Duan Mu felt a little bitter in his heart, he had already anticipated various changes before he acted, and he even prepared a second plan for his encounter with Aizen, and it turned out...

Aizen pretends to be Dongxian Yao, which makes Duan Mu even have no chance to use the second plan.

Although he knew the horror of Aizen's hallucinations for a long time, but after experiencing it himself, Duan Mu realized that he still underestimated the illusion.

Whether it's the touch of the attack, the fluctuation of the spiritual pressure, or even the habit of every move... Duan Mu didn't see the slightest flaw, and he never thought that the Tōsen Kaname who was fighting him would be a fake! !

After all, it was careless.

Do not!

It's not carelessness, but that I am too arrogant.

You should have thought of this from the very beginning.

In the final analysis, I have always paid too much attention to Aizen's strength, and somewhat ignored Aizen's mind.

Duan Mu also thought about whether to tell everything now, but in the end he gave up this idea, let alone talk about whether anyone would believe the death of the sage in Room 46 when the sage appeared.

Even if someone believed it... Duan Mu would not say it, because if he said it, he would surely die in the hands of Lan Ran in his current state.


Seeing the person coming out of Room 46 of Mao, Nayura carefully observed him, then bowed with a calm expression, and there was no abnormality on her face.

The middle-aged man didn't go to see Duan Mu, as if Duan Mu on the ground was totally unworthy of his attention, but looked at Nayula with an ugly face, and said, "What is the reason why you forced your way into Room 46 in this way? I should have informed you that no one is allowed to disturb me during the meeting."


Nayula didn't straighten up, but looked at the ground, a flash of pain flashed in her eyes, but she restrained her immediately: "I just applied for visits several times, but I didn't see you, Father, so out of worry, That’s why I found my righteous brother and asked him to bring me here, and I didn’t have the idea of ​​doing any harm to your lords.”

"One more thing, father, please don't blame me for making my own decisions. My brother-in-law and I hit it off right away, so I adopted him as a member of our Awanmen family as a sage heir; the adoption procedures have been certified by the Golden Seal Noble Council He has now become your adopted son."

"I also ask my lord father to be lenient and forgive him for his offense."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man glanced at Duan Mu on the ground, and let out a cold snort: "The matter of depriving the status of a sage must not be mentioned again, as for him..."

The middle-aged man paused:

"After the discussion between me and the other adults is over, I will announce his punishment. During this period, he will be temporarily under the custody of the Golden Seal."

After that, he waved his sleeves, turned around and returned to Room 46 of Mao.

The opened door is also closed again at this moment.

Seeing this, everyone present was not surprised.

Although this incident was extremely troublesome, she was her biological daughter after all, and it was impossible to deprive her of her heir status because of this incident.

Even leaving aside the blood relationship, Troop Zero, representing the royal family, came to the world of souls. This is something Mao 46 absolutely does not want to see.

No matter from which point of view, Master Awanmen's handling is reasonable.

As for the Goutei Thirteenth Team, it was just as Nayura said.

Before Duan Mu officially joined the Goutei Thirteenth Team and became the god of death, everything he did, as long as it did not endanger Seireitei itself, was a dispute among nobles.

As for disputes among the nobles, even if the whole family including the current head is assassinated, the Goutei [-]th Division has no right to investigate and deal with it without permission, and can only be adjudicated by the Jinyin noble meeting.

whoosh whoosh~~

Accompanied by a series of piercing sounds, figures appeared outside Mao 46.

Without exception, they are the captains and vice-captains of each team, while the ordinary team members are left far behind.

Broken Bee looked at the silent atmosphere in the arena, and frowned slightly.

But before he could say anything, Captain Yamamoto's voice came to everyone's ears: "Duan Mu can be handed over to the Jinyin Noble Council for adjudication, but his Zanpakuto needs to be taken back and handed over to..."

Having said that, he glanced at Broken Bee, and continued:

"The ghosts are sealing it!"

Shabuchi frowned upon hearing this, but he was not dissatisfied because Captain Yamamoto handed over the work of secret maneuvers to the ghosts.

"Notify the Technology Development Bureau to lift the alert. Two, five, eight, and thirteen, you four captains, stay here temporarily to supervise Duan Mu before the Golden Seal Society comes to receive Duan Mu."

Captain Yamamoto turned and walked outside:

"The rest of you, let's go."


Seeing everyone leaving, Nayura couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. She hurriedly leaned down and asked Duan Mu who was lying on the ground, "Are you okay?"

While speaking, she pulled up Duan Mu's palm, and her thumb nails couldn't help but sink into Duan Mu's palm, as if she was using this method to vent something.

Did you notice it?

Duan Mu closed his palms together, holding Nayula's hand in his palm, so as not to be noticed by others.

Although his goal was not fulfilled, Nayula's request was obviously fulfilled, so it was not a waste of time to come here.

But this also means risk. If Aizen doesn't defect, the more he detects, the greater the risk!

Now that there are too many people, Aizen will not act rashly, and it may not be so in the future.

And that means...

You still have a chance!

Thinking of this, Duan Mu clenched his palm again, and a spirit pattern appeared in his palm.

"As for the……"

The faint sound of mosquitoes came from Duan Mu's mouth. Seeing this, Nayula squatted down quickly and put her ear to Duan Mu's mouth.

"Why...why...is he my younger brother?"

"..." Nayula.

People are dying, are you still struggling with this?

"...Have you ever heard of adopting elders? What's more, you have only been in the world of corpses and souls for 16 years. Even if you count your age when you were alive, I am enough to be your older sister."

After Nayula finished speaking, her complexion changed slightly, but then she remembered something strangely, and said with a strange expression: "Be content, President Xi Chuan's original proposal was actually to let me adopt you as a foster son, in order to bestow upon you The identity of the next heir of the Wanmen family is to protect your safety."


That old bastard! !

Duan Mu's eyes widened, and he couldn't help cursing in his heart, but he was sure that after receiving his message, Nayula's tense nerves relaxed, her eyes darkened immediately, and she fell into a complete coma.


Chapter 177 The biggest gain


Duan Mu slowly opened his eyes, and what caught his eyes was the familiar ceiling and the familiar beeping sound of the surrounding medical equipment.


Coming here after a long absence, although Duan Mu felt a little helpless, he was more relieved.

"you're awake!?"

Some surprised voices came from around.

Only then did Duan Mu belatedly realize that there were quite a few people around his hospital bed.

Nayula was standing on the right side of the hospital bed, and behind Nayula stood the extremely tall and slender Yuuto Toru.

"Did you wake up quickly?"

A gentle voice came from the left, Duan Mu turned his head to look, and it was Uzhi Hualie who caught his eyes.

Behind Unohanaretsu stood Saraki Kenpachi, Yachiryu, Madarame Kakaku, Ayasegawa Koki, Omaeda Kichiyo, and the last one was Asai Renji.

The people here, without exception, were all those who hadn't rushed to Room 46 at that time.


Before Duan Mu broke into Room 46, he used the magic command machine to send them group messages.

not right~

Duan Mu never sent a message to Saragi Kenpachi and Yaqianliu, and Saragi Kenpachi never gave instructions to the gods, because he and Yaqianliu were not in Duan Mu's plan at all because they thought it was troublesome.

But the two of them did not rush to Room 46 like other captains, which is normal...

"Trash, I haven't gone yet, why did you fall down?"

Ignoring Jianba's extremely unpleasant words, Duan Mu turned his head to look at Captain Unozhihua, and asked, "How long have I been in a coma?"

"one day."

one day! ?

Duan Mu frowned, it's been too long.

"Boss Duan Mu... is the message you sent me earlier true?"

At this moment, A Sanjing Renji suddenly rushed to the hospital bed, and said anxiously: "Four..."

But before he finished speaking, Omaeda slammed his elbow hard on his abdomen, blocking his next words.

"At the same time that you caused this incident, a major event also happened in this world."

Omaeda looked at Duan Mu, and said with a heavy tone: "Daxu appeared in the present world, secretly maneuvered and discovered Quincy and the unknown Shinigami at the scene, and... Kuchiki Rukia who has lost the power of Shinigami."

"Secret Mobile immediately reported this matter to Mao Room 46, and Room 46 issued a judgment, ordering Secret Mobile to arrest the major violator, Kuchiki Rukia, and punish him with double murder!"

Omaeda paused for a moment, then turned his head to look at Asai Renji beside him: "At this time, Captain Kuchiki is negotiating with Captain Suihou, hoping that the secret maneuver can entrust them with the task of capturing Rukia Kuchiki The squad will handle it."

When Duan Mu heard this, a strange look flashed in his eyes, but he was not surprised by the news.

It's just that Aizen's actions were more decisive than he imagined.

If it happened at the same time, it meant that before he raided Room 46, he had already anticipated what might happen next.

Plan ahead~

It also means not being well prepared.


Duan Mu glanced at Uzhi Hualiu who had a gentle smile on his face from the beginning to the end beside the bed. The rest of the people were just incidental, and Duan Mu didn't expect them to find anything.

But when Unohana Retsu disrupted Aizen's plan, he knew everything in advance and observed it with precautions, so he might be able to gain something.

However, regarding this point, Aizen obviously also took precautions, otherwise the original plan would not have been advanced so much.

It can be said that my original plan has completely failed.

Even the backup plan prepared for encountering Aizen didn't even have the chance to come up with it.

And the last third option is an alternative after the failure of the first two. If the first two fail, the third alternative may catch Aizen's feet.

The premise is that you can survive.

Fortunately, Nayula did not deceive herself on this point, kept her promise, and saved her life, although the method she used was a bit weird.

If all three options fail...

Duan Mu could only sigh in the sky above the world of corpses and souls. There might be an undead named 'Ram' floating who set the industry standard for robbers, and he just happened to look at him with compassionate eyes.

As long as Uzhihualie felt something was wrong, she would continue to investigate even without Duan Mu's guidance.

Duan Mu didn't know what changes she might bring if she started the investigation in advance.

Even if he knew it, he would be powerless. The knot's injury was lowered by his physical strength. Although he barely survived without collapsing, the experience points provided by Nayula were actually not much.

However, compared to when they met on Liuhun Street, there are still many more.

Probably because at this time, she already possessed a substantial status, not the status of a sage who had no power before inheriting, but the status of the chief secretary of the Great Spirit Book Corridor.

The 65 points of favorability have provided Duan Mu with nearly 10000 experience points in total.

These experience points, even though all of them were added to his physique, still didn't allow Duan Mu's knot to fully recover.

It can be seen from this that the destructiveness carried by Aizen's knife is terrifying!

However, although the damage was severe, Duan Mu also had an unexpected harvest.

That is the opportunity to crack the mirror.

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