Although he has never met Duan Mu, he is no stranger to Duan Mu. He often hears Duan Mu's name when he competes with Madarame, and he also knows that Duan Mu once had a battle with Captain Saraki.

But no matter how vividly Madarame described it, it was far less shocking than the scene in front of him.

The Reiatsu that made the spirit body tremble, the expression without fear, and the figure that went forward without hesitation...

Everything seems to explain his strength and his fearlessness! !

He is far more powerful than the character described.

But the shooting field still doesn't think that Duan Mu can take the knife from Captain Komamura head-on!

Under his steadfast gaze, the Changhong formed by Duan Mu's figure suddenly came into contact with the huge blade.

The booming sound came out, and it resounded through the Seventh District in an instant, and it continued to echo in the sky above the Seventh District.

In this roar, Duan Mu had the illusion of being smashed down by a mountain peak.

Palms, arms and elbows, muscles, and even internal organs...

At this moment, there was an overwhelmed shattering sound, as if the whole thing was being torn apart from all directions by countless hands.

The blood turned into blood mist, floating in the void around Duan Mu's body.


The impact spread out and swept down.

Even if the two knives collided in mid-air, when the spreading impact fell, it still caused the ground to crack, and the house was uprooted as if in a storm, and was torn to pieces by the wanton impact before it could be rolled up. At the end, smoke and dust everywhere!

next second.

Duan Mu, who collided with the huge blade in mid-air, shot backwards.

This scene is not surprising.

Because no one who saw the scene of the two fighting would think that the bug-like figure could win!


All the people who witnessed this battle couldn't help showing disbelief on their faces.

Because, while Duan Mu was being knocked into the air.

Hundreds of meters tall, surrounded by terrifying Reiatsu giants, its huge Zanpakutō shivered, but was abruptly bounced back;

And that even bigger body stepped back more than ten steps in a row, and every step it fell would make the ground tremble! !

Repelled! ?

How can this be?

At the same time, Komamura Zuozhen on the top of the building groaned, and the huge impact directly shattered the barrel-shaped mask on his head, revealing the real face of the wolf-like dog under the mask.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and he raised his head abruptly, with a hint of shock in his expression.

In the absence of Shijie and Swastika, he was able to force himself back, and even caused himself some damage.

This young man he had only met once was far stronger than he imagined.

It's just that, like Saraki Kenpachi, he lacks reason and only knows to blindly pursue excitement.

Probably because of this, he committed such a crime!

Looking coldly at the direction Duan Mu flew out of, Komamura Zuozhen snorted coldly, and swung the Zanpakuto lightly in his hand.

But just when he was about to withdraw the knife...


Thunder roared, and a beam of light mixed with lightning and spiritual pressure rose into the sky.

This scene made Komamura Zuojin's pupils shrink.

how is this possible! !

Seeing the blood-soaked figure rushing out of the thunder again, Komamura Zuozhen couldn't help showing disbelief in his eyes.

He can be sure that even if his blow just now didn't kill him, it was enough to cause the young man to be seriously injured.Instead of rushing towards King Tian Scourge again in less than half a minute like now!

And judging from the state when it appeared, it seemed that it hadn't suffered any damage.

Although I felt extremely shocked in my heart, Komamura Zuojin's reaction was not slow at all. Almost the moment Duan Mu reappeared, he raised the Zanpakuto above his head.

hum! !

Amidst the heavy whistling sound, the tens of meters long giant blade, like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, smashed head-on towards Duan Mu who had just soared into the sky.


In the next second, Duan Mu in the thunder light was firmly pressed down by the giant blade and slammed to the ground.

"Why bother."

Seeing this, Komamura Zuozhen shook his head, he was closely connected with King Ming Ming, and he didn't feel any hindrance in this blow.

It can be seen from this that when Duan Mu rushed up again, he should have been at the end of his battle, but he just didn't want to admit defeat!

"Ninety of the broken way..."

But at this moment, the ethereal chant sounded without warning.

This voice made Komamura Zuojin's nerves tense instantly, and his words shocked him even more.

Ninety of the broken way?

"Black coffin!"

As darkness fell, the air became extremely heavy in an instant, and pressure lines visible to the naked eye even appeared. The majestic storm of spiritual power spread from all directions, suppressing Komamura Zuozhen in place.

Komamura Zuozhen looked at the void in the distance in disbelief. Duan Mu, who was carrying Nayura on his back, appeared in mid-air at some point, and only the lining was left on his body, and the black overalls on the outside had disappeared at some point. disappear.

This made Komamura Zuozhen subconsciously look at the place where the blade of the King of Heaven's Scourge fell.

Before he could figure out how Duan Mu dodged his attack, his field of vision was already shrouded in darkness.

The pitch-black long coffin, like an iron wall, enveloped him from all directions.

buzz buzz ~ ~

Where the black coffin stood, the space was crazily distorted, and there were streaks of pitch-black lines, as if even the midday sun was swallowed and distorted by it.

"Captain Komamura!!"

There were screams everywhere, and the sudden shock made all the members of the Seventh Squad who were going to collect Duan Mu's body froze in place.

No wonder they are.

NO.90 Break the road and give up singing...

This alone is enough to shock the entire Seiring Court, and the most important thing is...

The person who does this is not even the god of death! !

In mid-air, Duan Mu looked at where the black coffin was, his expression still calm.

No matter how much he resembles Zaraki Kenpachi in essence, he is not Zaragi Kenpachi.

Although that kind of pure head-to-head confrontation made him feel extremely exciting and excited, but in the purely head-to-head situation, it was almost impossible for him to defeat Komamura Zuozhen's God Scourge King.

What's more, right now is not the best time to enjoy fighting, what he needs is a quick victory! !


A roar of anger and pain came from the black coffin.

Ka Ka Ka ~ ~

Almost at the same time as the roar sounded, cracks appeared on the surface of the black coffin.

When Duan Mu saw this, he was not surprised. There was only a middle-level black coffin, and under the chanting of abandonment, it could only exert a quarter of the power of an intermediate level. It was impossible for a captain to lose his fighting ability due to this.

However, he was not prepared to end the battle with this blow!

Bang bang bang! !

There was a bang from the black coffin, and the fragments fell, revealing Komamura Zuojin who was soaked in blood. While destroying the black coffin, his eyes were fixed on Duan Mu, annoyed but also full of shock.

In fact, he just looked embarrassed, Duan Mu's black coffin did not bring him any fundamental harm.


Just giving up singing and releasing the black coffin is enough to make him feel unbelievable, not to mention... the black coffin can even hurt himself!

However, in the next second, his expression changed drastically.

Looking around, I saw Duan Mu who fell on a high tower, suddenly thrust the Zanpakuto in his hand towards the top of the tower, and then closed his hands in front of him!

"The 75th Five-Pillar Tieguan of Binding Dao!"


As the spiritual pressure soared into the sky, five majestic iron pillars instantly appeared above the left formation of Koma Village.

Seeing this, Komamura Zuozhen gritted his teeth, turned the Zanpakuto in his hand, and wanted to control Tianzhu Mingwang to attack Duan Mu in mid-air.


"Bindao 63. Lock bar lock."

The chain as thick as a python appeared out of nowhere, entangled Komamura Zuojin in it tightly, making him unable to move an inch.

Komamura Zuojin's swastika is powerful, but its weakness is also extremely obvious.

Mobility is severely lacking, and as long as the main body is restricted, the Scourge Mingwang himself will not be able to move.


Reiatsu rose to the sky from Komamura Zuozhen's body, causing the chains on his body to rattle, and dense cracks appeared on the surface of the chains, which collapsed in an instant.


"61 of Binding Dao: Six Sticks of Light Prison."

"The 62 Hundred-step Railing of Binding Dao."

"The 79th Nine Luminaries Binding of the Way of Binding."

Duan Mu pressed down with his right hand, and light sheets, beams of light, and pitch-black balls shot out at the same time.

Almost at the same time that the chains collapsed, they had already landed on Komamura Zuojin one after another, completely denying Shunpo the chance to dodge!


The indescribable aggrievedness made Komamura Zuojin's eyes turn red, and he stared at Duanmu on the high tower in the distance.

next second.

Boom boom boom boom!

The ground shook, and five huge iron pillars finally fell, hitting Komamura Zuozhen's chest and limbs respectively, fixing it in place in a large font.

The iron pillars are connected by iron chains, constantly absorbing the spirits around them, strengthening the binding force of the five iron pillars!

Duan Mu stood on the high tower, raised his hand to his ear to block it.

"The Eighth Binding Dao Rejection!"

clang! !

In the crisp sound, the tip of a knife was concave, and there was a protruding Zanpakuto on the blade that collided with the back of Duan Mu's hand.

Kazan Tetsuzaemon's face darkened, and the moment the Zanpakutō was bounced back, he turned around and turned, and the sword turned along with it, spinning the Zanpakutō in his hand like a windmill, and swung it out horizontally.


In the next second, he felt a pain on his face.

A palm was placed on his face very precisely, and before he understood what happened, he felt a burst of incomparably majestic power, and Duan Mu's slightly apologetic voice came from his ear.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry."

Bang! !

In the field of vision of others, Tetsuzaemon Tetsuzaemon rushed to Duan Mu's side, and was slapped and flew away after he slashed.

Its figure, passing through several buildings one after another, disappeared in the sight of everyone.

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