but the sages in Mao Room 46 have repeatedly rejected me; It is a sage I am not familiar with, and my father has never appeared in front of my eyes from the beginning to the end."

"So I suspect that something may have changed in Mao Room 46." At the end, Nayura's immature face flashed a touch of pain: "They don't let me meet, contact, and talk to my father, of course it can be avoided I can see, or hear, the flaws in my father's words and deeds, but..."

"My father will never see me even after I have seen him many times, not to mention missing my birthday."

Nayula took a deep breath, looked at Duan Mu who had been listening, and said in a deep voice: "I haven't talked to anyone about this matter, and the three applications were all based on the reason of 'requiring access to the corridor of the Great Spirit Book'. When I noticed something strange, in order to avoid suspicion, I also stopped continuing to see the audience."

"My suspicion, I have not told anyone."

"Because I am the next sage, but the next job is just the next job. Before I succeed, I don't have any power, and I can't mobilize the Goutei 46th Division; No one will believe it, but it will alarm the people behind the scenes."

"No one in Seireitei would choose to believe in me and have the ability to help me, and all I can think of is..."

"And what if your suspicions are wrong?"

Duan Mu, who had been listening all the time, suddenly interrupted, and he said softly: "Even if you take a step back, your suspicion has been confirmed, the person who can quietly control Room 46 of Mao, you think you and I can fight against 'TA' ?"

"I understand your anxiety, but whether your suspicions are right or wrong, they represent great risks."

"If you're wrong, with your father around, you might be able to get away, but the crime of sneaking into Mao's room 46 alone is enough to put me to death. Even if you can help me escape death, I will definitely be arrested Imprisoned forever."

"If it is correct, someone who can quietly control the entire Room 46 without revealing the slightest clue, and has deceived many captains, must be extremely powerful; in your capacity, if you suddenly disappear, it will bring about unknown changes, so 'TA' may I will find a way to control you instead of killing you, but my end is still certain death!"

"In the end, as you said, only you know about this matter. If you are controlled afterwards, no matter how I explain it, no one will believe it. You should also understand this."

When Nayula heard this, her expression suddenly became a little dark.

After a while of silence, she slowly got up, smiled wryly and said, "Sorry, I didn't think carefully." After that, she started to leave.

"Don't worry, I'm just talking about the possible consequences, and I didn't say that I would reject this commission."

Duan Mu smiled slightly at Nayula: "If it's from the position of the boss of Wanshiwu, I will never accept this kind of risky entrustment, but if..."

"As a friend, as 'Nayula' who was once taken care of by me, it seems to be a good experience to be impulsive once in a while."


"In my opinion, a friend is the kind of relationship that no matter how dangerous the situation is, if you see a friend being bullied, you will impulsively rush forward to help!"

Nayula stared blankly at Duan Mu who had a warm smile on her face, and it took a while before she realized: "Are you crazy?"

"Crying together, laughing together, crazy together, isn't that what friends are?"

Duan Mu smiled slightly: "However, there is another prerequisite for me to accept the commission, and that is...Nayola, no matter what the results of this investigation are, you must not tell others what you found; and you must keep it My life, other things can be imprisoned or sealed."

Duan Mu has changed a lot since he first came to Soul Soul Realm.

But one thing has not changed, that is the contradiction.

As has been said.

Duan Mu seldom provokes right and wrong on his own initiative, more often he is in a passive state full of contradictions.

On the one hand, in order to change, he suppresses his original personality to avoid trouble; on the other hand, he instinctively wants to throw away all shackles and act entirely on instinct and desire.

But when trouble comes to you, trouble is like a key that can unlock the lock called 'restraint'; so that Duan Mu will not try to avoid it, but use various reasons to convince himself to face it. .

For a variety of reasons...

And the reason for choosing to help Nayula is the favorability of '38' points.

Although he has one friend at a time, Duan Mu still doesn't know anything about friends, and he doesn't even know what a friend is.He has always used the other party's favorability for him as the standard. The higher the other party's favorability for him, the more he will pay for the other party, so as to give his sincerity in both directions.

Just like his initial clumsy decision, he exchanged his sincerity for his sincerity.

of course……

There are many other factors in his decision to accept this commission.

For example, Nayula's status, if you can get her friendship, it is completely worth taking some risks.

Moreover, although the danger he said earlier...

But as long as Nayula can save his life, it doesn't matter if he is imprisoned, and the time will not be too long anyway.

Because he knew better than anyone that Nayura's suspicion was correct!

As long as he doesn't die on the spot, when the truth comes out, he will gain far more than this short period of detention.

the most important is……

Duan Mu has always had an idea that he wants to implement, but he has no escape route that can guarantee his own safety, so he has to give up his plan to avoid being caught.

Although Nayula's commission was dangerous, for Duan Mu, it was a rough retreat!

What's more, he is always passive, Duan Mu also wants to try to take the initiative once.

Even for things that I have never thought about, the other party must not have thought that I would choose to jump out during this period.

Should be able to surprise him, right?

Thinking of this, Duan Mu couldn't help showing a happy smile on his face.

【Nayura's favorability...】


Chapter 173 Duan Mu’s plan

Looking up at the Seireitei in front of him, Duan Mu took a deep breath, and then, as usual, stepped into the Seireitei street paved with white stones.

From this moment on...

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