The only person who had contact with him from the beginning to the end was probably only Dongxian Yao, and Aizen might not have even used Jinghua Shuiyue.


Yuuto Toru already said in the message that both Tosen Kaname and Inaba Kagerosa had been shot dead by Unohanaretsu on the spot because they refused to surrender.

Tōsen wants to leave it alone, but Inaba Kagerozuo should really be dead.

However, in Duan Mu's view, if there is no accident, Dongxian Yao may also be dead.

As for the remaining 11 sages and 2 judges, under Aizen's control, they will inevitably undergo extremely detailed inspections to confirm that they have not been replaced by spirit bones.

Aizen, on the other hand, used this to completely get rid of suspicion.

Although these are only Duan Mu's speculations, the facts should not be much different.

It has to be said that Aizen's preparation really caught Duan Mu by surprise.

And made Duan Mu realize something...

That's the people he believed in, most likely unknowingly controlled as well.

Because, the preparation is too full!

Originally, Duan Mu's plan was to catch Lan Ran by surprise, so as to let him show his flaws.

But now it seems that his plan was doomed to fail from the moment he decided to use the third plan as a backup... that is, to pass the information on to the person he trusted.

This instead made Aizen prepare ahead of time!

However, it can't be regarded as a complete failure, at least it weakened Aizen's power.

Although Dongxian wanted to die, it was not painful at all for Aizen!

But it doesn't mean that Dongxian must die.

at least……

The azure light in Duan Mu's eyes became brighter and brighter. At this moment, it gradually condensed into a point, surrounding the dark pupil like a halo.

Before seeing Tōsen Kaname's body!

Facts have proved that Duan Mu's guess is not wrong.

After several hours of aftermath work, Toru Yune came to the intensive care unit in person and told Duan Mu what happened outside these days, including the individual deputy captains and captains of Inaba Kagerozuo. , The process of attacking Unohana Lie.

Today, the bodies of Inaba Kagerozuo and Tōsen Kaname are stored in the Comprehensive Rescue Center.

Uzhihualie is examining the bodies of the two people to make sure that they are the body, not the spirit skeleton.

As for Room 46, under the joint inspection of Commander Yamamoto, Unohana Retsu, and Nirvana Mayuri, it was confirmed that the remaining sages and judges were themselves, and not impersonated by spirit bones.

For this, Duan Mu was not surprised.

Because after Aizen's death, they were the same people who conducted the inspection. As a result, only Captain Unohana Lie noticed the slightest violation during the consecutive days of inspection...

To be able to detect the violation, in Duan Mu's view...

Most likely because of her Zanpakuto ability.


Special skills:

[Unintentional Going and Coming]: Advanced (0/100000)


1 Chapter [-] Invasion

"Boss Duan Mu!"

"I heard, Boss Duan Mu, your suspicion has been cleared."

"Is it all right now?"

"That's great, let me tell you, Boss Duan Mu, that there is no way you would do something that would endanger Sei Ling Ting!"


Wearing black overalls and black boots, Duan Mu felt extremely comfortable all over his body after a long absence from regular clothes.

And around him, he was surrounded by the team members of the fourth division, and everyone's face revealed a kind of joy from the heart, which made the trace of impatience in Duan Mu's heart gradually dissipate, and turned to be patient. Answered everyone's questions.

"By the way, Boss Duanmu, I heard from the Seventh Division defeated Captain Komamura?"

"Is this true or not? Boss Duan Mu, are you so strong?"

"Boss Duan Mu, you've always been great."

"That's different. The answer is powerful, but it won't help you in the battle."


Duan Mu shook his head: "I didn't defeat Captain Komamura. The strength of the captain level is extremely terrifying. I just trapped him by a trick at the time. How can it be said that there is no defeat..."

Duan Mu didn't go into details about the battle with Komamura Zuojin. He didn't want the fourth team to go out and spread the word, and he personally admitted that he defeated Komamura Zuojin.

Although Komamura Zuojin's favorability is useless, Duan Mu still understands the basics of the world.

After bidding farewell to all the members of the Fourth Squad, Duan Mu walked out of the comprehensive rescue center. Duan Mu couldn't help squinting his eyes after not seeing the sun for a long time.

"Stop standing stupidly."

When a voice came, Duan Mu was not surprised, but said while bathing in the sun: "What do you mean standing stupidly, I am doing photosynthesis."

"Then do you want me to send someone to the public toilet to find you some fertilizer?"

"No one will think you are dumb if you don't speak."

Duan Mu glared at the visitor angrily, then searched around him, and sighed slightly: "Why do I live in the hospital for so long, and the first person I see after I leave the hospital is a dead man?" Fatty."


Ohmaeda Kichiyo's face darkened, and she glared at Duanmu fiercely: "Don't forget, although Room 46 agreed to Nayura-sama's application and allowed you to move freely, it does not mean that you offended the captain and forced you to move freely. The charge of trespassing in the restricted area has disappeared, but the higher-ups don’t have the energy to deal with you for the time being.”

"Besides, my uncle didn't come here specially to pick you up and leave the hospital, but happened to come here when he was on patrol!"

"That's really thanks to Vice Captain Omaeda for coming to see me, a prisoner, in your busy schedule."

Duan Mu chuckled and walked to O Maeda's side.

Thinking back carefully, it seemed that every time I was discharged from the hospital, Omaeda happened to be patrolling nearby.

I have to say, this guy can be quite cute sometimes.

"Qingyuan Fang, are they all right? Is it not implicated by me?"

"How could it be possible not to be implicated? Now the supervision team's surveillance privileges have been temporarily suspended, and the current supervision team is only responsible for managing the prison; but you don't have to worry too much. If you really want to be held accountable, you should also be held accountable by the Technology Development Bureau. Their reactions are slower than ours."


Duan Mu was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

"Although I don't know what their director is thinking, but the alarm was sent out by our secret maneuver at the beginning, and the Technology Development Bureau seemed to be watching the fun, and did not issue the alarm immediately after discovering it."


Duan Mu nodded, and didn't think deeply. It's better not to go too deep into the madman's thinking.

"In short, Kiyohara Spinning and the others are in a much better situation than you, at least they won't be held accountable afterwards."

When Omaeda said this, he took a look at Duan Mu: "Qingyuan Fang and the others are actually planning to pick you up and leave the hospital. Besides them, there are many people who want to come, but they were ordered by the sages and judges in room 46. Excessive contact with you is prohibited."

"According to what they said, although you forcibly broke into Mao's Room 46 because you were worried about the safety of Mao's Room 46, but since you were able to forcefully break into Mao's Room [-] this time because of the entrustment, then next time you may do something dangerous because of the entrustment. It is a matter of stability in the Seiring Court."

"From a certain point of view, although you have regained your freedom now, you have already been blacklisted in Mao Room 46. More strictly speaking, if it weren't for the lobbying of that Nayura-sama, you would not be free at all now. "

"Although she hasn't gone through the inheritance ceremony yet, in the case of the death of the former sage, she is not much different from the official sage now, and she already has a certain right to speak in Room 46."


Omaeda said in a strange tone: "You really hugged your thighs this time, why didn't you find out before that you still have the qualifications to eat soft food?"


"Haha, but before your righteous sister officially becomes a sage, you'd better be careful, don't be caught by them."

Omaeda shook his head: "Because too many things have happened recently, Mao Room 46 doesn't care about you at all. What they are mainly dealing with now is Kuchiki Rukia's first-degree felony."

"How about Kuchiki Rukia?"

After hesitating for a moment, Duan Mu asked, "Has the ruling on her changed?"

"How can it be changed? Although many sages and judges have been replaced, the verdict on Rukia is recognized by everyone, including the surviving sages and judges."

When Omaeda said this, he carefully observed Duan Mu's expression, and was a little hesitant to continue talking.

Because as far as he knows, the relationship between Duan Mu and Kuchiki Rukia is also good.

Combined with what this bastard did not long ago, he found that Duan Mu might not be able to do something like robbing a prison.

Moreover, in order to guard against this, Captain Broken Bee has already deprived Duan Mu of the right to enter the second team, and informed Duan Mu that he is prohibited from going to the secret maneuver before Rukia is executed.

As for whether to restore its position as acting captain, Broken Bee did not give an accurate answer.

But in the end Omaeda still sighed, because even if he didn't say what he was going to say next, Duan Mu could know the details just by asking.

"Kuchiki Rukia's ruling has not changed, but the execution time has been advanced."

"All along, the prisoners who are going to be executed have been given a one-month probation period, but this time the drastic change in Mao Room 46 made them break this rule and arrange the execution time of Kuchiki Rukia in the Seven days later."

"Before I came here, the members of the supervisory team had already set off to transfer Kuchiki Rukia from the prison of the sixth team to the No. 4 deep prison of the Confession Palace, waiting for the execution in a week."

Having said that, O Maeda stared at Duan Mu intently, and found that he didn't have much reaction, so he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and continued:

"Captain Tōsen's crime this time is too serious. If you hadn't made a big fuss and attracted the attention of everyone in Goutei Team 46 to Mao Room [-], they would have been wiped out by now. Not one left."

"Your uproar not only attracted the attention of Captain Unohana, but also many captains participated in the investigation. As far as I know, there are Captain Broken Bee, Captain Ukitake, Captain Beijing, Captain Aizen, and Kuchiki There are five captains, and it is said that even Captain Yamamoto is secretly observing Room 46 of Mao."

"It can be said that the remaining sages in Room 46 of Mao were all saved by you."

"Hehe, their attitude towards me now is not like the attitude towards my savior." Duan Mu chuckled lightly.

For this, Duan Mu is not surprised at all, if not all attention is focused on Mao Room 46, Aizen would not use this method to get out.

The reason why his plan was able to proceed smoothly was precisely because the Gotei 46th Division never paid attention to Mao Room [-] from the beginning to the end, let alone had any doubts about it.

Coupled with the fact that a group of travelers made a fuss, which attracted most of the attention, this made his plan come to a perfect conclusion.

Omaeda sneered: "Be content, those big people don't feel grateful to you. In their eyes, it is the responsibility of all the souls in the soul world to protect Mao's room 46. Not only will they not be grateful for you, but they will blame you. Do your duty and cause so many sages to die!"

"If it hadn't been such a big deal, everyone from the captain to the ordinary soldiers would have known the details, and they couldn't block the news at all. They might even use this as an excuse to convict you and throw you to the Palace of Repentance to follow you." Rukia's companionship is not entirely impossible."

"But even under such circumstances, they still deprived you of the pass authority granted by Captain Yamamoto, which means that in the future you can only walk around the periphery of Seireitei like when you first arrived at Seireitei."

Omaeda paused, and continued: "The reason why I appear here is to inform you of this, so that you will not enter the forbidden area without permission without your knowledge."

"Eh? Didn't someone just say that they just happened to be here on patrol?"

"I was on patrol, but I just happened to meet you. After all, Room 46 has strictly prohibited Death from having too much contact with you; now I am walking with you, and I am only performing my duties as the captain of the police team. I think you It is possible to do something harmful to Seireitei, so keep an eye on him."

Omaeda finished speaking and shook his head: "In short, Kuchiki Rukia's ruling will not change. Mao Room 46 wants to execute Kuchiki Rukia as soon as possible. After this matter is settled, we will immediately start to supplement the absent sage."

"If it wasn't for the preparation of many things for the activation of the twins, Rukia's execution time might be earlier."

Duan Mu nodded. He had expected that Rukia's execution time would be brought forward.

It's just that it came earlier than Duan Mu expected.

As for starting to replenish the sage, Nayura had already told him this before he left the fourth division.

Shortly after the incident between Tosen and Inaba Kagerozu yesterday "revealed the truth", Mao Room 46 sent someone to inform Nayura, hoping that she could go to Room 46 to accept the appointment ceremony as soon as possible.

But at Duan Mu's suggestion, Nayura rejected Mao's invitation from Room 46. Of course, the reason given was: now is not the time to mobilize people to hold the appointment ceremony. Sages serve together.

In this regard, Room 46 has no opinion, because no matter what aspect is considered, Nayula's appeal is reasonable.

At this time, Duan Mu would never send Nayura to Mao Room 46.

After the "Tōsenyō" rebellion, no one will doubt Mao Room 46 anymore; as Omaeda said before, if Mao Room 46 really wants to deal with itself, then even if it seems to Goutei [-] Team that they saved it They, they don't care about the impact of dealing with themselves.

The highest judiciary in the soul world!

This is not just talk, if it wasn't for Nayula standing on his side, they...or the one pretending to be them, would definitely not mind using this kind of authority to make trouble for themselves.


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