But the headquarters was brightly lit. Duan Mu came to the meeting room of the headquarters with ease, and just stood still when two huge doors opened towards the inside.

In the meeting room, counting Captain Yamamoto on the stage, ten captains have already gathered.

At this time, there are exactly eleven captains plus myself.

The two people who didn't come were the old patient Jujuro Ukitake and Toshirō Hitsugaya.

Seeing this, a surprise flashed in Duan Mu's eyes.

It's not because there are two people absent, but...

Zaraki Kenpachi, the man who was chasing the traveler for two days and one night without closing his eyes, turned out to be a guy that the traveler hadn't met, and he still had the energy to come to the captain's meeting.

How strong is this guy's energy?

"I heard you met a traveler?"

As soon as Duan Mu stood next to Zaraki, this guy came forward with excitement on his face: "I originally wanted to go to the ninth district to find you, but I ended up here inexplicably, and then I was stayed by old man Yamamoto." After that, He looked Duan Mu up and down, his eyes lit up when he saw his dusty appearance:

"To make you so embarrassed, the traveler must be very strong, right? Why didn't I encounter it!"

"Well, very strong."

Duan Mu didn't bother to explain to him that he did it by work, but directly said: "If you look carefully, you will definitely meet it."


Captain Yamamoto on the stage glanced at Saragi Kenpachi, but he was not annoyed by Saraki Kenpachi's title, but said in a serious tone: "The situation is urgent now, and the Goutei [-]th Division has already lost its number." An adjutant, it is not appropriate to entrust the task to the team members below."

Captain Yamamoto glanced at Ichimaru Gin who was smiling slightly, and continued: "As for the punishment of Ichimaru Gin who acted alone, it will not be pursued because it is a time of employment."

"Thank you." Ichimaru Gin responded with a smile, as if he didn't care whether the punishment was canceled or not.

To this, Captain Yamamoto also didn't react too much, but smashed the wooden crutch in his hand on the ground.


Along with the crisp sound, Captain Yamamoto's voice came.

"I declare that starting from this moment, a special wartime order will be activated."

"The high-ranking officials, including the vice-captain, must carry the Zanpakuto with them 24 hours a day in Seireitei, and..." Captain Yamamoto glanced at the people below one by one:

"Allow you to be completely liberated in battle!"

Completely liberated?

As soon as this remark came out, all the captains present couldn't help but have a strange look in their eyes.

Duan Mu curled his lips, he knew it was because of this that he would not come here.

I don't even have Zanpakuto, and you still mention complete liberation to me?

"Including Duan Mu."

I don't know if he has seen through Duan Mu's thoughts, Captain Yamamoto suddenly said: "According to Mao's order from Room 46, your Zanpakuto should have been sealed forever by the ghosts."

"But now the situation is urgent, and you have meritorious service in arresting the traveler, and you have the important duty of guarding the Confession Palace."

"So I allow you to continue to hold the Zanpakuto, and I will discuss this matter with Mao Room 46 later."

Duan Mu blinked his eyes upon hearing this.

"But before all the intruders are arrested, you are absolutely not allowed to leave the jurisdiction of the Ninth Division without my permission. Afterwards, I will allow you to return to Ruhun Street and continue to freely enter and leave Seireitei."

At the end, Captain Yamamoto's tone gradually turned cold: "But if you violate it, don't blame me for taking back everything you have and imprisoning you in Wujian."


Duan Mu nodded yes.

no way……

In front of this old man, he really didn't dare to say no.

And in general...

In fact, the conditions offered by Captain Yamamoto were not bad. What he asked for himself was nothing more than the time during which foreign enemies invaded, allowing himself to assume the responsibility of the captain of the ninth division, and not allowing him to leave the ninth division.

The reward is the Zanpakuto and the captain's salary, as well as the revenge and pressure for him to resist Mao's 46 rooms.

Although the last point, a group of dead people will not bring any pressure to him at all, but there is no guarantee that a captain present will not use it to mess with himself.

And the price you have to pay...

It is to deal with the affairs of the [-]th division, manage the team members, and arrest the travel accidents that come to their own jurisdiction.

As for Aizen...

Let whoever you love care about it, old man Yamamoto stares at me so hard, what else can I do?

Anyway, it is the Lingwang that Aizen wants to kill, not his own life.

Since there is no way to prevent him from obtaining the collapse jade, then just lie flat...

Love it! !

At most, I just have a little conflict with him... Well... It should be a small conflict, right?

Duan Mu murmured in his heart, to be honest, he was not sure if he had offended Blue Ran.

He even wondered why Aizen was so interested in Kurosaki Ichigo.

Judging from Kurosaki Ichigo's experiences along the way that are almost consistent with his own memories, it is obvious that someone is secretly pushing...or deliberately training him and sending him to the right place at the right time and right place. A suitable opponent.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for everything to develop as in my memory. If so, I would not meet Chadu Taihu today.

Thinking of this, Duan Mu couldn't help but look at Jingle Chunshui.

He has been under house arrest in the Jiufan District, he can be said to know nothing about the changes in Seireitei, and he has no idea what the other captains are busy with.

But he always had the feeling that while he was lying flat and touching fish, the other captains were lying flatter than him, and his upper body was lying on the ground...

However, Duan Mu did not continue to struggle, but turned his attention back to Aizen.

If his previous guess is true, and Lan Ran has already obtained the Beng Yu, then in Duan Mu's view, the biggest possibility is that he stayed in the Soul Realm and did not leave...

In order to continue to observe Kurosaki Ichigo's growth.

And this is what Duan Mu doesn't understand the most.

At least if he was Aizen himself, he would never deliberately cultivate an opponent who might kill him.

Even if he hopes that someone will stop him from what he wants to do, or if he hopes that he can have an opponent, Duan Mu will never do that.

This led Duan Mu to a conclusion.

ill! !

The captain's meeting was declared over, and Suihou and Unokanaretsu left the headquarters immediately.

One of them needs to lead the secret mobile search for the accident, and the other needs to lead the fourth team to treat the wounded. It can be said that they are the two busiest captains among all the captains.

Seeing the two of them leave, Duan Mu didn't bother to be courteous to the rest of the male creatures. After taking back the Zanpakuto from the deputy captain of the first team, he left the headquarters directly.

If you have time to talk nonsense with them, why not go back and continue repairing the Jiufan District.


Chapter 194 You got the wrong person

Current experience points: 11542

In the early morning, Duan Mu habitually looked at the current experience value. When he found that there was no increase that would surprise him, he couldn't help but sigh.

The experience value is really too little.

Once upon a time, [-] experience points were still a huge sum of money in Duan Mu's eyes, but since then... [-] experience points have not helped him much.

Shaking his head, Duan Mu got up, washed, put on yesterday's dusty black overalls, and left his small courtyard.

Anyway, the repair work will continue today, even if you put on a new suit, it will be dirty later.

Originally, he planned to work all night last night, but after returning from the captain's meeting, he found that all the team members of the ninth division were waiting at the edge of the ninth division.

No matter what Duan Mu persuaded, these people were unwilling to leave, and they followed him even if they couldn't help him.

According to what Hisagi said, they would never let the captain work here all night alone, and in the end, when it was really impossible to persuade everyone to go back to rest, Duan Mu simply took everyone back to the team building.

"It will take a long time."

If I had done the repair work all night yesterday, this time would probably be just enough to finish it.

However, Duan Mu didn't care, anyway, he has nothing to do now.

After going to the cafeteria to have a brief breakfast, Duan Mu dealt with some more urgent matters, and then walked towards the construction site in a leisurely manner.

"team leader."

"Captain Duan Mu."


As soon as he arrived at the scene, greetings came to Duan Mu'er one after another.

Duan Mu responded with a nod, and after looking around, he asked with some doubts, "Did Hisagi not come?"

"The deputy captain is leaving for the headquarters." A team member immediately replied.

"That's it."

Duan Mu nodded, and then smiled at everyone: "Actually, you don't need to come here, I can handle the rest of the work myself."

"How can that be?"

A female team member said: "How could we let you work alone."

"..." Duan Mu was a little helpless.

Although he also knew that the Goutei [-]th division had strict ranks, but after he actually took the position of captain, he realized that this group of people valued rank far more than he expected.

Even to the point where Duan Mu squatted to work, these people dared not stand aside and watch.


You can't help me by staying here, and the result is not letting me work by myself.

And being surrounded by hundreds of people watching my work, I always feel like being supervised.

But looking at the determined faces, Duan Mu finally gave up on continuing to communicate with them and focused on his work.

And on the periphery, there were many more residents who were not wearing the deadly costumes at some point.

These residents, without exception, are all residents within the jurisdiction of the Ninth Division. Thousands of years of inheritance have formed a group similar to a family.

The reason why the god of death makes the residents of Liuhun Street yearn for it is precisely because of this.

As long as one of his relatives joins the Goutei [-]th Division, all his family members will be eligible to live in Seireitei, and they will also be able to get priority reincarnation rights.

And as a soldier of the Shinigami, as long as you don't do anything harmful to Seireitei, then these privileges will never be taken back.


In Seireitei, which covers an area of ​​13 square miles, although the number of residents is far less than that of Liukon Street, the number of ordinary residents has reached tens of millions after thousands of years of accumulation, and this is still possible In the case of free reincarnation.

"Look, that is the new captain who will succeed Captain Dongxian."

"Isn't this Boss Duan Mu from Commercial Street?"

"The captain repaired the street himself?"

"Just kidding, don't you know what Boss Duan Mu used to do? He is a well-known owner of Master House in the commercial street. Any job in his hands can be perfectly solved, including repairing buildings, tracing people, investigating and collecting evidence, From cleaning up housework, taking care of children, and emotional counseling... it can be said to be omnipotent."

"Yeah, I also asked Boss Duan Mu to renovate my house. Not only was the fee cheap, but the repair was also very good, and there was even a ten-year warranty service."


Listening to the discussions of the surrounding residents, the team members looked at each other, a little hesitant to drive these residents away like yesterday.

After all, it is not an honor for the captain to personally do such a job that lowly people would do.

Yesterday was fine, because before Captain Duan Mu started the battle with Lu Zhao, Vice Captain Hisagi had already led the team to disperse all the nearby residents.

Coupled with the fact that Captain Duan Mu made too much noise, the nearby residents never dared to come back, and only returned here one after another until today.

"Do not care."

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