The original clean and level road...

At this time, there was nothing left, and the gunpowder smoke in the void gradually dissipated at this moment.

This made him hesitate, should he remind Captain Duan Mu that the repair costs...according to the rules of the Goutei [-]th division, it cannot be repaired entirely with the division's funds.

Because in order to prevent the captain from arbitrarily using his powerful destructive power, the captain has a rule that for any damage caused by the captain's battle, half of the repair costs will be borne by the team's funds, and the other half will be borne by the captain who caused the damage...

This rule was actually promulgated to prevent Captain Saragi Kenpachi from messing around. Other captains would basically not use destructive and powerful moves in Seireitei unless necessary.

And Captain Saraki...

As he often gets lost, he tends to choose the shortest path.

To put it bluntly, it is to look in one direction and walk in a straight line, and then take everything you encounter on the road, whether it is a wall or a building...

Flatten everything!

Since then, the captain has issued this new rule.

Duan Mu didn't know Hisagi's thoughts beside him, but he glanced at Chadu Yasutora who was taken away by the soldiers.

If it is said that the Ginjō and the two that he has met before are more inclined to Quincy and Shinigami, the feeling Chadu Taitora in front of him is actually more similar to Xu.

Whether it is the means of attack or the way of using Reiatsu.

When he threatened with spiritual pressure earlier, he didn't hold back. According to Duan Mu's prediction, it was impossible for Chadu to fight back, and he would directly restrain him with the binding method.

But now it seems...

Among Kurosaki Ichigo's group, the only guy who didn't impress him too much is also not simple, but the people around him are too special... On the contrary, he seems a bit ordinary.

That punch was really good!

Duan Mu faintly felt the feeling that Uzhi Hualie might have felt when facing his own provocation.

Weak, but to be expected.

That's why he punched that punch!

Shaking his head slightly, Duan Mu didn't care too much about it, it was fair and reasonable to punch for punch!

"Let's go."

Duan Mu said something to Hisagi beside him, but found that he was looking at the road behind with a troubled expression.

"what happened?"

"This one……"

Hisagi Shuhei hesitated after hearing this, but finally decided to tell the truth... Mainly because with his salary, there was absolutely no way he could help Duanmu fill this hole.


Duan Mu blinked: "Say it again."


Hisagi Shuhei gritted his teeth slightly, recounted the rules, then looked at Duan Mu who was sluggishly standing there, and asked:

"Captain, shall we go back and prepare now?"

"Go back to the fart!!"

Duan Mu's face darkened in an instant: "Are you ready? I haven't received a dime of the entrustment fee so far, and you still let me pay for it? What are you kidding, I'm fighting for Sei Ling Ting!"


The corner of Hisagi Shuhei's mouth twitched slightly, and he didn't speak sensibly. He had been watching the previous battle. The battle could be solved by binding the Tao, but Captain Duan Mu used...a punch to destroy the surrounding streets and walls. , and even houses.



Duan Mu sighed slightly, took off the captain's feathers and threw it to Hisagi: "Go back and ask some people to bring some tools back. I'll stay here and clean up the garbage first."


"I mean……"

"I'll fix it myself!!"


Chapter 193: Who is lying flat?


With the sound of friction, the heavy door slowly opened.

Outside the gate, a figure lying in the shadows lifted his hat: "Handsome, how are you?"

"Well, relying on the method Ye Yi taught me, it's easy to break the seal."

Accompanied by the voice, a gray-haired middle-aged man slowly walked out of the gate with a shield in one hand and a stick-shaped object in the other.

If Duan Mu is here, he will find...

This figure is obviously Ukitake Shishiro who has been on sick leave and has not participated in any meetings.

Hearing this, the person lying in the shadow slowly got up, revealing his unique colorful cloak: "Tsk tsk, no matter what, the news sent by Yeyi still makes me feel a little unbelievable."


Shishiro Ukitake nodded: "But if we take what she said as the truth, many things that I don't understand will be answered."

After all, a look of solemnity flashed in his eyes: "With Ye Yi's help, preparations have been made to prevent the execution. During the period before the execution, we can completely verify whether what Ye Yi said is true. .”


Jingle Chunshui held down the brim of his hat: "However, I'm more curious about how that boss Duan Mu found out."

"do not know."

Ukitake Shishiro shook his head and said: "Although I have had contact with him several times, I still don't understand him. The only thing that is certain is...he is not our enemy."

"But it may not necessarily be a companion."

Jingle Chunshui couldn't help but think of what Duan Mu said at the captain's meeting before, and said with a smile: "However, now is indeed the best time for us to verify."

"Although that Boss Duan Mu was 'closed' by Old Man Shan in Team Nine, whether it was Old Man Shan, Room 46 of Mao, or... the people mentioned in Yeyi's mouth, they all focused on On him, this actually facilitates our actions."

"I just feel a little sorry for Boss Duan Mu, and he needs to deal with the travel accident, and he needs to appease Old Man Shan, and at the same time, he needs to always be on guard against the person Ye Yi mentioned."

"He is obviously dissatisfied with the status quo."

When Jingle Chunshui said this, he gloated and said: "You didn't see it in the inside just now, but that Boss Duan Mu vented his anger not long ago, and made a lot of noise."




Looking at the devastation in front of his eyes, Duan Mu felt as much regret as he wanted.

What kind of punches do I have when I have nothing to do? I was good at fishing, but I found a lot of work for myself.


Duan Mu sighed heavily, took the materials handed over by the team at the side, and continued his repair work.

He didn't pay attention when he was playing, but he only found out when he was repairing...

I accidentally caused such a big damage.

Not only the street, but also the buildings and walls on both sides of the street were damaged to varying degrees. Even at the speed of Duan Mu's work, it would take at least a few days to complete the repairs.

Fortunately, he is not alone.

Duan Mu turned his head to look, and saw hundreds of death gods dressed in death tyrant costumes, constantly transporting various materials to this side.

Although they can't do road and house repairs that require craftsmanship, everyone has strength, and all the physical work can be entrusted to them, while Duan Mu only needs to be responsible for the craftsmanship.

At this rate, it will probably be finished by tomorrow morning.

"team leader."

The voice of calling came from a distance, and Duan Mu looked up, and found that Hisagi Shuhei, who was going to attend the vice-captain meeting, was walking towards him.

Seeing this, Duan Mu couldn't help but sighed.


This guy is really rigid, no matter what happens, he has to report it to himself.

Even if Duan Mu told him 'you can decide for yourself', it was useless, as long as he received the latest progress on the travel disaster from the vice-captain meeting, he would report in detail to himself after he came back.

Duan Mu didn't want to listen.

"team leader."

Hisagi Shuhei came to Duan Mu, glanced at Duan Mu who was covered in dust, and said in a strange tone: "If it's not for the team members to do these tasks."

"Forget it, I don't want to get more work done."

Duan Mu shook his head, then changed the topic: "Tell me, is there any latest progress?"

"Vice-captain Asai of the Sixth Division was seriously injured, and has now been sent to the comprehensive ambulance center of the Fourth Division for treatment. The whereabouts of Luka who attacked Vice-Captain Asai is unknown," Hisagi Shuhei said in his tone. dignified way.

First, Kazuki Madarame and Ayasegawa kissed each other, and now it was Renji Asai, the brigade invaded in the morning and now, in less than 10 hours, Goutei [-]th Division has lost several senior officers and one vice captain.

After he became the Grim Reaper, this was the first time he encountered such an urgent situation!

the most important is……

Hisagi Shuhei hesitated for a moment and said, "The place where the two of them fought is located in the north of our Jiufan District, in front of the square leading to the Palace of Repentance."

"how come?"

Duan Mu frowned: "Have you investigated how they broke through there?"

Hisagi Shuhei also showed doubts on his face: "It was the deputy captain Kira Izuru of the third division who discovered the vice-captain of Asai. Appeared normally, and did not pass through the jurisdiction of our ninth division or other divisions."

To be honest, Hisagi Shuhei also couldn't figure out how that group of travelers ended up in the Palace of Repentance.

Because if you want to go to the Palace of Confessions, there are only two routes.

Either through their [-]th Division, or through...the offices of the captains, which is the area where the Goutei [-]th Division headquarters and the [-]st Division's team building are located.

If the accident happened from there, it is absolutely impossible for Captain Yamamoto to be unaware of it!

On their side, Hisagi Shuhei can be sure that apart from that big black man, absolutely no other traveler has ever arrived here.

"These are the latest news of the travel disaster incident, other than that..."

Hisagi Shuhei paused for a moment, and continued: "Before we left, Commander Yamamoto asked our vice-captains to return to their respective jurisdictions, and conveyed the message to the captains of each division to head to the headquarters to gather for a captain's meeting."


Duan Mu was slightly taken aback.

You must know that in order to ensure that the captains of each team can stay in their respective jurisdictions at all times, after the last captain meeting, except for Saraki Kenpachi whose jurisdiction is in Rukun Street, all other captains were ordered to stay in their respective jurisdictions.

Regarding the new progress of the travel cargo incident, the vice-captains of each team went to the main team to communicate.

Now the captain asked them to go to the headquarters immediately.

It can be seen from this that a deputy captain was severely injured, which has already aroused Captain Yamamoto's attention to the travel disaster.



Duan Mu put down the tools in his hand: "Let everyone go back to eat first, anyway, there are almost all the things they need to do, and I can do the rest when I come back from the meeting."

"How can that be!"

Hisagi Shuhei said resolutely: "Captain, please go and do your work. I will stay here and work with everyone."

Seeing this, Duan Mu didn't continue to drive people away, but got up and patted the dust on his body, and didn't go back to the team dormitory to change clothes, just went towards the headquarters.


In the team dormitory there are only deadly costumes, and Duan Mu is really not used to wearing that kind of clothes.

It was completely dark when he arrived at headquarters.

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