And Duan Mu, from the beginning to the end, never left Komamura Zuozhen.

"Binding Dao 81: Breaking the Void!"

A soft groan came out, Duan Mu pressed down with both hands, and six transparent barriers appeared around the left formation of Komamura.

It's like a duet!

The six transparent barriers are not to guard against Komamura Zuozhen, but to prevent external attacks from destroying their own restraint.

After doing all this, Duan Mu took a step forward, and when his footsteps fell, his figure burst out again in the direction of Mao 46.

Time is running out.

Duan Mu could already feel that there were several incomparably domineering auras approaching quickly.

The nearest person is only about 2 minutes away from where I am!

Looking at Duan Mu who turned into lightning and went away, Komamura's struggle on the left side paused slightly, and he didn't understand why Duan Mu gave up such a good opportunity, instead of attacking himself, he went straight to Room 46 of Mao.


In the previous battle, because Duan Mu was behind him, he only saw Duan Mu carrying a person on his back, completely protected within the barrier, and he didn't see the appearance of the person he was carrying.

But just when Duan Mu left, he saw...

That is Awanmen Nayura!

Well known.

One of the identified sages.


Judging from its expression, it doesn't look like it, but it looks more like the person standing with Duan Mu.

What is his purpose in going to Room 46?


175 chapter


Duan Mu looked at Room 46, which was getting closer and closer, and couldn't help but regret the idea of ​​fighting head-on with King Mingming, who was on the left side of Komamura.

to be frank……

In fact, he underestimated Komamura Zuojin a little bit.

Because from the perspective of spiritual pressure strength, Komamura Zuojin's spiritual pressure is actually not much different from his, and the spiritual pressure strength is around 50 proficiency.

At the same level of spiritual pressure strength, Duan Mu is confident that he can suppress everyone, which is why he dared to confront Komamura Zuozhen head-on.

But after the Swastika was removed, the lethality displayed by King Ming Ming of Heavenly Scourge far exceeded Duan Mu's expectation.

Due to his poor winning rate in memory, Duan Mu underestimated him a bit.

But if you think about it carefully...

Although he hadn't won a few times, the lethality shown by his Heavenly Scourge Mingwang was definitely not weak. If Duan Mu remembered correctly, half of his body was chopped off by his Heavenly Scourge Mingwang.

After taking a hard stab, Dongxian wanted to heal himself with super fast regeneration, so he didn't confront him head-on, and instead started fighting with him by flying a kite.

Because although his 卍jie's lethality is powerful, his weakness is also obvious.

Although King Ming is huge in size, his defensive power is not strong, so he will easily become a target; if it is just like this, it is okay, but the most deadly thing is... because the connection with Zanpakuto is too close, when King Ming is attacked At that time, Komamura Zuojin also had to bear the damage King Ming suffered.

Coupled with the serious lack of self-mobility.

As long as he escaped the first blow, it would not be difficult to defeat him, whether it was attacking King Ming Ming or himself.

Typical high attack, low defense, low mobility!

These weaknesses cannot be changed unless...

Komamura Zuojin gave up his own life, ignoring defense and evasion, and only pursued attack.

From the very beginning, I shouldn't choose to fight head-to-head with it for the sake of momentary stimulation and enjoyment, but to dodge, attack or restrain its body, so as to end the battle immediately.

That way it wouldn't take so long.

Duan Mu looked down at his right hand, the injury has basically healed under the self-healing ability of the top physique which is slightly inferior to the super fast regeneration.But at that moment of head-to-head confrontation, he temporarily lost consciousness in his right hand, and he didn't fully recover until just now!

The lightning all over his body was stimulated to the extreme by Duan Mu at this moment, and the lightning in his body was still very fake.

At the same time as the speed increased sharply, Duan Mu also stimulated the detection circuit to the extreme. There were three extremely majestic spiritual pressure fluctuations, which came from the north, south, and east at extreme speeds. These three breaths, without exception, far surpassed Koma The left side of the village.

Especially one of them...

The intensity of the spiritual pressure even made Duan Mu's probing nerves imitated by virtual lines tremble, as if he was going to be burned.

As it approaches, the air is gradually warming up.

That's the captain of Gotei's [-]th Division...

——Moto Yanagisai Shigekuni Yamamoto!

Duan Mu was able to wake up from the excited state so quickly, and did not follow his instinct to continue head-to-head with Komamura Zuozhen. A large part of the reason was that he was awakened by this rapidly approaching breath...


Amidst a burst of ear-piercing thunder, Duan Mu finally came to Room 46.

Speeding past the suspended corridor, what came into view was an incomparably huge double door. The door was tightly closed, and there was a circular mechanism similar to a lock in the center of the two doors.

Thirteen barriers!

As long as he breaks through the last thirteen barriers in front of him, Duan Mu will arrive at the underground conference hall in Room 46 of Mao.

So far, it can be said that everything is still in Duanmu's plan except that Komamura Zuojin took more time than expected.


The figure standing in front of the thirteenth defensive wall.

"Senseless fighting, stop here."

Accompanied by the cold voice, a figure slowly walked out of the shadows, looked up at Duan Mu who was approaching from a distance: "This is not the place you should come to!"

This is a man with brown skin, long black and purple hair, and his eyes are blocked by opaque goggles.

For his appearance, Duan Mu was not surprised, but was slightly relieved.

Because, in his memory, Aizan once said personally that after the massacre of Room 46, one of the three captain-level figures among the three would stay in Mao Room 46.

Before taking action, Duan Mu envisioned the people he might meet here.

Among them...

The person who is most likely to appear here is undoubtedly Tosen Kaname.

Judging from the results, I bet right!

If the person he meets is Aizen, Duan Mu can only give up the idea of ​​breaking through Room 46 of Mao, and instead focus on survival.

But Tosen's words...

Duan Mu didn't stop, but rushed towards Dongxian Yao directly with a knife in his step.

"Tweet, Qing Chong."

Dongxian Yao looked indifferent, raised the blade in his hand, and pointed at the attacking Duan Mu.

A warning sign suddenly appeared in Duan Mu's heart, and a strong sense of danger instantly enveloped his whole body. He was in mid-air, and he had no time to hesitate, and stretched out his hand to the void in front of him.

"Bound Dao 39: Round Gate Fan."

Almost at the same time as Duan Mu's singing sounded, the light drinking sound came out at the same time.

"Second Type of Qing Chong Red Migratory Locust."


Countless inches of sharp blades, like a torrent of torrential rain, attacked Duan Mu in midair.

bang bang bang bang~~

All of a sudden, there was an endless stream of crashing sounds.

Under the uninterrupted attack, the round gate fan blocking Duan Mu gradually showed cracks on the surface, as if it would burst open at any moment.


Finally, with a crisp sound, it completely collapsed.


Duan Mu, who was originally located behind the circular gate fan, disappeared at some point.

This scene caused Dongxian Kao to have a look of surprise on his face, but the next second he turned the Zanpakuto in his hand, and it lay across his body.

Fighting with two swords.


There was a crisp crashing sound, and Duan Mu appeared beside Dong Xianyao without warning.

His knife came quickly and fiercely, directly bending Dongxian Yao's body, even though the soles of his feet were firmly buried in the middle of the ground, they still kept sliding backwards, leaving two ten-meter-long streaks on the white stone ground. The ravine stabilized his figure.

What a powerful force!

A strange look flashed across Dongxian Yao's face, not only the spiritual pressure, but also an extremely pure sense of power in this knife, which was not at all like the power that the god of death could display.

Although he was surprised in his heart, the movements of his hands were not slow at all. When he realized that the power was irresistible, he pressed his free left hand on the back of Zanpakudao.

"One way to clear insects..."

Accompanied by a light drink, a strange buzzing sound appeared out of thin air.

The clear and melodious chirping of knives is like the chirping of insects in spring and summer, it is really pleasant to hear.But amidst the melodious chirping of insects, murderous intent was lurking.

Duan Mu found that the spiritual pressure in his body was running, and there was a momentary delay.

And at this moment...

Dongxian was about to pull back, and when he waved the Zanpakuto in his hand, the blade disappeared again, turning into countless sharp blades with sharp ends, and once again overwhelmingly attacked Duan Mu.

Seeing this, Duan Mu's expression remained unchanged, and instead of defending with ghosts again, he untied the straps behind his back, wrapped Nayula in spiritual pressure, and sent him out.


Instead of retreating, he advanced, and went straight to meet the endless sharp blade.


During the charge, Duan Mu took a breath, and then exhaled a foul breath.

The moment he took a breath, he had already met the sharp blades all over the sky.

Countless sharp blades cover the sky and the sun, like black clouds pressing down on the environment.

Duan Mu, who was facing the sharp blade, looked extremely small under the sky filled with sharp blades, forming an extremely strong visual conflict at this moment.



When the torrent of sharp blades slammed into Duan Mu fiercely, time seemed to freeze at this moment.

Without any thought, he reacted directly with the long knife in his right hand.Instant Xi  weft silly Mu do yingさton谂Vallen觯Bu Cong tradeさ poison poke ash鄣Mu fall deer deerㄓ舻Mulican爱篯 seed rabbit bad crossing.

The palm holding the handle of the knife tightened with five fingers, and then the long knife in Duan Mu's hand disappeared.

The extremely dazzling and gorgeous knife light bloomed immediately, just like the sun exploding silently, and the blazing thunder that lit up instantly illuminated the entire area.

The hundreds of sharp blades closest to Duan Mu collapsed almost at the same time.

clap clap clap clap ~ ~

The crisp sounds became one, and the light of the knife was mixed with thunder, dancing wildly among the sharp blades in the sky.

The advantage of the nearly 1.6-meter-long knife was brought into full play at this moment, forming a huge harmless circle around Duan Mu's body, and any sharp blade that entered the circle would collapse in an instant.

He swung the knife so fast that it was hard to catch with the naked eye. The long knife in his hand turned into a phantom all over the sky, disintegrating all the sharp blades that came to him one by one!

The white powder composed of sharp blade fragments poured towards both sides at an astonishing speed.

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