But the possibility of making everything develop as he expected is actually very low...

Because there has already been a rift between him and Lan Ran, even if there are a lot of adults Lan Ran, don't care about this little bug and spare his life.

After he defected, it would also affect himself.

At least the next members of Mao's Room 46 will never allow any unstable factors to exist after learning the lesson of the previous one. Falling off the side of the couch... is the unstable factor in Liuhun Street.

Although Nayula is the next sage, once the successor of Room 46 is determined, the name of the successor will be notified to the Lingwang Palace; because of this, only the royal family will come to the corpse soul in person if they want to deprive her of being a sage Other than that, even the current Room 46 cannot deprive it.


Is it possible that the current Room 46 will invite the royal family down?


Even if he is invited to come down, it is definitely not Duan Mu who is unlucky.

So for Duan Mu, Nayula's friendship is extremely important.

As long as she is here, as long as Duan Mu does not violate the law, he will not be regarded as an enemy because of the fear of Room 46.

Although it was a bit deliberate, Duan Mu didn't feel guilty because...

What he has to do at this time, even if it is deliberate, is enough to exchange for Nayula's friendship.

after all……

It can be said that he is now declaring war against all gods of death for Nayura!

Whether the plan will be successful, Duan Mu doesn't know, but Duan Mu doesn't mind at all when there is already a back road.

As for the possible impact after success, Duan Mu didn't care at all.

Anyway, nothing less than everything out of their own memory.

But from the beginning to the end, Duan Mu only regarded his memory as information, and did not draw an equal sign between memory and the development track of the world.

the reason is simple……

Live here yourself!

Not to mention a big living person, even if there is an extra dead pig out of thin air, a group of people who should have starved to death may survive... If it is a little more exaggerated, maybe their descendants will appear again, which can affect the entire soul world A captain-level character to save the world.

Although it is only a hypothesis, even if the possibility is close to zero, it is definitely not completely impossible!

Living here by myself is already the biggest change.

Duan Mu steps forward and steps down.

The moment his right foot hit the ground, there was a deafening bang.


The wide Baishi street exploded without warning, endless dust and smoke rose into the sky, and at the same time as the dust and smoke rose...

An indistinct flash of lightning crossed nearly half of the Qifan district in the blink of an eye!


Chapter 174 Battle!

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang~~~

A crisp sound resounded in the garrisons of various teams in Seiling Court.

"Emergency alert~! Emergency alert~!"

"A travel accident occurred in Seireitei, and now it has invaded the Seventh Division. If you want to attack Room 46 of Mao, please rush to support it."

"The identity of the travel disaster is determined to be Duan Mu, a resident of District 38 of Xiliuhun Street!"



The loud and urgent alarm made everyone's expressions change drastically.

"Dan Mu attacked Mao Room 46?"

"Duan Mu in the alarm, wouldn't it be the owner of Duan Mu who runs Wanshiwu in the commercial street?"

"Who else but him!"


Squad [-] Comprehensive Rescue Station.

All the members of the Fourth Division gathered in the hall involuntarily, with nervousness, confusion, and worry on everyone's face.

Duan Mu attacked Mao Room 46?

how can that be! ?

At this moment, there was a commotion from behind the crowd, and the gathered soldiers spread out to both sides to make way.

Unokawari and Toru Yunon walked out from behind.

"team leader……"

"Come with me first."

Unozhihualie interrupted Yongyin, turned his head and said to the group of soldiers behind him: "Yongyin and I will go to the Seventh District first, and the third seat of Yijiang Village. You are responsible for assembling all the superior ambulance teams. After the assembly is completed, Lead them to rush to the seventh area immediately to treat the wounded."



On the street, countless figures shuttled between buildings.

At the front, Broken Bee looked into the distance with a dark face, and after looking back at Xing Jun behind him, he suddenly disappeared in front of the team.

What the hell is that bastard doing! ?

Had Mao attacked Room 46, had he gone crazy?

Broken Bee suddenly regretted that he hadn't stared at that bastard during this time, but there was one thing that Broken Bee didn't quite understand, why did he notify himself before the attack?

Looking at the back of Suifeng's disappearance, Omaeda's face was a bit ugly. To be honest, even if the news of "Duan Mu attacked Room 46" was said by Captain Suifeng himself, he still didn't believe it.

Because he knows Duan Mu very well. Although he is a lunatic, he knows very well what to do and what not to do.

Moreover, O Maeda suddenly remembered what he had said to Duan Mu a long time ago.

(Anyway, I've been a Grim Reaper for so many years, and I've never encountered a first-level alert.)

Thinking of this, Omaeda's fat face couldn't help but twitched, and he also ran Shunpo with all his strength, throwing off the group of Xing Jun behind him.

That bastard.

At the same time, the eleventh team is stationed.


Accompanied by wild laughter, the almost solid golden Reiatsu shot up into the sky, Zaraki Kenpachi looked excitedly at the Reiatsu Pillar that also rose into the sky in the distance, and then rushed out in that direction without hesitation.

However, at the same time as he left the [-]th team, a little girl with pink hair fell from a height and hung on his back as if she had been waiting for a long time!

"Little sword, it's Xiaomu's spiritual pressure."

"It's his, and it's much stronger than when I fought with me last time. Although I don't know what he's doing, but if it becomes a travel disaster, then you can fight with me to your heart's content."

"Xiaojian, it's this direction, you're going in the wrong direction."



Qifan District.


The sound of thunder was loud, and Duan Mu's body was covered with thunder, and he shuttled past the buildings in the Qifan District like lightning.

Behind it, Nayula, who was restrained in the strap, was surrounded by a glimmer of light, but the barrier was activated at such a speed to protect her from the surrounding pressure.

Duan Mu's speed is really too fast. Although there are many patrolling gods of death on the street, they often disappear from their sight before they can react.

But when Duan Mu came to the second half of the Qifan District, the surrounding space suddenly became extremely heavy.

next second~

"Swallow solution, the black rope scourges King Ming!"


The void trembled, and a huge figure appeared on Duan Muqian Road.

This figure is a huge black-armored warrior with a height of [-] meters. The face below the eyes is covered with a red veil, and the thick armor covers the whole body. Zanpakuto.

Duan Mu frowned slightly when he saw this, and the detection circuit was immediately aroused by him to the extreme, and his eyes were locked on the lower left of the black-armored giant in an instant.

A figure wearing a barrel-shaped mask stood at the top of the tower.

Although his expression cannot be seen through the mask, the looming evil spirit around him is firmly locked on Duan Mu.

"That's the end of the nonsense!"

The cold and steady voice was not loud, but it reached Duan Mu's ears clearly: "I'm going to arrest you immediately. I can spare your life and hand you over to Captain Yamamoto for processing."

Duan Mu didn't answer, he stepped on the building while falling, and with a bang, his speed skyrocketed again!

time is limited!

I absolutely can't stop here, once I'm dragged by the Komamura left team in front of me, it won't take long for Duangi to fall into heavy siege, let alone rush to Room 46 of Mao.

Seeing this, Komamura Zuozhen snorted coldly, then stepped forward, holding the knife in both hands, and slashed out.

Almost at the same time he made this action...


The hundred-meter-long giant took a step forward, and the moment his footsteps landed, a shock visible to the naked eye swept across the surroundings. At the moment the shock spread, the buildings around the soles of his feet trembled, and then collapsed.

The astonishing scene made Duan Mu's eyes flicker with contemplation.

He realized that he underestimated the other party too much. The power he exerted in this step alone was already extremely tyrannical, and his subsequent offensive was already evident.

The gust of wind howled, and a giant blade tens of meters long slashed out.

Wherever it passed, the air was swept away, causing the space to make rumbling roars.

As if even the space couldn't bear the force of the knife, the huge blade looked like a huge meteorite, roaring straight towards Duan Mu.

Duan Mu narrowed his eyes sharply, but there was no fear in his eyes, instead a strong fighting intent burst out at this moment.

In terms of spiritual pressure alone, he naturally didn't dare to take this blow hard!


Today's Duan Mu, in addition to the power of spiritual pressure blessing, also has a pure physique.

The strength, defense and self-healing power brought by the top physique allow him to exert extremely strong lethality even without using spiritual pressure!


As the black cloth bag turned into fragments, the long knife was unsheathed.

The 1.6-meter long knife was horizontally placed on the side of the body by Duan Mu's backhand, and the spiritual pressure and the gloomy chill intertwined and surged on it, releasing an extremely sharp and terrifying aura outward.

Facing the giant's knife, Duan Mu didn't dodge. Instead, he stepped on the top of the building and rushed out, turning into a long rainbow and heading straight for the coming knife.

He wanted to see how powerful this blow from Komamura Zuozhen's swastika was removed!

Although he is not as reckless as Zaragi Kenpachi who likes to fight, but it is undeniable that...

If there is no restraint at all, Duan Mu is actually not much different from Saraki Kenpachi!

Whether it's body, mind, or soul, they all long for the comfort, excitement, madness... and the sense of crisis that is on the verge of death.

This scene is like the collision of Haoyue and Yinghuo.

Two completely mismatched figures attacked each other at the same time.

The Seventh Division, who were paying attention to this battle, showed a mixture of horror and shock in their eyes, and stopped involuntarily.

In front of the team, looking at the tiny figure facing the giant, Tetsuzaemon Kejijo looked dignified;

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