Is it because this group of people is the captain?

These guys in the editorial department are so obsessed with their superiors, they are really disgusting!

Duan Mu's face turned black, and he threw Lan Ran's "The Back of the Maple Leaf" into the trash can, and carefully sorted out the others, then wrote an article about flower arrangement on a blank sheet of paper, and put it in the middle.

And in the order, an order was issued to ban the column "Back of the Maple Leaf" with the column "Smile of the Sun".

It's not easy to offend other people, but it doesn't matter that Aizen is leaving soon.


Chapter 188 Finally...

It's night, the office building of Division [-].

"Why is Boss Duan Mu here?"

"I don't know. I came back from lunch today and saw the window in the captain's office was open. I thought someone forgot to close it, so I came over to have a look... It turned out that he happened to be handling team affairs inside, and he was handling it very quickly. "

"It's not just fast. Someone came to ask if the application was completed, so I went in. After the inquiry, he directly told me where the documents to be picked up; through... well, the team affairs that this lord has handled , I have carefully read it, no matter from any angle, it is handled perfectly."

"Well, didn't you ask him what he was doing here?"

"He's so busy that he doesn't even have time to raise his head, so I don't have the nerve to ask."

"Well, we did the same just now. We went in and got the documents and then came out."

"All the work accumulated in the past few days was completed in one afternoon, and the residents in the jurisdiction are very satisfied with all the processing and changes."

"By the way, who is this Boss Duan Mu?"

"Don't you know? Boss Duan Mu opened a master house in the commercial street to solve various residents' entrustments. At the same time, he also treated people in the general ambulance center. It is said that his attainments in returning to the road are not even weaker than the deputy of the fourth team." team leader."

"The strength is also extremely strong. My younger brother is in the Seventh Division. According to my younger brother, he saw Boss Duan Mu defeating the captain of the Komamura left team with his own eyes, and he gave people a feeling of ease."

"Then why is he in our ninth team? He is still handling team affairs in the captain's room?"


Outside the captain's room, everyone gathered here fell into silence by coincidence.

Handle team affairs in the captain's room...

Although there is some speculation faintly, this conjecture makes people who are familiar with Duan Mu a little unbelievable.


Boss Duan Mu is not a god of death at all.

And normally, it's impossible for the new captain to take office so quietly, right?

the most important is……

What kind of workaholic is it that just as soon as he takes office, he will come here to work without even notifying the team members?

"Brother outside the door, who has time, can you come in and help me?" At this moment, Duan Mu's voice came from the captain's room.

Hearing this, the team members who were peeping at Duan Mu's work outside the door looked at each other, and then they all stepped into the captain's office with a little nervous expression.

"The stack on the left is about the affairs and personnel changes of the editorial department, as well as some disciplinary issues that I have changed and edited. If anyone has time, help me send this stack of documents to the editorial department." Duan Mu Smiling at the few people, after finishing speaking, he pointed to his right hand:

"The two stacks over there are documents related to urban construction. I put all the documents related to urban construction, such as architectural design, store opening, district planning, landscape gardens, street repairs, residential houses, and greening, over there."

"In addition to the original application, there are some new regulations that I have promulgated. In the future, urban construction applications that do not meet the regulations will not be approved; there are also some plans that I think are feasible but need to be modified. Suggested revisions, from... um..."

Duan Mu raised his head and looked for a group in the eyes of everyone, and said: "Zuo Yu Ling Sixth, I will leave the urban construction matters to you. You can supervise their construction and renovation according to the suggestions I gave to prevent them from causing wanton chaos." Construction affects the overall look and feel of the jurisdiction.”

"Huh? Eh? Huh?"

Behind the crowd, a short girl with freckles on her cheeks and twin ponytails stared blankly at Duan Mu, then raised her finger to herself.

Duan Mu nodded to meet her gaze, showing a warm smile:

"Sorry, the workload is a bit heavy, but as far as I know, the job you were engaged in during your lifetime was related to construction, so I can only entrust this job to you. If there is anything you don't understand , you can come to me at any time, and I will arrange other people to assist you in your work."

"Yes...yes, team...boss...sir?"

"Hehe, just call me Duan Mu."

Duan Mu had a warm smile on his face, paired with a gentle voice that he had practiced for more than ten years, and finally supplemented by the gaze of his eyes as deep as the ocean... Zuo Yuling blushed when he saw her pretty face:

"I...I will definitely complete the mission!!"

[Zuo Yu Ling's favorability +5, gain 200 experience points, current favorability: 5]

"Don't be so serious, don't get tired."

Duan Mu joked, looking at Zuo Yuling whose face was getting redder and redder, he didn't continue to provoke her, but turned to look at the others: "These on the table are for the handling of the team's affairs, which one of you will deal with later?" Post this list and have the people on it come to see me tomorrow."

"In addition to these, there are changes and additions to the rules of the team, and there are also some deletions. The new rule manual has been compiled, and the team members in the editorial department will print it out and distribute it to every team member. "


"Ah, sorry."

Duan Mu got up and stretched his muscles and bones, making a crackling sound, and said: "Let me introduce myself, my name is Duan Mu, and I opened a shop called Wanshiwu in the 38th district of Xiliuhun Street. There is also my store in the commercial street, if you need anything, you can come to the store to find me at any time."

"However, during this period of time, it is temporarily impossible to accept the entrustment. During this period of time, I will stay in the ninth team and temporarily act as the captain of the ninth team. Therefore, if you have any needs or encounter any difficulties in cultivation, You can come to me at any time, and we can discuss and solve it together.”



Following Duan Mu's words, the entire captain's office suddenly fell into silence.

After half a sound.

"What are you all doing here?"

A voice came from outside the office, and when he turned his head, he saw Shuhei Hisagi standing outside the captain's office.

Facing everyone's eyes, Hisagi Shuhei came to Duan Mu, greeted him and said: "Captain Duan Mu."

After hearing Hisagi Shuhei's words, everyone in the captain's room looked at each other, and then said in unison:

"Captain Duan Mu!"

Duan Mu nodded, and didn't continue to argue. Anyway, no matter what he said, in the highly hierarchical organization of Goutei [-]th Division, it is impossible for these team members to treat him as an ordinary shop owner.

The temporary captain is also the captain!

Duan Mu picked up the Deli Monaka that was sent by Hisagi Shuhei earlier on the table, and said while eating: "By the way, where should I rest at night?"

"The room is ready for you."

Hisagi Shuhei said: "After hearing that you became the captain of the [-]th Division, Vice Captain Omaeda sent someone to send a complete set of furniture as a congratulatory gift. I have already ordered someone to arrange it in your room."


"But before you rest, please follow me to the cafeteria for dinner. You have been working since you came here, and please return to your room to rest after dinner."


Duan Mu nodded and did not refuse.

After explaining to the soldiers, Duan Mu walked towards the cafeteria under the leadership of Hisagi Shuhei.

"Captain Duanki, you are indeed a very capable person as the rumors tell you." Hisagi Shuhei praised from the bottom of his heart as he walked.

Although the contact time was only more than half a day, Captain Duan Mu used this half day to prove that he is fully qualified for the position of captain.


Although the team members don't know much about it, but as the vice-captain, he has heard all about Captain Duan Mu's forcible entry into Room 46 from the vice-captain of the [-]th squad, Tetsuzaemon. Proven in that battle.

In just half a day of contact, Captain Duan Mu's serious attitude towards work made Hisagi Shuhei feel sincere admiration.

Hisagi Shuhei actually checked all the documents that Duan Mu had processed in secret, and found that Captain Duan Mu could be described as 'omnipotent'. No matter what kind of affairs, he got the most perfect solve.

The same is true for those new regulations. Although there are some more regulations, Captain Duan Mu has combined the team's funds to increase the salaries of the team members with the most complete system, and did not cause unnecessary burdens on the team.

It can be said that many teams cannot do this.

Especially the eleventh team...

Not to mention the expenses of the team, even the salaries of the captain and vice-captain were basically used to compensate for the damage caused by the destruction.

However, Captain Duan Mu really combined the situation of the Ninth Division and made targeted adjustments. No matter how carefully he checked, he did not find any loopholes in it.

"It's just that I have learned a lot."

Duan Mu said, and asked: "How about the intruder? Have you found the whereabouts of the intruder?"

Hisagi Shuhei shook his head: "For the time being, no signs of intruders have been found. The other divisions are all located in their respective jurisdictions. Only the branch of the [-]th Division is looking for the whereabouts of Brigade in various parts of Seireitei. But still no sign of an intruder was found."

"Looking at their posture, they will probably keep searching tonight."

Duan Mu nodded. With Zaragi Kenpachi's lunatic character, he couldn't find the intruder... He probably wouldn't go to sleep all this time.


Even if he and Yaqianliu's road idiot attributes were left aside, it was impossible for him to find the intruders in Seireitei, because they didn't exist at all.

After dinner, Duan Mu followed Hisagi Shuhei back to his room.

This is a very spacious independent house. Judging from the traces of the house, it has obviously been carefully cleaned up, and the room is full of new furniture.

The spacious room combined with the brand-new furniture sent by Omaeda made the interior of the building look golden.

"...Can't the aesthetics of this product be changed?"

The corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly. He actually didn't have any requirements for the living environment. After all, he had been living in a bedroom full of iron bars, like a prison cell... But this kind of resplendent and resplendent room dazzles the eyes whenever the light shines on it. It still made Duan Mu feel a little uncomfortable.

People who can sleep in this kind of room are also very powerful in a certain way.

Shaking his head, Duan Mu didn't get entangled in the room, standing by the window, looking at the Palace of Repentance not far from here.

After hesitating for a while, he finally gave up the idea of ​​secretly going to the Confession Palace.

At the end of the captain meeting, Captain Yamamoto said...

During this period, he was not allowed to leave the jurisdiction of the Ninth Division. From a certain point of view, this was considered a kind of house arrest.

Looking at the Palace of Repentance, Duan Mu frowned slightly.

Bengyu was implanted into Kuchiki Rukia's soul. This kind of implantation is not hiding something in the human body, and it can be taken out by cutting the body open.

Instead, it turns it into a kind of energy like spiritual power, which is fused with the spiritual body of the person who integrates it, and it cannot be taken out even if the body is completely thrown away.

So if you want to take it out, there are only two ways to do it.

The first method is the punishment of double death that Kuchiki Rukia is about to face. With the super-heated destructive power of double death, the "shell" of the soul will be evaporated in an instant, thereby releasing the "internal" foreign matter come out.

The second method is to intervene in the composition of the soul in a certain way and forcibly separate it.

Judging from his own memory, Aizen is most likely in the corridor of the Great Soul Book at this time, studying the technology left by Urahara Kisuke, and wants to find out related research on 'implanting foreign objects into the soul'.

However, the successive changes are very likely to make Aizen take action in advance

Even, he may have used the 'death' Dongxian Yao to hold Beng Yu in his hands, which is why Duan Mu wanted to go to the Palace of Repentance in the first place.

But if that's the case, why didn't he leave?

It's impossible to just say 'the window of the throne of the sky is coming to an end' just to get some hairspray in front of everyone, right?

From this point of view, it is also possible that he has not yet found the related technology of 'extracting soul foreign objects'.

Shaking his head, Duan Mu withdrew his gaze, and didn't look at the Hill of Two Deaths again.

With my current situation, even if I wanted to investigate, it would be impossible. Only when the Seiling Court really broke out, would I have a chance to find another way.

to be frank……

If possible, he really didn't want Lan Ran to get the collapse jade.

The ghost knows whether that dangerous guy will hack himself to death after getting the Bengyu, and he will have no room to resist at that time.


Duan Mu stretched out his hand and touched the knotted part of himself.

It is the same now!

Without further entanglement, Duan Mu took off his clothes and lay down on the bed.

I've been held up with 'knives', and now I'm the captain, what else can I do besides lie flat?

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