I am a travel disaster!


Standing on the intersection line between Seireitei and Ruhun Street, Duan Mu let out a breath of foul air, and adjusted his state to the best level.

Infiltrate the investigation?

Leaving aside the many guards, even if you reach the center of Seireitei, you still need to break through thirteen barriers if you want to enter Room 46 of Mao.

This barrier is built in imitation of the barrier between the Soul King Palace and the Soul King Palace, although it is far from the strength of the 72 barriers leading from the Soul King Palace to the Soul King Palace.

But even if the captain level wants to forcibly break through this barrier, it cannot be caused in a short period of time. The movement caused by the forced breakthrough will be discovered by Quan Selingting at the first time. Anyone who breaks into Room 46 will be surrounded!

Only by breaking through the thirteen barriers can we reach the underground meeting hall in Room 46 of Mao.

Behind the meeting hall, the tower-shaped building complex is the "Pure Tower Linju" where forty sages and six judges live, and it is also the only area in the soul world that is completely forbidden to visit for any reason. , even if the sage who lives in it invites his family to go, it is not allowed!

However, according to the information provided by Nayula, the sages and judges who have lived in it for a long time are all lonely and widowed without relatives; Will live in it, and usually live with the family.

Because of this, the identities of the sages and judges in Room 46 are not completely kept secret, but some are kept secret and some are made public; The latter is public.

This is also to prevent Mao Room 46 from being completely extinct when someone wants to be unfavorable to Mao Room 46, although judging from the results, it is useless...

Walking on the streets of Seireitei, Duan Mu didn't show any abnormalities, he just hurried forward with Shunpo, which was not too fast, but not too slow.

Leave the outer circle, enter the middle circle, and walk towards the inner circle.

Along the way, Duan Mu did not encounter even the slightest obstacle.

Because, except for the aristocratic area and some important places, other areas can be freely entered and exited without any hindrance.

In order to prevent himself from accidentally stepping into an area he shouldn't have stepped into, Duan Mu memorized the structure diagram of the entire Seiring Court by heart, so he knew exactly where he could reach without incident.

When they came to the inner circle, there were a lot less pedestrians around, but there were gradually more soldiers from the secret mobile patrol team patrolling the streets and the [-]th Division police force responsible for public security.

After Duan Mu entered the inner circle, in order to avoid arousing suspicion, he did not continue to use Shunbu to rush, but walked on the street in a leisurely manner, and responded to the police patrols who greeted him one by one.

That look...

It's not so much an invasion as a walk.

But while Duan Mu was moving forward, a huge map appeared in his mind.

The center of the inner circle is where Room 46 is located, and around Room 46, there are various important locations.

The south, southeast, and southwest directions are the residential areas of nobles, and the area outside the noble areas is the sixth area where the sixth team is located;

The northern part of room 46 is the first division, and the building complex like a hanging temple in the far north is where the headquarters of the thirteenth division of Goutei and the first division are located.

The sixth team and the first team are located in the extreme south and the extreme north respectively, blocking all incoming enemies outside the inner circle, and the possibility of breaking through from them is zero.

However, because of this, they were not close to the center where Room 46 of Mao was located. After the news that they were going to break into Room 46 of Mao, it took about 5 minutes for the captains of the two teams to arrive at the scene.

Of course, this time is only calculated by Duan Mu based on his own standard, and it may be faster or slower.

The East, centered on Room 46, is the Eighth Division, and its team building is also not close to Room 46 in Mao.

The last west is the road that Duan Mu is taking now. If you go a little further, you will reach the Qifan District, which is the end of the area that Duan Mu can go to. The Qifan District is the inner court guard. It was Mao Room 46.

Therefore, the team building of the Seventh Division is located not far to the west of Room 46 of Mao. They can be said to be the biggest obstacle for Duan Muqiang to break into Room 46.

In the Seventh Division, Duan Mu didn't have much contact, and even their furry captain, Duan Mu only met once in the captain's meeting.

But if you want to go to Room 46 of Mao, you have to go through the Seventh District to get there.


It didn't take long for Duan Mu to come to the outskirts of the Qifan District, where a petite girl was standing there, it was Awanmen Nayula.

Today, she is not wearing that white robe, but is wearing a black and strong outfit that is easy to move around.


Duan Mu waved with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, Nayula's eyes suddenly became a little strange.

Does this guy really know what he's going to do next?

In fact, before she went to Wanshiwu, she had already thought that her commission was very likely to be rejected, but except for Duan Mu, she really couldn't find anyone who could help her, so she gave it a try. Try the idea of ​​going to the house of everything in Liuhun Street.

As long as you are not a lunatic, you will not accept your commission.


She never expected that Mr. Duan Mu, who usually looks gentle, kind, and extremely well-behaved, would actually risk his life to help her.

Being moved is naturally very moving.


What's the matter with your walking posture?

The next thing to do is to be an enemy of the entire Seireitei, aren't you nervous at all?

She thought about many situations where Duan Mu appeared in front of her eyes.

For example, appearing in front of my eyes like ghosts out of thin air;

Or just like in the novel, when I was suddenly picked up by him without realizing it, and then the surrounding buildings flew past, and the people who came to block me couldn't even see his figure...

She even thought that Duan Mu was drenched in blood and was chased all the way, and then she smiled at herself indifferently.

But right now, walking on the main road so openly, and waving to herself with a smile on her face, Nayula really didn't expect it.

"...That's how you came here?"

"if not?"

Duan Mu said with some confusion: "You don't want me to get a rickshaw to take you away, do you? Well... I know that you have a distinguished status, and you should have never been carried on your back... but I will take you there with a rickshaw. Room 46, although it does not consume physical strength, but for an invasion, it is indeed a bit arrogant."

With you walking on the main road leading to Room 46 openly, and going to invade Room 46, won't you be arrogant?

Nayula's originally extremely heavy little face could not help but collapse at this moment.

"Forget it, how are you going to take me to room 46?"

"rest assured."

Duan Mu chuckled, and took out a bundle of straps from his black frock coat: "This is the baby I bought fabric from Noble Street yesterday, and made it myself... Ahem, high-end straps, equipped with a waist stool, a cute baby It is absolutely comfortable to sit and stand; and in order to avoid involving you in a battle, I asked someone to engrave many spirit patterns and enchantments on the strap."

"And it can be unlocked instantly, allowing you to leave the battlefield immediately, and at the same time expand the barrier to block the aftermath of the battle and ensure your own safety."


The corners of Nayula's eyes twitched, ignoring Duan Mu's quick-spoken word 'baby', and said in a somewhat helpless tone: "I'm asking, how are you going to break through the guards of the Seventh Division, go to Room 46 of Mao, and break through? Thirteen barriers."

"Break in!"


"You put the braces on first, and then wait for me a little bit."

Duan Mu didn't explain, but threw the strap to Nayula, and then took out the magical command machine from his arms, first edited a piece of information, selected a few people from the contacts, and then sent it to the group.


He dialed a number.


After only two rings, the phone was picked up, and a cold female voice came from the receiver.

"What's the matter? Tell me now."

"Captain Broken Bee, I want to report something to you."


"There is an accident about to invade Room 46 of Mao."


Broken Bee's originally cold tone suddenly became a little excited, and Duan Mu faintly heard the sound of the chair falling to the ground through the receiver, obviously knocking down the chair accidentally when getting up.

"Is the news accurate? What about the physical characteristics of the travel disaster? Where is the person now? Has the identity of the travel disaster been confirmed?"

"The news is [-]% accurate, as for the physical characteristics..."

Duan Mu looked at his clothes: "Handsome, with short black hair, wearing black work clothes, a long knife in a black cloth bag on his waist, and black high boots; The outskirts of the district are about to go to Room 46 of Mao through the Seventh District.”

"The outskirts of the Seventh Fan District!? This is impossible. How could the intruders quietly penetrate into... huh?"

The voice stopped abruptly.

And Duan Mu's voice came out in due course:

"The intruder is called Duan Mu. He is the owner of a small shop in Wanshiwu in the 38th district of Liuhun Street West. He went to room 46 for a certain commission. I also ask Captain Suifeng to come and stop it in time!!" After finishing, Duan Mu also Without waiting for Broken Bee to reply, the hand holding the God Command Machine was squeezed hard, and with a 'pop' sound, the God Command Machine was immediately crushed into pieces.

"……What are you doing?"

Nayula, who had already put on the braces, looked at Duan Mu with a confused expression.

She really couldn't figure out what Duan Mu wanted to do, surrendered before committing a crime?

"It's nothing, I'm just afraid that the people watching me didn't spread the news of my blatant invasion of Room 46 in the first place."

As Duan Mu said, he carried Nayula on his back.

"Time is running out, if everything goes well, I will explain to you!"

After tightening the strap, Duan Mu slowly raised his head to look at the distant Talinn after making sure it was secure, and took a deep breath.

next second.


The void trembled, and a terrifying spiritual pressure shot up into the sky, swirling the clouds crazily around, spinning like a vortex, as if the sky was collapsing.

At this moment, the spirit particles in the entire area rushed towards Duan Mu's place, forming a storm of spirit particles visible to the naked eye.

Hoo hoo hoo ~ ~

The strong wind raged, and the surrounding buildings began to shake as if they were about to be uprooted.

The smile gradually disappeared from his face, replaced by a corpse-like calm, as if he had abandoned all emotions.

Almost at the moment when the spiritual pressure fluctuation came out, the entire Seiling Court was startled, and countless people turned their attention to Duan Mu.

Nayula looked at the side face who was close at hand, and the confusion on her face disappeared, replaced by determination.

Although she didn't know what Duan Mu's plan was, she finally chose to believe in Duan Mu, believing that he could help her enter Room 46 of Mao.

Duan Mu looked into the distance.

His goal, from beginning to end, has only one goal, and that is...

Force Aizen to defect!

It was an idea he had had a long time ago.

Aizen's strength is indeed terrifying, but without Beng Yu, he has no strength against the entire Soul Soul Realm.

And what Duan Mu has to do is to expose him in advance, so as not to give him the chance to obtain the Bengyu.As for how to deal with Beng Yu in the future, it is not something that Duan Mu should care about, but something that Kisuke Urahara should take precautions against.

To this end, Duan Mu thought of many ways, but in the end he gave up one by one.

He also thought about directly telling the captains about Lan Ran's massacre in Room 46, but after careful consideration, he gave up this idea.

Because no one would believe it at all, even if someone went to investigate with the mentality of giving it a try, they would only see the members of Mao Room 46 gathering healthy and healthy in the underground conference hall for a meeting.

Duan Mu clearly remembers...

Even Unozhihualiu only vaguely noticed something wrong after contacting and inspecting Aizen's body for a long time, and he couldn't confirm it yet.

In a short time of contact, no one will find anything wrong.

Even if Duan Mu talked about the hype, it was far inferior to an order personally issued by the members of Room 46.

At that time, the one who spread the news would instead be sentenced to death for this reason.

So from the beginning to the end, Duan Mu never thought of exposing Aizen's crimes by himself.

In his opinion, the best way is to let the other captains discover this by themselves and carry out investigations, while he himself serves as an opportunity for them to realize that something is wrong and does not provide any information.

But doing so is also extremely risky.

In the absence of a way out, Duan Mu is not willing to take the risk to force Lan Ran to defect. Instead, he hopes to stay out of the matter and let everything develop naturally.

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