He didn't really care much.

Because the feeling the other party gave him was not even as good as the third assistant he met not long ago...

"Excuse me, I have something urgent to do, can you let me go?"

Although Chadu Yasutora didn't think that the captain of Goutei [-]th Division would be weaker than the third seat, but no matter what the opponent's real strength was, he would pass here to join Ichigo and the others.

"If you haven't entered the jurisdiction of the Ninth Division, I actually hope that you can go back the same way, so that I can save a little trouble."

Duan Mu looked at Chadu Taihu and shook his head slightly: "It's a pity that you entered the ninth district. Within the scope of my duties, it is absolutely impossible for me to let you leave."


Chadu Taihu frowned.



After the words were finished, Chadu Taihu didn't have any extra nonsense at all, and there was a violent wave of spiritual pressure on the right arm with red lines on the black background.

A strangeness flashed in Duan Mu's eyes, and he had to admit that any one of Kurosaki Ichigo's companions could be described as a "genius" if he were to be placed in Seireitei.

If I remember correctly, it has only been about a month since the awakening of Chadu Taihu's power, but the spiritual pressure he erupted at this time has reached... the level comparable to that of the vice-captain!

Innate talent linked to it?


In the next moment, a majestic fist pressure composed entirely of spiritual pressure came crashing down.

From a distance, it looks like a huge energy column, starting from Chadu Taihu's right fist, and smashing towards Duanmu!

In the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of Duan Mu.


Faced with this powerful blow, Duan Mu did not dodge, but stood there dumbfounded as if he had been frightened.

This scene made Chadu Taihu frowned, and he couldn't help wondering if the other party was pretending to be the 'captain' to scare him.

Thinking of this, he restrained his strength almost instinctively.

However, what happened in the next second caused his pupils to shrink sharply.

"The Eighth Binding Dao Rejection!"

A soft chant came out, obviously the sound wasn't too loud, but it reached Chadu Taihu's ears very clearly.

Duan Mu swung the back of his right hand like a fly, seemingly slowly, but in fact, in the blink of an eye, the back of his hand collided with the surging spiritual pressure.


The spirit seeds flew, and the majestic energy column scattered in front of Duan Mu like countless fireflies.

how is this possible! ?

Looking at the starlight transformed by the spirit seeds all over the sky, Cha Du Taihu's eyes showed shock.

Although his punch has restrained its strength, its power has reached the point of extreme terror. The god of death encountered before, whether it is an ordinary soldier or a guy who claims to be an officer, will collapse under his fist.

But now, all this is reversed!

"It's a good punch, but it's not a good habit to restrain your strength in battle."

Duan Mu swept his palm and walked towards Chadu Taihu.

Although the form of power is very interesting, Duan Mu is not very interested in studying the technique of completion.

the most important is……

Today's Chadu Taihu does not pose any threat to him at all. Although Duan Mu likes to fight, it depends on whether the other party can bring interest to him.

A unilateral crushing battle is not a fight, but a massacre!

Seeing Duan Mu walking towards him, Chadu Taihu woke up from the shock, and didn't care to be surprised by what he saw before.

Swiping the soles of his feet back and bending his body forward, he followed Mr. Yeyi's instruction to put on a punching posture.


At this moment, the spiritual pressure around him was even more aroused by him to the extreme.

The previous slight look, after the blow just now, is of course gone. Although I don't know why the opponent's aura feels so ordinary, but when he walked towards him...Chadu Yasuo felt a kind of breath from the soul. Trembling from deep to the surface of the body.

Even the fine hairs stood up at this moment, as if he had encountered some unknown creature, which made his body instinctively feel fear!

This kind of fear cannot be suppressed by relying on one's own consciousness alone!

Because it's not so much a biological gap as it feels more like...

Dimensional gap!

Cold sweat ran down his forehead, obviously the other party didn't make a move, just walked towards him unhurriedly like shopping.


Trembling, uncontrollable!

As the opponent approached, his courage to punch was gradually fading.

da da da da da ~~

The sound of black high boots stepping on the ground became louder and louder.

Can't wait any longer! !

Cha Du Yatsumori had a feeling that if the opponent got closer to him, he would completely lose the courage to punch and could only let the opponent deal with it.


The sound of explosion came out, and Chadu Taihu stepped forward, where the soles of his feet landed, the white rock floor exploded.

Twist and punch.

All in one go!


The moment the fist was swung, the air dispersed, forming a short vacuum.

In the next second, a deafening roar resounded through the sky!



A flash of surprise flashed in Duan Mu's eyes. The fact that Chadu Yayotora was able to punch back under his own pressure was indeed somewhat beyond Duan Mu's expectations.


Still too weak!

The fist pressure came in an instant, but Duan Mu ignored it and took a light step forward.


The muffled sound of physical impact came out, this time Duan Mu not only didn't dodge, he didn't even use the Dao binding, he just met the blow directly with his chest.


The sound of crisp footsteps came out slowly.

At this moment, the whole world seemed to have been pressed the mute button, and the shock caused by this punch disappeared silently.

The sudden transition from extremely dynamic to extremely quiet made everyone who witnessed this scene feel a sense of disobedience in their hearts.

No trouble~

Chadu Taitora maintained the posture of punching, his pupils were already filled with shock.


The strength of the opponent has reached the point where he can't even understand it.

He didn't even know how the opponent blocked his blow, let alone...why this person was so strong.


Duan Mu paused, raised his right hand, and gradually moved his five fingers together.

"That's how it works!"

After the words were finished, the airflow visible to the naked eye converged towards Duan Mu's clenched fist in the form of mist, and as it moved, it formed a strong wind like a vortex.

Step, punch!


On the ground within a range of more than ten meters, accompanied by the crisp sound of 'cracking', cobweb-like cracks appeared centered on the section of wood, spreading all the way to the distance.

Whether it is a wall or a building exterior!

Chadu Taihu only felt that Duan Mu's punch expanded in his field of vision, as if it replaced the whole world.

Death, so close!


The explosion covered all the sounds, almost resounding throughout Seireitei!

Looking down from a high altitude, I saw a huge shadow of a fist galloping out from the high ground where the Ninth Division was located. Although the fist was translucent like mist, it was extremely swift and swift, leaving endless gunpowder smoke wherever it passed.

From a distance, it looks as if a real plane has passed over Seireitei, leaving long traces.

A strand of hair danced wildly.

Chadu Taihu's neck was a little stiff and he turned his head to look back, only to see that the original wide main road had been replaced by a huge ditch, spreading all the way to the edge of the high ground, passing through the void and hitting the invisible soul-obstructing membrane Let the surface of the soul-cloaking membrane ripple like the surface of water.

Can not stop for a long time.

This punch did not hit him, but passed by his side, and even in order to avoid affecting himself, the opponent chose a higher position.

Although I don't know why the other party did this, but if the punch fell on me just now, then...

I am dead!

"That punch just now was not bad."

Duan Mu's voice came from beside his ear: "Did Master Ye teach you?"

Mr. Ye Yi?

Hearing Duan Mu mentioning Ye Yi's name, Chadu Taihu was taken aback for a moment, and turned his head inexplicably to look at Duan Mu who was shorter than him in front of him.

"Her white fight is indeed very strong, but it may not be suitable for you."

Duan Mu shook his head slightly: "Remember the feeling of that punch just now. In comparison, your attack style is actually more similar to mine, or in other words... it is more inclined to Xu's fighting style."


Chadu Taihu looked at Duan Mu in front of him, and was about to say something.

But in the next second, his body bent down, and his whole body became immobile at this moment.

"61 of Binding Dao: Six Sticks of Light Prison."

The whisper in his ear made Chadu Yasutora subconsciously look at the index finger on his chest.

Duan Mu withdrew his hand and turned his head to look backward: "Come here, give him a pair of handcuffs to suppress the spiritual pressure, and then send him to the cell. Just lock him up, and we still need to get information from him."


Respectful voices came from all directions, and figures quickly came towards this side.

Everyone among them looked at Duan Mu with deep awe.

Although after Duan Mu became their captain, they also learned something about Duan Mu from various channels.

But the rumors are not as good as the sights.

Captain Duan Mu's punch just now, let alone Chadu Taihu, who was close at hand, even those of them who were hiding in the dark and observing, felt indescribable horror in their hearts.

Several team members came to Chadu Taitora and handcuffed him with the handcuffs that suppressed the Reiatsu.

"team leader……"

Hisagi Shuhei came to Duan Mu, looked behind Duan Mu, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

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