Chapter 187: The affairs of Division [-]

"Who came up with this title!? It's so disgusting, take it back and think about it again!!"

"Hey... Is the number of pages in this special feature wrong!? There is still a page missing."

"Mail order catalog complete."

"Who can go to the [-]th squad? Have Captain Aizan's manuscript for the 'Backside of Matsuba' column been delivered... What about the manuscript sent by the leader of the Jing band? Why haven't I received it here?"

"Look carefully, it's impossible not to miss it."

"By the way, the person who went to the fifth team to pick up the manuscript, by the way, ask the vice-captain Hina Senmo when she will have time to draw illustrations."

"There is also Captain Ukitake's 'Pisces' Rejection' which has been discontinued for seven consecutive episodes. Who is going to rush the manuscript, the page can't always be empty?"


Duan Mu looked at the scene in front of him with a dull expression, and suddenly wondered if he came to the wrong place.

This place doesn't look like a fan team's resident, it's like a publishing house...


This is indeed a publishing house.

At the entrance where Duan Mu is standing now, the sign written on it is...

Ninth Division Team She Seireitei Communications Editorial Office.

In addition to the office building, there is also a two-story building called "Jinglingting Communication and Editing Office" in the team building of the Ninth Division, which is the building where Duan Mu is located.The first floor is the printing office, and the second floor is the editorial department. Once the manuscript is completed, it can be sent from the second floor to the first floor for printing and publishing.

There is a blackboard at the door of the editorial department, which records the itinerary and work arrangements of the members of the editorial department that day.

"The deadline is coming soon, so everyone is busy."

Hisagi Shuhei stood beside Duan Mu and said, "I'll let them stop first and introduce you to them."

"do not!"

Duan Mu hastily stopped Hisagi Shuhei: "Don't disturb everyone's work, you can introduce something, sooner or later."


"Nothing but."

Duan Mu smiled slightly: "I work every day, and I know how annoying it is to be disturbed while working. You just need to arrange a place for me to rest and work. As for the editorial department, you know better than me, Chief Editor You can continue to be the president."


Hisagi Shuhei was taken aback. Originally, he brought Captain Duan Mu here, in fact, he wanted Captain Duan Mu to concurrently serve as the editor-in-chief, but he didn't expect that he would be rejected before he could say it.

"What is suitable for posting and what is not suitable for posting, you know better than me. It is easy to make mistakes by letting me do it."

Duan Mu smiled slightly, and then said: "Of course, in exchange, when you are busy with the affairs of the editorial department, I will help you handle the team affairs of the vice captain. You don't have to worry about this. I am in the second team and the fourth team I have dealt with it before, so I am no stranger to these team affairs, and I can still help you a little."

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you think it's inconvenient for me as the temporary captain to handle team affairs. I just think that since I have accepted the entrustment, I should try my best to do my best. This is the most basic principle of the master house I opened .”

"No, you are naturally qualified to handle team affairs."

Hisagi Shuhei hastily shook his head, Duan Mu's appointment was ordered by the general captain, and before there is a new captain, Duan Mu will be in charge of everything for the captain of the Ninth Division, there is no doubt about it.

At this point, Captain Yamamoto gave Duan Mu a lot of power, whether it is the status of the captain or the treatment...

Although, while enjoying these, Duan Mu must not stay out of it when he is in the thirteenth division of Goutei to defend against foreign enemies.

Whether it's fair or not, Duan Mu doesn't know.

But one thing he knew very well, if he couldn't reassure that cruel old man, at this moment when foreign enemies invaded, he would definitely not mind hacking himself to death for peace of mind.

So it's better to work honestly. After learning the scriptures, go back to your own Huaguo Mountain... Cough, no, it should be after the turmoil is over, go back to your own Liuhun Street, and continue to be your own king of the mountain!

of course……

Duan Mu is not afraid of him, but just respects the old and loves the young.

Thinking of this, Duan Mu smiled slightly: "No matter what Captain Dongxian did and why he did it, in my heart he is a qualified captain. I think you should know this better than me."

"Everyone has their own management habits, so I will make some reforms to the ninth squad according to my habits, such as re-examining the service system, adjusting salaries, streamlining some procedures, etc. But I made these changes not because Captain Dongsen did something wrong and denied everything about him, just making changes according to my habits."

"This, I hope you can understand."

When Hisagi Shuhei heard this, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

Although I have heard about Duan Mu from Omaeda and the chat room of the team members.

But when he really came into contact with it, he discovered...

Captain Duan Mu was even gentler than the rumors said. Normally, the things he said did not require his consent at all.

Because each fan team is equivalent to an independent individual and has its corresponding responsibilities, whether it is the reform of things or the changes of the team building, the captain does not need anyone's consent.

And in order to take care of his emotions, Captain Duan Mu also explained his views on Captain Dongxian to himself in advance, and made it clear that the change was not to negate everything about Captain Dongxian.

Ever since what happened to Captain Tōsen, everyone took care of their emotions and never mentioned anything about Captain Tōsen in front of them; although it was very touching, it would inevitably make Hisagi Shuhei feel pity. Instead, it made him feel a little uncomfortable.

But Duan Mu, the person who exposed what Captain Dongxian did, and who was almost killed by Captain Dongxian, did not shy away from expressing his own views, and he did not have the slightest prejudice against Captain Dongxian, and was extremely fair has been evaluated.

So even if Duan Mu felt that there was absolutely no need to do this, Hisagi Shuhei had to admit that Duan Mu's words really made the original trace of resistance in his heart completely disappear.

Because, his opinion of Captain Dongxian is exactly the same as that of Duan Mu.

No matter what Captain Dongxian did, the contribution he made in Team Nine, even if it was just to gain trust, should not be completely erased.

"Of course, for any changes, I will first obtain your consent and explain why the changes are made."

Duan Mu smiled slightly at Hisagi Shuhei. Of course, he never thought of staying here for a long time, but since he couldn't refuse to take over the ninth division, then Duan Mu's habit of entrusting...

Do your best to do it, there is absolutely no need to be obedient and obedient, and it is easy to be settled by that black-hearted old man afterwards.

the most important is……

He just glanced at the editorial department and found that there are many female team members. If the reform is done well, they should be able to earn a lot of experience points, not to mention the whole body of "Seiling Ting Communication". The most popular and famous publication in the soul world is here.

During this period, I tried my best to leave a good impression on the team members, so that I can go through the back door if I want to contribute in the future.


"Huh?" Duan Mu was taken aback.

"Uh, Captain Duan Mu, please come with me, I will take you to the captain's office."

When Hisagi Shuhei said this, he said in embarrassment: "Because... what happened a few days ago, some matters that the captain has to deal with have all been stored in the captain's office and have not been processed, so it may be a little messy there. .”

After finishing speaking, he hesitated for a moment, and said: "As for the decoration of the captain's room, I will send someone to pick out new ones for you..."

"This is unnecessary, and it is not a necessity."

Duan Mu shook his head and interrupted: "If anyone is going to Noble Street, help me buy some Deli Mochi at the Kuri House on Noble Street, because of what happened a while ago, I haven't had it for a long time... "

What he said was not a lie. Since Broken Bee banned him from going to the second team, it has been a long time since no one helped Duan Mu buy Deli's top prize.

Without disturbing the team members of the editorial department, Duan Mu, led by Hisagi Shuhei, entered the captain's room of the office building.


The moment he entered the captain's room, Duan Mu retreated subconsciously, glanced at the sign beside the door, and fell into silence.

"...Are you sure we're going the right way?"

Duan Mu looked at the room in front of him, the corner of his mouth twitching slightly.

This is an extremely spacious room, but the furnishings are extremely simple, except for a desk and a sofa, there are no redundant furnishings.

But around the desk, it was completely surrounded by piles of documents taller than a person.

Looking from the door, it looks like a hill...


Hisagi Shuhei's expression became more and more embarrassing: "Due to the sudden departure of Captain Tosen, I have been dealing with the affairs of the editorial department, coupled with the authority relationship, so I did not process these documents."

"... How many days is this?"


"..." Duan Mu.

For some reason, Duan Mu suddenly felt pity for Toshiro Hitsugaya.

Originally, he didn't have any idea about Matsumoto Rangiku leaving work aside and going out to drink every day, but now it seems...

No wonder Hitsugaya Toshiro is usually not seen wandering around the Seireitei, co-authoring the affairs of the captain and vice-captain all day long! !

"Otherwise, let me handle it."

"It's okay, I'm just a little surprised."

Duan Mu shook his head and said with a smile: "It's good to have more work, just to help me understand the situation of the ninth squad. As the captain, even if it's only temporary, I can't be ignorant of the affairs of the squad."

Although he had also dealt with the affairs of the supervision team and the comprehensive rescue center before, he really didn't expect that the captain's affairs would be so much.

But it's normal to think about it...

Although the affairs of the supervision team are handled by him, but with Qingyuan Fang's help, and the supervision team is only one of the five sub-units, naturally there are not as many affairs as the captain; It was also handled by Huche Yuyin, and he was just helping out.

"Go and get busy with the editorial department. Just now, didn't you say that the deadline for the manuscript would be tomorrow?"

After persuading Hisagi Shuhei who wanted to stay and help him away, Duan Mu looked at the hill-like documents, breathed a sigh of relief, then got into the hill, picked up those documents and began to process them.

After holding the documents in his hands, Duan Mu found that the paper of these documents was thicker than ordinary documents, and the words on the paper were obviously raised.

Duan Mu tried to touch it, and found that he could clearly feel every word on the paper.

Shaking his head, Duan Mu didn't spend extra energy on the paper of the documents, Duan Mu turned his attention to the content of these documents.

The vast majority of these are various applications from residents or organizations in the jurisdiction.There are event applications, party applications, and recruitment applications from various jurisdictional organizations... These affairs are completely different from the supervision team, which makes Duan Mu feel a little fresh, because the affairs of the supervision team basically deal with various people , Surveillance, arrest...

Although this kind of work also exists, it is handled by the second team's captain Suifeng and Omaeda's deputy captain, and has nothing to do with the stealthy mobile supervision team.

After sitting in this position, Duan Mu suddenly discovered that each team is like an independent management agency in its own jurisdiction, responsible for handling various residents' disputes, new buildings, and urban planning within the jurisdiction. service, and manage the residents within the jurisdiction.

For these application documents, after careful review, Duan Mu carried out batch management and time arrangement.

Some are explicitly rejected based on the status quo, and give reasons for rejection and suggestions for changes.

As well as urban planning, etc., Duan Mu also watched in detail, and compared it with the overall architectural drawing of Seireitei in his mind to check whether it was reasonable and illegal, and then approved it based on his work experience over the years.

Duan Mu, who has entered the working state, is extremely serious, no matter whether he agrees or not, he will add his own suggestions to it, instead of simply passing or rejecting.

Although he seldom does similar work, Duan Mu's accumulated work experience over the years is extremely rich. He can pick out any unreasonable and need for rectification in an instant for any application, so it is not difficult to deal with it, but rather For handy.

In addition to these management matters, there are also many matters related to team members, such as salary applications, vacation applications, family benefits... These are the most troublesome things for Duan Mu, but they are only limited to men.

Because, he almost recorded the addresses, names, and characteristics of all the female death gods in Seireitei, and even investigated the family situation of some of them.

Therefore, the affairs of the female god of death in these documents were not too difficult for Duan Mu; while the affairs of the male god of death were thrown aside by him first, and he was going to deal with them at the end.

In addition to the above two major categories, the last one is about the editorial department's documents. If it is subdivided, it is nothing more than layout planning, funding applications, personnel changes, etc... Although Duan Mu is not very good at this aspect, he still carries it out seriously. After all, the most attractive thing about the Ninth Division to Duan Mu is the propaganda machine of "Seiling Ting Communication".


Duan Mu paused in taking the file, and then turned to carefully read the manuscript of the novel titled "Rose Colored Path" in his hand. The more he looked at it... his face became weirder.


Although this novel is advertised as a serial romance novel, in fact there are many...well, detailed descriptions that are not suitable for children. Although Duan Mu has seen it in the previous correspondence of Sei Lingting, but after reading it, he directly reads it. Crossed over and didn't look carefully.

But this manuscript is different, because the author column not the pseudonym Duan Mu saw after publication, but his real name...

——Jingle Spring Water!

The corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly, somehow feeling a little absurd, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that this matter was unexpectedly reasonable for Jingle Chunshui.

In addition to him, Duan Mu also saw many original manuscripts, including Ukitake's serialized novel "The Rejection of Pisces", Aizen's serialized column "The Back of the Maple Leaf", and even Duan Mu also saw the "Western Food" written by Captain Yamamoto. Disadvantages" and its vice-captain's "Western Food Recommendations"...

How busy are these guys?

Moreover, Duan Mu looked at the manuscript of the captain, and then at the manuscript of his deputy captain.

These two...

One boycotted Western food under a pseudonym, and the other recommended Western food under a pseudonym. How did they get along peacefully for so many years without fighting?

Most importantly...

These unnutritious manuscripts, especially those unsuitable for children like Jingle Chunshui, can be passed...Why do I submit once a month, and the manuscripts that have been submitted for several years have disappeared?

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