"If you have time to worry about him, you should worry about yourself."

Having said that, seeing the worry on Rukia's face, Renji paused for a moment before saying:

"Although Boss Duan Mu raided Room 46, no casualties were caused from the beginning to the end, and the charge of breaking into the forbidden area was also...well, I heard that the big shot who seemed to be the daughter of the sage was taken down...Tsk, he My circle of friends is really wide..."

"Hey, anyway, you don't have to worry too much about him... Boss Duan Mu is at most an attempted crime, but you have really committed an unforgivable crime; you must know the clause 'It is forbidden to transfer the power of death to human beings without permission'." The rules have existed since the birth of the god of death, and were formulated by the legendary royal family himself."

"No one can save you this time."

"is it?"

Kuchiki Rukia turned her head to look at the ventilated window in the prison, with a bitter smile on her face: "That's right."

Seeing this, Renji, who had a mocking face last second, suddenly changed:

"Idiot, of course I lied to you."

After all, he said in an exaggerated tone: "Captain Kuchiki will definitely ask for a commutation of your sentence when he reports to the headquarters, not to mention that the human boy has already been killed by the captain, which can be regarded as making up for some of your faults."

"Anyway, he is also your eldest brother, and he will not stand by and watch you be executed."

"No, he will kill me."

Rukia shook her head: "I know exactly what kind of person he is. I have been adopted by Kuchiki's family for so many years, and that person has never looked at me directly."


Renji was silent for a while when he heard the words, and then shook his head: "Don't worry, even Captain Kuchiki doesn't care about you, as long as the news from Boss Duanmu... Cough, anyway, you will definitely not die."


Rukia was startled when she heard the words, not understanding why Renji suddenly mentioned Duan Mu's name.

"All in all, you live here with good food and drink, and wait for the good news to come."

Lianci shook his head and didn't go into details. Although Duan Mu told them and others that Room 46 might have been wiped out, he didn't mention who wiped out Room 46 in the letter.

Captain Unokana seems to have noticed something.

But for some reason, like Boss Duan Mu, she looked at herself with a confused face as soon as she asked, as if she didn't know anything...


It's not so much that he doesn't know, it feels more like he is always on guard against something, and no one believes it except himself!

"That's a pity."

As soon as his voice fell, a cold voice suddenly entered the ears of the two of them: "What I brought is not good news. Room 46 has made a verdict and sentenced Kuchiki Rukia to a first-degree felony. The Queen of Heaven will be sentenced to double death at the Zhenyang Execution Ground!"

Accompanied by the voice, a tall figure slowly walked out of the corridor and stopped in the prison.

This figure is none other than Byakuya Kuchiki, the captain of the Sixth Division.

"Kuchi...Captain Kuchiki...what did you say?" Renji's expression changed.

"I don't want to repeat it a second time."

Renji heard this, although his face was a bit ugly, but he didn't feel despair because of it.

Indeed, the judgment made by Mao Room 46 cannot be changed, and it must not be changed!


If what Boss Duan Mu said was true, it would be completely different.

Kuchiki Byakuya glanced at Renji's face, then turned and walked out, never looking at Rukia in the prison, as if he just came to announce the verdict routinely.

Is that true?

Rukia watched Kuchiki Byakuya's disappearing back, and the sadness in her eyes was fleeting.

She wasn't surprised by Brother Bai Zai's reaction, because he had always treated her like this.

"Hey, hey, Rukia, you don't have to be so pessimistic. You said that even without Captain Kuchiki, we would definitely..."


Comprehensive rescue station and intensive care unit.

In the dark room, Duan Mu slowly opened his eyes, and a blue light flashed across the pupils.

This light only appeared for a moment before disappearing from his eyes.

"The bright moon is full of hope, no intention to come and go..."

Duan Mu frowned tightly, his face full of contemplation.

What is missing?

Obviously he has mastered all the elements, but no matter how hard Duan Mu tries, it seems that something is missing.

After pondering for a while, Duan Mu was about to sink his mind into his body again and continue his research, but a look of surprise suddenly flashed in his eyes in the next second.

Why is he here?

Almost at the same time, the door of the intensive care unit was opened, and a tall figure walked in.

Since Duan Mu woke up, the intensive care unit has been heavily surrounded, and all departments have jointly blocked anyone who wanted to visit Duan Mu.

In the past few days, the people Duan Mu came into contact with were basically members of the Fourth Division who changed his dressing. Zhihua Lie arranged for Nayura next door to conduct a close inspection.

But the person who walked into the intensive care unit now was neither a member of the Fourth Division nor Nayula.


A person Duan Mu has only met once, and has never even spoken to him at all.

Captain of the Sixth Division Kuchiki Byakuya!

Kuchiki Byakuya stopped beside the hospital bed, and looked at Duan Mu with cold and majestic eyes.

1 second...10 seconds...1 minute...2 minutes...


Duan Muxu took the lead to break the silence:

"Captain Kuchiki, you didn't come here just to play a game of squinting with me, did you? Or... in your position, do you think that a lowly person like me in Ruhun Street will be ashamed after seeing you?" You should stand up to see me with your seriously injured body, so that you can tell me..."

"No, what is the purpose of ordering you to come here?"

The silence... lasted for nearly half a minute.


Turn around and take a step!

Kuchiki Byakuya, who had been looking at Duan Mu for two and a half minutes, turned around and walked out of the ward without saying a word.


Duan Mu looked at Kuchiki Byakuya's leaving back, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

What is this thing for?


At this moment, Kuchiki Byakuya suddenly stopped.

"How much."

A cold voice sounded in the ward.

"???" Duan Mu

"How much does it cost to tell me the reason why you forced your way into Mao's Room 46." Byakuya Kuchiki turned around slowly, still with the same indifferent look that seemed to have no emotion at all, but his eyes were fixed on Duan. Mu, waiting for Duan Mu's answer.

Duan Mu was taken aback when he heard the words, and then a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"While I lie here, has the verdict on Rukia been settled?"

To Duan Mu's question, Kuchiki Byakuya did not answer, but frowned slightly, as if hesitating whether to leave altogether.

"For money, for status."

Duan Mu smiled slightly when he saw this: "My righteous sister gave me a lot of money, gave me a noble status, and promised to save my life. With these three points, there is no need for other reasons."

"Ah, yes, it was my fault."

"Captain Kuchiki, you were born with everything. Naturally, you don't know how attractive these things are to the untouchables of Ruhun Street. It's normal that you don't understand what I'm doing."

Kuchiki Byakuya heard the words, took a deep look at Duan Mu, and then walked out.

Seeing the back of Kuchiki Byakuya leaving, Duan Mu frowned, calming down the imminent eruption of spiritual pressure in his body.


I have hardly had any contact with Kuchiki Byakuya, so I can't be familiar with all the behaviors and habits of a person based on what I remember, and I can see problems from the details.

I can't even trust my own memory.

The 'Tosenyao' he encountered outside Mao 46 is a profound lesson!

When in doubt, be on guard against everyone you come into contact with.

Duan Mu shook his head slightly, put this episode behind him, and turned his attention to the system panel.


Name: Duan Mu

Race: human

Level: Phase II

Physique: top (109002/1000000)

Reiatsu: top (500016/1000000)

White play: advanced (43763/100000)

Shunpo: Top (8017/1000000)

Slashing: Advanced (17414/100000)

Zanpakuto: Advanced (58642/100000)


After the fierce battle in the past few days, Duan Mu's spiritual pressure has grown again, and Duan Mu is not surprised by this.

Because in Duan Mu's memory, Urahara Kisuke once said a word when he was instructing the king of hanging, that is:

Spiritual power is easiest to increase when the soul is threatened with disappearance!

The battles that Duan Mu has experienced in these years have also confirmed this point. Almost every time he fights to the death, his strength will grow somewhat.

To put it bluntly...

Almost all the gods of death who have not touched the limit of the spirit body basically have a physique similar to that of a Saiyan. Every time they are cured after dying, their spiritual pressure will be improved... Of course, the degree of improvement is far from that of a Saiyan. kind of situation.

This is also the reason why Duan Muhui thought that those captains whose strength has not changed for a long time will improve by leaps and bounds in the near future!

Closer to home.

Duan Mu didn't look at the detailed panel, but focused on the level.

second stage.

After the spiritual pressure broke through 50, Duan Mu has reached the second stage from the third stage. If he is replaced by the "Lingwei" of Goutei [-]th Division, he is now a spirit body with a second-level spiritual power.


This is far from enough.

But no matter how anxious you are, there is nothing you can do.

Looking at the big 0 behind the current experience value, Duan Mu couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

If he had enough experience points, he would have repaired his lock already, although...

Even if the knot is repaired, Duan Mu will always lie here, but at least when someone comes to attack him, he can display his strongest strength.

As for Duan Mu, who put experience points into his body and felt the benefits of his body, he no longer feels the slightest distress.

Before he knew it, his physique, which was originally looked down upon by Duan Mu, had risen to the same status as Reiatsu in his mind!

the most important is……

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