The exchange of soul combinations, or the "dimension breakthrough" of spiritual pressure, has basically been compressed to the extreme with the current strength of spiritual pressure.

Even if it continues, the improvement is extremely limited.

Duan Mu is going to improve his physique to a level equal to or exceeding that of Reiatsu, so as to break through the existing limit barriers.


As the strength became stronger, Duan Mu's cognition of the limit of the god of death gradually became clearer.

In his opinion, sooner or later, the body needs to be improved.

Because in the long years in the world of corpses and souls, Reiatsu, or a certain ability has reached the upper limit... Note that this upper limit is the real upper limit, not the so-called "limit". Although there are very few people, it is definitely not zero!

to the point where...

Comprehensiveness is the biggest advantage!

At the end of the day...

Still a serious lack of experience.


Chapter 179 Come and go without intention

Isolated from the world!

Duan Mu now has a deep understanding of what it means to be isolated from the world.

Suojie's injury has long since healed, but Uzhihuali's incomparably gentle smile full of "caring" put an end to Duan Mu's idea of ​​secretly leaving the intensive care unit.

because you will die...

Although Uozhihualie sensed something was wrong, she still had certain doubts about Duan Mu until the investigation was clear.

Duan Mu stays in the Comprehensive Rescue Center. Although it is protection on the surface, it is actually a kind of imprisonment.

And most importantly...

Captain Yamamoto never expressed any opinion on the fact that Unohana Retsu left Duan Mu in the comprehensive rescue center, as if he didn't know at all.

It can be seen from this that, compared to letting Jin Yinhui take care of Duan Mu, he is obviously more at ease in handing Duan Mu over to Uzhi Hualiu for supervision.

The inside is supervised by Uno Hanauri, and the outside has secret maneuvers and the [-]th squad to jointly guard.

Under such high-intensity supervision, Duan Mu naturally wouldn't go out of his way to make fun of himself.

Don't look at Captain Uzhihua, who has a gentle smile every day, but as long as Duan Mu acts suspiciously, no matter how much Duan Mu contributes to the comprehensive rescue, she will kill for the safety of Seireitei. section wood.

From the beginning to the end, she never believed in Duan Mu!

This can be seen from the goodwill that has never risen.

Regarding this point, Duan Mu did not feel wronged or unwilling, because in his heart, his impression of Sei Ling Ting had never changed.

Aside from talking about individuals, Duan Mu has never trusted the group of death gods, let alone regarded himself as one of them.

Leaning on the hospital bed, Duan Mu looked at the wall in front of him, hesitation flashed in his eyes.

It has been more than ten days since he woke up. The only people he can contact these days are the team members of the fourth division and Nayula who is also under house arrest next door. What, he has no idea.

Staying here, he has no way to get information about the outside world, and he is not even sure about his Wanshiwu in Liuhun Street.

However, thinking about it, nothing should happen.

Because the Wanshiwu is not only protected by Sister Konghe secretly, but Wanshiwu itself has extremely strong combat effectiveness. If the captain does not move out, basically no one can threaten the safety of the Wanshiwu.

And if nothing unexpected happens, Kisuke Urahara should have already made preparations.

It doesn't take long for Seireitei to be in chaos.

This made Duan Mu hesitate a bit, whether to take advantage of the chaos and sneak out of the comprehensive rescue center.

The reason why I decided to come here at first was because I was seriously injured at that time, and the safest place for Duan Mu in the entire soul world is the fourth team.

It can be said to be a last resort decision.

But now the situation has changed, except that when he first woke up, Unozhihuaretsu let him get in touch with those who trusted him, and then he isolated all the people in Seireitei who might stand on his side. Let them have any contact and communication with themselves.

It can be seen that she most likely received some instructions from Captain Yamamoto.

It's safe to stay here, but as I said before, Duan Mu doesn't believe in the so-called Goutei [-]th Division; because for the Goutei [-]th Division, if eliminating Duan Mu is good for the balance, or someone secretly let them With this feeling, even if Duan Mu has never done anything, he will be wiped out by them in the name of 'righteousness'.

He has no grasp of the external situation, and once he is secretly plotted by someone, there is no possibility of escaping from Sei Ling Ting without knowing it.


Expose Tiruti as her own person, let her manipulate Kirian to release the anti-membrane and connect herself to the virtual circle.

But the virtual circle is obviously not safe.


Duan Mu, who felt bored for a while, was suddenly taken aback, and looked at the system interface with a dull expression.

[Maozhihualie's favorability +1, gain 1500 experience points, current favorability: 3]

[Maozhihualie's favorability +1, gain 1500 experience points, current favorability: 4]


[Maozhihualie's favorability +1, gain 3000 experience points, current favorability: 10]

Looking at the system prompt in his mind, Duan Mu's eyes brightened, and the boredom in his heart disappeared.

Although I don't know what happened, the increase in Uzhihuaretsu's favorability has already shown one thing, she believes in herself!

The reason why Duan Mu was hesitant to run away before was precisely because after he informed Uzhi Hualie of the information, not only did the other party not increase his favorability towards him, but he always regarded himself as an enemy to be vigilant.

But now it seems...

She obviously believed it... No, more strictly speaking, she confirmed the information she provided through some method.

If she is willing to believe in herself, Duan Mu will not feel uneasy even if she continues to be imprisoned.

Because judging from Tian Maozhi Hualie's attitude these days, she is obviously not the kind of person who can easily change her opinion, but the kind of person who only believes in her own judgment.

What the hell is going on outside?

The sudden change made Duan Mu want to rush out of the intensive care unit immediately to see what happened outside.

And at this moment...

Duan Mu vaguely felt a silk thread, strictly speaking, it should be a silk thread in a big net covering most of Seireitei connected with himself.

This is……

Binding Dao 77: The Sky Is So Empty!

"Captains, vice-captains, and acting vice-captains of the Goutei [-]th team, I am the vice-captain of the [-]th division, Isao Toru, and the situation is urgent. The following is an urgent message from Captain Unokanaretsu."

Huche Yongyin's voice came from Duan Mu's mind.

"What I'm going to say next is all facts. The incident started when Duan Muqiang broke into Room 46 of Mao Mao. Before he went to Room 46, he sent a message to Captain Unohana and me in a group message. There are some things he believes vice-captain."

"The content of the information is... Awanmen Nayura-sama, the next sage's successor, found him and said that something might have happened to Room 46 of Mao. Nayura-sama even suspected that something bad happened to her father, so I hope Duan Mu can take her to Room 46 of Mao to find out."

"That's exactly why Duan Muqiang broke into Room 46 of Mao Mao."

"Due to the uncertainty of this piece of information, those of us who received the information were ordered by Captain Unoka to prohibit us from disclosing the content of this piece of information."

"Captain Unohana has been conducting secret investigations during this period of time, and indeed discovered something wrong with Room 46 of Mao. After in-depth investigation, he found..."

The voice in my mind slowly narrated the investigation process of Unohanaretsu these days.

This made Duan Mu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Anyway, I should be considered safe for the time being.

But when he continued to listen, his expression couldn't help but change.

"After continuous investigation, it was finally confirmed that everything was indeed as Nayula-sama had guessed. The sage of the Awanmen had encountered an accident, and the murderer was the captain of the ninth division, Dongxian, and..."

"The seventh seat of the twelfth division, Inaba Kagerosuke."

Inaba Shadow Wolf?

Duan Mu's face darkened instantly.

He didn't understand why he heard Inaba Kagerozuo's name at this time.

He is no stranger to this name, because the other party is also one of the few mad scientists in Seireitei, and even once created the spirit skeletons of the captain and vice-captain of the Goutei Thirteenth Team, and used his own created The fake spirit skeleton deceived Captain Yamamoto.

But why would he get involved with Dongxian?

"The two teamed up, Dongsen was going to secretly kill dozens of sages from Room 46 of Mao, and Inaba Kagerozuo used special techniques to create the remains of these sages of death to control Room 46 of Mao. right to speak."

"Until I spread this word, 29 sages and 4 judges, including the Awanmen sage, have been killed and replaced."

"And in Inaba Kagerozuo's private research room, the remains of individual vice-captains and captains were discovered..."

Replace it with a skeleton?

The gloomy look on Duan Mu's face gradually receded, replaced by a pensive look.

Aizen's interference?


With Uozhihualie's ability, if she had sensed something was wrong because of the hallucination of the mirror flower and water moon at the beginning, then even if she found the spirit skeleton, she probably wouldn't think that what she saw was the spirit skeleton.


The Awanmen sage who walked out of Room 46 of Mao was not a hallucination, but a spirit skeleton!

Only in this way can it be possible to shift the direction of Unohana Retsu's investigation.

Duan Mu thought about it carefully, what happened that day in front of Room 46 of Mao, he seemed to grasp something vaguely.

In fact, these days, Duan Mu has been puzzled about one thing.

That is……

How did Nayura see at a glance that the person who walked out of Mao's Room 46 was not his father?

Previously, Duan Mu only thought that Nayula knew his father very well, so he felt strange from some details.

But now it seems that the reason why she was aware of this at the beginning was very likely that Aizen did it deliberately.

After all, when Duan Mu was fighting against 'Tong Xianyao', he didn't find out that the person he was fighting with was fake. More strictly speaking...

The Dongxian Yao who fought against him was the Dongxian Yao in Duan Mu's impression.

Duan Mu's eyes became brighter and brighter, although the development of the matter was completely beyond his control.


He finally understood where he was wrong.

Duan Mu has always regarded Ai Ran's Mirror Flower and Water Moon as an illusion, but in fact...

Although it is correct to call Aizen's Mirror Flower and Water Moon an 'illusion', it is not complete!

Because the true ability of Flower in Mirror and Moon in Water is...

- Totally hypnotic!

That is to say, hallucinations are formed, although they are released by Aizen, but the released effects are condensed by the memory, feeling, instinct and other factors of the practitioner.

The reason why the illusion formed by the mirror and the moon is terrible is precisely because "it" presents the "state it should appear" in the mind of the practitioner, because this "state" is recognized by the practitioner himself, so he will not treat it feel suspicious.

My initial research direction was wrong!

The ability of Flowers in the Mirror and Moon in Water is not just an illusion, but based on the other party's thinking and memory to interfere with and guide the five senses of the practitioner, and edit them.

(Did you see Kurosaki Ichigo in your eyes?)

The words that Future Blue Ran said in his mind kept echoing in Duan Mu's mind, making his eyes brighter and brighter, and the azure light kept emerging in his eyes.

"I come and go without intention...but the bright moon has never given up. Is that so..."

Duan Mu's whispers kept coming out, and the words of Hu Cheyong's voice in his mind had been completely ignored by Duan Mu.

A wrong start will naturally not have a right ending.

As for how Inaba Kagerozuo was dragged into the vortex, it's not difficult to guess, it was nothing more than being used by Aizen.

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