I didn't come into close contact with Tōsen Kaname's body, because after he regained his freedom, Tōsen Kaname was transferred to the Technology Development Bureau. Duan Mu didn't inspect it, but just took a look at it from afar.

Judging from his vision, the body that was carried away was indeed Tosen Kaname, and the spiritual pressure had completely disappeared, without any sign of life.

No matter from which angle you look at it, Dongxian Kao can be sure that he is dead.

Duan Mu also tended at first that Dongxian Yao was dead.


Duan Mu became suspicious when he saw Dong XianYao's body.

Because he has the illusion of the mirror flower and the moon in the water, although it is not other corpses under the illusion, but the real Tosen Kaname.

But since he was already dead, why did Aizen leave illusions on him?

In order to deal with the inspection of Uno Hananaru?

But even though he saw through the illusion, Dongxian Kao still didn't show any signs of life.

And, what a coincidence.

Just when he left the fourth division, Tosen Kaname was sent to the Technology Development Bureau, as if deliberately letting Duan Mu take a look at him.

As for the lack of signs of life...

Doesn't mean it's dead!

Because Duan Mu can also make a person pretend to be dead.

The easiest way is to...

——Bai Fu!

This is a special ghost way that combines broken ways and bound ways. It can put a person into a state of suspended animation and completely disappear their spiritual pressure.

Although this kind of ghost way can only be mastered by ghost way masters, there are not a few people in the thirteenth team of the guardian court who can do this kind of ghost way.

So without a detailed examination of his body, Duan Mu could only think that Dongxian Yao might still be alive.


Duan Mu's footsteps suddenly stopped, and he suddenly raised his head to look in the direction of Baidaomen.

"what happened?"

Omaeda, who was walking in front, asked with some doubts.

But at this moment, the urgent siren suddenly sounded around Seireitei, and the siren made Omaeda's expression change, and he hurriedly looked behind Duan Mu.

its not right……

Duan Mu is right behind him, where did the alarm come from?

"A distorted reaction was found on Liuhun Street in the west, and a warning order was issued from No. [-] to District [-]."



Distorted reaction?

Omaeda froze for a moment, then his face changed.

Because the words 'distorted reaction' rarely appear in Seireitei, because it represents...

Someone opened the world-transmitting door to the world of souls from outside the world of souls!

In simple terms, a crooked reaction means...


And it was the invasion of creatures from the non-corpse soul world.


Duan Mu on the side looked into the distance, and he could clearly feel that there were several auras rapidly approaching the world of corpses and souls in the broken boundary leading to the world of corpses and souls.

Is it finally here?


Chapter 181 Go home!

within the boundary.

Three men and one woman, plus a black cat, five figures are galloping in the boundary.

And behind them, the two sides of the broken boundary channel were filled with airflow between liquid and gas. This airflow was like a landslide, burying all the places where the four people and the cat passed.

Arrest flow!

This is a kind of airflow that fills the boundary to prevent the invasion of foreign enemies such as 'xu'. It has the ability to make the soul immobile. Once it is entangled by it, it is difficult to leave the boundary.

A young man dressed in pure white Quincy costume glanced back and shouted anxiously:

"Hey, hey, that thing is going to catch up with us."

"Where we ran, everything was buried."

"If you have time to look behind you, it's better to run quickly."

The black cat at the front said solemnly, "Once caught by Juliu, it's over!"

Just as she said those words, there was a cry of surprise.

Turning their heads to look, the scene that caught their eyes made everyone's faces change drastically. They saw that the Quincy boy who was running at the end, his cloak was stuck tightly by Juliu, and his whole body was pushed towards Juliu like a quagmire. Drag it out.


Kurosaki Ichigo subconsciously grasped the handle of the Zanpakutō.

But before he rushed forward, the black cat beside him yelled:

"Don't use Zanpakuto!"

"Kuryu will entangle the spirit body, and if you use Zanpakutō, you will be swallowed by it."


Hearing this, Kurosaki Ichigo subconsciously wanted to ask, but before he finished speaking, the dark-skinned 'middle-aged' strong man who ran at the end had already come to the boy named 'Ishida'; The cloak, grabbed his shoulder with one hand, and... ripped it down fiercely.


Accompanied by the sound of cloth breaking, the cloak shattered, and Ishida was caught under the arm by the strong man, and quickly caught up with the people in front of him.

"Uh...thank you..."

Ishida Uryu looked at the strong man who was hugging him and ran wildly: "Chadu, please let me down, I can walk by myself..."

The strong man called Chadu ignored him and ran forward on his own.

The orange long-haired girl at the side breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this, and said with some fear: "This passage is really dangerous."

"Be content, it's just an accident. If we encounter an accident that occurs only once every seven days, then we will be in danger!"

After the black cat finished speaking, it didn't explain what Jutu was, but looked at the light at the end of the passage, and said in a deep voice, "Everyone is ready, we will reach the exit soon."

As the passage gradually brightened, the four people and one cat finally came to the exit.


At the same time, the West First District Run Lin'an.

"what is that?"

Pedestrians on both sides of the street looked up to the sky with a scream.

What came into view was a pitch-black crack, and a kind of airflow visible to the naked eye spewed out faintly. This scene made everyone feel puzzled.

"Everyone, hide in the nearest building!"

At this moment, a slightly old voice came, and everyone followed the sound, only to realize that the person who spoke was indeed an elder from the West District [-].

Although they didn't understand what happened, since the elder said so, everyone didn't ask any more questions, and rushed towards the nearest shop or residence.

In an instant, the streets that were bustling not long ago were empty.

"What's wrong with this?"

"Ghost knows, but I miss Boss Duan Mu very much now. It would be great if he was here."

"Boss Duan Mu..."

Hearing someone mention Duan Mu, everyone's faces were more or less worried.

As residents who are close to Seilingting, they also learned something about Boss Duan Mu from the mouths of those death gods.

"Boss Duan Mu, he is so confused, how can he fight against those gods of death."

"What does it mean to be confused? Boss Duan Mu is so kind. He has basically never had any conflicts with others. He will attack...that room must be because they have done something bad!"

"Yes, yes!"

"Yes, Boss Duan Mu must have his reasons for doing this."

"I don't know how he is doing now."

"Don't worry, Boss Duan Mu will be fine."



A huge roar interrupted everyone's conversation, and following the sound, the streets were filled with smoke and dust.

"Cough cough cough~~"

There was a choked cough.

All the people hiding in the building looked towards it at the same time, and when they saw the outfits of several people, they couldn't help but hold their breath.

The other three are fine. Although they are all wearing clothes that are different from Liuhun Street, there is no shortage of residents who have died in the first few years in the West District. Clothing stores also sell clothes in this world, but few people buy them. ...It's not because it's not good-looking, but...

Walking in Liuhun Street wearing real clothes, I always feel that I stand out from the crowd.

After all, not everyone is like Duan Mu, who doesn't care about other people's eyes at all, but in the case of wearing the same style of clothes all year round, the residents of Liuhun Street are also used to Duan Mu's black overalls, and even imitate them in clothing stores. Duan Mu's black overalls are extremely popular.

"Wow, look, that orange haired one!"

"It's so big~"

"You color batch."


Residents in the buildings on both sides of the street, most of them were men, all focused their attention on the only girl among the four people and one cat.

"Mr. Yeyi, is this the soul world?"

Kurosaki Ichigo looked around, but there was no one around. The streets were full of old low houses, and most of the houses near the tall city wall in the distance were shops.

"This is Liuhun Street, located on the outskirts of Seireitei where the god of death lives. It is the poorest, freest, and most soul-dwelling place in the world of corpses and souls."

After Yeyi finished speaking, he looked in the direction of Baidaomen, and when he saw the Jingling Wall, he frowned: "Why did the Jingling Wall fall down?"

"What is the Purifying Wall?"

"Jing Lingbi is cast from a 'murderous stone' that can block spiritual power. It will release a wave that breaks down spiritual power, forming a spherical protective cover that protects Sei Ling Ting from the air to the ground. This will block the invaders from Seireitei."

A strange look flashed in Ye Lingting's eyes, she didn't know anything about what happened to Seiling Ting recently.

Because these days, she has been taking Inoue Orihime and Chadu Taitora to practice outside, and immediately set off to the Soul Soul Realm after the practice.

But now it seems...

The reason why Kisuke was so anxious to let them come to Soul Soul World should be because of something happened in Seireitei.

"Does that mean we can meet Rukia through that door?"

Kurosaki Ichigo's eyes lit up when he heard the words, but he didn't understand what Ye Yi said at all, and rushed towards the White Taoist Gate.

"Stupid, don't go there!!"

Seeing this, Yoruichi hurriedly shouted, but before her words fell, a huge ax fell from the sky and slashed straight at Kurosaki Ichigo.


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