It is far worse to contact and communicate with each other sincerely.

"Moreover, Room 46 of Maoyang is not as widely spread. There are still a few judges and councilors left, but they have all been wiped out." After Duan Mu said, he sighed slightly: "It's just this, even if I say If you go out, no one will believe it, so you can only pretend that you don’t know anything.”

"It's not true."

Ye nodded: "At the beginning, Kisuke also talked about Aizen in Room 46, but neither Mao Room 46 nor Captain Yamamoto believed what he said; It may be because he is too strong, but he is negligent in the details."

"Before really grasping Aizen's flaws, rashly speaking about Aizen may end up in the same fate as Kisuke and I."

[Sifengyuan Yeyi's favorability +1, gain 600 experience points, current favorability: 1]

600 points! ?

Duan Mu's eyes lit up, this has reached nearly twice the level of sympathy of Captain Broken Bee.

As expected, he is indeed the former head of the Sifengyuan family!

The system prompt in his mind made the serious and heavy expression on Duan Mu's face unstoppable, and he was almost overjoyed.

Duan Mu looked at Ye Yi who was lost in thought, and couldn't help muttering in his heart.

think carefully……

It seems that I really don't know Ye Yi's preferences very well.

Although I met Yeyi once at the Urahara store, there was basically no conversation with him that time, and the second time I went...Yeichi had already left to play, and naturally there was no chance to make friends with him.

So Duan Mu's understanding of Ye Yi is entirely based on the information in his memory.

In addition, she had already left Soul Soul Realm a hundred years ago, even in Seireitei there is no detailed information about her preferences.

The only thing Duan Mu knows is...

She can eat very well.

Just when Duan Muzai was thinking about whether to let the cafeteria cook a rich lunch for Ye Yi, Ye Yi suddenly said: "About Mao's room 46, I will go home first, and then go to investigate."

"And during this time..."

Ye Yi looked up at Duan Mu: "Try to pay more attention to those boys who came with me."

"I'm not very good at tracking Bindao, but you should be very good at it."

Ye Yi clearly remembers...

Duan Mu, who was still weak at the beginning, used his improved binding method to lock Urahara Kisuke when he first went to the present world.

From this point, it is enough to see his attainments in binding the Tao.


strictly speaking……

Ye Yi's gaze towards Duan Mu became a little strange. Although this little ghost came to Soul Soul Realm not long ago, his mastery of the four skills of the god of death's "Fist Slashing and Ghost Walking" was so strong that she felt incredible.

Because this is not something that can be done simply by a strong spiritual pressure, such as Kurosaki Ichigo...

After awakening, he can't even use the most basic spiritual power to release ghosts when the strength of his spiritual pressure is infinitely close to the captain level. It took him a day and a night to barely master the use of a spiritual power core.

It can be said……

He basically has no talent at all in the way of ghosts, teaching him the way of ghosts is a waste of time.

However, on the contrary, he has a very strong talent in slashing skills. In the past ten days, during the uninterrupted fight with Kisuke Urahara, Kurosaki Ichigo's skills in slashing skills can be "improved by leaps and bounds". Four words to describe.

But in Seiling Court, there are actually not a few people who are as biased as he is.

On the contrary, a guy like Duan Mu who is so comprehensive and has extremely high attainments in every item is extremely rare in the world of corpses and souls.

People like him are basically veteran captains who have lived for a long time.

Even those who have become captains in the past century, most of them only have certain attainments in one or two of them.

Among these captains, the one most similar to Kurosaki Ichigo.

no doubt……

It is the captain of the [-]th team, Saragi Kenpachi!

And the reason why this happens is entirely because skills such as Fist Slashing and Ghost Walking require long years of study and accumulation before they can have certain attainments.

of course……

The main reason is also because in the Shinigami system, the strength of the spiritual pressure is fundamental, and the combat skills can only gain a huge advantage when the spiritual pressure is similar.

Therefore, except for those veteran captains who have developed Reiatsu and Zanpakuto to the extreme, other people should pay more attention to strengthening Reiatsu and developing Zanpakuto abilities than Zanken Kisou.

Because of this, the ability shown by Duan Mu makes her feel unbelievable.

If it is said that the captain most similar to Kurosaki Ichigo in Soul World is Saragi Kenpachi, then the captain most similar to Duangi in Yoruichi's Aizen Soyousuke.

Whether it's character or mastery of fighting skills.

and also……

With the change in his eyes just now, Ye Yi, who was seen by him, felt inexplicably locked in at that moment.

Rather than being locked, it is better to say that the sense of self-existence is infinitely magnified at the moment of being watched.

Even though Duan Mu was staring at him, there was a feeling that his attention was not on him.

Is it a self-created bondage?

"If it's just tracking, I can still do it."

Duan Mu pondered for a while: "But what danger they encountered, I have no way to leave here and go to help them."

"My current situation sounds like an acting captain, but in fact it is no different from house arrest, and I can't leave the Jiufan District privately."

"It's impossible for me to put myself in danger for some strangers because of you, Master Ye, so unless Brother Ganjiu is in danger, I will absolutely not leave the jurisdiction of the Ninth Division."

"Of course, if they come to Jiufan District, it's another matter."


Ye Dian nodded: "That's all right!"

If Duan Mu agreed straight away, she would be suspicious instead.

After all, Duan Mu didn't know Kurosaki Ichigo and others at all, and he didn't know the purpose of their coming to Soul Soul World, so how could he help them at the risk of being punished by Captain Yamamoto.

Unless you have ulterior motives!


Chapter 191 Beware of Travel Disaster

"...The third seat of the [-]th Division, Madarame Ikaku, and the fifth seat of the [-]th Division, Ayasegawa. The above two officers withdrew from the battle line due to serious injuries."

In the captain's office of the Ninth Division, Hisagi Shuhei reported the information obtained from the vice-captain meeting: "A corner of Madarame was seriously injured, but it was not life-threatening, and Ayasegawa Komi was said to have basically recovered, and now the two They are all being treated at the general ambulance.”

"The detailed loss reports of each team are still being further counted, but the information received about the [-]th team is the few hours after the brigade disaster invasion, all the [-]th team members are almost the entire army overwhelmed."

"According to Sanshi Iemura Yasuochiwa of the [-]th Division, there are currently three confirmed travelers who are divided into two teams, and two of them are moving towards the Palace of Repentance."

"One of them is wearing a Shiba outfit, has orange hair, and is holding a very large Zanpakutō."

"As for the person who defeated Ayase Chuan Goshi, according to Ayase Chuan Goshi's original words, that bastard has been carrying out despicable sneak attacks in secret. He didn't see the physical characteristics of the sneak attacker."

Hisagi Shuhei reported the information obtained in one breath, and said solemnly: "If there are no accidents, those three travelers may soon come to the jurisdiction of our ninth squad."

"Well, I see."

Duan Mu nodded calmly, but felt a little helpless in his heart.

What about Hanataro?

Why doesn't this guy lead the way?


This is actually quite normal, because compared with what I remember, the time and place of the invasion by Kurosaki Ichigo and others have changed.

Duan Mu felt amazing just meeting them in one corner, if he could still meet Hanataro Yamada as he remembered...

There is no reason to suspect that Hua Taro sent himself to the two of them on purpose in order to help them rescue Rukia.

That being said.

But this may not be completely absent, because during the more than a month when Rukia was imprisoned in the cell of the No. It is easy to treat each other as a friend.

Shaking his head slightly, Duan Mu didn't hesitate.

Anyway, if a few people come to the Jiuban District, they can perform the duties of the captain by themselves. Except for Kurosaki Ichigo, there is no need for the rest of the people to leave.

Otherwise, a group of travelers accidentally entered the Jiufan District, but I didn't catch any of them, and it would be difficult for old man Yamamoto to explain.

"At this time, all members of the fourth division have been dispatched to treat the soldiers scattered in various parts of Seireitei. It is said that apart from Madarame Kazuki and Ayasegawa, other division officers were severely injured by the invading traveler."

Hisagi Shuhei had an extremely heavy expression on his face. Although Madarame Kazuki was not the vice-captain, most of the vice-captains knew his strength very well.

Being able to defeat Luka in the corner of Madarame shows that he also has at least the level of vice-captain of Goutei [-]th Division.

clang clang clang~~

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door of the captain's room.


Duan Mu responded casually.

A team member then opened the door and walked in, and said in a respectful tone: "Report to the captain, there is a fourth-rank team member named 'Yamada Hanataro' outside the team building, asking to see you."

What is he doing here?

Duan Mu was slightly taken aback, he was still wondering why Hua Taro was not kidnapped just now, but he didn't expect to hear his name so soon.

"He's my friend, just bring him in."


The team members were not surprised when they heard the words. Although they didn't know Hanataro Yamada, but after Duan Mu suddenly parachuted into their captain, the team members of the ninth team carefully inquired about Duan Mu's previous experience.

So it is very clear that before Duan Mu came to the ninth team, he had been working in the comprehensive ambulance station of the fourth team, and it is normal to know the people of the fourth team.

After the soldiers retreated, it didn't take long for a young man with a nervous expression and a timid look to walk in.

Hisagi Shuhei glanced at the visitor, bowed to Duan Mu and said, "Captain Duan Mu, I'm going down first."



When Hisagi Shuhei led the team to leave, he closed the door very intimately.


Looking at Duan Mu sitting behind the desk, Hanataro Yamada was obviously a little cautious.

Although Duan Mu is still wearing the same black overalls for more than ten years, but now Duan Mu is no longer what he used to be, but one of the captains of the Goutei [-]th Division who has the same status as Captain Unohana.

"Don't be so restrained, don't say it's just a temporary captain, even if I'm the official captain, I'm still a member of the general rescue center, just as usual."

Duan Mu smiled and comforted.

Looking at that familiar and very friendly smile, the tension in Yamada Hanataro's heart dissipated a little, but it was inevitable that he was still a little cautious.

"Duan Mu first... no, Captain Duan Mu, that... I..."

"Sit down first."

Duan Mu got up and sat down on the only sofa in the middle of the room, pointed to the opposite side: "Don't treat me as the captain, just call me like before."

Yamada Hanataro hesitated when he heard the words, but finally sat opposite Duan Mu.

If he was facing other captains, he would not dare to do so, but Duan Mu is different, because a long time ago... even before Duan Mu entered the Seiling Court, he had already known Duan Mu, and he has always been in love with Duan Mu. I am following Duan Mu to learn the Dao.

It's just that Duan Mu suddenly became the captain, which made him a little uncomfortable.


Yamada Hanataro opened his mouth, hesitated for a long time but did not say what he wanted to say.

Duan Mu carefully observed his expression, and then said: "You came to me... for Rukia Kuchiki?"


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