Duan Mu smiled at the team member who asked him: "As long as it doesn't affect my work, I won't lose a piece of...meat if people look at me a few times...huh?" Duan Mu's voice suddenly choked and he turned his head sharply. Looking towards the direction of the Penitence Palace.

Almost at the same time as he looked, a terrifying spiritual pressure suddenly descended on everyone.

"This is?"


Almost all the people with Reiatsu in the room couldn't help but change their expressions. On the contrary, most of the ordinary residents around who didn't have the qualifications to become the god of death were puzzled, and they didn't understand why the faces of the gods of death suddenly changed.

"Saraki Kenpachi?"

Feeling the familiar breath in the spiritual pressure, Duan Mu raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Kurosaki's Reiatsu?"

"It's really Kurosaki-san!"

Almost at the same time as Duan Mu's voice fell, there was a sudden conversation sound from the long steps at the entrance of Jiufan District, which made Duan Mu's expression a little strange.

With the support of Inoue Orihime, Ishida Uryu, who was soaked in blood, stopped and looked up at the direction of the towering white tower.

"Did he get ahead of you?"

Ishida Uryu gave a wry smile, it seemed that there was no way to rescue the dead wood before him.


Judging from Kurosaki's opponent's Reiatsu, even if he was ahead of him, he couldn't save Kuchiki-san.

Just defeating Nirvana Mayuri, who once wanted to capture his grandfather, has already brought him to a state of exhaustion. If Inoue-san hadn't treated him in time, he might have collapsed somewhere in Seireitei by now up.

"Let's hurry up too."

Although he can't exert much power, he has a deep understanding of Inoue's healing ability. If Inoue can reach Kurosaki, he will definitely be able to help him!

Orihime Inoue on the side looked at Ishida Uryu worriedly, but there was still some doubt in this worry.

Because of Ishida-san's trauma, she has already treated it.


Ishida's face is still extremely pale, it doesn't look like he has recovered from his injury at all.

However, Orihime Inoue did not refuse Ishida Uryu's proposal, but supported Ishida Uryu and continued to walk up the steps.

However, when the two climbed up the steps and stepped onto the platform, they both froze in place.

Looking around, not far in front of them, hundreds of death gods squatted there, holding various tools in their hands.

And behind these death gods, there are densely packed civilians.


An indescribable silence suddenly enveloped the entire area.

Duan Mu looked at the dull two, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching.


The other captains may really be fishing for fish, otherwise, how could this group of brigades break through to their last line of defense so easily.

"..." Ishida Uryu.

"..." Orihime Inoue.

Countless pairs of eyes staring at the two of them gave Ishida Uryu a sudden urge to roll down the steps.

Why are there so many gods of death... squatting here?

Is it some welcome ceremony?

"Inoue, hurry up..."

Having said that, but at the moment of regaining consciousness, Ishida Uryu still pushed Inoue Orihime beside him, trying to delay her escape first.

But at this moment, the black-haired young man who was squatting in front of the gods of death suddenly raised his hand to the void in front of him.

"Fourth of Binding Dao. This rope."

Where the fingertip landed, the golden rope pierced through the air like a poisonous snake that had been poised for a long time, restraining Ishida Yulong in place in a blink of an eye.

Ishida Uryu subconsciously wanted to struggle.

"Give up. If you lose the power of a Quincy, you won't be able to break free from the Binding Path."

The soft voice came from his ear, and Ishida Uryu shrank his pupils, only then did he realize that the black-haired youth who was squatting on the ground a second ago had walked past him at some point and walked towards Inoue.

Before he had time to wonder why the other party knew that he had lost the power of Quincy, Ishida Uryu's complexion changed drastically:

"Inoue, be careful!!"

But it was too late for his reminder, because when he said this, the black-haired young man with a plastering squeegee in his hand was already standing in front of Inoue Orihime.

"do not worry."

A warm smile appeared on Duan Mu's face: "I didn't intend to hurt you, I just need you to stay with me temporarily."

Both Ishida Uryu and Inoue Orihime were taken aback by the gentle voice and words.

"Let me introduce myself, I am the acting captain of the ninth team, and my name is Duan Mu."

Duan Mu looked at the girl in front of him with a figure that was out of shape, and he didn't cast his eyes randomly, so as not to make the other party feel uncomfortable.Instead, standing one meter away from him, he introduced himself in a gentle manner that was not too intimate, but not too distant.

If it is said that among Kurosaki Ichigo and his party, besides Yoruichi, who else can interest Duan Mu.

There is no doubt that there is only this one in front of him.

I just don't know how much experience this lady can provide me with her favorability.

In terms of spiritual pressure alone, her spiritual pressure strength is actually similar to that of Chadu Taihu, both at the level of the vice captain, but her combat ability is not strong. type of taxi.

of course……

The fighting ability here refers only to fighting, not to say that her ability is not strong.

It should be said that on the contrary, her ability is more terrifying than any ability in Duan Mu's impression!

If counted by ability, she should be able to provide herself with a lot of experience points.

However, how to increase her favorability towards him?

If you want to increase her favorability towards him, it's not difficult, just help them rescue Rukia.


This is obviously not something he can do. He doesn't want to be hacked to death by Captain Yamamoto before Aizen's conspiracy is exposed.

Besides, what methods can be used to enhance her goodwill towards him?

"Duan Mu?"

What Duan Mu didn't expect was...

When hearing his name, both Inoue Orihime in front of him and Ishida Uryu behind him couldn't help being taken aback.

Inoue Orihime subconsciously asked: "Duan Mu who runs the Master House?"

Hearing this, Duan Mu was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up, he realized something vaguely, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "That's right, it's me, did Sister Konghe mention me to you?"

[Inoue Orihime's favorability +1, gain 245 experience points, current favorability: 1]

[Inoue Orihime's favorability +1, gain 245 experience points, current favorability: 2]


[Inoue Orihime's favorability +1, gain 490 experience points, current favorability: 10]


[Inoue Orihime's favorability +1, gain 980 experience points, current favorability: 20]

Current experience points: 19627

Looking at the series of system prompts in his mind, a flash of surprise flashed in Duan Mu's eyes.

Above the vice-captain, but below the captain?

It seems that even the system has fully recognized the ability of the girl in front of me!

At the moment when he saw the numerous system prompts, Duan Mu suddenly had the urge to turn his head to the Palace of Repentance to help Kurosaki Ichigo defeat Saragi Kenpachi...

Fortunately, Duan Mu was not dazzled by the pie that fell from the sky that day. Although the idea was very tempting, he still suppressed it.

However, why did she have such a high opinion of herself in an instant?

Because of Miss Konghe?

Not like!

Is it because of Ishida Uryu?

Duan Mu was not surprised that Ishida Uryu knew him. After all, before he entered Seireitei, he gave Ishida Zongxian the command to communicate with Sister Konghe. It is impossible for him not to mention it to his grandson. Own.

And besides that...

Kurosaki Ichigo?

Duan Mu looked at Inoue's happy expression, and he was vaguely sure why she had such a high degree of affection for him.

Orihime Inoue's eyes lit up, and she asked almost instinctively, "Are you really the 'big brother without clothes' that classmate Kurosaki said?"

Ishida Uryu: "..."

Although the usual Inoue classmate, it gives people a kind of dull feeling.

But he really didn't expect that Classmate Inoue would say this nickname in front of Mr. Duan Mu, and he was still surrounded by so many people watching.

"???" Duan Mu.

What the hell?

Duan Mu was confused for a while, but this confusion only lasted for a moment, and then it went dark!


Take back what you said earlier!

As the captain of Gotei [-]th Division, even temporarily, he should help Saraki Kenpachi and kill Kurosaki Ichigo! ! !

Although he didn't care about what happened back then, but at least he saved him and his mother, right?

This bastard introduces himself to people like this?

What's more, I put on my own clothes back then!

The only time I died in society was when I went to the present world to find the three Nagano Huaxiu.

After that, Duan Mu would change into clothes sent by Kisuke Urahara every time before going to the present world, including the time when he rescued Kurosaki Masaki from Xu.

Duan Mu really didn't understand where this title came from.

never possible...

Duan Mu's face changed, there are still photos of himself on the Internet in this world, and he accidentally saw it?

"No, you've got the wrong person!!" Duan Mu said with a dark face.


"You got the wrong person!!"

After Duan Mu emphasized word by word, Orihime Inoue finally realized her slip of the tongue, hurriedly covered her mouth, and nodded vigorously.

Duan Mu suppressed the anger in his heart, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "If you don't want to be transferred to other prisons, you don't want to act too familiar with me."

Hearing this, Inoue Orihime and Ishida Uryu were both taken aback.

"About Kurosaki Ichigo, you don't have to worry about it. If Master Ye follows, nothing will happen to him."


Chapter 195 Shocking change! !

East of the Palace of Confessions.

Two roads appeared outside the White Tower, at the top of a building.

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