Where would he be now if he hadn't died?

After thinking about it, Duan Mu found that if Dongxian Yao is not dead, then the place where he is most likely to appear is exactly...

Confession Palace · Prison No. [-]!

That is...

Where Rukia is imprisoned!


Chapter 184 Captain’s Meeting


Sitting in the Seireitei branch of Wanshiwu, Duan Mu couldn't help sighing heavily.

He didn't pay too much attention to it yesterday, but after entering the Seiling Court early this morning, he discovered...

I can't go anywhere! !

Not just remote monitoring.

After Duan Mu entered Seireitei, there were a lot of death gods hiding around, among them were soldiers with secret maneuvers, soldiers from the tenth division, and even seven divisions.

Duan Mu can still understand the secret maneuver and the [-]th squad, because the police patrol team led by Omaeda in the secret maneuver is responsible for patrolling in Jinglingting and monitoring the movement of Shinigami; while the [-]th squad is a police force, responsible for patrolling and investigating Evidence collection, and maintaining law and order.

These two troops, monitoring themselves are still talking about the past.

But Team Seven...

You inner court guard, instead of protecting Room 46, what are you doing here to stare at me?

I'm not the only one who will be unfavorable to Room 46 in the entire soul world.

What's more, the object you want to protect has been slaughtered.

Thinking of this, Duan Mu couldn't help but sighed again. Originally, he wanted to go to the Palace of Repentance, but after entering the Seiling Court, he realized that... he can only move around on the periphery. If there is no surveillance from far and near, he will You can also sneak into the past.

Under such high-intensity surveillance, Duan Mu did not dare to act rashly.

He even has to take care of those who monitor him to prevent them from losing him.

Otherwise, if they report to the higher authorities and lose themselves, maybe something big will happen.

If there is no accident, such strict monitoring not only includes the orders of "Mao 46", but also the instructions issued by Captain Yamamoto.

Although he has declared his innocence, it is impossible to move freely in Seireitei as before.

"No wonder it takes so long to apply for Qingliumen."

Earlier, when Duan Mu was outside Qingliu Gate, he thought that it would take so long to review the application to enter Seireitei only because of the invasion of travel disasters; now it seems that someone has clearly ordered that as long as he enters Seireitei, Then several teams must conduct joint surveillance.

Among them, the No. [-] team is the team with the least contact with Duan Mu, and the fact that Duan Mu once broke through the No. [-] area made them feel extremely insulted.Therefore, among the three troops, they can be said to be the ones who stare at Duan Mu most seriously, wishing that Duan Mu would cause trouble in front of their eyes immediately...

"Boss Duan Mu, are we going to accept the commission today?"

Huayin walked out of the store and asked Duan Mu who was sitting in front of the store: "Although there are many commissions that cannot be accepted, there are also many commissions on the commercial street recently. Do you think we should display the normal business signs?" go out?"

"Put it out."

Duan Mu nodded, idle is also idle, why not use this time to do some commissions.

Anyway, the only places I can go now, other than here, are the second team and the remote comprehensive ambulance center. Among them, the second team was forbidden by the captain of the broken bee.


Hua Yin's eyes lit up when she heard the words, she trotted back to the store, and called Qiao Ze to start preparations for opening.

Duan Mu has been lying in the fourth team these days, they have nothing to do here every day, and now they are finally going to reopen, the two are obviously a little excited.

They don't feel that the work is hard, after all...

The work of the two is just to receive customers and accept commissions, and Duan Mu alone is responsible for completing commissions.

"Before you go to work..."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came out, and then Duan Mu's eyes blurred, and a petite figure appeared outside the store: "Come with me first."

"Captain Broken Bee?"

Seeing the broken bee that suddenly appeared on the street, Duan Mu was slightly taken aback.

"The captain held a captain's meeting and ordered me to take you with him."

Broken Bee's answer was simple and direct. After speaking, he glanced around the crowd on the street and waved.

Whoosh whoosh~~

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and several masked Xing Jun in black appeared out of nowhere, and knelt down in front of Suifeng.

"Notice, Duan Mu's monitoring work, now I will take over."


After saying yes, several black-clothed and masked Xing Jun disappeared in place one after another. Not long after, the gods of death who were watching Duan Mu dispersed one after another.

Captain meeting?

Duan Mu was taken aback for a moment, it is normal to hold a captain meeting, but why did he let himself participate?

"Small Bee Squad..."

"do not know!"

Before Duan Mu could ask his doubts, Sui Feng replied coldly, and when he turned around, he disappeared again.

"..." Duan Mu.

Didn't you come to take me with you?

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and Duan Mu shouted to the store: "You guys take the commission first, I will try to get back as soon as possible." After finishing speaking, he hurriedly chased after Suifeng.

Fortunately, Broken Bee didn't go all out, so Duan Mu chased after him without much effort.

One body behind Suifeng, Duan Mu said in a respectful tone: "That, Captain Suifeng..."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"..." Duan Mu.

Suifeng really doesn't want to talk to Duan Mu now, as the instigator who brought Duan Mu into Seireitei, since Duan Muqiang broke into Mao's Room 46, she has been being held by Mao's 46 Room and Captain Yamamoto. Blame her, saying that she didn't control her subordinates well...

Broken Bee was extremely irritable after being reprimanded.

Aside from the fact that before she brought Duan Mu into Seireitei, she had informed Mao 46 that she would not talk to Captain Yamamoto, but she had never given Duan Mu the authority to enter the inner circle from the outer circle. This authority was given by Captain Yamamoto I personally begged for Duan Mu from Room 46 of Mao.

At the end of the day...

Is it the same as myself, because I think Duan Mu is useful, and I went to Xuquan to bring back a lot of important information, so I allowed him to move freely in Seilingting.

The same is true for Room 46. Duan Mu helped them deal with many illegal nobles, so for the cooperation between Duan Mu Wanshiwu and Jinyinhui, he has always turned a blind eye and allowed Duan Mu to enter Some important areas that he did not have permission to enter.

Due to the combination of various factors, Duan Mu forced his way into Room 46 so smoothly.

As a result, now Duan Mu is making trouble.

They had no responsibility, but instead threw all the faults on themselves who 'only allowed Duan Mu to operate outside the Seiring Court'.

but no way...

Duan Mu was indeed too close to Hidden Maneuvers in Sei Ling Ting. After more than ten years of getting along, the entire team of Hidden Maneuvers was familiar with Duan Mu's existence. Mu regards him as a teacher and respects him; and nearly [-]% of the team members in the [-]% are because of Duan Mu's secret maneuver.

Therefore, for Duan Mu's surveillance work, it can be said that the secret maneuver is the most perfunctory attitude.

Even traitors appeared in my own family...

Feng Yuanyu, the younger generation of the Feng family, came to ask himself many times, and kept saying good things to Duan Mu.

This made Suifeng want to refute Room 46 Mao and Captain Yamamoto, but couldn't find a suitable reason, so he could only accept their reprimand silently.

As for venting anger on Duan Mu...

He is a temporary worker, what can I do with him?

He's not a member of the covert mobile team, or even the god of death, as long as Duan Mu doesn't make any mistakes, Broken Bee really can't do anything to him.

As for the name of 'threat to the stability of the Seiling Court', regardless of whether he committed a crime or not, it is even more nonsense to forcibly throw him into the nest of maggots...

In the entire soul world, including Broken Bee, no one knows more about the nest of maggots than Duan Mu.

After more than ten years of transformation, the maggot's nest is almost becoming Duan Mu's second base.

Among the prisoners, they obeyed Duan Muyan and threw him into the maggot's nest. Broken Bee felt that this guy was very likely to escape with the entire maggot's nest of prisoners, and then launched a rebellion within the Seiling Court.

As for throwing Duan Mu into Wujian...

Suifeng didn't think about it at all, because Duan Mu had never made a mistake, even if he forcibly broke into Room 46 this time.

Although I feel a little unhappy about the incident that happened to him, it is limited to being unhappy.

Even if Mao Room 46 wants to throw Duan Mu into Wujian for no reason, she will argue with Mao Room 46.

Headache, irritability.

Duan Mu looked at Suifeng who was leading the way, and wanted to speak several times, but finally gave up the idea of ​​communicating with Suifeng. In this quiet atmosphere, the two arrived at the headquarters of Goutei [-]th Division.

There is no change at all from the last time Duan Mu came here.

Standing in front of the two huge doors, Broken Bee just slightly released the spiritual pressure, and the two doors gradually opened towards the inside.

"Alara, it seems that I'm not too late to meet the punctual Captain Broken Bee."

A voice came from behind Duan Mu and Suifeng. When they heard this voice, their expressions did not change at all.

Looking back, I saw Gin Ichimaru coming from the corridor, stopped beside the two of them, and waved at each other: "Meet you again, Boss Duan Mu."

"Captain Ichimaru Gin."

With a smile on his face, Duan Mu replied in a gentle tone.


Seeing Duan Mu's smile, Ichimaru Gin suddenly clicked his tongue for some reason, then shook his head, and was about to say something.

"Don't stand outside, the old man asked you to come here, not to talk about family affairs." Captain Yamamoto's cold voice came from the hall.

Ichimaru Gin shrugged his shoulders and walked towards the hall.

And Duan Mu followed Sui Feng and walked in.


With a muffled sound, the two giant doors of the conference hall were closed tightly.

Duan Mu glanced quickly around the conference hall, and found that except for Captain Ukitake of Team [-] and the captain of Team Ninth, who had died, Kato Tosen, the rest of the captains had gathered here.

Dongxian wants to put it aside, Ukitake Shishirō... Duan Mu is almost certain that he is definitely on sick leave again.

Suihou stepped forward directly and stood under Captain Yamamoto, while Ichimaru Gin stood opposite Suihou.


Duan Mu looked at the two captains who were neatly arranged according to the team number, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he didn't follow up. If he didn't follow up, he stood here like a prisoner being interrogated, so he could only stand in embarrassment.

"Find a line and just stand at the end of the line."

Fortunately, Captain Yamamoto rescued him in time. Duan Mu glanced at Nirvana Mayuri who was smiling strangely at him, and then at Saragi Kenpachi who was grinning ferociously.

damn it……

Is there no normal person at the end?

After a little hesitation, Duan Mu finally stood on the right side, beside Zaraki Kenpachi.

"Hey, do you want to attack Mao's room 46 again, and then fight with me with all your strength?"

As soon as he stood still, Saraki Kenpachi let out a smirk, and said excitedly, "I heard that you defeated Komamura, and your Reiatsu must have become stronger."

Duan Mu's eyes twitched and he ignored him.

Because there is one row of odd numbers and one row of even numbers, plus Tōsen is about to die, Komamura Zuojin is standing next to Saragi Kenpachi at this time, if this guy is like a slap in the face...

Fortunately, Komamura Zuojin knew Saraki Kenpachi's character well, so he didn't care about it. Instead, he ignored Saragi Kenpachi just like Duan Mu, but nodded to Duan Mu.

Although he was a bit unwilling, his defeat at the hands of Duan Mu convinced him, and...

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