After learning what happened in Room 46 of Mao, Komamura Zuojin felt very complicated.

On the one hand, he blames himself for his dereliction of duty. It is his duty to guard Mao's Room 46. As a result, he, who is the closest to Mao's Room 46, is completely unaware of the changes in Room 46. Instead, Duan Mu saved Room 46.

On the other hand, he was saddened by the death of his friend. He couldn't figure out why Dongxian would slaughter Room 46 and collude with others to replace the members of Room 46.

in fact……

When Duan Mu attacked Room 46 and was severely injured by Dongsen, he had doubts, because he had no idea when Dongsen was going to Room 46 of Mao.

Regarding this matter, after he hesitated for a while afterwards, he reported it to Captain Yamamoto, and the reply given by Captain Yamamoto was to ask him not to spread the news for the time being.

This made Komamura Zuojin feel that something was wrong, but from the beginning to the end he never thought that Tōsen would betray Goutei [-]th Division.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start the meeting formally."

At this moment, Captain Yamamoto said, "The reason why I called you here this time is because the captain of the third division, Ichimaru Gin, acted without orders and let the brigade escape. "

After all, Captain Yamamoto slowly opened his closed eyes, revealing a gap to look at Ichimaru Gin, the temperature of the entire conference hall suddenly increased at this moment.

"Do you have anything to say about this?"

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help showing a little strange color on their faces.

"Tsk tsk, the old man is angry, it really is so scary." Jingle Chunshui turned the brim of his hat and smiled.

"I'm even more strange..."

Nie Yuli tilted her head, and stared at Duan Mu with her pupils flickering around in her eye sockets: "When will even criminals who forcibly trespass into forbidden areas be able to attend the captain's meeting?"

"Captain Hoyanagi Yuri, I didn't come here to attend a meeting, I was just called by Captain Yamamoto."

Duan Mu's tone was extremely respectful, but with those dead fish eyes, his words sounded rather yin and yang.

"Maybe it's because someone didn't control his subordinates well and colluded with the real criminal, which caused the lives of all the adults in room 46 to be safe. That's why the chief commander asked me to tell the story."

"Hehehe~~That's really interesting."

Nie Yuli let out a strange smile: "I just don't know if the accident that invaded the soul world has anything to do with you. You should be familiar with the person who has the ability to open the door to the soul world from the present world." ?”

"Captain Nirvana Yuri, I don't understand what you're talking about?"

Duan Mu still had a neither humble nor overbearing smile on his face, but he couldn't help cursing secretly in his heart, why did this bastard keep grabbing him.

I don't know why he is so sure that there is a connection between himself and Kisuke Urahara.

Seeing the two people facing each other, and the rest of the captains looking like they were watching the fun, Jingle Chunshui said with a smile: "Boss Duan Mu, although he is not a god of death, he is indeed qualified to stand here. I don't think anyone here will think that He doesn't deserve to stand with us, does he?"

None of the captains refuted his words.

And Kuchiki Byakuya took a deep look at Duan Mu, wondering what he was thinking.

"Stop arguing."

Aizen, who was standing beside Komamura Zuojin, said in a gentle tone: "Now we are discussing about Ichimaru Gin's private release of travel goods, and about the reason why Boss Duan Mu appeared here, I think the captain must have something to do." his considerations."

Looking at Lan Ran who came out to act as a peacemaker, a halo appeared around Duan Mu's pupils for a moment, but he concealed it in less than a second.

A strange color flashed in Duan Mu's eyes.

Ichimaru Gin and Aizen are staying here, so is there anyone in Room 46 at this time?

If I remember correctly...

In my own memory, Aizen once said that except during the captain's meeting, one of the three of them would always stay in Room 46.

what about now?


Chapter 185 Anne


With Captain Yamamoto's stern shout, the conference hall became quiet again.

Captain Yamamoto glanced at Duan Mu, then looked back at Ichimaru Gin, waiting for his answer.


Ichimaru Gin still had that half-smile look, put his hands into his sleeves, and said, "I have nothing to say."


"This is my dereliction of duty. There is nothing to quibble about. No matter what kind of punishment, I will accept it frankly."

As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of everyone in the hall were more or less surprised.

If Gin Ichimaru quibbles, although they won't believe it, at least they can use this to speculate why he let the traveler go.

But Ichimaru Gin's reply surprised everyone.

Not only did he not explain, but he admitted his fault frankly, which made people feel like he let the traveler go on purpose.

"Ichimaru Gin, you..."

Aizen frowned tightly, looking at Ichimaru Gin with suspicion, as if she was extremely afraid of him.

Act, you continue to act.

Duan Mu resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and didn't show anything unusual, but he couldn't help muttering in his heart.

"In that case, we will discuss your punishment later."

Captain Yamamoto nodded, and suddenly turned his gaze to Duan Mu at the end of the team: "The next thing is to deal with Duan Mu."


Duan Mu frowned slightly, are you here?

Although it was clear that Captain Yamamoto called him here, it was impossible for him to listen in, but after thinking about it for a long time, he still didn't understand the purpose of Captain Yamamoto calling him here.

"Although you had a reason for forcing your way into Room 46, it violated the most fundamental rules."

Captain Yamamoto's tone was quite cold, which made Duan Mu's heart skip a beat. Could it be that he is planning to hold himself accountable now?

In a way, Suifeng is somewhat similar to Captain Yamamoto, both of them pay great attention to discipline and norms.

But the discipline and norms in the eyes of the two are actually very different in essence.

In the eyes of Broken Bee, discipline and norms are honored by the supremacy of rules and strict self-discipline. They are cold and arrogant and have a vigorous and resolute style. They have the principle of not tolerating the existence of traitors and killing every enemy.

And Captain Yamamoto...

The discipline and norms he pays attention to are not the kind of broken bee that regulates someone and self-discipline, but to maintain the overall law of the soul world and to be loyal to the royal family.

Anyone who dares to challenge the discipline of the soul world, even his favorite student, he will not hesitate to draw his sword against him.

In order to achieve the goal, it can even be described with the words 'unscrupulous'. It is said that he used to be a person who did not hesitate to use his subordinates as cannon fodder to pursue victory. Although he has changed now, it does not mean...he will become The kind old man next door.

It should be said that on the contrary, this old man not only has black hands, but also black heart!

"There are certain rules that should never be broken, for any reason."

Captain Yamamoto's wrinkled eyelids gradually opened, and those withered but extremely energetic eyes fell on Duan Mu.

As soon as this remark came out, not to mention Duan Mu, even the captain present could not help showing surprise on his face.


Captain Yamamoto's words seem to be saying that even if he knows that Room 46 of Mao is in crisis, he can't break the rules that have existed since the birth of Goutei 46th Division.To save Mao Room 46 in a forced way, which caused the majesty of Mao Room [-] and Gotei [-] Division to be swept away.

Mao Room 46 is the highest authority in the soul world, and it must be the highest authority.

The symbolism of their existence and all their rulings are necessary for Soul Society.But this 'them' is the entirety of the Mao 46 Room, not one... or certain members. Even if all the members die, the Mao 46 Room will not disappear. After being reorganized, they will still have the highest power. organ!

This is the meaning of the existence of Mao Room 46.

Duan Mu slowly raised his head and looked at Captain Yamamoto.


No matter what time it was, I couldn't fall in love with Seireitei as a whole.

Because Duan Mu is very clear that no matter how Sei Lingting changes, even if it is changed to a captain, its roots will not change. All sacrifices are necessary means to maintain balance, and everything must be "balanced" as a priority!

Strictly speaking, it's not that it won't change, but...

unable to be changed!

So Duan Mu has always been extremely repulsive about becoming a god of death, because he doesn't want to be a victim of the so-called 'balance'.

And Duan Mu still felt something else in this sentence.


You're not Shinigami, don't meddle in Goutei [-]th squad's affairs without authorization.

Those old eyes seemed to be emphasizing these words over and over again.

But it also reveals a deeper meaning.

"Feel sorry."

There was a slight smile on Duan Mu's face, and he said softly: "The incident that happened this time is indeed because I was negligent in thinking when accepting the entrustment, and in addition, the family of an important friend is in danger, so I brought you the attention of everyone in Seilingting Court." So much trouble."

"Although I am not a member of Shinigami, it is true that I caused trouble for the Shinigami of Seireitei, so I am willing to accept any punishment from your side."

After Duan Mu finished speaking, he bowed slightly to Captain Yamamoto above him.

Although he didn't say it clearly, he believed that Captain Yamamoto should be able to understand what he meant.

Hearing this, Captain Yamamoto took a deep look at Duan Mu, and his wrinkled eyelids gradually closed.


Captain Yamamoto tapped the ground slightly with his crutches: "The old man announces that although Duan Mu did what he did for a reason, it is also true that he acted privately to break discipline and offend the majesty of Mao Room 46; Dongxian Kao is certainly guilty, but he can do it under such a foreign enemy. During the invasion, the loss of a captain's combat power cannot be made up in a short time."


"Before the new Captain of the Ninth Division is elected, I entrust Duan Mu from Master House to temporarily perform the duties of the Captain of the Ninth Division. This entrustment cannot be refused, and the remuneration will be replaced by the captain's salary."


Duan Mu was not surprised when he heard this, and accepted the commission without hesitation.

no way……

Duan Mu can be sure that if he doesn't answer, he will most likely be left here forever.

As Commander Yamamoto said, when a foreign enemy invades, before understanding the enemy's background and strength, Goutei [-]th Division must make all preparations and gather the strongest force to meet the foreign enemy.

Unable to become one's own unstable force, must be resolved.

It is best to be able to take back what you have, but if you can't take back what you have, then in order to avoid this unstable force and stand on the other side, then...

It must be eliminated! !

To put it bluntly...

Those who want to fight against the outside world must first settle down inside.

As long as Duan Mu hesitates for a moment, he will be physically reduced to ashes by the old man on the stage, the kind where there is no scum left.

Broken Bee frowned: "Captain, isn't this against the rules?"

It's not that she thinks that Duan Mu is not strong enough to be the captain, because saying such like hitting Komamura Zuozhen in the face.

But according to the previous rules, there are only three ways to become the captain.

One is to pass the captain's exam under the witness of three captains including the chief captain;

The second is to be recommended by six captains, and then get the approval of at least three of the remaining six captains;

The third is to win the duel with the current captain under the witness of [-] team members, in order to succeed as the captain.

But now, the chief captain directly made Duan Mu the captain of the ninth team.

"He is not the captain of the [-]th division, but he is only performing the duties of the captain that he missed because of him." Captain Yamamoto shook his head: "This entrustment is for me in the name of the Goutei [-]th team. The entrustment issued by Wanshiwu was only refused because of the incident."

Broken Bee's frowning brows relaxed, and after pondering for a while, he didn't continue to refute.

The rest of the people, on the other hand, kept silent.

"Then, regarding the disposal of Ichimaru Gin..."

Captain Yamamoto changed the subject and turned to look at Ichimaru Gin.

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