Accompanied by a huge explosion, the ground shook violently, and endless smoke and dust rose into the sky.

Immediately there was a sound of 'whoosh', a black figure rushed out from the smoke and dust, and stood outside the smoke and dust after a few ups and downs, it was indeed Kurosaki Ichigo.

At this time, he was unscathed, but looked at the giant who was nearly ten meters high in the distance with surprised eyes!


Si Danfang looked at the orange-haired boy who had escaped his attack with some surprise: "No wonder you dare to break into Jingling Gate without a Tongting Certificate. It seems that you can let me stretch my muscles more."


West 38th District, Master House Tavern.

Accompanied by an inexplicable fluctuation, a figure slowly emerged from the backyard of the tavern.


Looking at the empty backyard of the tavern, Duan Mu frowned slightly, but when he saw the situation in the tavern through the back window, his frown relaxed.

Looking around, there are many villains gathered in the tavern, Uzuki, Unagi Oori, Ishida Sogen, all three are sitting in the middle of the bar, seeing that they are safe and sound, Duan Mu couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

Duan Mu didn't pay attention to the movement in Jinglingting. After he noticed the aura in the broken boundary, he immediately gave up coming back from Baidaomen to Wanshiwu, and instead went directly to the Wanshiwu branch in East 1 District. Teleport back.

The South and North Wanshiwu branches under the responsibility of Jinjiao and Yinjiao are all opened in the 38th district of Liuhun Street, just like the main store.

Only the eastern part, which was finally included under Duan Mu's command, was able to return to the Wanshiwu for immediate support when the Wanshiwu was attacked. Return to Master House in the shortest possible time.

Pushing open the back door, a burst of noise came.

I saw the villains in the tavern gathered in a circle, and Shiba Iwajiu stood in the middle of the crowd, holding a crooked hand-drawn map and said: "This is a map I drew myself. Duan Mu said that now It's in the Fourth Division...well...roughly this area."

"If you can attack Sei Ling Ting, then immediately move in this direction and rescue Duan Mu."

"If I can't get in, I have other methods."

"I have ordered Nishijinori, Ha Erzhong, Ooku, and the three of them to go to the east, south, and north respectively to gather manpower. When the operation starts, I will shoot huge fireworks into the sky to notify everyone."

"At that time, we will attack from four directions at the same time, surround the entire Seiling Court, and force those bastards to release Duan Mu!"

"Surround Seireitei! Rescue Boss Duanmu!!"

The unanimous roar sounded in the tavern, deafening.

"..." Duan Mu.

He was suddenly a little thankful that he was able to come back so quickly, otherwise, he might not know how much trouble these bastards would cause him.

Although Omaeda had told him before he left Seireitei...

According to intelligence, there seems to be some big movement in the area behind the numbers on Liuhun Street, so in order to prevent a crisis, the Jingling Wall was lowered in advance.

But Duan Mu really didn't expect that these bastards would make such a big fuss.

"The time for action is tomorrow morning. I just have something to go to the elder of the West District tonight. By the way, I will ask him to provide us with a building to hide in. Before we surround the Seling Court, we must act as stealthily as possible! "


Duan Mu looked at the excitement and anticipation on the faces, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

He knows these bastards too well!

Although there are some people who really want to save themselves, most of them just participated because this kind of behavior makes them feel very exciting.

As for my own life...

If they cared so much, they wouldn't deserve to be called villains!

In the eyes of the villains in the lower-numbered areas, the person who can be their boss is an absolutely invincible existence, and only such a person is worthy of their pursuit.

If it weren't for the presence of Nishijinori and Yu Erzhong, after hearing that he was arrested, these people would have already fought to the death for the title of 'big villain', let alone saving themselves.


Duan Mu never admitted it, but they forcibly gave him this title.

"Cough cough~~"

Duan Mu coughed as a reminder.


did not attract attention.

Seeing this, Duan Mu shook his head, walked straight behind Ganjiu, and sat on the high chair in front of the bar.

And behind the bar, the three people of Uzuki who were watching the fun couldn't help being taken aback.


The villains surrounded by the griffons froze with excitement and anticipation, and stared blankly at the back of Duan Mu in front of the bar.

And Griffin continued his speech:

"Duan Mu is your boss, and I am Duan Mu's boss. If Duan Mu is not here, I am your... boss!"

Griffin paused and shook his head: "No, it should be that no matter whether he is there or not, I am your boss. If I tell you to go east, you can't go west; Do the others understand?"

"After the operation starts, anyone who doesn't obey my command, just wait to be killed by me."

"Don't talk about you, even if Duan Mu is here, he has to listen to what I say, otherwise I will kill him together."

Ganjiu became more and more excited as he talked, but he didn't realize that the eyes of the villain in front of him had changed from murderous intent to... caring for the mentally retarded.

Uzuki patted Unagi Oori to stop him from reminding Ganjiu.

Although Ishida Zongxian on the side had a kind face, his smile was full of playfulness.

Duan Mu took a sip of the water offered by Mao Yue, leaned against the bar, and listened seriously to the speech of the boss of Griffin in front of him.

"Are you all dumb? What about the response?"

Duan Mu shook his head, fortunately he never expected these people to save him, otherwise the grass on his grave would be several meters high.

clap clap ~ ~

"well said!"

Duan Mu saw that the villains didn't respond. In order to take care of the boss, as the younger brother, he applauded tactfully. Then he looked at the villains and said coldly: "Are you all deaf? Didn't you hear what Brother Ganjiu said? ?”

In the next second, thunderous applause sounded in the tavern.

"That's right...huh?"

Ganjiu nodded in satisfaction at first, then his whole body froze suddenly, and he turned around after a while. When he saw Duan Mu in front of the bar with a smile on his face, the whole tavern suddenly fell into silence.

"Go to other areas and tell Nishijinori, Ha Erie, and Ooku to stop making trouble."

Duan Mu didn't pay attention to him, but said to the group of villains.

Hearing this, the villains in the tavern acted as if they were about to receive an amnesty, one after another... some ran out, and some ran to the backyard.

In the blink of an eye, the villains who were still crowded in the tavern before ran away.

"Ah, Duan Mu, are you back?"

Ganjiu also came back to his senses at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "I am going to save you now."

"As a younger brother, how can you bother the boss to save me?"

Duan Mu chuckled, then pointed to the side: "Come and sit down, I don't blame you for anything... By the way, is Miss Konghe okay? When you go back tonight, please help me to report my safety. I'll be very busy, I'll explain to Sister Konghe when I'm done."

Although a little speechless, but not angry at all.

After all, Ganju really wanted to save himself by surrounding Seireitei, although in Duan Mu's view, if Room 46 was intact, if he really did this, it would make 46 choose to close the room. Imprisonment forever or execution directly.


Seeing that Duan Mu was not angry, Ganjiu didn't continue to stand in the same place stupidly, and sat down next to Duan Mu, asking: "What's the matter with you? I heard from the eldest sister that you forced your way into Room 46, and now you're here Was it released? Or escaped? Do you want me to gather people to protect you? And..."

"Ask one by one."

Duan Mu smiled, did not hide anything, and directly told the things that had been made public in the Seiling Court from the beginning to the end.


Or home makes him feel more comfortable!

Although most of them are surrounded by a group of murderous bastards.

But seeing these bastards...

On the contrary, it made Duan Mu feel like coming home, extremely at ease and extremely comfortable!


Chapter 182 The man who repairs the pigsty

West District.

There was a mess outside the walls of the Seiling Court. Just from the traces of the scene, it can be seen that there was a big battle here not long ago.

There were bloodstains all over the ground, and Sidanfang was lying in the middle of the street, with his left arm broken at the shoulder, and more than a dozen residents fixed his arm at the shoulder with ropes.

"Shuangtian returns to the shield, I refuse!"

Orihime Inoue stood aside, and with a call, two tiny spots of light flew out of her hairpin, flew around Si Danfang's left arm, and spread out a golden barrier, covering all of Si Danfang's broken arms. shrouded in it.

In the next second, there was an uproar from the crowd of onlookers.

I saw that the completely severed left arm began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye at this moment... No, rather than healing, it felt more like the time of the wound was going backwards.

The rest of the residents, under the command of the elders, started to clean up the battlefield in an orderly manner.

While cleaning, everyone couldn't help discussing what happened before.

"That orange-haired little brother is really powerful, he was able to smash Master Si Danfang's axe."

"Indeed! It's rare to be able to convince Master Si Danfang to lose, and even make an exception to open the Baidao door for him. You must know that even Boss Duan Mu has never made an exception for Si Danfang."

"Boss Duan Mu doesn't need it either. He has a court certificate, and I heard from Sidanfang that Boss Duan Mu also broke through the Jingling Gate once. However, he didn't break into the Baidao Gate, but The Heiling Gate in the north, it is said that the guards were eliminated with one blow, and the Heiling Gate was raised with one hand."

"Please, bragging must also be in line with common sense. I admit that Boss Duan Mu is very strong. Someone asked teach me a lesson before; but even Mr. Si Danfang has to go all out when opening the Jingling Gate. His face is flushed, no matter how strong he is, he can't lift the Jingling Gate with one hand, right?"

"You must have misheard. It should be the guard of the Heiling Gate who opened the door for him."

"Well, that's true."

"However, it's a pity for the orange-haired Reaper brother. If it wasn't for the squint-eyed bastard who suddenly appeared and chopped off Lord Sidanfang's arm, he should have entered the Seiling Court with his companions, right?"

"You can't talk nonsense like that. That guy is Captain Reaper. If this word gets out, he will be beheaded. And I think it's a good thing that he can't get in. Don't you know what virtue those bastard Reapers are? "


Kurosaki Ichigo stood in the shadow of a tavern, listening to everyone's discussion, with a somewhat puzzled look on his face.

Because he has heard the word "Boss Duan Mu" more than once from everyone's ears. When everyone mentions this name, there will be a strong sense of pride and intimacy on their faces.

Someone of high status?

But when everyone mentioned him, although there was more or less respect in their tone, there was no fear at all, and it felt more like talking about a friend they were proud of.

"No surprises."

A young man of the same age as Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Kurosaki Ichigo with doubts on his face, thinking that he was wondering why everyone suddenly became so friendly, and explained: "Many people in Shinigami are annoying, but 兕Lord Danfang is a hero from Liuhun Street, and he treats everyone very well."

"The fact that you are willing to fight against the Death God captain in order to protect Mr. Ji Danfang, whom you just met, is enough to prove that you are not a bad person."


Kurosaki Ichigo scratched his face in embarrassment, but he was a little embarrassed by what the other party said: "It's not as good as you said, it's just a subconscious reaction."

The young man shook his head: "This kind of subconscious reaction, on the contrary, can prove a person's good or bad." After that, he smiled at Kurosaki Ichigo: "Brother, don't look at me like this, in fact, I am I'm almost ten times your age, and although I'm not considered old, I still have a good eye for people."

"..." Kurosaki Ichigo.

Looking at the young man's face, the corner of Kurosaki Ichigo's mouth twitched slightly.

Do people in the soul world like to use this kind of rhetoric of 'ten times your age' to introduce their age?

When I first met Rukia, she also said that she was ten times older than herself, but no matter how she behaved or her daily habits... she couldn't see the kindness and stability of the elderly at all. pregnancy.

Sometimes, though, she does feel extremely dependable!

"Unfortunately, Boss Duan Mu is not here. Otherwise, if you entrust him, he may really have a way to send you to Seiling Court."

The young man smiled mysteriously: "Boss Duan Mu is a good man, but he is also a real businessman, the kind of businessman who dares to do anything as long as the money is in place."

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