However, since few people are normally imprisoned in the Palace of Confessions, the Ninth Division is the only one that undertakes two responsibilities.

In addition to guarding the Confession Palace, the Ninth Division also undertakes the propaganda work of the Goutei Thirteenth Division. Specific matters include editing and publishing the "Seireitei Correspondence", investigating and recording major events in various parts of the Soul World, and statistics of the Goutei. The roster of the thirteenth team... and so on.

Normally speaking, publicity work is a secondary responsibility of the Ninth Division, and the main responsibility is to guard the Confession Palace.

But in fact……

Due to the fact that there are basically no prisoners, the Ninth Division completely regards external propaganda work as its main responsibility. There are various editors in the Division, such as page editors, copy editors, and the like.

And there is a special recorder position, no matter the big or small things in the soul world, there will be a recorder from the ninth team to record.

When it comes to the succession of the captain, the promotion of the vice-captain, the change of the head of the noble family, as well as the street rumors, hooligan fights, and gossip news, there will be recorders present to record or secretly visit.

Hisagi Shuhei, the vice captain, also served as the editor-in-chief of "Seireitei Communication".

Prison, see also prison.

Duan Mu's expression was a little strange, he didn't know why, but he always felt that he and the word 'prison' had a special affinity.


Duan Mu has been coveting a publication like "Seiling Ting Communication" that is extremely popular and can expand his popularity.

He had long wanted to add a column to "Seiling Court Correspondence", in which he would teach some skills about the use of the fist-slashing ghost, or answer questions about cultivation.

It's just that the reader group of "Seireitei Communication" is not only Seireitei, but also Ruukon Street is extremely popular, and many ghosts cannot be spread, so Duan Mu's long-term submissions have not been passed at all.

As for learning from the light novels published by Ukitake, although Duan Mu thought about trying, when he started writing...

He didn't know what to write.

And now, it looks like you can take advantage of it.

Although it is temporary, it should be fine to add a page or two to the published "Seireitei Correspondence", right?

For example, Aizan once proposed a photobook idea to the Women's Death Association, make a layout called the smile of the sun, and then wear a bathrobe, show your shoulders, thighs, etc., take photos and put them up...Maybe when the time comes You can really gain some favorability.

After all, Aizen, a middle-aged man, feels that he can gain the favor of many team members by publishing a photo album; he is younger, more handsome than him, and has a warmer smile than him, so he will definitely gain more favor than him.


at the same time.

Zhibo's house, indoor martial arts hall.

In the spacious martial arts hall, Kurosaki Ichigo and the others held a ball in their hands, trying hard to instill their spiritual power into it.

And at the edge of the martial arts hall, Shiba Kuzuru and Yoruichi who turned into a black cat sat side by side.

"Why did that kid named Duan Mu break into Mao's room 46 suddenly?" Yoichi asked in a puzzled tone, "I've seen him a few times at Urahara's place, and he doesn't seem like the kind of impulsive person. Guy, on the contrary, it gives people a cautious feeling."


Zhiba Konghe rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "If you don't know him well, you would really think so. When I first met him, I also thought he was too thoughtful, and it made people feel uncomfortable no matter how you looked at it."

"But after getting to know each other for a long time, you will find that although he is cautious, many times there are obviously better solutions. He just likes to choose the most risky and most direct solution. He is more impulsive and aggressive than anyone else. Be crazy."

"It's not easy to cause trouble, but once it causes trouble..."

Zhibo Konghe exhaled, and said with a headache: "Basically, there are no trivial matters, and every time he causes trouble, he never tells anyone. I am really afraid that one day he will die outside without knowing."

"As for his breaking into Room 46, I don't know the details, but there must be a reason for him to do so."

When Shiba Kuzuru said this, a strange look flashed in his eyes: "I never told him about you and Kisuke, in order to prevent him from being targeted because of his different behavior in Seireitei after he learned about it. But now it seems that he should have noticed something, after all, that brat is much smarter than Griffin."

Yeyi looked at Zhibo Konghe with some surprise, and said with a smile, "Hehe, it seems that you really treat that brat as your younger brother."

"Forget it, having an uneasy brother is enough for me to be busy."

Having said that, there was a smile on Zhibo Konghe's face, then he shook his head, looked at the people in the martial arts hall who held spiritual power cores and condensed various shapes of spiritual walls, and said a little speechlessly: " Are you sure these people can survive in Seireitei?"

"Obviously they all have extremely strong spiritual pressure, but the skill of using spiritual pressure is a terrible mess."

"no way."

Ye Yi couldn't help sighing when he heard the words: "They have just awakened their power, and they haven't fully grasped their own abilities yet."

"Poor talent is poor talent. Just awakening strength is not a reason."

Zhiba Konghe said in a rather disdainful tone: "When I first met Duan Mu, his spiritual pressure was not as good as these people, not even the students of the Shino Spiritual Art Academy, but at that time he had great respect for him. The use of spiritual pressure is already more proficient than many senior officials."

"Tsk tsk, are you showing off your younger brother?"

Ye Yi joked: "Don't forget, I also have a younger brother. Although I haven't seen him for a while, I don't know if he has grown up or not."

"By the way, is that kid released now?"

Ye took a look at Ishida Yulong: "His grandfather contacted him earlier, that kid should have let him go?"


Zhiba Konghe nodded, then thought of something, and said in a displeased tone: "That brat has a sage sister, and under the protection of his 'sister', he was acquitted and released." When she said the word 'sister', she obviously emphasized her tone.

Seeing this, Ye Yi was speechless, and asked, "Then is he still in Liuhun Street?"

"Not anymore, Ishida Zongxian said that he went to Seireitei early in the morning." Shiba Kuzuru shook his head: "And even if he is, he is not suitable to help you enter Seireitei, because he is involved with Seireitei It’s too deep, there are eyeliners all over the place, and they’ve been being watched by Seireitei all the time.”

"However, after you enter the Seireitei, you can ask him to help you, provided that you can meet him. That brat doesn't know what he has found, and he has been secretly operating, saying that he is following him after the incident. I will report in detail."

Ye Yi nodded when he heard the words, and was about to speak when he heard an extremely annoyed shout from the martial arts hall.


"I'm sick!"

With a dark face, Kurosaki Ichigo smashed the spiritual power core in his hand at Ganjiu, but Ganjiu dodged it.

"This is my home, do you want to take care of where I lie?"

Griffin pinched his nostril with his little finger, and flicked the booger he was about to pick out at Kurosaki Ichigo: "You half-water guy, you should give up as soon as possible. Seireitei is not as simple as you imagined. A guy like you will be killed as soon as he enters Seireitei."

"none of your business."

Kurosaki Ichigo snorted coldly: "It's as if you have been to Seireitei."

"Of course I did!"

Immediately, Ganjiu's face showed a look of pride: "Who do you think I am? I am Shiba Ganju, who claims to be an 'expert in clearing orders from Master House in Seiryukon Street'. !"

"House of all things?"

Before Kurosaki Ichigo could say anything, Ishida Uryu walked over and asked, "Are you also working in Wanshiwu? Then have you met my master?"

"Who is your master?"

Griffin asked with a confused look.

When he introduced himself earlier, Ishida Uryu was arranged by Jin Yan in the guest bedroom because he was on the phone with his grandfather, and he didn't come to the martial arts hall until two hours later, so Ganju didn't know the identity of Ishida Uryu .

"Ishida Zongxian is a very kind old man, dressed like me..."


Ganjiu's eyes lit up, and a look of pride appeared in his expression: "So it's my family, let me introduce myself, I am your master's savior, and I am also your master's boss."

"..." Ishida Uryu.

"Isn't the boss of Master House that Duan Mu?" Kurosaki Ichigo said with a look of contempt: "I really thought we didn't know anything when we first came to Soul Soul Realm?"

Ishida Yulong said angrily: "Don't be so rude, call Mr. Duan Mu."

"..." Kurosaki Ichigo.

I don't know who it is, but not long ago, I was yelling at one bastard.

"It's true that the boss of Wanshiwu is Duan Mu, but when Duan Mu sees me, he always calls him the boss, so I am the real boss of Wanshiwu."

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Ganju suspiciously.

"You have to know that if it wasn't for me back then, your master would have been taken away by those lunatics from the Technology Development Bureau, and I was the one who beat Death to save him, and then Duan Mu rushed to the scene."

Yanjiu snorted: "The next thing, since you know that old man Ishida works in Wanshiwu, you should also know what happened. After all, even today, people are still talking about this matter."


Even though he didn't agree with Ganjiu's boss, Ishida Uryu still thanked him gratefully.

"Tsk, now I want to see that guy named Duan Mu more and more."

Kurosaki Ichigo showed curiosity on his face: "Does he look very kind, an old man with a long white beard and a white robe, who looks like a great sage?"

Ganjiu said with a strange face: "Why do you guys think Duan Mu is very old? Duan Mu doesn't look much older than you, and his actual age is the same. And he never wears white clothes, but a Wear stain-resistant black overalls and black boots year-round.”

"It has absolutely nothing to do with the great sage!"

Black overalls and black boots?

Kurosaki Ichigo was taken aback for a moment, then rushed forward: "Can you describe it in detail?"


Ganju was taken aback by the excited Kurosaki Ichigo, but he still described Duan Mu's black overalls in detail.

The more Ichigo Kurosaki listened, the brighter his eyes became: "Then he has short black hair and a very long Zanpakutō... Hmm... The Zanpakutō is wrapped in a long black cloth bag, and the long cloth bag has some Weird texture."

"Have you seen him?"

This time, it was Ganju's turn to look puzzled.

Is it really him?

Hearing this, Kurosaki Ichigo stood there in a daze.

Although after learning of the existence of the god of death, he thought that that person might be the god of death, and also thought that he might meet him after coming to the world of corpses and souls.

But Kurosaki Ichigo never imagined that that big brother is actually the most famous benevolent person in Ruukon Street!

"What? Does Kurosaki-san know Mr. Duangi too?" Inoue Orihime and Sado Yasutora all came over.


Kurosaki Ichigo hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "That person seems to be the one who saved my mother and me when I was 9 years old."

"The perverted big brother who others say he doesn't wear clothes?"

Inoue Orihime blurted out.

"..." Kurosaki Ichigo.

"???" Ishida Uryu asked.

"???" Chadu Yasuo.

Even Ganjiu looked at Orihime Inoue with a confused face, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. If Duan Mu heard this, these people would probably be killed by him, right?


Orihime Inoue scratched her head, and said with an embarrassed expression: "Actually, Long Gui told me that every time your mother passed out, Mr. Kurosaki, you would run to the river bank... Uh, sorry, this Can you say it?"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help turning their heads to look at Kurosaki Ichigo again.

Kurosaki Ichigo nodded with a complicated expression: "There is nothing that cannot be said."

Seeing everyone looking at her again, Orihime Inoue repeated what Long Gui had said to her.

"Longgui said that he once met Herosaki-san on the bank of the river who seemed to be looking for something, and asked him what he was looking for, and Herosaki-san replied...he was looking for the perverted big brother who everyone said he didn't wear clothes, As long as he is found, my mother will be cured."

"That is to say... um, is that big brother Mr. Duan Mu?"

Ishida Uryu said with a strange expression, he really couldn't figure out why he was a big brother who didn't wear clothes, and what the hell was 'everyone said'?

"It should be him."

Kurosaki Ichigo nodded: "Although I can't remember his face clearly, as long as I can see him face to face, I will definitely be able to recognize him."

"If you have time to chat, why not hurry up and learn how to use the spiritual power core."

Yoruichi walked slowly in front of the crowd with catwalks, looked up at Kurosaki Ichigo and said, "Besides, your big brother is in the Seireitei right now, and when you enter the Seireitei, you will naturally be there." to see him."

Hearing this, Ishida Uryu and Kurosaki Ichigo didn't know what they thought of, and their expressions changed.

Ye Yi saw what the two were thinking at a glance, and explained: "Don't worry, he was released yesterday, but the news hasn't spread in Liuhun Street yet."




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