Madarame did not hide a corner, and at the same time as he finished speaking, he stepped on the ground with one foot, and the whole person disappeared in place immediately.


The sound of Jin Tiejiao came out, and the two Zanpakutō collided together.

"But you probably won't have a chance to see him!"


At the same time, the ninth division.

"Captain Duan Mu."

"Good morning, Captain Duan Mu."


Walking in the dormitory of the ninth team, the team members who were facing each other greeted Duan Mu one after another, and Duan Mu also responded one by one.

However, while responding, he stimulated his own detection circuit to the extreme, and locked on Griffin at all times to avoid unexpected changes on him.

If he encounters an enemy that is difficult to resist, even if he violates the order of Captain Yamamoto, Duan Mu will leave the area under the jurisdiction of the ninth division to provide support.

Suddenly, Duan Mu stopped and looked into the distance.

Why is he still fighting with Gongqin?

Duan Mu is not surprised that Kurosaki Ichigo and Ganju will meet Madarame Kazukaku and others, because the eleventh team has been searching in Seireitei since yesterday; and Madarame Kazukaku and the two of them... Hiding while others work has become the norm.

The area under the jurisdiction of the Eleventh Team actually includes Liuhun Street, and these two people will take over the patrol task of Liuhun Street every time, and then go to Duanmu Tavern to drink and fight...

Originally, Duan Mu thought that even if they met, Gansu and Yijiao would not be able to fight.

"never mind."

Duan Mu shook his head, but he didn't care, anyway, it's impossible to kill Griffin by himself, and it's a good thing to let him suffer a bit, so as not to keep causing trouble everywhere.

"Captain Duan Mu."

At this moment, Hisagi Shuhei walked quickly from the team building, and as soon as he came in front of Duan Mu, he said in a solemn tone: "The Technology Development Bureau sent an alarm, and I don't know how to break through the hidden soul. Membrane, now that it has invaded Seireitei, do we have to make some preparations?"


Duan Mu nodded: "Let the soldiers patrol the area under their jurisdiction, but if they find intruders, don't attack rashly; there are people who survived the encounter with Captain Ichimaru Gin during the trip, so attack rashly It is very likely that the team members will be seriously injured."

"So once you find an intruder, ask for support first, and I will rush to the scene as soon as possible."


Hisagi Shuhei responded, then hesitated and said: "From the direction where the brigade disaster fell, we can find out the approximate range of where they landed, and one of them is very close to our jurisdiction. Do you want to send The squadron went to check it out?"

"Don't worry about it, send people there now, but they can't find anyone."

Duan Mu shook his head, what Hisagi Shuhei could discover, naturally he would not have been unaware.

The reason why he said that he couldn't find anyone even when he sent people was because...

The moment the breath fell, it had already disappeared in place and got rid of Duan Mu's tracking.

No matter how Duan Mu searched, he couldn't find where she went.

Among the invaders, it is not difficult to guess who can do this.

——Yeichi of Sifengyuan!

When Duan Mu first found out that she had fallen outside the jurisdiction of the Ninth Division, he thought about going to see her, catch up on the old days, and make friends... Although he and Yeyi have nothing 'old' at all.

In the end, before he could take any action, Ye Yi had already disappeared.

"Can't find anyone?"

Hisagi Shuhei was slightly taken aback.

"The commander-in-chief's order is that all the divisions will guard in their respective jurisdictions. Before finding out the purpose of the group of brigades, don't act rashly for now, lest you be distracted by the enemy."

After Duan Mu finished speaking, he walked straight towards the office building.

The Ninth Division can be said to be the last line of defense to the Confession Palace. Unless Kurosaki Ichigo and others dig a hole underground, they will inevitably pass through the Ninth Division.


In Duan Mu's memory, Kurosaki Ichigo and Ganjiu did indeed punch holes from the ground.

But this point, if you don't say it yourself, who can think of it.

Anyway, as long as he doesn't appear in front of his eyes, he can be regarded as completely ignorant. The entrustment he received is only to guard the area under the jurisdiction of the ninth division, and he is also expressly prohibited from leaving the area under the jurisdiction of the ninth division.

It's best not to come by anyone, and you can worry about it yourself.


Pushing open the door of the captain's office, Duan Mu's footsteps suddenly stopped. Looking at the dark shadow standing on the desk, he froze in place.



1 Ninety Chapter 600...

Turn around and close the door!

As the pressure in the palm surged, a barrier blocking the investigation was formed immediately, wrapping the entire captain's office in it.

"Brother Duan Mu, why are you so nervous, afraid that I will eat you?"

The black shadow on the desk made a joke, lifted the cat's paw to lick it, and then wiped it on his face.

If he didn't know the real identity of this person, Duan Mu might really think that... the black shadow lying on his desk is just a talking black cat.

"No way, there are too many people watching me."

A smile appeared on Duan Mu's face almost instinctively: "Since I entered the Seiling Court through the Konghe cannon, then my current situation, Mr. Ye, you should have heard from Miss Konghe."

Although he didn't know why Ye Yi appeared here, Duan Mu couldn't help but his eyes lit up after seeing Ye Yi.

If you can gain the favorability of this person and make friends with her, then you can also replenish the experience points that are infinitely close to being exhausted.

Ye Yi heard the words, a pair of vertical pupils looked directly at Duan Mu's expression, and a calm and powerful masculine voice came out of his mouth: "But Kong He never told me that you became the captain of the ninth squad."

Although Kong He said that if you need help in Seiling Court, you can come to find Duan Mu, she also believes in Kong He.But for the guy who has only been in contact with him a few times, and who even Kisuke Urahara thinks he hides very deeply.

She really couldn't believe Kong He just because of a word.

Moreover, Kong He didn't tell her that Duan Mu has become the captain of Team Nine now, no, no one in Liuhun Street should know this.

Did Kong He deliberately conceal himself, or did Duan Mu conceal everyone in Liuhun Street, including Kong He?

Of course, these are just the objective reasons why she doesn't believe in Duan Mu.

The subjective reason is simple and straightforward...

Like Kong He, she especially hates this kind of guy who pretends to be a nice guy. She can't figure out what is hidden behind their smiles, and whether she will stab herself in the back when she trusts him!

"I also came to Seireitei yesterday, and was suddenly arranged here."

Duan Mu smiled slightly, and was not annoyed by Ye Yi's suspicion, but patiently narrated what happened after he came to Seiling Court yesterday.

"So strictly speaking, I'm not the captain of the [-]th division, it's just that my master house has received a special commission from the [-]th division of Goutei."

Entrusted to be the captain?

Even though he had thought about many possibilities, Duan Mu's words still made Ye Yi's cat face look very humanely confused.

Although there have been situations in which the captain unfortunately died and the deputy captain acted as the acting captain, this is the first time she has seen such a coquettish operation of recruiting an outsider to be the captain.


Strictly speaking, this coquettish operation seems to be the head of a broken bee.

At first, she felt that an unstable factor like Duan Mu, allowing him to stay in Liuhun Street might destroy the stability of Seireitei, so she simply kept him by her side, allowing him to work for her and facilitate surveillance at the same time.

And what Commander Yamamoto is doing now...

It's exactly the same as the broken bee.

In their eyes, is this kid so easy to use?

"Speaking of which, Master Ye, why did you come to my place?"

Duan Mu chuckled, he did not continue to use honorifics, there is absolutely no need to use honorifics between friends, although not yet, but future friends are also friends!

"I originally planned to go home first, but as soon as I landed, I found that someone in the ninth area had targeted me, and Tosen Kaname was already dead, so I came to see who it was." Yoichi He stood up from the table and stretched lazily: "I didn't expect to see you as soon as I came here."

"I'm done answering, can you also answer my question?"


"Why did you force your way into Room 46?"

Duan Mu glanced at Ye Yi when he heard the words, but did not reply immediately, but looked directly at Ye Yi, a blue halo appeared around the dark pupil.

Seeing this, Ye Yi frowned, but before she could take any action, Duan Mu said:

"Sorry, I need to confirm 'are you you' before I can give an answer."

Hearing this, Ye Yi seemed to have thought of something, a strange look flashed in his eyes, he didn't dodge, but let Duan Mu observe.

However, Duan Mu did not observe much, the halo in his eyes disappeared after his words fell, and then he said:

"You should have heard the reason why I forced my way into Room 46."

Duan Mu paused for a moment: "At the beginning, when Awanmen Nayula, who is now my sister-in-law, came to me, she said that she suspected something happened to Room 46 of Mao, and then I took her to Room 46 of Mao. , and was finally hit hard by Captain Dongxian Kao."

"It's a widely circulated saying."

"But in fact……"

"Before Nayura came to me, I had faintly noticed that something was wrong with Mao's Room 46, and the cause was because of Kuchiki Rukia who went to the present world."

"When she disappeared in the real world, the supervision team and the Technology Development Bureau submitted the report together, but the answer given by Room 46 was uncharacteristically. It just ordered the supervision team to always pay attention to the present world; Go investigate."

"If that's the case, it can be explained that Room 46 Mao didn't want to deal with Kuchiki Rukia's major violation of discipline because of the four nobles. But then they refused to send the thirteenth squad on the grounds that 'her whereabouts are unknown' Someone went to replace her application, at that time I vaguely felt that there was something different in Mao Room 46, and there was someone to suspect."

"I don't know if Store Manager Urahara has told you that when I first came to Ruhun Street and my strength was still weak, many people had secretly observed me and even manipulated me behind the scenes, causing me to fall into some dangerous situations."

"It's just that when my strength became stronger, these secret observations disappeared."

Duan Mu's words can be said to be true or false. For those who have observed him secretly, Duan Mu has never stopped investigating.

But as he said, when his strength became stronger, those observations disappeared without a trace, making it impossible for Duan Mu to continue to investigate.

However, he didn't pay too much attention to it.

The guy who can only secretly observe him when his own strength is weak has already shown that the opponent's strength is not as strong as Aizen's, or that the opponent does not want to be traced to 'TA' by himself now.

"So after I entered Seireitei, I have never stopped investigating, and I even learned from the secret maneuver...about the defection process between you and Kisuke Urahara, Ms. Yoruichi, and from the old team members who experienced that incident. I learned the excuse of Urahara's store manager at that time."

"In the end, we locked on a target and started close contact with it."

"The more I get in touch with him, the more I can feel his danger."

"But it has been uncertain until after the incident of forcibly breaking into Room 46 of Mao."

"The person who severely injured me outside Mao 46 at that time was not Tōsenyo."


"Captain of the Fifth Division, Aizen Soyousuke!"

Ye Yi took a deep look at Duan Mu when she heard the words, her heart was full of surprise, she really never thought that someone in Seiling Court would notice Aizen's strangeness.

And just through these fragmentary information, the investigation has reached this level.

But she doesn't know...

Duan Mu completely reversed the process when he knew the result, so that it became reasonable for him to know the result.

And the reason why he did this...

The purpose is extremely pure!

It is to gain Ye Yi's trust, and thus gain the opportunity to make friends with him.

Of course, it was just an opportunity.

If you want to further gain the friendship of the other party, this kind of carefulness is completely useless, and it is easy to be self-defeating.

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