Aizen's Kyoka Suigetsu is a Zanpakuto that can stand in absolute dominance once activated.

If the user wasn't Aizen, the ability of Mirror Flower and Water Moon wouldn't be so tyrannical.

Because it is possible to suppress the changes of the mirror flower and water moon itself with a more powerful spiritual pressure.

However, this point cannot be applied to Lan Ran, because his spiritual pressure has been so strong that it is extremely terrifying. It is not an exaggeration to call him one of the few people whose spiritual pressure has reached the peak of death.

Aizen in the future can even confuse the future foreseen by "omniscient and omnipotent", turning the foreseeable future into a fictitious future.

Although due to the limitation of the strength of spiritual pressure, this kind of confusion did not last long.

But it is enough to explain the strength of its ability.

Therefore, Duan Mu didn't think of a good way to crack the mirror flower water moon through memory and continuous research.

There are just a few of them.

be blind

Touch the blade before launching full hypnosis;

Find a way to restrain and grasp its body;

Or interfere with the line of sight and change your field of vision, so that you feel a sense of disobedience in an instant, which is the method of "numbing yourself" that Duan Mu once used.

Among them, being a blind person, after having seen the situation where the flower in the mirror and the moon in the water began to unravel, even if Duan Mu poked his eyes, he would still be controlled by the flower in the mirror.

As for touching the blade...

After your own plan fails, you may not have a knife to touch in the future.

Several methods can be said to be failure methods.

But after being hit by Aizen, Duan Mu made a new discovery.

That is to use the body to feel...

Strictly speaking, this is not actually a discovery, it was just ignored by Duan Mu.

Because in his memory, Captain Yamamoto used this method to capture Aizen's body after resisting a knife.

However, he is also a monster, and Duan Mu never thought of learning from him before.

His method is also not suitable for Duan Mu, because Captain Yamamoto's cracking method can be described as 'simple and rude'.

In short... since it is impossible to see through the mirror, then destroy everything in a certain space, and even maximize the damage in a way of dying together.

This method is also the large-scale ghost path coverage that Duan Mu once thought about.

Whether it's spiritual pressure, or the attainments in the ghost way, it can't support Duan Mu to follow suit.

Mirror Flower Water Moon is not perfect, as long as the spiritual pressure is strong enough, you will still feel some disobedience, but considering the rapidly changing battlefield situation, instant interference is already a great advantage.

In addition, there is another great disadvantage of Flower in Mirror and Moon in Water, that is, it needs to consume a lot of spiritual pressure to maintain Flower in Mirror in Water, but Aizen's huge spiritual pressure conceals this shortcoming to a certain extent.

But judging from the fact that Aizen was eager to return to Room 46 of Mao before all the captains and vice-captains rushed to the scene, if the captains gather at the same time, even with his huge spiritual pressure, it may not be able to maintain perfection hallucinations.

And after that, the real Aizen probably had exchanged back with the rushing Dongxian in silence.

It was actually the best time to reveal Lan Ran's identity at that time, but unfortunately Duan Mu was afraid to make everything public when he was severely injured and had no ability to resist.

After all, if Aizen wanted to kill him, Duan Mu didn't even have the chance to retreat behind Captain Yamamoto.

As he said when he accepted the entrustment, what he needs is a retreat that he can control, instead of betting his life on whether others can rescue him in time.

Closer to home.

The moment the long knife pierced the knot, Duan Mu felt the existence of Aizen.


At that moment, Duan Mu's crazily running spirit pattern absorbed and retained a sliver of energy from that knife!

This was not done intentionally by Duan Mu, after all, at that time, all his attention was on unlocking the thirteen barriers, and he never thought that the 'East Immortal Yao' would get rid of the shackles so quickly.

But the spirit void pattern is created by the fusion of the developmental spirit pattern and the void pattern, and has two characteristics at the same time. While Duan Mu is crazily consuming his own spiritual pressure, the spirit void pattern is also frantically absorbing the surrounding spiritual seeds.

If it's just that, it still can't do this.

But Lan Ran's knife pierced the most important part of the spirit body, and it was also one of the acupuncture points that produced spiritual power.

Duan Mu immediately used the method of investing experience points to protect his own knot from collapsing, and at the same time, he also preserved all the energy overflowing from the broken knot, and then was forcibly absorbed by the spirit void pattern.

In the end, by chance and coincidence, this ray was successfully preserved...

Belongs to the energy of the mirror flower water moon!

It's not Aizen's Reiatsu, but the same nature, the energy possessed by the ability of Mirror Flower and Water Moon, which can also be said to be the residue left after the moment the illusion is broken.

This unexpected gain can be said to be the biggest gain in Duan Mu's plan this time.

Even if the plan is successful, there may not be such a huge harvest.

What's more...

I also earned a sister who is a sage in Room 46 of the Central Committee... She is also considered to have the biggest backer in the world of corpses and souls.


(Brother Duan Mu, Brother Duan Mu...)

Thinking of what Nayula called her before, Duan Mu still felt an inexplicable sense of disobedience.


In the next few days, Duan Mu has been in the intensive care unit, receiving the care of Nayula.

Among them, Jin Yinhui came to ask for several people, but Captain Unozhihua kept the two of them in the comprehensive rescue center on the grounds that Duan Mu's injury had not stabilized.

Jinyinhui did not comment on this, but Mao Room 46 seemed to be really closed as Nayura's "father" said, an important meeting was going on and it was completely closed.

Unozhihualie doesn't know what he is busy with these days, and he often disappears.

And Kuchiki Rukia...

He was caught back without any accident, and the execution time was fixed.

The successive changes filled Sei Ling Ting with a strange sense of dullness.


"... Konghe, you don't have to worry too much, Duan Mu is now in the fourth team."

In the living room of Zhibo's house, a man and a woman sat facing each other. The pale middle-aged man in the middle smiled slightly and said:

"Furthermore, the area around the Comprehensive Ambulance Center is full of secret maneuvers and members of the [-]th Division. There will always be a captain staying there every day, so his safety can still be guaranteed."

Kong He curled his lips when he heard the words: "Guarding is guarding, and you make it sound like you are protecting Duan Mu."

"Is not it?"

Shishiro Ukitake picked up the wine glass on the table, and took a sip: "Konghe, do you know why Duan Mu and Lord Nayula went to break into Room 46 together?"

"How could I know, but..."

Kong He paused, and said without hesitation: "Since he did this, there must be a reason for him to do so, not to mention that this incident was caused by that Lord Nayula, who was worried about his father's safety, and he has to bear the main responsibility. She should be responsible."

"Is there a reason for him to do this?"

Shishiro Ukitake slowly put down his wine glass, and said as if talking to himself:

"At first I really didn't understand why he forced his way into Room 46, and I also didn't understand why Nayura was worried about her father's safety, but..."

"If you combine this with the recent actions and judgments in Room 46, I suddenly have an idea."

"I'm not the only one who feels wrong because of what Duan Mu did."

"However, Chunshui is different from my guess. What he guessed was that someone was interfering with the resolution of Room 46, but what I thought made me a little unbelievable."

"Except for the two of us, both Captain Broken Bee and Captain Aizen faintly sensed that something was wrong, and secretly launched an investigation..."

"That's it!"

Kong He waved his hand, and said angrily: "What's the use of telling me these things, I'm just a pyrotechnician in Liuhun Street now, as long as Duan Mu is safe and sound, I have absolutely nothing to do with you gods of death." Interested to find out."

Hearing this, Shishiro Ukitake couldn't help but shook his head, and didn't continue talking.


Chapter 178 Excessive

Empty Town · Guispear.

The former site of the Sugari Building is an abandoned building located in the southern industrial area of ​​Guimao District. Because it is a dangerous building, horizontal bars are drawn around the abandoned building to prevent pedestrians from entering this area.

Coupled with the transfer of the industrial area, this place can be described as 'rarely visited by people', and sometimes it may not even be possible for people to pass by for a few days.

But today it is a little restless here.


There was a violent explosion, and the walls of the building exploded violently, raising dust and smoke all over the sky.

"This is……"

In the abandoned building, a muscular young man with brown skin stood in front of the gap, his eyes full of confusion and shock.

After a while, he slowly turned his gaze to his right arm.

I saw that his right arm actually showed red lines on a black background, and the shoulders were raised, which did not look like a human arm at all.

"This is the power deep in your soul, Mr. Chadu, that originally belonged to you."

Urahara Kisuke glanced at the arm of the brown-skinned young man, then turned his head to look aside, in the direction he was looking... a plump girl with long orange hair was standing:

"Miss Inoue, you also have this ability, which is why I called you two here. If you two want to help Kurosaki Ichigo, then in the next time, you must master With your abilities, only in this way can you be able to help Kurosaki Ichigo."

"However, I am only responsible for helping you tap your own potential abilities, and there are others who teach you how to practice."

Kisuke Urahara finished speaking, looked at the time, and said to himself: "At this time, she should be back soon, right?"

"I'm already here."

Before the words fell, a slightly hoarse male voice suddenly came over.

Inoue Orihime and Chadu Yasutora were taken aback by the sudden sound, and they all looked towards the place where the sound came from, and when they saw the person who made the sound...they both froze at the same place. land.

Because, that voice came from the mouth of a black cat.

"What? Have you never seen a cat talk?"


Chadu Yasutora and Inoue Orihime blinked, then shook their heads at the same time.


The internal prison of Seireitei Sixth Division.

"Captain Ah Sanjing."


Nodding to the greeting team member, Asai Renji unlocked the cell door with the key and stepped into the inner cell.

This is the place used by the Sixth Division to punish team members who made mistakes, but it is rarely used. In the more than a month since Renji became the deputy captain of the Sixth Division, it was the first time he knew that there was a prison here. .


Among the prisoners, they were escorted in by themselves.

"What? A hunger strike?"

Looking at Kuchiki Rukia who was sitting with her back to her behind the fence, Renji chuckled: "I heard from Yukigi Rikichi that you haven't eaten all this time, and your body will collapse if you don't eat."

"I'm not protesting, and I'm not qualified to protest anything."

Rukia turned her head and said, "I'm just not hungry, thank you for your concern, Vice Captain Ah Sanjing."

"Tsk tsk tsk, Boss Duan Mu is really right."

Renji grinned: "Guys who like to use honorifics are very good at yin and yang."

"Boss Duan Mu..."

Rukia frowned when she heard this, and asked hesitantly, "Mr. Duan Mu, did you really attack Room 46?"

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