After a busy day, Duan Mu soon fell asleep.


He did not sleep for a long time.

Because, the sun has just appeared on the horizon, and the night has not yet been completely dispelled.

In the distant sky, there was a sound of breaking through the sky.

On the street, the members of the [-]th Division who had been searching all night could not help but show exhaustion on their faces.

"It's already dawn after looking for it, where are those travel accidents?"

Zaragi Kenpachi grumbled impatiently, then frowned: "What's the sound?"

During the speech, he followed the sound of breaking the sky and looked.

In the far horizon, a white dot was rapidly expanding, and in the blink of an eye, it had already reached the sky above Sei Ling Ting.

Immediately, it slammed heavily on the soul-obstructing membrane!



Chapter 189 It’s best that no one comes

"come yet?"

Duan Mu stood by the window, looking at the sun-like sphere above Seiritei.

That guy Gansu really dared to follow.

Feeling the familiar atmosphere in the sphere, Duan Mu couldn't help shaking his head.

Unlike the last time, this is the second time he has trespassed on Seireitei. If it weren't for special circumstances, after the incident is over, the Goutei [-]th Division will definitely liquidate him.

But his coming this time should be signaled by Sister Konghe. Since he was allowed to come, Sister Konghe must be sure to save Ganjiu's life.

However, in order to avoid accidents, it is better to keep a close eye on him.


The space trembled, and the spherical super-hard spiritual particle wall in the air gradually dissolved, forming a spiritual particle storm like a vortex.


Whoosh whoosh~~

Four streams of meteors galloped out from the spherical super-hard spirit wall, passed across the sky of Seireitei, and headed towards various areas.



A huge explosion sounded, setting off endless dust soaring into the sky.

"Cough cough cough~ I didn't expect your strange spell... cough..."

Kurosaki Ichigo coughed a few times, spat out the sand in his mouth, and said quite unexpectedly: "It can be useful, or else we would die if we fell from such a height."

"Cough cough cough~~"

Griffin coughed a few times, and said with a sigh of relief: "What is a strange spell? This is my unique skill. The last time I used it was when I fought side by side with Duan Mu on Liuhun Street; if it weren't for me With one move, the Mr. Duan Mu you are talking about might have died in Liuhun Street."


There was a mocking laugh, but it wasn't from Kurosaki Ichigo.

When they realized this, both Kurosaki Ichigo and Shiba Kanju couldn't help but change their expressions, and they followed the laughter.

Almost at the same time as they looked, two figures jumped down from the building.

"I really don't know whether to say bad luck or good luck."

Among them, a young man with a Zanpakuto and a reflective head grinned: "I didn't want to run around with Boss Saraki, so I found a place to be lazy. I didn't expect a prey to fall from the sky."


When he saw the two of them clearly, Griffin's expression changed suddenly: "How can you be so unlucky? You actually met them when you first arrived here."

"Huh? You know them?"

What Ganju said made Kurosaki Ichigo startled.

"Now is not the time to explain, these two guys are beyond our ability to deal with, run away!!"

"Escape? Are you kidding me?"

"Are you an idiot? Even if you don't know them, you should be able to feel that their spiritual power is not that of ordinary Shinigami, right?" Yanjiu said, glanced at the two people, and found that neither of them looked at him, but turned their gazes They were all placed on Kurosaki Ichigo beside him.

"Aren't you ready to come out?"

Madarame looked at Kurosaki Ichigo who was in the bunker, and said impatiently: "I'm not interested in bullying a person who stays in the bunker."

"I've said it all, these two people are very powerful, why don't you believe it?"

Hearing the louder and louder voice of the rock vulture, a vein bulged in the corner of Madarame's eye.

"I'm not afraid of them. The main thing is that both of them are Duan Mu's friends, and Duan Mu is my number one younger brother. If I accidentally hit them hard and break them, I can't explain to Duan Mu. what."

As soon as these words came out, even Ayasegawa who was at the side couldn't help shaking the feather eye decoration on his right eye.


"If you want to run away, run away!"

Kurosaki Ichigo jumped out of the sandpit, stood on the ground and said with a serious expression: "Until I rescue Rukia, I will never run away."

"I really don't know how good-looking that Lukia is, but she made you so desperate."

After saying that, Griffin got up and jumped out of the bunker, but he didn't jump to the side of Madarame, but jumped out from the other side of the bunker, and then...

Just run away!

"I slipped away, if I want to hit you, hit yourself."

As the voice of the voice faded away, the griffon disappeared from the sight of several people as soon as it turned a corner.

But Madarame, who was standing in the same place, bowed to Ayasegawa, as if he didn't see it, but just looked at Kurosaki Ichigo with interest.

"Aren't you going after him?"

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at the two with some doubts. He originally thought that one of them would go after Ganju, but in the end, both of them acted as if Ganju didn't exist, and their eyes were on him from the beginning to the end. .

"The intruder is right in front of my eyes, where do we go after?"

Madarame didn't answer, and Ayasegawa on the side flicked his hair: "After we came here, we only saw you as an intruder, but we didn't see you who only played with sand and fireworks, and dared to invade Seireitei fool."

Didn't see the Griffon? ?

Kurosaki Ichigo was taken aback, and then suddenly remembered what Ganju said just now.

Both of them are friends of Duan Mu.

Thinking of this, Kurosaki Ichigo did not continue to ask, but slowly pulled out the Zanpakuto from behind: "Then, do you all come together, or come one by one?"

"Dont look at me."

Ayase Chuan bowed his lips and said, "I won't interfere in the battle..."


The sound of breaking through the air interrupted Ayasegawa's words, he tilted his head subconsciously, and a big stone flew past his head.

"Hey, that ugly monster with the curly hair and two bird feathers on his face."

Ayasegawa Kyoki turned his head to look, and saw the Ganju who had escaped before, but ran back at some time, and the words in his mouth made the photo of Kyoki go black in an instant.

"What are you looking at? You're talking about you, and you're still fighting against a team. What kind of fighting team is two-on-one?"

Ganju looked at Ayasegawa Koiki's darker and darker face, and couldn't help swallowing. He who hangs out in the tavern every day, naturally knows the strength of Ayasegawa Koki and Madarame Kakaku.

But, to be clear, it is absolutely impossible for him to just throw away his companions and escape alone.

"Asshole, I don't want to talk to you, are you done yet?"

Under the constant stimulation from Ganju, Ayasegawa's patience finally reached its limit, and he cursed: "I really don't understand what you are thinking all day long. If you give you a chance, you should run quickly. This time If you are caught again, even Duan Mu will not be able to protect you."

"Did you really think that Seireitei was Ruukongai? You can just go shopping?"

Ayasegawa really didn't understand why this gang of travelers had already made such a big fuss, why did Ganju still get involved.

He and Madarame have been hanging out in the Master House tavern for so many years. It would be a lie to say that he has no friendship with Ganju, after all, even a dog who has been with him for more than ten years will have some feelings.

Therefore, he and Yijiao planned to ignore this bastard at first, as long as the fact that he invaded Seireitei together with Luka was not exposed, then with Duan Mu's current status in Seireitei, he wanted to secretly send him out of Seireitei afterwards It's not difficult.

If you want to hit him, you can hit him later, because people can't run away anyway.


What they didn't expect was that the bastard had already escaped, but he ran back again.

"Just kidding, whether it's Ruhun Street or Seireitei."

Ganjiu rummaged through his satchel and took out a firework: "There is no place I dare not go."

After finishing speaking, he lit the fireworks in his hand and threw them towards Ayase River.

Ayasegawa didn't care when he saw this, he waved the Zanpakuto in his hand, and before the fireworks came in front of him, he was split in two.


The fireworks split in two, what appeared in it was not gunpowder, but... muddy water!

Accompanied by the collapse of the shell, the muddy water that somehow filled the 'firework' seemed to be crushed... Bow to the Ayase River, gushing out.


With a bang, the whole area fell into silence.


The person who can annoy him all of a sudden is often the friend who knows him best!

But now, Ayasegawa, who was drenched in muddy water, bowed himself, like a volcano about to erupt.

Madarame Kazuki and Kurosaki Ichigo could not help but move aside.

In the next second, Ayase Chuan directly disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he was already in front of Shiba Yanju, and he slashed down with the Zanpakuto in his hand.

The sudden attack startled Gryphon, and instinctively dodged sideways.

boom! !

Zanpakudao sank into the ground, a terrifying Reiatsu erupted, and a straight knife mark spread for more than ten meters.

In this scene, the hands and feet of the griffon were cold.

"Damn it, are you serious!?"


"Hey, hello, dear, handsome guy, wait... I'm just kidding you."

"Shut up, today I will kill you, a traveler who invaded Seireitei, if I say anything today!"


Accompanied by a quarrel, the two gradually moved away.

Kurosaki Ichigo withdrew his gaze, and didn't pay too much attention, because even he could tell that the guy named Gongqin didn't have any killing intentions, otherwise he would have killed the griffon just now.

"The annoying guy is gone, shouldn't we start too?"

Madarame slowly drew out the Zanpakuto from a corner, holding the knife in one hand and the sheath in the other, the whole body's Reiatsu surged crazily at this moment.

"Before we start, can I ask a question?" Kurosaki Ichigo asked suddenly.


"Is the Duan Mu you mentioned in your mouth now in the Seiling Court?"


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