All the captains couldn't help turning their gazes to Ichimaru Gin, and Aizen came out more and more, as if to say something.

And right now.

Clang clang clang clang clang...

The urgent plank alarm sounded.

"Emergency alert! Emergency alert!"

The sudden alarm made everyone frown.

Don't understand what's going on.

Nirvana Yuri tilted her head, and tapped the strange decoration on her ear, as if she was listening to something, with a little doubt in her eyes.

"There are intruders in the Seireitei, please keep your positions."



The sound of the alarm made the Seiring Court suddenly become noisy.

In the conference room, the captains looked at each other.

Lanran said to himself with an ugly face: "Intruders? Aren't those travelers stopped outside the Jingling Wall?"


At this moment, accompanied by wild laughter, a figure rushed out with a whoosh.

When he saw the figure, Aizen called out subconsciously: "Wait, Kenpachi! Not yet..." Before he finished speaking, Saraki Kenpachi had already rushed out of the meeting room, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Duan Mu did not speak, but carefully observed the reactions of everyone present.

Because he knew very well that there were no intruders in Sei Ling Ting.

When I left Master House in the morning, Kurosaki Ichigo and others had just arrived at Shiba's house, and it took at least a day to prepare for firing the Kuzuru cannon, which meant that they could invade Seireitei in the early morning of the next day.

And judging from Nirvana Mayori's reaction, although the emergency alert was issued by the Technology Development Bureau, if there is no accident, it should be Mao Room 46, or the imaging hall, which directly issued an order to the Technology Development Bureau, not a member of the Technology Development Bureau. found something.

"no way……"

Captain Yamamoto said: "The captain's meeting can only be held here first. As for the disposal of Ichimaru Gin, I will be notified later. The captains will immediately return to their own jurisdictions to sit in town."

After all, he looked at Duan Mu and said: "Including you, you are not allowed to leave the area where the Ninth Division is located until the end of this incident. You are responsible for arresting any invading enemy, even if you encounter an enemy However, the enemy should try to hold it back as much as possible, and wait for the reinforcements to arrive."


Duan Mu responded, turned around and walked out with the crowd.


And when he passed by Aizen and Ichimaru Gin, the film king was still there, playing tricks on the children rather viciously.

"It sounded very timely."

"What do you want to say?" Ichimaru Gin squinted and smiled, "I don't understand."

"Do you think you can pass the test like this?"

Lan Ran snorted coldly: "You must not underestimate me."

Duan Mu didn't stop, and walked out quickly, and at the same time glanced at Toshiro Hitsugaya who was standing there eavesdropping, and couldn't help shaking his head in his heart.

I really don't know what Aizen's thoughts are, is it because he thinks it's fun to play with this white-haired kid?



Captain Hitsugaya looks like he is about ten years old, and his height is even a little less than 1 centimeter shorter than Suifeng, but his actual age is not young. After all, he is with Rukia, Renji, Hinata and others , are called the strongest generation together!

But in any case, Aizen's bad taste is really outrageous.

With the idea of ​​out of sight and out of mind, Duan Mu quickly walked a few steps and followed the captains in front of him.

"Oh, boss Duan Mu."

Jingle Chunshui, who was walking in front, turned his head and said with a light smile, "We will be colleagues in the future, after this incident, let's have a drink together."

"The leader of the Beijing Band, you are welcome. I am just a small businessman. I am not qualified to be your colleague."

Duan Mu chuckled: "Of course, it's my honor that the leader of the Beijing Band is willing to ask me to have a drink together, and I certainly won't refuse."

"team leader."

Seeing the captains walking out of the conference hall, the deputy captains who were waiting in the side hall greeted them one after another.

When they saw Duan Mu walking in the middle of the team, they couldn't help but startled.

"Boss Duan Mu!"

Matsumoto Rangiku, wearing an adjutant's armband, happily waved to Duan Mu while running: "I seem to hear you say 'drink', when to drink, bring me one!!"

This person's ears are sharp, and even at such a distance, he heard Duan Mu say the word 'drink'.


Seeing this, Duan Mu immediately showed a warm smile on his face, and then turned his head to look at Ise Nanao who was silently following behind Jingle Chunshui: "Vice Captain Ise, do you want to go together?" He didn't say anything. Ise Nanao is the vice-chairman, because of the regulations of the Female Bleach Association, the title of the association can only be used during gatherings.

"Hahaha, Xiao Nanao won't drink with us, it's better to say that she is in charge, and drinking with the leader of the Beijing band is so boring." Matsumoto Ranju ran to Duan Mu's side, puffed out his turbulent chest, Duan Mu couldn't help but turn his head to one side as he could vaguely see the churning waves.


A voice cut in suddenly, and when he turned his head to look, Hitsugaya Toshiro glared at Matsumoto Rangiku with a dark face: "Drinking? Do you remember how much work you have piled up and haven't dealt with?"

"Well, I will deal with it after drinking."


The corner of Hitsugaya Toshiro's mouth twitched slightly, looking at the vice captains of the other teams, the captains followed behind as soon as they came out.

Look at my vice-captain again...

Throwing the captain aside, he actually ran to invite other people to drink, and even threw the work to himself.

"Hey, Boss Duan Mu, let's go drink now."

"You guy, are you out of your mind? In the current situation, you are not allowed to go out and drink."

Hitsugaya Toshiro walked a few steps quickly, came to the side of several people, and said angrily: "Otherwise, don't blame me for using the power of the captain to deal with you."

Matsumoto Rangiku didn't continue to mess around, but muttered in disappointment:

"Cut, you're so stingy."


Chapter 186 Mr. Duan Mu

"And show some respect to the other captains, don't talk about the boss!"

"My name is Boss Duan Mu, not the leader of the Beijing Band."

"I'm talking about Captain Duan Mu."

Toshiro Hitsugaya paused for a moment, and continued: "Although it is temporary, the captain has already ordered that before the next captain of the ninth division is elected, Duan Mu will perform the duties of the captain of the ninth division, and after this incident ends Before, lead the ninth team to defend against foreign enemies."

As soon as this remark came out, all the deputy captains around turned their attention to Duan Mu.

Except for those who have a certain understanding of Duanmu, such as Omaeda Kichiyo, Toraku Yune, Asai Renji, and Hinamori Momo, the eyes of the rest of the people could not help but reveal the look of scrutiny.

And the young man who followed at the end of the line and kept silent all this time raised his head and looked at Duan Mu.

This young man has short black hair with a touch of blue, and the word '69' tattooed on his face. He is one of the vice-captains who have never had contact with Duan Mu, the vice-captain of the Ninth Division, Hisagi Osamu soldier.

"Boss Duan Mu has become the captain?"

Matsumoto Rangiku was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes lit up: "Shouldn't this be a celebration? Let's go to a bar!"

"..." Duan Mu.


Hitsugaya Toshiro had blue veins on his forehead: "You bastard, did you understand what I said?"

"Nothing to celebrate."

Duan Mu smiled slightly: "Captain Hitsugaya didn't make it clear, it's actually just a commissioned task. The content of the commission is that before the successor captain of the ninth division is selected, I will temporarily assume the duties of the captain of the ninth division, so it is only temporary. position, don’t treat me as the captain.”

"Is it just temporary?"

Jingle Chunshui on the side shook his head: "If you don't refuse, it's probably official."

Although Captain Yamamoto didn't say it clearly, he obviously had plans to let Duan Mu succeed him as the captain of the [-]th Division.

After Duan Mu realized this, he immediately explained his position and expressed his unwillingness to become the god of death.

This made Captain Yamamoto take second place, and instead threw this compulsory entrustment to Duan Mu.

Regardless of whether Duan Mu accepts it or not, a person who can defeat the captain, as long as Duan Mu is still in the Soul Realm, at this time, he cannot be allowed to stay out of the matter.

The smile on Duan Mu's face remained unchanged, and he did not refute.

After leaving the main team, everyone dispersed.

Duan Mu stood there and waited. After a while, a voice came from behind.

"Captain Duan Mu."

Hisagi Shuhei came behind Duan Mu, and said in a respectful tone: "I am the vice-captain of the Ninth Division, Hisagi Shuhei."

"I know you."

Duan Mu smiled slightly: "You should have heard what I said to Miss Matsumoto before, so you don't need to be so polite to me; in a way, you are the party A, I just accepted the commission, in order to earn It’s just a reward for Party B who comes to work here.”

"Do not."

Hisagi Shuhei didn't get up, but leaned over and said, "Even if it's temporary, while performing the captain's duties, you naturally also have the status and identity of the captain. During this period, you are the captain of our ninth squad!"

Duan Mu shook his head when he heard the words, and instead of continuing to make corrections, he smiled and said: "Let's go, talk while walking, the captain asked us to guard in our respective jurisdictions, except for the 11th squad of the fighting squad, the rest must stay. in the jurisdiction."


Duan Mu took the lead and walked in the direction of the Zouban team, Hisagi Shuhei followed immediately.

"By the way, let me introduce myself."

Duan Mu took out a business card from the pocket of his overalls and handed it to Hisagi: "I don't know if you have heard of Manshiya, but I am Duan Mu who runs Manshiya in Ruukon Street, a commercial street in Seireitei. There is also my shop, if you need it in the future, you can come to me at any time.”


Faced with Duan Mu's self-promotion, Hisagi Shuhei's face suddenly became a little weird, but out of politeness, he still put away the business card and carefully put it in his pocket.

"Actually, I've heard people mention you a long time ago."


Hisagi Shuhei was startled, and asked in doubt, "Vice Captain Omaeda?"

The reason why he thought of Omaeda was actually because Omaeda had mentioned Duan Mu in front of him when he went to Omaeda's house for dinner.

"No, it's Qinglu from Division [-]."

"Do you know Qinglu?"

Hisagi Shuhei was stunned for a moment, and then he said with a dazed expression: "Ah, I forgot, you have been working in the general ambulance all the time."

"Qinglu often mentions you when chatting with me."

Duan Mu recounted what Qinglu had said to him one by one: "So although I haven't met you, I actually wanted to get to know you a long time ago."

The two walked and chatted.

Hisagi Shuhei told Duan Mu the details of the Ninth Division.

The jurisdiction of the Ninth Division is located on a high ground. To reach the Ninth Division, you need to go through a long staircase.

The Repentance Palace is right behind the Ninth Division's jurisdiction, but there is still a hill of double death between the Repentance Palace and the Ninth Division's jurisdiction, so that side is beyond Duan Mu's range of activities.

As for the responsibilities of the Ninth Division, in some respects, they are actually somewhat similar to those of the Supervision Team.

Prison Squad!

The main duty is to guard the key criminals of the Confession Palace, but unlike the supervision team that coordinates all prisons in Seireitei, the Ninth Division is not responsible for management and arrest, but simply guards, preventing anyone from going to the Confession Palace to rob prisons.

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