And from beginning to end...

The speed of Duan Mu's charge did not decrease at all, as if the countless sharp blades did not exist.

Dongxian wanted to have a smug look on his face.

Ghost way, shunpo, slashing technique...

From the start of the war to the present, in less than half a minute, Duan Mu has successively demonstrated in front of him his astonishing accomplishments in Shunpo, Ghost Dao, and Slashing Technique. What a person who has only been in the world of corpses and souls for 16 years can possess!

No wonder, the Komamura left team would be defeated by him.

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Dongxian Yao showed fear for the first time, and when Duan Mu was about to approach him, he hooked the ring at the end of Zanpakudao with his index finger.


A terrifying spiritual pressure soared into the sky.


The darkness permeated in an instant, distorting all the light, and a ball like a black hole emerged from the blade.

But before the ball spread out, Duan Mu's hand holding the Zanpakuto suddenly let go, allowing the Zanpakuto to fall to the ground, and let out a soft drink from his mouth.

"Ju Ming."

The world fell into silence at this moment, as if the whole world had been pressed the mute button.

The two strands of darkness centered on Duan Mu and Dong Xianyao respectively, covered each other, and stalemate together.

However, this stalemate only lasted for a moment, and the eerie black light released centered on Duan Mu Zanpakuto was enveloped and covered by the black ball formed by Dongsen Yaojie!

A huge elliptical barrier envelops the entire area.

The shackles formed by the rings are like fixed ropes, distributed around the barrier.

Duan Mu who was in the middle, whether it was hearing, sight, smell, or the perception of spiritual pressure, all completely disappeared at this moment.


"Hee hee hee~~"

For some reason, a burst of laughter came to Duan Mu'er, who had lost his hearing.

"how is this possible!"

This laughter was also caught by Dong Xianyao, causing his expression to change, and he suddenly raised his head to look above his head.

What should have been a pitch-black space turned out to be a basketball-sized gap made of white spots, behind which was a hand-painted sky.

The area under the feet that was originally paved with white stones turned into a circular arena for some reason.

And Duan Mu...

From the beginning to the end, he stood outside the ring.

The area covered by the white spot was not his area, but the top of Dongsen Yao's head, like a candle in the dark, the formed beam enveloped Dongsen Yao.

Although Duan Mu is still in a state of loss of hearing, vision, smell..., but at this moment he faintly sensed the location of the Eastern Immortal Fortress. However, he did not step forward to attack, but held Zanpakuto while rushed in the opposite direction.

The bondage formed by Ju Ming can only restrain Dongsen for half a minute at most. After half a minute, he will be completely isolated. He must use this time to leave here and find a way to enter Room 46 of Mao.

In fact, for the current situation, Duan Mu was not sure whether the result would be as he imagined before he started to understand, but now it seems that his prediction is not wrong!

And the reason why Tōsen Kaname was dealt with in this way can be said to be all thanks to Saar Apollo.

He once told Duan Mu that the space formed by himself is almost the same as the "anti-membrane bandit" created by Lan Ran to imprison the broken face, whether it is in terms of dimensional isolation or restraint and imprisonment!

So after that, Duan Mu has been researching the method of using its "restraint" feature, which uses the "white spot" to form the "anti-membrane" light beam similar to Da Xu's saving the same family, which is exactly what Duan Mu researched a usage.

After restraining Dongxian and determining its location, it is not difficult to leave the range where Dongxian needs to be undone!

Because as far as Duan Mu knew, Yan Mo Cricket's enchantment did not have a strong defensive power.

And the fact is also the same, when he broke through this heavy space, he hardly encountered any obstacles.

Sight, hearing, smell...

All perception returned in an instant, as if the whole world had become extremely noisy.

Duan Mu glanced at Nayula who was in the barrier in the distance, and did not carry him on his back again, but appeared in front of the huge door engraved with various spirit patterns in a flash, with spiritual pressure surging on his hands, At this moment, everything was poured into the giant gate in front of him.

Thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump

Vaguely, there seemed to be the sound of gears turning, and the spirit patterns on the door lit up one after another at this moment.

Duan Mu observed all the inscriptions and remembered them all in his mind.

Outside the core of the spiritual pressure in the body, the spirit void pattern suddenly brightened, and the two types of spiritual pressure were instilled from Duan Mu's left hand and right hand towards the huge door.

It is almost impossible to destroy the thirteen barriers in a short time, or decipher the inscriptions on them.

What Duan Mu wants to do is not to destroy and crack, but to...

Change its nature!

With the particularity of the spirit pattern, forcibly rewrite the spiritual nature of the original spirit pattern!

The thumping sound of gears turning became more and more intense, and then there was only a click, and the first door in front of Duan Mu gradually opened.

The first door seemed to be an introduction, and then the sound of rattling came out one after another.

The huge doors opened one by one, revealing a path for one person to pass through.

The second fan, the third fan... the tenth fan...

hurry up! !

Faster, Duan Mu gritted his teeth fiercely, and the spiritual pressure in his whole body was like boiling water, and it was poured into the door crazily.

Since he came here, about a minute and a half has passed, and in this minute and a half...

Those three breaths have already reached the Seventh Fan District.

Could be here anytime! !

No.11 fan...

The air gradually became scorching hot, and a distant flame pierced the sky.

No.12 fan...

Duan Mu's eyes lit up, looking at the last giant door in the deep corridor, he was relieved immediately.

As long as the last door is pushed open, Mao Room 46 will appear in front of his eyes.

At that time, when Dongxian is restrained and no one is guarding him, even if no flaws are revealed, the three who are coming will still feel a sense of disobedience.

And this skepticism is likely to bring about huge changes.


Blood spurted out from Duan Mu's chest, and a white knife point pierced his collarbone.

Duan Mu's pupils shrank, his neck was a little stiff and he turned his head to look.

"Do you want to go in that much?"

I saw that Dongxian appeared behind him at some point, his expression was no longer the expressionless look before, but with a faint smile.

that smile...

Duan Mu felt extremely familiar.

In the distance, the huge black oval still exists there, and gradually disappears like a phantom when Duan Mu looks at it.

At this moment, Duan Mu finally realized...

Where did the strong sense of danger that surged in my heart come from?


As the blade was pulled out, the spiritual pressure in Duan Mu's hands instantly turned into spirit particles and spread out, and the injury caused by the chain knot being pierced made him paralyzed.

If he is not treated immediately, he will soon lose all of his Reiatsu.

Before he had time to hesitate, Duan Mu directly added the experience points provided by Nayula to his body.


A slightly puzzled light came out, and 'Dong Xianyao' standing behind Duan Mu seemed to have noticed something, and raised the Zanpakuto again in his hand.


At this moment, Nayula's voice came over.

At the same time as the sound came out, a burst of flames landed outside Room 46 with a bang, and accompanied by sparks, an old figure appeared in front of several people.


Captain Yamamoto!

'Dong Xianyao' frowned, and then changed back to his original expressionless face again, and the Zanpakuto in his hand was also taken back at this moment.

Nayula untied her straps, stood up and said, "I am responsible for this incident, and I ordered Duan Mu to do everything."

Captain Yamamoto didn't reply, but glanced at Duan Mu on the ground, then at "Tosen Kaname" beside him, frowned slightly, and then said:

"Break into the Seventh Division openly, and attack the captain, intending to attack Room 46, no matter who is responsible, he can't get rid of it; I am sorry that the old man can't listen to your opinion, how to deal with him, this is the [-]th division of our court guard. that power."

"Do not……"

Awanmena Yura slowly took out a receipt from her arms: "Duan Mu is no longer under the jurisdiction of your Gotei Thirteenth Team. Now he..."

"The ruling can only be made by the Golden Seal Noble Conference!"


Chapter 176 That old bastard

"Awanmen Duanmu, this is his current name."

Holding the receipt, Nayula came to Duan Mu's side: "This is the adoption certificate issued by the Golden Seal Association. He is now the stepson of the Awanmen family of the elder family, and my foster brother."


Duan Mu, who was limp on the ground, forgot the severe pain of Chain Knot at this moment, and looked at Nayula with a confused face.

Adopted yourself?

And still without knowing it?

Even taking a step back...

Duan Mu resisted the constant dizziness, looked at Nayula, who was only about ten years old, and his eyes twitched.

Why brother?

After Nayula came to Duan Mu's side, two figures broke through the air and appeared in front of Room 46 of Mao.

One is a young man with a handsome appearance, long hair, light purple eyes, and an indifferent expression. He is the captain of the Sixth Division, Kuchiki Byakuya.

The other person has a middle-aged appearance, with mid-length hair tied into a ponytail, two fancy hairpins pinned to it, a pink feather woven coat with patterns embroidered on it, and a straw hat on his head; he is the same as Kuchiki Byakuya. The captain of Goutei's thirteenth division, and the eighth division's captain, Kyoraku Shunsui.

"Oh, it seems that I missed something very interesting?"

Jingle Chunshui turned the brim of his hat, looked around the room, and finally landed on Nayula: "Nayura-chan, long time no see."

Nayula nodded as a response, and then said to Captain Yamamoto: "As for his forced entry into Room 46, I will report to the adults in Room 46. I insisted on forcing Duan Mu to take me to this incident. It is my fault for coming here."

"If the adults in room 46 are dissatisfied with me, you can invite the royal family to come down. No matter how the royal family treats me, even if my sage successor status is deprived, I will never..."


Before Nayola could finish speaking, a voice suddenly interrupted: "The identity of the sage's successor can be taken away!" Accompanied by the voice, the last door that was not opened at that moment Gradually spread out to the sides.

He clearly expected the door to be opened before, but now seeing the door open, Duan Mu couldn't help but sighed slightly in his heart.


He felt that 'Blue Ran' was coming here with Chisentao in the distance.

If there is no accident, the person who brought Hina Morimo here should be Tosen Kaname, or Aizen pretended by Ichimaru Gin.

After all, the real Aizen...

Just gave myself a knife! !

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