The corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched, living people generally cannot come to the world of corpses and souls.

"Sorry, I didn't make it clear."

Thinking of this, Duan Mu resolutely corrected the grammatical errors in his words: "Your grandson came to the Soul Realm with his companions, and there is no..."

"Huh? Is there something wrong with his school in this world? Food poisoning? Terrorist attack? False attack on the school?"

Before Duan Mu finished speaking, Ishida Zongxian interrupted his words, and asked anxiously: "No, it's not important, the important thing is where Yulong and the others are now. I'll take Yulong to District 38 Come on, I have also saved some money in the past two years, and bought a property for him here, so it will be convenient for him to move around in the future."


"Yulong likes tailoring. It just so happens that we don't have a clothing store in District 38. Then let him open a tailor shop in District 38, and..."


Duan Mu hastily waved his hand, interrupting Ishida Zongxian to continue planning the future for his grandson.

I always feel that if he continues to plan, he may have to count the girls who are the same age as his grandson in District 38, trying to find a wife for his grandson...

"Your grandson is not dead."


"Your grandson came to the world of corpses and souls as a human through the world-transmitting gate with a spiritual sub-converter, and he did not die."

Hearing this, Ishida Zongxian froze in place.

His grandson didn't die, but he came to Soul Soul Realm as a human?

After a while, he muttered to himself with a confused face: "What is Yulong doing in Soul Realm?"

"It's not here to see you anyway."

Duan Mu shook his head: "People who are attacked by Xu will basically not leave their souls. He probably never thought that you would be in the world of corpses and souls; about this, you should also thank Nie Yuli, if it wasn't for him To help you hide in order to dissect you, you were already swallowed by the void, even though..."

"You wouldn't have died without him."

Strange to say, since the last conflict with Duan Mu, Nirvana Yuri has never paid attention to Ishida Zongxian again, as if it is true as he said, he is tired of studying the research material of Quincy Master up.


He already has detailed data related to the Quincy, as long as the Quincy that will appear in the future does not exceed the scope of this data, then he will be able to find a way to restrain the opponent, and naturally he will not have much interest in studying the Quincy.

Probably only when Quincy uses abilities that he doesn't understand and makes him suffer a lot, Nirvana Mayuri will again raise his interest in studying Quincy.

Shaking his head, Duan Mu didn't continue to dwell on the matter of Nie Yuli, but instead said: "Don't be too happy too early, even though he is not dead now, it doesn't mean he won't die in the future."

"Based on the fact that human beings broke into the world of corpses and souls, the death god of Seireitei will not let him leave easily, and..."

Duan Mu met Ishida Zongxian's gaze and chuckled: "I don't think that your grandson has spent so much effort to come to Soul Soul Realm just to go shopping on Liuhun Street. But I found out yesterday that after they arrived in West District 1 , and immediately diverted to send back from East 1 District, I don’t know what your grandson is doing in Soul Soul Realm.”

When Ishida Ryuxian heard the words, a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

He has no dissatisfaction at all with Duan Mu resolutely avoiding the matter after discovering his grandson.

Because Duan Mu is not obliged to help his grandson, even if it is for the sake of affection, it must be combined with the actual situation.

Judging from what Duan Mu said yesterday, he is already a little bit hard to protect himself.

Although the incident of forcibly breaking into Room 46 came to an end, the impact of this incident will not disappear so easily.

Mao Room 46 is the highest judiciary in the world of souls and a symbol of power in the world of souls.

No matter what the reason is, it can't change the fact that Duan Mu offended Room 46. Even the sages and judges in Room 46 who were rescued by Duan Mu still think that Duan Mu's behavior of breaking into Room 46 has shaken their rule. status.

There are some rules that must not be broken, because once you have one, someone will want to try it a second time.

To eliminate this possibility, let the first person who breaks the rules disappear.

No matter what the purpose of the first person to break the rules is!

The reason why Room 46 didn't deal with Duan Mu was just lacking a reason. As long as Duan Mu was caught by them, they could use this name to deal with Duan Mu.

If Duan Mu came into contact with Yulong and others who trespassed in the world of corpses and souls, even if he just said a few words, it would bring him endless troubles.

So Ishida Zongxian understands why he should avoid contact with his grandson.

What's more...

Boss Duan Mu didn't owe him anything at all. On the contrary, he had saved his life and took good care of him; but he couldn't help him with anything. He could only help him with some unnecessary things within his ability. It's just skill work.

Although he was worried about Yulong, he didn't want Duan Mu to take risks because of it.

Duan Mu observed Ishida Zongxian's reaction carefully, and nodded secretly in his heart.

Although he kept Ishida Zongxian, it doesn't mean that he has to take the risk to help Ishida Zongxian's family. If Ishida Zongxian is dissatisfied with him because of this, then he doesn't need to continue to stay with him down.

The reason why Duan Mu did not get in touch with Kurosaki Ichigo and others was indeed partly because Ishida Munezuru thought, but more because of...

The arrival of Kurosaki Ichigo and others will inevitably make Aizen who contributed to this matter behind the scenes shift all his attention from himself to Kurosaki Ichigo and others. Now contacting them rashly will cause Aizen to relapse again. Stare at yourself.

After Aizen's object of concern was changed to Kurosaki Ichigo, he could obtain a certain degree of protection both in terms of safety and action.

So there is no need to contact them now.

More strictly speaking...

No matter now or in the future, there is no need for Duan Mu to have too much contact with them.

Because contacting them is only bad for Duan Mu, not good!

Duan Mu is not even interested in making friends with them and making friends.

Of course, Yeichi and Orihime Inoue are exceptions!

Because they can really bring benefits to themselves...

"Don't worry, when I just came up, I checked with 'slap toe chasing a bird', and your grandson and others are safe now." Duan Mu looked at Ishida Zongxian with a disturbed face, and comforted: "Now how many people are there?" I have already left West District 1 and headed towards the Shiba Mansion, and I have probably arrived by now."

"If you want to see him, go."

Hearing this, Ishida Zongxian showed hesitation on his face.

As I said before, rashly contacting Yulong and others who have become a travel disaster is very likely to cause trouble for Duan Mu.

after all……

The dispute between Duan Mu and Nie Yuli made the entire soul world know that he was Duan Mu's employee.

His contact with Luhua will only make people suspect that he was sent by Duan Mu. Even if he announces his departure from Wanshiwu now, it will not change this, which will make Duan Mu's situation even more difficult.

"it does not matter."

Duan Mu shook his head: "If you were in contact with your grandson yesterday, it might indeed cause me trouble. After all, the West District 1 is under the eyes of the god of death. attracted the past, so I didn't tell you about it yesterday."

"But it's completely different when they arrive at Shiba's house, because even Seireitei can't observe the movement of Shiba's house, so you will not be exposed to Seireitei's sight when you meet your grandson there."

Hearing this, Ishida Zongxian fell into silence.

After a while, he still shook his head: "Forget it, I'm already a dead person, there's no need to burden Yulong. Although I don't know why he came to Soul Soul Realm, but if I go to see him, instead It will make him experience the pain of separation again, and the pain that was smoothed out by time will emerge again."

Moreover, although Zhibo's house is secret and will not be monitored, it does not mean that the road to Zhiba's house can not be monitored.

What's more, Sei Ling Ting has been monitoring his movements all the time.

It is not difficult to get rid of their surveillance, but it is difficult to ensure that they will not be caught by their surveillance along the way. If you are not careful, you will expose that you went to Zhibo's house to contact the travel disaster.

"As you like."

Seeing this, Duan Mu shook his head, then he dug in his bosom and threw something at Ishida Zongxian.

Ishida Zongxian took it subconsciously, and found that it was a magic command machine.

"This is a magical command machine that I specially use to communicate with Sister Konghe. I bought it from...a neurologist, so don't worry about being monitored by someone. Take it to chat if you don't see each other."

Sister Konghe doesn't like to be disturbed, so she has never ordered a magic machine. Duan Mu sent her a few times, but was rejected.


The last time I suspected that Ganjiu used his court certificate to infiltrate Seireitei, but he was unable to confirm with Miss Konghe the first time, in order to avoid such a thing from happening again, Miss Konghe asked Duan Mu to give her A command god machine was sent.

But she also warned Duan Mu...don't make nonsense phone calls if you have nothing to do, come to the door to say hello, don't say hello on the phone.

To this, Duan Mu naturally agreed, so Duan Mu has never used this instruction magic machine for several years.

Hearing this, Ishida Zongxian's eyes lit up, he hastily put away the command magic machine, and said gratefully: "Thank you, Boss Duan Mu."

"There is nothing to thank." Duan Mu shook his head, got up and walked out, but stopped after taking two steps: "By the way, when you make a call, remember to make it in the Master Room, there is an enchantment here Protection. If you go out to fight, you will embarrass the drinking supervision team members on the other side of the road."

"I see."

Duan Mu nodded, hesitated for a moment, and asked: "It's a rare opportunity, are you really not going to take a look? Your grandson may not come to Soul Soul World again in the future. As for monitoring you, don't worry too much. It should be able to help you block surveillance."

Ishida Munezuru shook his head.

Seeing this, Duan Mu didn't try to persuade him anymore. To be honest, he was more inclined to prevent Ishida Zongxian from contacting Ishida Yulong.

But grandpa can only meet his grandson after a few years. If he wants to go and see, Duan Mu doesn't mind trying to help him hide his whereabouts if he can; Worked in Master House for so many years.


At the same time, a similar conversation resounded at Zhibo's house.

In the Shiba Mansion, Kurosaki Ichigo and others were walking down the stairs under the leadership of Kanehiko Ginhiko.

Jin Yan, who was leading the way, said to Ye Yisuo's blackened cat with a respectful face, "I'm really sorry, I really didn't expect Mrs. Ye to be with these little guys. I'm so sorry for you."

"It's okay, I didn't say hello in advance, and I have something wrong."

"You really have a big heart."

Kurosaki Ichigo didn't pay attention to the courtesies between Yoruichi, Kanehiko, and Ginhiko, but looked at Ishida Uryu, who was obviously absent-minded beside him, and after hesitating for a while, he whispered: "It's a rare opportunity, I really don't want to see it. Do you see your master?"

"Don't go."

Ishida Uryu's answer was without hesitation, and Kurosaki Ichigo couldn't help being stunned for a moment. After carefully observing Ishida Uryu's appearance, he asked doubtfully, "Didn't you say that Master is the person you care about the most? Since everyone knows him In the world of corpses and souls, I also know where he lives, why don't you go?"

"He didn't go because he cared."

It was not Ishida Uryu who answered Kurosaki Ichigo, but Yoruichi who was walking in front: "Don't forget, we are now a traveler who invaded the soul world, and those who come into contact with us in private are likely to be killed by the god of death." Keep an eye on him, not to mention that his master was originally the target of death."

"With his current status, going to see his master who was hunted down by the god of death again will only bring more trouble to his master."

"After we finish our work, if we offend the God of Death, we can escape back to the present world, but his master can no longer return to the world. If he is angered by the God of Death, it will destroy his master's peaceful life in the Soul Realm."

Hearing this, Kurosaki Ichigo was taken aback, his face full of contemplation.


After a while, he suddenly clapped his hands: "So that's the case."


Ishida Uryu snorted, but did not refute.

And at this moment, Jin Yan Yinyan, who was leading the way, stopped in front of a door, but before he could notify, Kong He's voice came from the house: "Let them in directly."

Jin Yan was startled when he heard the words, but then he reacted and opened the door in front of him.

Everyone looked into the room subconsciously, and saw a smoking pipe on the coffee table in the empty living room, and behind the coffee table was a one-armed woman with excellent figure sitting cross-legged, holding a gun in her only left hand. With a device similar to a mobile phone.

This scene made everyone startled.

"Kora...Kūkaku is a woman!?" Kurosaki Ichigo exclaimed.

Shiba Kuzuru ignored him, but searched around among the few people, and his eyes fell on Ishida Uryu: "Look at your clothes, you should be the grandson of Ishida Munezuru, right?"


"Ah shit."

Shiba Kukaku threw the magical command machine in his hand directly to Ishida Uryu, and Ishida Uryu subconsciously received it, and then Shiba Kukaku's voice came from his ear.

"Your grandpa wants to talk to you."


At the same time, Dongfang Qingliumen.

Duan Mu stood outside the Qingliu Gate, waiting for the Qingliu Gate to open.

Now that he has confirmed that Wanshiwu and Miss Konghe are not implicated by him, it is time for him to take action.

Through the Azure Dragon Gate, Duan Mu looked at the towering buildings in the center of Seirinting, and a blue halo gradually emerged around his pupils.

Duan Mu had been thinking about Dongxian's death last night.

Is he dead or not?

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