Yamada Hanataro was startled, then nodded and said: "Yes...but, Mr. Duanmu, how do you know?"

"Haha, Yongyin told me that after Lucia was captured, you were arrested by the members of the Sixth Division for a period of time to clean up the cells of the Sixth Division. For this reason, she originally planned to go with the Sixth Division After some discussion with the team, they found out that you took the initiative to go to the Sixth Division as soon as you finished working every day for that month. After she inquired about it, she gave up her plan to stand up for you. "

At the end, Duan Mu couldn't help being a little speechless.

Because the person who brought Hanataro to the sixth team to clean up was not the captain and vice-captain of the sixth team, not even the chairman...

That is to say, Yamada Hanataro, the majestic seventh seat of the fourth division, was brought to the sixth division by an ordinary team member of the sixth division to clean up... The team member didn't even know the identity of Yamada Hanataro, he was just Because this kid looks easy to bully.

"Miss Rukia is a very kind person...she..."

"If you want me to save her, then I can only say sorry."

Duan Mu shook his head and interrupted Hanataro Yamada: "Her decision was made by Room 46, and even Captain Yamamoto couldn't change it. Even if I intercede for her, it won't do anything."

Hearing this, Hanataro Yamada's expression suddenly turned dark.

Of course, he was very clear about what Duan Mu said. He came here just with the idea of ​​giving it a try. After all, in the entire Seireitei... Mr. Duan Mu can be said to be the only one who dares to resist Mao Room 46. Maybe he There is a way to rescue... or prevent Miss Rukia from being executed.

Yamada Hanataro took out a small book similar to a passbook from his pocket, and tentatively asked, "That... Is it okay to entrust?"

"Feel sorry."

Duan Mudao: "You also understand the rules of Wanshiwu. I will not accept the commission that conflicts with the 'consignment in progress' until the commission in progress is completed. This is a kind of respect for customers. And saving Lu Qi Ya has a conflict with my current commission, so I really can't help you with this matter."

Yamada Hanataro nodded when he heard this. He did not continue to pester, but bowed to Duan Mu: "Sorry, Mr. Duan Mu... I will go back first."


Duan Mu nodded, got up and sat back at the desk, and said softly while approving the documents: "Be careful when you go back, I just received information here that three travelers are coming towards the Repentance Palace; one of them The person is dressed in a deadly costume, looks like a high school student, and has short orange hair."

"It is said that the three of them came from the present world. Why they came here is still unclear, but it is said that their destination is the Palace of Repentance where Rukia Kuchiki was imprisoned. Well... at this time they are in the midst of the nineteenth century. Fan team left, and it would take a few hours to reach the Jiu Fan District at a position of [-] kilometers to the southeast."

Yamada Hanataro, who was planning to leave, was taken aback for a moment, because he only needed to go to the west direction to return to the general rescue center from the [-]th squadron, and there was no need to go through the southeast direction at all. coming disaster.

Mr. Duan Mu’s reminder is not necessary at all...


Wearing a deadly costume, looking like a high school student, with short orange hair?

Some stories that Kuchiki Rukia had told him suddenly appeared in Yamada Hanataro's mind, and most of the protagonists in those stories were human high school students with orange hair.

"However, you don't have to be too afraid. With me here, as long as they dare to appear in the area under the jurisdiction of the Ninth Division, I will definitely keep them here, unless they can make a hole underground."

Duan Mu looked at Hanataro Yamada who was standing there stupidly, afraid that he didn't understand, he couldn't help adding another sentence.

Hearing this, Hanataro Yamada's eyes lit up.

"Mr. Duan Mu!"

"If there is nothing else, you should return to the Fourth Division as soon as possible. Be careful on the way back, so as not to be hijacked."

"Yes, I will return to the fourth squad!"

Yamada Hanataro replied excitedly, then turned around and ran outside.

Watching Huataro leave, Duan Mu lowered his head and continued to process the documents on the desk.

The morning was fleeting.

It only took one morning from the invasion of the travel disaster in the early morning, but in this short morning, the [-]th Division of the Guardian Court suffered heavy losses.

Every hour, Hisagi would come to report to Duanmu the latest progress of the Brigade's invasion.

About two hours after Hanataro left, Hisagi sent news that a member of the [-]th squad was hijacked by two brigades. At this time, the two brigades disappeared completely without a trace where.

After reporting this matter, Hisagi Shuhei looked at Duan Mu with a slightly strange gaze.

Because Hanataro was hijacked by Luka just after leaving here, no matter how you think about it, this is too coincidental.

the most important is……

The Fourth Division was not in the direction he was going at all.


at the same time.

In the sewer directly below Jiufan District, three figures were walking along the sewer towards the Palace of Repentance.

"Hataro, is it really okay for you to help us like this?"

Ganjiu looked at Huataro who was leading the way, and said in a worried tone: "You are different from me, you are the Shinigami of the Goutei [-]th Division. If it gets out, you will definitely be held accountable."

He is naturally no stranger to Duan Mu's follower, Yamada Hanataro.

When Duan Mu had not obtained the Tongting Certificate, he often took Hua Taro around Liuhun Street to treat people.


Hua Taro shook his head: "Mr. Duan Mu asked me to come to you."

Duan Mu?

Hearing this name, Ganju and Kurosaki Ichigo looked at each other, and couldn't help but their eyes lit up.

"Where is Duan Mu? That guy hasn't heard from him since he came to Seiling Court yesterday morning. Could it be that he was arrested again?"

"Probably not. After I fought with that guy named Yijiao, he told me that Mr. Duan Mu is currently in the Jiufan district, but he didn't suggest that I go there."

It was not Hanataro who answered him, but Kurosaki Ichigo on the side.

"Jiufan district?" Ganjiu was taken aback when he heard this.


Hua Taro nodded: "After Mr. Duan Mu came to Seireitei yesterday, he accepted the entrustment of the captain and made him the captain of the ninth division. During this period, he is not allowed to leave the range of the ninth division, and he must not Let anyone go to the Palace of Repentance through the Ninth Division."

"I also don't recommend that you two go to the Jiufan District."

After Huataro finished speaking, as if he was afraid that the two of them would not understand, he explained: "It's not that Mr. Duan Mu will hurt you, but his own situation is not very good. If you are allowed to pass through Jiufan District, it is very likely that you will be hurt." He was held accountable by Captain Yamamoto and Mao Room 46."

"You don't need to explain."

Yanjiu chuckled: "I know Duan Mu's character better than you, and I also know that going to Jiufan District now will bring him trouble."

He was not particularly surprised that Duan Mu became the captain, because with Duan Mu's strength, he is fully qualified to be the captain of Goutei [-]th Division!

Kurosaki Ichigo on the side nodded, just like Ishida didn't go to see his grandfather, he and others are intruders, and those who come into contact with him and others will inevitably be punished by the Soul Society.


"You just said, what's the matter with Mr. Duan Mu asking you to come to us?"

"It was Mr. Duan Mu who told me that you were 80 kilometers away from the southeast after you left the ninth team."

"Moreover, Mr. Duan Mu also told me that if you pass through Jiufan District, he will not let you leave easily unless you dig a hole in the ground." Yamada Huataro said, smiling slightly: "I will think of It is precisely because of Mr. Duan Mu's words that I took you down the sewer."

"Actually, Mr. Duan Mu also wanted to save Lucia, because Miss Lucia once told me that Mr. Duan Mu is her very good friend. But because of his status, it is not convenient for him to save Lucia himself. Miss, that’s why you secretly instructed me to come and lead you.”

Kurosaki Ichigo was a little surprised when he heard this: "Did he always know where we are?"

"I'm not too sure about this, but with Mr. Duan Mu's strength, he should know, otherwise he wouldn't have hinted that I came to look for you."

Yamada Hanataro shook his head.


"...The fourth seat of the Seventh Division, Yiguanbanciloufang, whose whereabouts are unknown, has been found. Although his life is not in danger, his knot has been severely damaged. It is said that he may lose his spiritual power because of it."

In the captain's room of Division [-], Hisagi Shuhei reported the latest information.

"The younger brother of Sidanfang?"

Duan Mu nodded, although he has a good relationship with Si Danfang, but he doesn't have a good impression of his younger brother Duan Mu.

Because Duan Mu had received a supervision order against him when he was working in the supervision team.

Typical bully and fear of evil, despicable personality, completely incomparable with his brother Si Danfang.

In a way, it is a good thing for such a guy to lose the ability of God of Death, so as not to be thrown into the nest of maggots by the supervisory team in the future.

"I know...huh?"

Duan Mu frowned, and turned his head to look at the edge of the Ninth Division's jurisdiction.

How did he come to Team Nine?

Isn't the leader of the Beijing band from the eighth team there?

"Captain Duan Mu, what's wrong?"

Shuhei Hisagi at the side asked in a group.

"It's nothing, it's just that a traveler entered our jurisdiction."

Duan Mu replied casually, then took the captain haori that was prepared for him, put it on and walked outside.

Travel disaster?

Hisagi Shuhei was startled when he heard the words, then his expression changed, and he hurriedly followed.


Chapter 192 I will do it myself...


After climbing up the long steps, Chadu Yasutora turned his head and glanced behind him.

This place is already on the high ground of Seireitei, standing here and looking down, you can almost have a panoramic view of everything around you.

Turning around slowly, Cha Du raised his head and looked at the white tower that had become clearer in the distance. According to his previous investigation, the white tower was the palace of repentance where Kuchiki Rukia was imprisoned.

"Ichigo, Ishida... they should have arrived."

Not long ago, he had felt Ichigo's Reiatsu aura, but before he could join him, Ichigo disappeared again, and he was stopped in place by the constant stream of death.

So aside from Ishida and Inoue, Ichigo and the guy named Ganju should be in front of him, and they have even reached the bottom of the white tower at the highest point.

I have to speed up myself!

After making up his mind, Chadu Taihu didn't waste any time and ran along the wide road towards the White Tower.


Just after running a few steps, his figure was shocked.


Looking around, I saw a figure walking slowly at the end of the empty street.

This figure is a male youth, who looks about 20 years old, with a handsome appearance.

But he's dressed...

But it made Cha Du Taihu's eyes show doubts.

Because the young man walking towards him was not wearing the same Shiba outfit as Ichigo like other shinigami, but wearing black overalls that looked like some kind of uniform, and the feet were not straw sandals, but a pair of shaped Sophisticated tall boots.

The whole person looks a bit out of place with the surrounding environment, giving people the feeling that they are more like people in this world, rather than residents of the soul world.

Over the black overalls was a set of sleeveless white feathers with the character 'nine' on the back, which fluttered as it walked.

grim Reaper?aborigines?

Looking at the young man who was getting closer, Cha Du Taihu's eyes became more and more suspicious.

Because the more you look at each other, the less he looks like a god of death, and the most important thing is...

The opponent, like himself, is unarmed and does not hold Zanpakuto.

"Sorry, that's where the duty lies."

The young man did not approach, but stopped ten meters away, and said calmly: "The front is not a place you can go."

"By the way, let me introduce myself. I am the temporary captain of the ninth division of the thirteenth division of Gotei."

team leader! ?

When Chadu Taihu heard this, his eyes suddenly became serious. It was the first time he met a leader of the thirteenth division of Goutei during his journey.

Not long ago, although he met a guy who claimed to be the assistant of the third lieutenant of the Eighth Division, he sent him away with a punch...it didn't waste much of his time.

As for the young man in front of him who calls himself 'Captain'...

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