"Although most people don't know it, the old customers of Master House know very well that in addition to daily commissions, Boss Duan Mu also accepts some gray and secret commissions. These commissions are not registered and recorded."

"What I'm telling you, don't go out and talk nonsense. There used to be a gang of hundreds of robbers who always robbed the goods of our shops in West District 1; Boss Duan Mu came, and since then, no one has seen those robbers again."

"Besides, since the opening of Boss Duan Mu's Wanshiwu, the villains who came to Liuhun Street from time to time to make troubles more than ten years ago have disappeared without a trace; A lot."

Kurosaki Ichigo asked with some doubts: "Who is that Boss Duan Mu? Why does it feel like many people know him?"

"Not a lot of people."

The young man shook his head: "It's just that no one doesn't know him. He is the most famous in our Xiliuhun Street. Even Master Sidanfang claims to be far inferior to him. .”

"He is kind and gentle. The Wanshiwu he runs takes any job, even the jobs that ordinary residents of Liuhun Street feel dirty and tiring. Wanshiwu can perfectly complete the work. The price is very reasonable. We flow Soul Street will ask him to do any job no matter how much money it has."

"Moreover, he also protected our safety, maintained the law and order of Liuhun Street, and single-handedly adopted the homeless orphans in the entire Liuhun Street, provided them with food and shelter, and taught them some survival skills; his orphanage There are even many orphans who, with his help, joined the Zhenyang Academy of Spiritual Art."

"Not only in our West Liuhun Street, but also in the east, south, and north, he is recognized by the entire Liuhun Street as a great benefactor, a recognized hero, a recognized protector, and a recognized... king!"

"The last point is actually from the group of villains in the area with the lower number. Boss Duan Mu has always refused to be a king."

"But in everyone's mind, he has become the backbone of Liuhun Street. It's not because of his strength, but because everyone respects him from the bottom of their hearts. Even the elders who manage the various areas will listen to his opinions. .”

Good man?Big hero?protector?king?

Kurosaki Ichigo blinked, and an image of a kind grandfather with white hair and a childlike face suddenly appeared in his mind, the kind with a white beard left in front of his stomach...

However, he didn't care.

Although he didn't quite understand Ye Yi's explanation, he also knew that the residents of Liuhun Street and the god of death were completely two groups, and he didn't think that kind-hearted Boss Duan Mu could help them enter Sei Ling Ting. But trying to lift through the giant door, the result...

Do not move!

In the entire Liuhun Street, probably only a giant nearly ten meters tall like Sidanfang could lift the gate with pure strength.

"That kid, is he so famous in Liuhun Street?"

At this moment, Ye Yi's voice suddenly came over.

Hearing this, Kurosaki Ichigo was taken aback, looked at the approaching black cat, and asked in surprise, "Mr. Yeichi, do you know the owner of Wanshiwu called Duan Mu?"

"I've only seen him a few times at Urahara's place. He's a very strange kid."

A strange look flashed in Ye Ye's eyes: "However, maybe he can really open the Jingling Gate and send us into the Seling Court."

Even though several years have passed, she still clearly remembers...

That kid, with a monster-like physique, integrated highly concentrated ghosts into his body without changing the nature of Reiatsu.

The strength of his physical strength can be seen.

at least……

Ye Yi didn't think that Sidanfang could integrate that kind of highly concentrated ghost way into his body without any skill without exploding himself.

No, not even the captain of Goutei [-]th Division can do it!


When the young man heard the words, his face suddenly showed pride:

"Boss Duan Mu is the only one in Ruhun Street who can freely enter and leave Seireitei, and can control those gods of death. It is said that he is highly respected even in Seireitei. It is a pity that he suddenly forcibly broke into that place for some reason. What room 46, was caught by the god of death, otherwise you go to him, you must..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Yi's expression changed, and he interrupted:

"What did you say?"

That kid attacked Room 46?

"Uh, Boss Duan Mu forcibly broke into Room 46...um..." Seeing the black cat staring at him, the young man swallowed, and asked his companion, "Is it called Room 46?"

"That's right, Room 46, Mao." The middle-aged man on the side nodded.

"Is the status of Room 46 very high?"

Although Kurosaki Ichigo wanted to ask, the words did not come from his mouth, but from behind everyone.

Turning their heads to look, they realized that Ishida Uryu had also walked over at some point.

"It is said to be very high, it seems to be the leader of the group of death gods, but we don't know much about those bastards of death gods. After all, Seireitei and Ruukon Street are basically two worlds, just like reality and the soul world. Not interacting with each other."

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he looked Ishida Uryu up and down, and couldn't help laughing: "Brother, why are you wearing this kind of work clothes that are not resistant to dirt? Is this style of work clothes very popular in this world?"

"???" Ishida Uryu asked.

Work...work clothes?

Ishida Uryu lowered his head and looked at the traditional Quincy costume he had sewn with his own stitches and stitches, and his face turned black.


Kurosaki Ichigo on the side couldn't help laughing wildly: "I said it before I came, your clothes are very strange, you see, even people in the soul world think so."

Resisting the urge to kill the bastard Kurosaki with an arrow, Ishida Uryu pushed down his glasses, and said in a cold tone: "Hmph, no wonder you are called cheap by those bastard gods of death... civilians, you really don't have much vision , My suit is the traditional costume of the Quincy Master, and I also made the original cloak smaller to make the whole look more coordinated!"

"However, even if I tell you, you don't understand, a group of ignorant guys."

The middle-aged man was not annoyed when he heard the words, but nodded seriously: "Indeed, your cape is indeed shorter than that little old man's cape."


As soon as this remark came out, Ishida Uryu immediately realized the meaning contained in his words.

"Have you... seen someone who wears the same clothes as me?"

"Of course I have."

The middle-aged man curled his lips and said with a look of disdain: "What's all the fuss about a set of work clothes... Well... I came here about two or three years ago... In short, it was just a few days ago that Boss Duan Mu's new Wanshiwuwu When you recruit an employee, that little old man will wear the same clothes as you."

Two or three years ago?

The corner of Kurosaki Ichigo's mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn't help but whisper to Ishida next to him: "The way these guys keep track of time is really weird... Well, what's wrong with you?" He looked at the face next to him. The dull Ishida Uryu was a little confused at first, and then his expression changed.

He suddenly remembered that it seemed that Ishida's master had died two or three years ago, under Xu's siege.

Because of this incident, Ishida also had a conflict with himself.

"Ah, you're talking about that little old man who wears a cape wherever he goes."

The young man on the side laughed: "The little old man doesn't look like a person who knows how to work. My pigpen collapsed in heavy rain once, and he came to repair it for me. In the end, his craftsmanship is really bad."

"The pigsty wasn't repaired properly, but I was covered in pig manure and mud, which was very obvious on the white clothes. How could I dress like that at work. Fortunately, Boss Duan Mu came to help rebuild the pigsty for me in the end, and I did waterproof treatment and defecation ditch for free, which is much better than the original pigsty..."

"To shut up!!"

Ishida Uryu let out a gloomy roar.

Seeing that something was wrong, Kurosaki Ichigo hurriedly stood in front of Ishida Uryu, and then looked at the young man, but after carefully looking at the other person's face, he turned to look at the middle-aged man: "Uncle, the one you mentioned What's the matter with the little old man? What does he look like? What's his name?"

"It's just a small employee of Boss Duan Mu." The middle-aged man glanced inexplicably, and Ishida Uryu, who suddenly became angry for some reason, turned around and said, "Wearing the same clothes as him, the cloak is longer than him, with A pair of small glasses, people look very friendly, it seems to be called..."

"Ishida Sozuru."

The young man on the side interjected, "I asked him specifically when he came to my house to repair the pigsty."

Sozuru Ishida! ?

When he heard this name, the spiritual pressure around Ishida Uryu's body suddenly rose, his face became extremely gloomy, and the surrounding air became extremely heavy.

Seeing this, Ye Yi, who had never interrupted, frowned, and a blue light flashed in his eyes, blocking Ishida Uryu's aura.

"Where is that guy named Duan Mu?"

Ishida Uryu said in a cold tone: "How dare you force my master to do this kind of work."

Who is your master?

He is the strongest Quincy who has inherited all the abilities and techniques from the previous generation of Quincy. He holds the "Kindowler Medal". dirty work.

If what the other party said was really my grandfather...

That must be that bastard named 'Duan Mu' who bullied his old grandfather and forced him to run out to do this kind of work!

if it is like this……

Ishida Uryu swears with the faith of Quincy that he will definitely make that bastard pay the price! !

"What is coercion?"

The young man glared at Ishida Yulong angrily, "He volunteered to work for Boss Duan Mu."


"There's nothing impossible." The middle-aged man beside him snorted coldly: "If it wasn't for Boss Duan Mu, he would have been captured by the death god of Seiling Ting long ago."


"If you don't believe me, you can go out and inquire."

The middle-aged man paused for a moment and continued: "In order to protect him, Boss Duan Mu almost fought with those gods of death. It is said that those gods of death wanted to arrest the little old man. Fortunately, Boss Duan Mu saved him halfway, otherwise He died a few years ago at the hands of those gods of death."

"That is, the residents of several districts saw how Boss Duan Mu saved him."

The young man on the side added: "At that time, there were hundreds of gods of death arresting Ishida Zongxian, and Boss Duan Mu called tens of thousands of people in order to save him, and tens of thousands of villains from the area with the lower number, and killed all the gods of death. surrounded."

"Then tell them: This is my Ruhun Street, not your Seireitei, you are not allowed to be presumptuous, and the residents of Liuhun Street are not the ones you can kill whenever you want!"

The young man imitated Duan Mu's tone, repeating the completely changed words from other people, and said with a proud face:

"Boss Duan Mu, I've given a big sigh of relief for our Liuhun Street, but it's a pity that I didn't get the news because the distance was too far, otherwise I would rush over to help Boss Duan Mu no matter what I said, and give those bastards a death sentence." lesson."

"However, the residents of several areas around District 38 were able to prove this matter, and they spread the matter throughout Liuhun Street the next day; it is said that after Boss Duan Mu said a word, the faces of those gods of death were frightened." To put it bluntly, even the clown captain who led the team was so frightened that he ran back to Seireitei."

"No, I heard that his legs went limp from fright, and he was helped back by someone!" The middle-aged man on the side retorted.

"Anyway, since then, the god of death has never arrested Ishida Zongxian again."

The young man looked at Ishida Yulong with a sluggish face, and snorted: "Boy, as an elder, I have to remind you, I don't want to think too badly of people, Boss Duan Mu's kindness is well known; I don’t live very well, but I know how to repay my kindness.”

"A lot of dirty and tiring jobs that don't require skills were originally done by Boss Duan Mu himself, and Ganjiu and the others were unwilling to take them up, but after the old man came, he took the initiative to take over these jobs, um...aside from the results of the work , the work attitude is still good.”

"..." Ishida Uryu.

What does it mean to put aside the work results and talk about my grandfather as if he can't do anything...

He subconsciously wanted to refute, but he didn't know how to refute when the words came to his lips.

As for what the two said, Ishida Uryu did not believe it. After all, according to what they said, this matter had already spread throughout the west of Liuhun Street.

And as long as you see your grandfather, you can verify whether what they said is true or not, there is no need to deceive yourself about this matter.

What's more...

The reason why my grandfather died in the first place was precisely because those bastard gods of death did not come to support him for a long time.

When they arrived at the scene, their grandfather had been dead for more than an hour, and they obviously wanted to kill their grandfather on purpose.So when grandpa came to the soul world, he would be arrested by those gods of death, which didn't surprise Ishida Uryu.

Thinking of this, Ishida Uryu couldn't help showing shame on his face.


Chapter 183 The most likely place to appear

"What did you say!?"

A deafening roar came from the second floor of the everything house.

Duan Mu was lying on the sofa in the living room of Wanshiwu, dangling his legs, and buttoning his ears: "Don't make such a fuss, it's just that your grandson has come to the world of souls, why are you so excited?"

"... Where did you see that I was excited?"

Ishida Zongxian's old face was flushed with excitement, but the excitement was not because of excitement, but...

Yulong, he is only 15 years old! !

"How did my grandson die? How did Long Xian take care of the child, and how did Yulong come to the Soul Realm?"

Ishida Zongxian became more and more excited as he spoke, and asked anxiously: "Boss Duan Mu, Yulong is now..."

Duan Mu sat up from the sofa and looked at Ishida Zongxuan with vain eyes. Is this old man just looking forward to his grandson's death?

He just said something, his grandson arrived at Liuhun Street.

Why did he acquiesce that his grandson is dead?



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